Final Fantasy VII Remake

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Novo trailer em breve! Vão contar um pouco sobre a historia de Cloud. E ai hein... Zack vai ter uma ponta nesse trailer??

Acho que ainda tenho o original com os 5 (ou 3?) CDs... Se não me engano foi importado porque na época nem produzia aqui.

Vai ser uma grande diversão essa versão refeita. Aguardarei chegar no PC. :wub:


Achei :wub:



Última edição:
Acho que ainda tenho o original com os 5 (ou 3?) CDs... Se não me engano foi importado porque na época nem produzia aqui.

Vai ser uma grande diversão essa versão refeita. Aguardarei chegar no PC. :wub:


Achei :wub:




Cara, isso ai já é uma reliquia hein? Guarde bem. Já deve estar valendo uma nota pra colecionador.
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Reações: wmh
Duas imagens comparativas do original com o remake:



Novas imagens e Infos dos personagens

A Square-Enix postou hoje em seu blog, uma galeria com mais de vinte imagens em alta qualidade do Final Fantasy VII Remake.
Como são muitas imagens, postei elas no SPOILER para quem quiser conferir.
Sephiroth is famed as the finest member of Shinra’s elite SOLDIER unit. His gallant efforts in the war with Wutai made him a hero - and he’s inspired many a brave youth to join SOLDIER.
Sephiroth is believed to have died during a top secret mission, but there may be far more to the story than people know…



President Shinra
The current president of the Shinra Electric Power Company raised the company up from a small arms manufacturer to the massively powerful conglomerate it is today.
He can be generous to his allies, but when it comes to business he’s utterly ruthless. He’s willing to use cutthroat business tactics to make a profit - and eliminate anyone who gets in the way.


As well as being the director of Public Security, Heidegger has been President Shinra’s right-hand man since the early days of the company. He’s just as ruthless as his boss, and will do anything to get what he wants - even sacrifice his own subordinates.
He’s trusted implicitly by the President, and this has made Public Security the most powerful department within Shinra.


This 3-C SOLDIER turned rebel is also known as Speed Demon.
He loves bikes, speed and anyone who can give him a challenge. His comrades, however, find him annoying - he constantly squeals his rear tire and makes them choke on fumes of burnt rubber.


Aerith in battle
These next screenshots demonstrate how Aerith fights. A press of the square button will make her launch a ranged magic attack.
By pressing square in repeatedly, or holding the button, successive attacks can be unleashed. In addition, the number of targets hit will increase, and attacks will cover a wider area.


By pressing the Triangle button, Aerith will unleash her unique ability - Tempest.


You can also charge the attack by holding the Triangle button - at maximum charge it will explode repeatedly after it hits an enemy.


Aerith - unique abilities
‘Soul Drain’ lets Aerith absorb MP from a foe. As she specializes in magic attacks, using this skill will be a necessity in tough fights.


Lustrous Shield’ allows Aerith to summon a magical barrier, which will keep enemies at bay and block projectiles. What’s more, any attackers who come into contact with the shield will take damage.


Shiva - a very cool Summon
Characters in FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE can use Summon Materia - orbs let them summon an intensely powerful ally into the fight.
The Queen of Ice Shiva is one such Summon. This frosty figure gives an icy glare to enemies and a loving smile to allies. She skates around the battlefield, and manipulates the air to freeze enemies in the blink of an eye.
Once summoned, Shiva will fight automatically, but you can also issue commands to make her use specific abilities. Heavenly Strike creates a giant glacier and smashes it down onto an opponent!


Summons are governed by a special gauge - when it’s empty they’ll disappear... but just before they leave, they’ll deliver an especially powerful move.
In Shiva’s case, it’s Diamond Dust - a move fans of the original FINAL FANTASY VII may remember. Shiva encases enemies in ice and then shatters them in spectacular fashion:


The Train Graveyard
FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE takes many locations from the original game, and redesigns and reinterprets them to add additional depth.
The story is more detailed too, with more dialogue, story sequences and a greater portrayal of citizens’ lives.
The Train Graveyard is a perfect example of this. Originally used during the construction of Midgar, this area has since become a junkyard for old and abandoned trains. Strong winds make the rusting carriages creak and groan, and odd high-pitched sounds echo over the area.


You may remember this location from the original FINAL FANTASY VII. In that game, there was no dialogue here, but in FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE, characters will talk to each other as they explore the maze of wreckage.


The new game also adds a new story into this area, with multiple event scenes:



The Shinra Building
Here’s a look at another area of the game. The headquarters of the Shinra Electric Power Company is a 70-story skyscraper in the center of Midgar.


Up on the upper levels you’ll find the offices of President Shinra and the directors, and a Memorial Floor, where you can learn all about the history of Shinra. Alternatively, head to the Visual Entertainment Hall where you can see the latest technology being demonstrated.
Of course, the first thing you’ll see is the expansive entrance:


Inside the building, you can take a look at some of the Shinra cars on display:


Or to unwind, why not head up to the Relaxation Floor?



--- Post duplo é unido automaticamente: ---

Faltam menos de 3 meses pra lançar e continuo com dúvidas sobre esse episódio...

Eles falaram que seria um episódio de Midgard mas não mostram nada além do que já foi visto no original.

Eles não falam quantos episódios para não dar spoiler também. Pra mim continua um mistério o que eles fizeram de verdade com o game.

Temos pistas mas.... Esses japas sabem segurar vazamento hein...
Última edição:
Um dos vídeos mais sensatos que já vi.

10 de Abril

  • Wow
Reações: wmh
Enquanto isso, na sala da justiça.

Para quem gosta de treinar inglês e gosta deste game, esse video vale a pena.

Exclusivo do PS4, por enquanto...

Só complementando, na caixa fisica do jogo, menciona exclusivo para ps4 por 1 ano. Depois, pelo menos no PC, sai e talvez no xbox.

Como eu não consigo esperar, tive que ver o ps4 nesse final de ano.

Ai meu bolso.
"que trailer foi esse"?:coolface:

Cara eu ri demais, curti demais, Red XIII incrivel. To triste que é só Midgard mesmo.

Mas ta ai, na porta!
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Reações: wmh
  • Haha
Reações: wmh
Melhor ff de todos os tempos
Esperando com toda paciência pra jogar o "definitive edition" no PC... kk .. Será que demora?
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