Problema não é fps, isso aí ta otimizado... Problema é a sincronização do servidor, netccode, o delay é gigante. Se vc mata o cara com 3 balas por exemplo no EFT vc precisa de no mínimo 6 para compensar esse delay. Já teve cara que matei com 11 tiros, lógico que na verdade ele morreu com menos, mas vc arrisca atirar e esperar o desenrolar do jogo? Enfim, somado a isso imagina vc jogando contra gringo que já tem latência abaixo da casa dos 30ms. Isso frustra muito o seu gameplay, pq é um jogo extremamente tático, e sua tática muitas vezes vai pro lixo por conta desses problemas de performance.
Mas o jogo é muito foda, muito bom, uma pena que eles estejam enrolando a comunidade há muito tempo com a promessa de resolver esses problemas! Eu comprei na promoção (ainda assim foi caro) e jogo esporadicamente, pq no estado atual não dá pra jogar de forma competitiva!
Os cara tem uma pepita de ouro na mão que pode acabar virando ouro de tolo, se não arrumarem o que prometeram!
O patch 0.10 ira vir exatamente pra tentar solucionar esses problemas. A data que eles deram é pra final de AGOSTO.
First of all we want to thank you all for showing your love to EFT! Although its still a lot to fix, but we all getting new players in, new reactions, new feelings. It's too fast! We are nervous about this!

Right now we are actively working on technical 0.10 patch, which will contain fixes, fixes and fixes. Also optimizations, some more fixes. There will be some new features but the priority set for general fixing. We plan to make it by the end of August.
So, we will tell briefly about what we are doing right now:
- Networking fixes (interpolation, hitdetection, no damage bugs, spawn lags, latency decreasing, door sync, body and item syncs improvements, FPS linked to firerate fix, optimizations)
- Inventory being reworked in terms of code (fixing inventory operations halts, lots of bugs related to inventory management, reload operations etc.)
- Freezes and stuttering fixes (spawn freezes, grass regeneration freezes, freezes related to exception errors, optimizations)
- Further anticheat improvement (next tier of detections, increasing of stability)
- AI fixes and improvement (hearing fixes, position acquiring fixes, initialization errors, broken hands error, scav boss improvements)
- Crashes fixes (crashes related to exceptions, unity code)
- Statistics rework and fixes (matchend stats fixes)
- Total control binding rework - you will be able to set up everything
- Fixes in skills (and adding some of the new ones)
- Different visual & audio fixes (gear clipping for example)
- Other fixes (yes, a lot of them)
Also animating lots of stuff for consumables animation BUT! It's a big new feature and we promised that we do the megafix patch. So we are working on it, but we are not sure that it will get in 0.10. And there will be Seasonal Ratings on the site to compare who's the best.
So, minimum of the new content this patch, maximum fixes to make you feel better in the game. To make the game SKILL based, not dsync-lag-bug-anythingelse related. PURE QUALITY! Eventually it will be.
Much love for you everybody. And for you too, little guy, who hates the game and tells people to stop having fun.
- There is a high chance that Mosin will come with that patch.
- Ragfair is Flea market