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Developer Briefing #152 - Plash-Palakta Cape, PTE Rundown

Hey everyone,

Welcome to Developer Briefing #152!

This week we take a dive into the first U11 PTE, the Soviet Plash Palatka Animated Poncho and some great community content and videos to boot.

PTE #1 for Update 11

If you weren’t around earlier this week, we held the first Open Public Test Environment for the upcoming Update 11. Overall we had a great turnout and were satisfied by the positive reception it received. It’s always awesome to see players jumping in and enjoying all the new additions for the first time. New weapons, vehicles, gameplay mechanics and audio were amongst the highlights for this week's PTE.

The Panzer IV and Half-tracks got a decent workout during the PTE and aside from some (at times humorous) roadkill incidents, they performed great. We’ll be keeping a close eye on the Half-track’s impact to the meta as we host further PTEs and get a better understanding on how they affect the game in a live environment.

Most importantly, we would like to give a big
to all the people involved with testing for volunteering your time, your valuable feedback and bug reports. Based on your reports we were able to identify a number of critical bugs that we are now in the process of fixing as well as starting to review all the feedback submitted over the day.

Just a few examples of some adjustments we’ll be making are as follows:
Increasing the damage of the Trench Gun at distances greater than 50 meters, increasing its capacity to 6 shells, resolving a number of animation bugs related to the FG-42 and increasing the magnification of the Sniper variant to x4.

If you missed out on this week's PTE don’t worry as we’ll be holding more as we lock down all the bugs and fixes we can prior to the next stage of heading towards the release for Update 11. Keep an eye out for more information on the next PTE in the official HLL discord.


Sneak Peek Of The Week

In this week's sneak peek we will take a glimpse at the new upcomming uniform cosmetic the Soviet ‘Plash -Palatka Poncho’ in action. We featured some early peeks of the Plash-Palatka in Brief 143, but thought seeing it in action would do it more justice.

This poncho or ‘cape’ as we will refer to it from here on was a welcomed means for all on the eastern front to stay dry during times of inclement weather during WW2. Being a simple design made from canvas, it could be utilised as a poncho, ground cover or even a small tent. Let's check out the cape in action.


Animation - Soviet Plash-Palatka Cape running the streets of Stalingrad


Soviet Plash-Palatka Cape over M43 Officer Uniform

In 1791 the first variant of these actually came into use. Then later on they were modified in 1894 and finally in 1936 they came up with a finalized product.The Plash-Palatka has not really changed ever since. In WW2 the only change that was made to it was that in 1942 the colour scheme was in some cases altered to make them in camouflage.

There are two variations of the Plash-Palatka cape, one for standard roles in the field and also one for the Officers. Below we can see the cape modelled over the M43 Soviet Officer Uniform.


Soviet Plash-Palatka Cape over M43 Officer uniform - Back


Soviet Plash-Palatka Cape over Officer M43 uniform

Community Content

This week we would like to give a mention to one of our War Correspondants Terrydactyl. He is hosting a charity stream for the ‘Help for Heros’ project on the November 11th at 11:00 am Thursday, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Feel free to pop along and watch the gameplay during the event.


On another community note the HLL official discord has seen some great content posted up this week in “#hll-guides”, “#hll-videos” and “#hll-content”. These channels and our favourite “#war-correspondent” channel are found under the ‘Media’ section of the HLL official discord. We strongly recommend you have a look at the variety of information and content.

Today we would like to show a great pair of quick Anti Tank Zeroing reference pictures by Spaceman in the HLL Official Discord. The best way to find out how good these are is to jump in game and shoulder up your weapon!


US AT Zeroing Picture by Spaceman


Axis AT Zeroing Axis Picture by Spaceman

War Correspondent, Content Creator and Community HLL Videos

Here we feature some community creator content, we highly recommend you give them a watch.

If you see a Video you like make sure to post in the Discord #hll-videos channel.

Hell Let Loose - Kills & Memes - Malamutex

THE TIMID TIGER OF CARENTAN, 50+ KILLS || Hell Let Loose Gameplay - Comrade Grimm

Hell Let Loose News - Update 11 will be a Game Changer - TacticalBehemoth

Hell Let Loose - Spectator - Reinforced Komsomol HQ Satchel Breach - Tatum

Don’t forget that if you haven’t checked out the other Hell Let Loose socials you should do so. Like our discord you will find them great places for information and community interaction.

Join the Discord here https://discord.gg/hellletloose

Our other social platforms can be found here:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HellLetLoose/
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/HellLetLoose
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hellletlooseofficial/
Steam http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HellLetLoose

Thats it for this weeks brief. We will continue working on the PTE and U11. See you all next week on the frontline!
Última edição:
Perdi a treta, mas pelo que eu vi ali, sei como q começou...

Enfim, só para concluir:
BF e HLL são propostas totalmente diferentes, apesarem de ser FPS MP com temática de Guerra, são para públicos diferentes e é óbvio que pessoas que gostarão de um, podem não gostar do outro.
Uma coisa que eu acho que o HLL tinha que implementar em algum momento, seria um modo tutorial e treino.

Tutorial pq e coisa D+ para aprender, para fazer, para entender oq tal coisa faz e etc.

Bixo o cara q entra no jogo hoje, ele tem q passar se boiar ate mais de um dia, vendo inumeros videos no YT para entender como cada classe funciona, modos de jogo e etc.

Tipo, olha o engenheiro por exemplo, constroi inumeras coisas, suplementos, fortificações, postos avançados e so cambal, mas ele nao tem suprimento, ai ja limita o cara, mete aquele monte de estrutura sem poder "contruir" nada se nao tiver suprimento suficiente na area.

Cara, escrevendo, parece simples de entender, mas vai ver no jogo.

Acho q isso limita D+ a experiencia do cara.

Oi to no jogo a muito tempo, apesar de ser um player mais casual, eu mesmo nao faço a menor ideia como jogo de comandante, nem uq faz, nem como nem nada.

Ai vai entrar num mp pa jogar, se pego com certeza vou fuder o jogo do time. Ja vi nego de comandante ser banido pq nao sabia fazer as paradas. Falei bixo, poderia ser eu, e simplemente pq nao faço ideia de como usar, vai q o cara q tão banindo ta na mesmo, tentando aprender???

Acho isso uma falha muito grande do jogo.

Um game tão complexo como esse, tinha q ter algo nesse sentido ingame.

E por favor, nao me venham dizer para "pergunta pro pessoal q te explicam"... Veio online nao e bem assim nao.
Uma coisa que eu acho que o HLL tinha que implementar em algum momento, seria um modo tutorial e treino.

Tutorial pq e coisa D+ para aprender, para fazer, para entender oq tal coisa faz e etc.

Bixo o cara q entra no jogo hoje, ele tem q passar se boiar ate mais de um dia, vendo inumeros videos no YT para entender como cada classe funciona, modos de jogo e etc.

Tipo, olha o engenheiro por exemplo, constroi inumeras coisas, suplementos, fortificações, postos avançados e so cambal, mas ele nao tem suprimento, ai ja limita o cara, mete aquele monte de estrutura sem poder "contruir" nada se nao tiver suprimento suficiente na area.

Cara, escrevendo, parece simples de entender, mas vai ver no jogo.

Acho q isso limita D+ a experiencia do cara.

Oi to no jogo a muito tempo, apesar de ser um player mais casual, eu mesmo nao faço a menor ideia como jogo de comandante, nem uq faz, nem como nem nada.

Ai vai entrar num mp pa jogar, se pego com certeza vou fuder o jogo do time. Ja vi nego de comandante ser banido pq nao sabia fazer as paradas. Falei bixo, poderia ser eu, e simplemente pq nao faço ideia de como usar, vai q o cara q tão banindo ta na mesmo, tentando aprender???

Acho isso uma falha muito grande do jogo.

Um game tão complexo como esse, tinha q ter algo nesse sentido ingame.

E por favor, nao me venham dizer para "pergunta pro pessoal q te explicam"... Veio online nao e bem assim nao.
Sim, é uma das coisas que a comunidade mais pede
inclusive dev já falou a respeito em uma entrevista, devem implementar, mas deve demorar

Não ter uma sala de treinos, só dificulta ainda mais para os novos players
Acho q apressaram o jogo 100% para o 1.0 por conta dos consoles
Uma coisa que eu acho que o HLL tinha que implementar em algum momento, seria um modo tutorial e treino.

Tutorial pq e coisa D+ para aprender, para fazer, para entender oq tal coisa faz e etc.

Bixo o cara q entra no jogo hoje, ele tem q passar se boiar ate mais de um dia, vendo inumeros videos no YT para entender como cada classe funciona, modos de jogo e etc.

Tipo, olha o engenheiro por exemplo, constroi inumeras coisas, suplementos, fortificações, postos avançados e so cambal, mas ele nao tem suprimento, ai ja limita o cara, mete aquele monte de estrutura sem poder "contruir" nada se nao tiver suprimento suficiente na area.

Cara, escrevendo, parece simples de entender, mas vai ver no jogo.

Acho q isso limita D+ a experiencia do cara.

Oi to no jogo a muito tempo, apesar de ser um player mais casual, eu mesmo nao faço a menor ideia como jogo de comandante, nem uq faz, nem como nem nada.

Ai vai entrar num mp pa jogar, se pego com certeza vou fuder o jogo do time. Ja vi nego de comandante ser banido pq nao sabia fazer as paradas. Falei bixo, poderia ser eu, e simplemente pq nao faço ideia de como usar, vai q o cara q tão banindo ta na mesmo, tentando aprender???

Acho isso uma falha muito grande do jogo.

Um game tão complexo como esse, tinha q ter algo nesse sentido ingame.

E por favor, nao me venham dizer para "pergunta pro pessoal q te explicam"... Veio online nao e bem assim nao.
Não tive essa dificuldade toda...O game é bem parecido com algumas mecânicas do Squad - então acabei me familiarizando com facilidade.

Quem joga Squad e for jogar HLL, facilmente vai se adaptar...

Agora se for jogador de BF migrando pro HLL, é birra na certa.

Não tive essa dificuldade toda...O game é bem parecido com algumas mecânicas do Squad - então acabei me familiarizando com facilidade.

Quem joga Squad e for jogar HLL, facilmente vai se adaptar...

Agora se for jogador de BF migrando pro HLL, é birra na certa.


Mas vc falou tudo ne mano, vc teve uma experiencia anterior com jogos mais "taticos/simulados" semelhantes. Isso lhe ajudou a assimilar as mecanicas do jogo.

Assim perdido de tudo, eu tambem nao fiquei, mas como comentei, mesmo imaginando como funciona, hoje eu nao entraria de comandante em uma partida online.

Questão do jogo ter modos tutorias e treinamento, e para aumentar a acessibilidade ao jogo.

Oia quantas vezes aqui nesse topico eu vi gente pedindo reembolso do jogo, imagina o tanto q ja fizeram isso pq nao entenderam as mecanicas do mesmo.

Mas como foi comentado, dev deve trazer algo assim para o jogo, pena q pode demorar.
Mas vc falou tudo ne mano, vc teve uma experiencia anterior com jogos mais "taticos/simulados" semelhantes. Isso lhe ajudou a assimilar as mecanicas do jogo.

Assim perdido de tudo, eu tambem nao fiquei, mas como comentei, mesmo imaginando como funciona, hoje eu nao entraria de comandante em uma partida online.

Questão do jogo ter modos tutorias e treinamento, e para aumentar a acessibilidade ao jogo.

Oia quantas vezes aqui nesse topico eu vi gente pedindo reembolso do jogo, imagina o tanto q ja fizeram isso pq nao entenderam as mecanicas do mesmo.

Mas como foi comentado, dev deve trazer algo assim para o jogo, pena q pode demorar.
Nunca joguei de comandante em nenhum desses jogos - não é meu feitio.

Mas entendo seu ponto de vista...Nem todos estão habituados com esses shooters que fogem do padrão de muitos AAA por aí.
Cara, custa nada criar um tutorial offline e passar o básico de cada classe...
Inclusive seria super benéfico para o próprio jogo.

Eu nunca peguei algumas classes simplesmente por não entender direito como funcionam, mesmo vendo alguns vídeos no YT... Como HLL é um jogo mais "sério", eu ficava com medo de pegar uma classe q só tem a oportunidade de 1 por squad e acabar prejudicando o time.
Developer Briefing #153 - Panzer IV, U11 PTE #2 and more

A Short Message from Max (lead developer)

Hey everyone,

Welcome to Developer Briefing #153!

With the first PTE Open Public Test Environment for the upcoming Update 11 completed and another on the way, we have been busy taking note of the valuable player feedback and our own observations under this loaded environment to gather vital information on improvements and bug fixes as we head towards Update 11.

As previously mentioned we are very thankful for all whom participated in the PTE #1 and encourage you to do so again as we launch into PTE #2 this week. We are close to finalising a lot of items so there may be only one or two more chances to participate prior to the release of Update 11.

With that said, we will be holding another PTE today at 11am GMT and welcome those who are able to participate. For those who are new to PTEs you’ll need to join the Discord and head over to the pte-update11 channel.

Panzer IV Closer Look - Full Breakdown post Sneak Peek

The Panzer IV or The Panzerkampfwagen IV, was a renowned medium tank used by Axis during WW2, often regarded as the main workhorse of the Panzer range. Although not as foreboding as the Tiger Tank the Panzer IV can certainly hold its own in combat effectiveness on the front line.

The armament of the Panzer IV comprises a hefty 75mm KwK 40 main turret cannon for tank on tank engagements, complimented by MG34 machine guns for sorting out pesky infantry and other softer targets.

In wake of introducing the Panzer IV we have temporarily removed the Panther Medium Tank from the German lineup as we look to rework it’s armour and weapon values, giving it a new place on the armoured food chain in HLL, as well as showing some TLC with a new coat of paint using our improved smart materials!





Community Content

This week we have seen some great content posted in the HLL Official Discord. Take a look at some great fanart, screenshots and also a video by Brushthezombies which gives an inside look into playing a competitive match in Hell Let Loose. All of these and more can be found in the HLL discord. Don’t forget to post your contributions, as you never know, it may appear in our dev brief!

DOND vs SGS Competitive Hell Let Loose (Community Clash) - Brushthezombies


[Void] Clan took a little time for a pre match photo opportunity

War Correspondent, Content Creator and Community HLL Videos

Time for some more community highlights from the below creators.We highly recommend giving them a watch.

If you see a Video you like make sure to post in the Discord #hll-videos channel.

Hell Let Loose - The Atmosphere in this game is UNMATCHED - Alpine Sniper

Update 11 is Going to be HUGE - Hell Let Loose Update 11 News - Terrydactyl Gaming

My Best Clips of Hell Let Loose So Far - Jackour22

Don’t forget that if you haven’t checked out the other Hell Let Loose socials you should do so. Like our discord you will find them great places for information and community interaction.

Join the Discord here https://discord.gg/hellletloose

Our other social platforms can be found here:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HellLetLoose/
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/HellLetLoose
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hellletlooseofficial/
Steam http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HellLetLoose

Well, it's time to wrap up today's Dev Brief. See you all on the frontline!
Última edição:
Meus 2 centavos que postei em tópico de review de jogos em outro fórum:

Hell Let Loose, "ganho de grátis" na assinatura do PS Plus do Play 5.

É um FPS multiplayer, então eu não "terminei", mas joguei tanto que já posso opinar, cheguei no lvl 78. Esse jogo tem o tiroteio mais satisfatório que eu me lembro de ter visto. E ouvido, pq o som tb é animal. É muito realístico, um tiro ou dois e vc já era. Além de não ser aquela correria frenética da maioria dos outros jogos de tiro, que os soldados parecem estar sempre cheirados na cocaína. Nesse aqui se vc ficar correndo muito é garantia de morrer fácil, como numa guerra de verdade. E é muito difícil enxergar seus inimigos, então quando vc mata alguém é muito satisfatório. Ainda mais com headshot, que tem um som característico de bala atingindo um capacate, o que foi uma sacada muito boa. Então essa parte do tiroteio em si eu achei foda demais e me viciou forte, depois de anos sem jogar FPS por ter PC defasado, esse me segurou bonito, por mais de 200 horas.

Por outro lado tem umas coisas que foram me cansando. Vários bugs graves e ter que ficar entrando em vários servers até encontrar um jogável... Mas o que me enjoou mesmo e ontem finalmente me fez deletar do HD é que o jogo faz os players serem responsáveis por construírem os pontos de spawn no mapa. A princípio eu gostei da idéia, pq na teoria faria os players se coordenarem e criarem estratégias e se comunicarem e talz. Mas na prática... é só um pé no saco mesmo!

Eu não sei se são os jogadores de console que não sabem jogar algo mais complexo, ou pq é uma merda mesmo ter que ficar construindo coisinhas quando vc só quer dar uns tiros, mas ninguém constrói a porra dos spawn points! Os bixos morrem cinquenta vezes atacando da mesma direção e se recusam a fazer um spawn um pouco mais pro flanco do inimigo! E quando perdem o único spawn point que se prestaram a fazer no mapa inteiro, o time todo é obrigado a nascer na base e, como os mapas são gigantescos, passar 10 minutos caminhando até a linha de frente! Eu vi essa dinâmica acontecer tantas vezes e isso foi me criando tanto ódio da humanidade que eu tive que deletar o jogo, pq tava virando um velho cínico toda vez que jogava esse negócio.

Enfim, vou dar um tempo. Agora vou esperar o Battlefield 2042 mesmo, que apesar de não ter achado a parte do tiroteio do beta tão bom quanto o do HLL, pelo menos parece que lá não vai depender de jogador pra se spawnar no mapa, uma decisão muito, muito sábia.

Acho que vc n curte um jogo mais elaborado na estratégia .. como vc mesmo disse "só quer dar uns tiros".. HLL segue na mesma linha tática do Squad que tbm tem esse esquema de construção de "spawn" no mapa... E isso é só mais um ingrediente para a estratégia do jogo.. onde faz que cada partida seja única e não linear com tudo ja pronto "só pra dar uns tiros"
Acho que vc n curte um jogo mais elaborado na estratégia .. como vc mesmo disse "só quer dar uns tiros".. HLL segue na mesma linha tática do Squad que tbm tem esse esquema de construção de "spawn" no mapa... E isso é só mais um ingrediente para a estratégia do jogo.. onde faz que cada partida seja única e não linear com tudo ja pronto "só pra dar uns tiros"
Já penso um pouco diferente

Acho q ele jogava no PS5 e sei lá, cai um pouco no que a gente falou alguns posts a cima
Falta um tutorial bom, falta uma área de treino
Nos consoles Hell é um dos primeiros jogos nesse estilo (se não for o primeiro) e isso deve dificultar ainda mais a adaptação nos consoles.
pessoal ajuda estou caindo com o erro "o host fehcou a conexão"
Update 11 PTE #3 Changelog
PTE que rolou hj

Removed the Final Stand Commander Ability (We are temporarily removing the ability as we look at alternative functions that are less exploitable)
Increased Heavy Tank fuel cost from 400 to 600
Increased Jumbo75 fuel cost from 300 to 500
Added Halftracks (Garrison)
Added Panzer IV
Removed Panther (We’ve decided to replace the Panther with the new Pz IV as we look to rework it’s armour and update it’s textures using our improved smart materials)
Added Winchester 1897 Trench Gun (US Engineer lvl 3, US Assault lvl 3)
Added FG-42 - 20 Mag (GER Automatic Rifleman lvl 6)
Added FG-42 - 10 Mag Scoped (GER Sniper lvl 3)
Increased penetration power of AT-Guns allowing them to penetrate Heavy armour


Increased the base damage of the Trench Gun at distances greater than 50m
Increased the headshot damage of the Trench Gun
Increased round capacity of the Trench Gun to 6 shots
Reduced the animation delay after shooting the Trench Gun


A forma como a escopeta estava no primeiro PTE não dava..... Muito lenta
Menos mal que melhoraram (segundo o Changelog)
K98 tb deixaram BEM ruim na ultima att
Espero que mudem

Como deveria ser

Última edição:
Developer Briefing #154 - Trench Gun, FG42 Animations, PTE improvements
Hey everyone,

Welcome to Developer Briefing #154!

Another week has passed and another dev brief has arrived. It seems we are edging closer and closer to the end of the year! Not only does this bring many celebrations on a festive level but it also brings us closer to the launch of Update 11!

In this week's brief we are taking a moment to reflect on what we've learnt from the recent PTEs.

PTE Reflection

So far we’ve held 3 PTEs for players to jump in and test the new content that’ll be coming in Update 11. Along with all the bug reports and feedback submitted, the team has been having an absolute blast jumping in-game with you all and hearing first hand your initial reactions. With the feedback you submitted we’ve been able to iterate on a number of both new and pre-existing aspects of the game.


Armoured Warfare
During the initial PTEs we understood that players found the mobility of the new German medium tank (Panzer IV) left much to be desired when compared to Panther. Refining vehicle physics in UE4 is no easy feat due to their complexity, especially when it comes to tracked vehicles like we have in HLL.

That being said, we went back to the drawing board and implemented a set of ‘experimental’ values for the Panzer IV that greatly boosted its ability to turn quickly and perform rotations in tight areas using the lower gears. Other than a few minor kinks the results have come out looking very positive and player feedback reflects the same sentiment.

In addition to tweaking new content we’ve also made some changes to existing content, specifically in relation to the current meta. With Update 11 we’ve increased the fuel cost of fielding heavy tanks and reduced the damage output of recon vehicles. We expect these changes to result in teams utilizing medium tanks in their armour lineup more often, leaving heavy tanks as a reward for efficiently utilizing resources and protecting their fielded crews while recon vehicles pose a lesser threat due to their reduction in damage against armoured targets. The balancing of armoured warfare will continue to be an area that we monitor and tweak as necessary, looking at other variables such as cooldowns, reload times, turret traverse times and more.


Trench Gun
Those of you who participated in the PTEs will know that the Trench Gun has to be one of the most satisfying weapons to use. Being effective at both mid and close range engagements, the Trench Gun is a surprisingly versatile tool great for clearing out trenches while leaving a trail of blood and gore, or dropping foes in rapid succession with the ability to rapidly pump shells one after the other.

Based on player feedback from initial PTEs we increased the firing rate and mid-ranged damage of the Trench Gun to provide a more enjoyable experience that didn’t feel like you were greatly disadvantaged in every scenario where you weren't 10 meters from your target.

Overall we’re very happy with how well the gun feels and performs in a live environment and we can’t wait to include a wider variety of weapons to the HLL arsenal.

Some Community “Tank You’s”


We have seen various community guides and information portals revealing lots of great insight into Hell Let Loose. This week we thought we would mention a couple of sites specific to armour and tanks in HLL. We saw them to be well thought out, with a lot of work going into the sites. So if you get a spare few minutes, feel free to take a look.






Best clips of 2021 from HLL War Correspondents


This brief and the next will see us Spotlighting our War Correspondents and the videos they make. We are very grateful to have a great team of War Correspondents that are happy to produce such great content for you and us to all enjoy and absorb.

As we are now heading towards the end of the year we thought it would be fitting to showcase some ‘best of’ clips to revisit and if you have not seen before, sit back and enjoy.

If you see a Video you like make sure to post in the Discord #hll-videos channel.

Hell Let Loose: For The Medics - Gebatron Gaming

The Best Moments of Hell Let Loose - Terrydactyl Gaming

BRECOURT | Hell Let Loose | Band Of Brothers | Cinematic Short Film - Nox Cinematic

Community Content

We continue to see some great content from the Hell Let Loose community members showcased in the official HLL discord. Separate from the dedicated team of ‘War Correspondents’ the HLL general community comprises every person who is involved with HLL (That means you aswell!).

Let's take a look at some of the fantastic screenshots and artwork that the community has contributed to the HLL official discord.


[233C] Chrysallia Van Cheems - Tank push on Foy


[Void Vizn] Remembrance day Poster 2021


The HLL Seasonal Final is here - November 21. If you are curious about competitive gaming with HLL, we recommend you give it a watch.

Don’t forget that if you haven’t checked out the other Hell Let Loose socials you should do so. Like our discord you will find them great places for information and community interaction.

Join the Discord here https://discord.gg/hellletloose

Our other social platforms can be found here:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HellLetLoose/
Twitter https://twitter.com/hell_let_loose
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/HellLetLoose
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hellletlooseofficial/
Steam http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HellLetLoose

Well, it seems we are out of ammunition for this week. Time head back to the armoury and reload. See you all next week on the frontline!




Good news, console players! We’ve received priority intel informing us that QOL2 for Hell Let Loose on consoles has deployed!

We hope you’ve been enjoying the improvements QOL1 produced, your feedback has been instrumental in helping us enhance your experience out there in the field!

In QOL2, we’ve improved map rotation; significantly reduced loading times; focused on mitigating in-game stuttering and plenty more! You can read about the details in the patch notes — listed below.




  • Changed map rotation on all servers to be randomised
  • Optimisation to significantly improve loading times
  • Optimisation to improve matchmaking times
  • Optimisation to reduce the amount of in-game stuttering through improved streaming speeds
  • Optimisation to improve overall visual quality of the game
  • Matchmaking optimisation to improve ping times and network stability through improved region selection and packet loss consideration
  • Added an option to toggle steady aim on/off
  • Added an option to adjust scoped weapon sensitivity
  • Added option to adjust volume of each voice channel individually
  • The “HUD Display Mode” is now set to “Always On” by default
  • Removed locked sectors from appearing on the HUD
  • Adjusted sizing of certain map icons and text on the in-game map to be more readable
  • Change so that the player will stop leaning if they start to sprint
  • Improved controller vibration under certain scenarios
  • Improved UI spacing and formatting for the deploy screen menus


  • Fixed an issue where the player could become softlock when attempting to join a unit that is full or locked
  • Fixed an issue where the player may receive a network error when attempting to initiate matchmaking whilst the loading wheel is present
  • Fixed multiple issues where XP would not update correctly to show correct level or XP data in various locations
  • Fixed an issue where players can become softlocked on the “Match Found” prompt
  • Fixed an issue where players could navigate to other units as a Unit Leader
  • Fixed an issue where menus could not be scrolled down using the right stick of the controller
  • Fixed an issue where opening the in-game map whilst driving a vehicle will stop it from accelerating
  • Fixed numerous random crashes that could occur based on crash report data
  • Fixed multiple issues where the player was being kicked on entering the map and then being removed back to the frontend
  • Fixed a Networking issue, whereupon hard disconnection the user would not be able to join a game anymore without relaunching
  • Fixed an issue where the player can become softlocked on the “Leave unit” prompt if a spawn point is added or removed from the available list whilst it’s open
  • Fixed multiple issues with the “Steady Aim Toggle” setting
  • Fixed an issue where the movement sensitivity of a player would be significantly decreased after dying as a tank gunner
  • Fixed issue where button input is registered after closing scoreboard
  • Implemented multiple UI Fixes on deployment map screen
  • Fixed an issue where the Kick UI would not disappear from the HUD
  • Fixed an issue where the Melee weapon shortcut was not working on Controller Layout C & D
  • Fixed an issue where there were floating assets in Omaha
  • Fixed multiple instances of incorrect collision on Carentan
  • Fixed multiple UI focus issues
  • Fixed multiple VOIP icon issue
Thank you for your patience whilst we worked to deploy this patch for Hell Let Loose!

Need some assistance out there? Check out our New Player Guides for some help & tips!

See you on the frontline. o7
Última edição:



Hi Everyone,

We're currently working on a hotfix to sort the overrun spawn-point issues — we're working as fast as we can on a solution for this.

We'll keep you updated on this!
Última edição:
Comprei o jogo ontem, mas não estou conseguindo jogar...não entra nos servers porque dá mensagem de erro envolvendo o anti cheat do jogo:

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