Comprei o jogo ontem, mas não estou conseguindo jogar...não entra nos servers porque dá mensagem de erro envolvendo o anti cheat do jogo:
Tentou reparar o Easy Anti Cheat?

team\steamapps\commom\HellLetLoose\Easy Anti Cheat
Fiquei perdido! :haha:

Joguei 2 partidas ontem mas não entendi como muda a classe do personagem...puta mapa imenso e eu de MP40 :mas:

Jogo tá bem na ativa, hein! Vários servers de 100 jogadores tudo lotados :notbad:
Fiquei perdido! :haha:

Joguei 2 partidas ontem mas não entendi como muda a classe do personagem...puta mapa imenso e eu de MP40 :mas:

Jogo tá bem na ativa, hein! Vários servers de 100 jogadores tudo lotados :notbad:

Jogo se divide em areas (5)

No modo Guerra (Warfare)
Cada time começa com 2 areas e tem 1 ponto neutro no mapa e o time que capturar todas as areas ou capturar mais areas no limite do tempo vence
Aqui os times devem se dividir entre defesa e ataque

Modo Ofensivo
Um time apenas defende e outro só ataca
O time q ataca tem q capturar os 5 pontos para vencer
O time que defende tem que ficar com pelo menos 1 ponto para vencer

No começo é normal ficar perdido é muita coisa acontecendo ao mesmo tempo e muitos combates de longa distância
Na medida q vc vai conhecendo os mapas, vc ficar mais atento nos chockpoints

Como muda de classe?
Quando vc entra em um pelotão
Quando vc morre, antes de dar respawn vc pode clicar no seu pelotão e escolher uma nova classe
Toda classe só pode ter 1 na função, exceção o Rifleman (atirador)


Developer Briefing #155 - Final PTE, Autumn Sale & Steam Awards

Final PTE before Update 11

Hey everyone,

Things have been moving very fast for the team as we work towards final sign off for the 7th December. Stay tuned in to next week's Brief where we explain more regarding the upcoming Update 11!

We are very thankful for all who participated in the previous 3 PTEs we’ve held for Update 11 and encourage you to do so again as we launch into the fourth and final PTE this week. We are close to finalising a lot of items so after next week there will be no more chances to participate prior to the release of the update.

We will be holding the final PTE on Thursday December 2nd at 11am GMT. For those who are new to PTE’s you’ll need to join the Discord and head over to the pte-update11 channel. If you get the time, feel free to join us in one last leg of testing to ensure we have the update primed and smooth as possible for release.

Autumn Sale & Steam Awards


Also this week we have the Autumn sale kicking off, allowing you all to get a nice 25% discount on a copy of HLL. If you know of any friends who have been patiently waiting for a sale or have been doing so yourself, now is the perfect time to pull the trigger ahead of Update 11s release!


Alongside the Autumn sale we would like to highlight the Steam awards for this year. We greatly appreciate those who have already let us know that you have voted for us in the ‘Better with Friends’ Category.

New GSP Available



For those of you who are interested in running your own HLL server, Streamline Servers are a new GSP available to pick from. Check them out over at https://streamline-servers.com/gameservers/hell-let-loose.php

You can also check out the other existing HLL GSPs at the following links:

GTX Gaming

Low MS


Best clips of 2021 from HLL War Correspondents pt.2


Continuing on from last week's brief we are spotlighting our War Correspondents and the videos they make. We are very grateful to have a team of War Correspondents that are happy to produce such great content for you and us to all enjoy and absorb.

As we are now heading towards the end of the year we thought it would be fitting to showcase some ‘best of’ clips to revisit and if you have not seen before, sit back and enjoy.

Hell Let Loose - New Player? Here's how to "get" HLL - Monoespacial

Hell Let Loose - Tank Crew Dominates Eastern Front (24 Tank Kills) - The Fresh Baked Goods

The Best World War Shooter You Can Play! - Terrydactyl Gaming

Community Content

We continue to see some great content from the Hell Let Loose community members showcased in the official HLL discord. Separate from the dedicated team of ‘War Correspondents’ the HLL general community comprises every person who is involved with HLL (That means you aswell!).

Let's take a look at some of the fantastic screenshots and artwork that the community has contributed to the HLL official discord.


[233C] Chrysallia Van Cheems - Sherman Advance


[233C] Chrysallia Van Cheems - German Static AT gun in action

Don’t forget that if you haven’t checked out the other Hell Let Loose socials you should do so. Like our discord you will find them great places for information and community interaction.

Join the Discord here https://discord.gg/hellletloose

Our other social platforms can be found here:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HellLetLoose/
Twitter https://twitter.com/hell_let_loose
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/HellLetLoose
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hellletlooseofficial/
Steam http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HellLetLoose

It's time to wrap up today's Dev Brief. See you all on the frontline!
Última edição:
Developer Briefing #156 - U11 'Outflank’ Update Next Week!!
Hey everyone,

Time is almost upon us, as many have noticed over the last few months we have been highlighting and in some cases sneak peeking into the upcoming ‘Outflank’ update for Hell Let Loose. This week we are excited to confirm that the update will be going live on Tuesday the 7th of December!

We thought to bring this interim update to you all as ‘Outflank’ has some great features which we think players new and old alike will enjoy. We feel that providing a brief summary of some of the items in the update might be worthwhile for you all to get a glimpse of what is coming before Tuesday.

Some of the items to watch out for in the new ‘Outflank’ update include:

New Vehicles:
  • Panzer IV
  • Half-tracks for all factions USA, Germany and Soviet
New Weapons:
  • FG42 Automatic Rifle
  • 1897 Winchester Trench Gun (shotgun)
New Map Variants:
  • Purple Heart Lane Offensive GER
  • Foy Offensive US
  • Hill400 Offensive GER
  • Carentan Offensive GER
Additional Improvements:
  • New Character Poses and animations in Barracks
  • Updated and improved SFX
  • Audio Occlusion
  • Nametag Occlusion
  • UI Improvements
  • Scoreboard and Map Icon Improvements
  • Resource Generation Improvements
  • Commander Ability Improvements
  • Armour Balance Tweaks and Improvements

And a host of fixes and bugs squashed. In addition to the above, lots of work has been done to iron out a magnitude of small items like minor terrain glitches ect.

The above is merely a short summary of the bulk of the ‘Outflank’ update, upon release we will disclose the full changelog which illustrates in detail all the improvements and changes made with this latest update.

Final PTE before 'Outlfank' Update (A Call to Arms)

If the above is of interest to you, then we recommend that you check out the last ‘Player Test’ before Tuesday's update.. This is where players jump into the PTE servers and we get to check the overall performance of the updated client.

So if you would like a peak into what is coming with the ‘Outflank’ update next week, join us this Thursday for some fun and final testing. We will be holding the final PTE on Thursday December 2nd at 11am GMT. For those who are new to PTE’s you’ll need to join the Discord and head over to the pte-update11 channel.

War Correspondents Best clips of 2021 (pt3. Final)


This is our final week of spotlighting our War Correspondents and the videos that have been made during this year. We hope you enjoyed the clips that have been featured over the last few briefs. We are very grateful to have a team of War Correspondents that are happy to produce such great content for you and us to all enjoy and absorb.

Let's sit back and take a look at the final dev brief ‘War Correspondents' showcase which highlights some of their ‘best of 2021’ clips. Take the time to revisit them and if you have not seen them before enjoy for the first time!

Hell Let Loose -Tank Columns (Update 10) - The Fresh Baked Goods

Hell Let Loose - STALINGRAD IS BRUTAL - Monoespacial

Hell Let Loose - I Helped Create a Monster - TheSauceyMuffin

Community Content

We continue to see some great content from the Hell Let Loose community members showcased in the official HLL discord. Separate from the dedicated team of ‘War Correspondents’ the HLL general community comprises every person who is involved with HLL (That means you aswell!).


Holding the Line - [233C] Chrysallia Van Cheems

Where to find all the latest Hell Let Loose News and Information
Don’t forget that if you haven’t checked out the other Hell Let Loose socials you should do so. Like our discord you will find them great places for information and community interaction.

Join the Discord here https://discord.gg/hellletloose

Our other social platforms can be found here:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HellLetLoose/
Twitter https://twitter.com/hell_let_loose
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/HellLetLoose
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hellletlooseofficial/
Steam http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HellLetLoose

Well, it's time to wrap up today's ‘Outflank’ insight Dev Brief. See you all on the frontline!


PTE hj aberto para todos

Update 11 - PTE #4 Changelog
Última edição:
We are happy to announce that Update 11 will be launching tomorrow at 2pm GMT, please note that this is a little later than the usual 11am GMT. For those who are interested in the details, the full changelog will be available on the day.

Thanks again for all of your support, we look forward to seeing you on the frontlines tomorrow!
Update 11 ‘Outflank’ Now Live

Hi everyone.

We are proud to finish an extremely busy year for the team with an exciting update to warm up your holiday season!

This update sees the introduction of numerous new additions such as Half-tracks, the Panzer IV, the US Trench gun, the FG42 and a large number of bug fixes and tweaks - all of which you can see in the latest changelog below.

As always, please understand that with over 800 changes some minor fixes or tweaks may not be listed due to their proportional significance or exemption when merging similar changes. We aim to be as thorough as possible when it comes to listing key changes while also maintaining an informative and legible list to the community

Over the coming days we will be paying extra attention across all of our channels regarding the stability of the update, if you happen to come across any issues please reach out to us via our respective Discord channels or the Team17 Support page.

Join the Discord here

Update 11 Changelog

  • Synced resource generation (nodes will no longer generate resources +1 minute from when they were placed but instead generate in sync with ambient resource generation)
  • Removed the Final Stand Commander Ability (we are temporarily removing the ability as we look at alternative functions that are more balanced)
  • The Encouraged Commander Ability now only generates additional resources provided by nodes
  • Added Spawn Medium Tank to US Commander Abilities
  • Added Spawn Light Tank to Commander Abilities
  • Increased Heavy Tank fuel costs from 400 to 600
  • Increased Jumbo75 fuel cost from 300 to 500

  • Added Halftracks (all factions)
  • Added Panzer IV (German Medium Tank)
  • Temporarily Removed Panther (we’ve decided to replace the Panther with the new Pz IV as we look to rework its role and update it’s textures using our improved smart materials)
  • Bombing run explosions now deal radial damage to Light Armoured parts of vehicles (Recon vehicles, Tank tracks, etc.)
  • Added Fire PFX to give a visual aid of when a Tank’s engine is destroyed
  • Improved detection of radial damage against vehicles. (trees and other objects are less likely to block incoming damage if the vehicle isn’t entirely obscured)
  • Reduced the damage of Recon vehicles from 400 to 200
  • Increased cooldown of the Sherman 76 to be in line with other Heavy Tanks

  • Added Winchester 1897 Trench Gun (US Engineer lvl 3, US Assault lvl 3)
  • Added FG-42 - 20 Mag (GER Automatic Rifleman lvl 6)
  • Added FG-42 - 10 Mag Scoped (GER Sniper lvl 3)
  • Increased penetration power of AT-Guns allowing them to penetrate Heavy armour if angled correctly
  • Bazookas and Panzerschrecks can now deal radial damage to Trucks

  • Swapped the Level 3 loadout with the Level 6 loadout for the GER and US Anti-Tank role

  • Added additional filtering options and improvements to Streamer Mode
  • Placing a deployable while at build limit will now replace the oldest existing deployable of the same kind
  • Added the ability to test your microphone in the audio settings
  • Improved Bullet Penetration reliability on a variety of assets across the game

Added the following Achievements:
  • Silent, but Deadly!
  • Cutting Edge Tools
  • Ace of Spades
  • Ka-Tonk!
  • Defender of the Motherland
  • To the Village of my Babushka
  • It's not the size that matters
  • Command and Conquer!
  • Overachiever!
  • Jack of all Trades!

Added the following maps:
  • PHL Offensive GER (purpleheartlane_offensive_ger)
  • FOY Offensive US (foy_offensive_us)
  • Hill400 Offensive GER (hill400_offensive_ger)
  • Carentan Offensive GER (carentan_offensive_ger)

  • Added nameplate occlusion (off by default)
  • Updated PHL Tactical Map to better distinguish rivers from roads
  • Added a Friends and History tab to the Enlist Screen
  • Added a Last Played On date for servers on the Enlist Screen
  • Added keybinds to the UI when inside a vehicle
  • Redesigned the invalid spawn location notification
  • Critical Player Indicators for Medics will now pulse, and will pulse faster as the player has lower health or reaches death
  • Enemy role and unit information is now hidden on the scoreboard
  • AT-Gun map icons now rotate based on their direction
  • Updated a number of Commander Ability descriptions to provide more information
  • Added a ping animation to the Player Icon on the Tactical Map to assist in identifying your current location
  • Organized the gameplay settings menu into sub-categories for easier navigation

  • Implemented Audio Occlusion to all in-game SFX
  • Improved the distinction of single shot SFX when firing certain weapons
  • Added SFX for when a vehicle’s component is destroyed (eg. tracks, hull, engine, turret)
  • Tweaked bullet flyby ‘crack’ SFX

Updated SFX for the following weapons:
  • M1 Garand
  • Browning M1919
  • M1903 Springfield
  • MP40
  • STG
  • MG42
  • MG34

  • Added character poses to the Barracks and in-game Loadout screens

Server Administration
  • Added vote kick immunity to Server Admins (Owner, Senior, Junior)
  • Added idle kick immunity to Server Admins (Owner, Senior, Junior, Spectator)
  • Highlighting any vehicle with the Admin Camera now displays the name of the vehicle
  • Added current player count to Admin Camera search menu
  • [Fixed] Missing player icon when aiming at a enemy occupied vehicle

Bug Fixes
  • [Fixed] Sniper rifle sometimes fails to auto chamber a round.
  • [Fixed] Explosion SFX would often not play when dying inside a vehicle
  • [Fixed] Ragdoll is teleported when the player dies in the Russian artillery gun
  • [Fixed] The Engineers are not awarded XP points if their level 0 ghost structures are upgraded to level 1 by another players
  • [Fixed] Snipers scopes reticles won't move while crouching or moving the camera in ADS
  • [Fixed] The Start/Stop Engine UI will overlap the Exit Vehicle UI if both inputs are pressed simultaneously
  • [Fixed] The 'Dropping Supplies' UI will overlap with the 'Switching Seats' UI if both inputs are pressed simultaneously
  • [Fixed] Incorrect placement for the satchel when attempting to use it on the front curves of the RUS Heavy Tank
  • [Fixed] Player corpses block constructible blueprints from being built/upgraded
  • [Fixed] Debug text "Army name" appears for a split second on the Unit Select screen
  • [Fixed] The 11 min cooldown for the player that initiates a vote to kick is not retained after leaving the server
  • [Fixed] "Cancel Deployment" overlaps with the deploy timer in some non-English languages
  • [Fixed] The Aspect Ratio Constraint Mode settings overlap with the UI arrows when playing in some non-English languages
  • [Fixed] Debug text {STATE} is briefly visible when transitioning between seats in the Anti-Tank gun
  • [Fixed] Losses count towards the Offensive Master and Warfare Master achievements
  • [Fixed] Opening the map as a Commander will trigger the "Commander Abilities" HINT to replay multiple times
  • [Fixed] Both Recon vehicle’s speedometers read as 0KM/H when reversing.
  • [Fixed] Killing teammates with headshots will count towards the 'Ding!' achievement
  • [Fixed] AA Quality has option 'Low' instead of 'Off'
  • [Fixed] Russian Tank Commander Mechanic loadout thumbnail image does not display correctly
  • [Fixed] When using Satchels and Anti-Tank mines, players do not get XP, "Destroyed Vehicles" player stats, or unlock achievements for vehicle kills while dead
  • [Fixed] After changing video settings and pressing the "Back" button the settings still apply
  • [Fixed] The Game Mode hint appears immediately upon joining a server
  • [Fixed] Actions performed with Enter are performed when holding Alt.
  • [Fixed] When driving tanks through wheat fields the wheat storks can be seen to clip into the tank interior
  • [Fixed] When a hint is on screen, the player cannot interact with the map/Commander abilities
  • [Fixed] Calling in the Supply Drop ability inside the Warm-Up blocking volume causes the supplies to slide across the environment
  • [Fixed] Equipping the PPSH-41 w/ Drum causes the player's left wrist to become misshapen
  • [Fixed] Updated a number of outdated Field Manual entries
  • [Fixed] Updated a number of outdated Hints
  • [Fixed] The names of the Precision Aim keybindings are not differentiated between Gunner & Artillery
  • [Fixed] Players can join a team which should be locked as it is at capacity
  • [Fixed] Using Alt+Enter often triggers a confirmation prompt
  • [Fixed] No mouse cursor is visible when the resolution confirmation message appears after pressing 'ALT + ENTER' while in-game
  • [Fixed] Selecting 'NO' after pressing 'ALT + ENTER' on the IIS/Front End does not reset the screen resolution
  • [Fixed] Voice chat remains active after a specific key combo
  • [Fixed] The application does not launch in Fullscreen when launched through Big Picture
  • [Fixed] Hints which appear when the player is in a Tank can overlap with the Tank UI in many resolutions.
  • [Fixed] Hints appearing can overlap with the player's Inventory UI
  • [Fixed] When loading into a server the force select screen shows 34 players per team before correcting and jumping position on screen
  • [Fixed] Attempting to navigate the Game Menu with a controller while in the Change Role menu, causes focus to switch between both menus
  • [Fixed] The game window's title bar is off-screen when setting the application to windowed mode.
  • [Fixed] Placing ghost structures will count towards the 'A Piece of Perfection' achievement
  • [Fixed] Debug text will be displayed in the Field Manual if a mentioned keybinding is unbound
  • [Fixed] Unbinding certain keybindings from a different page of the 'Keybindings' menu will cause inconsistent text to be displayed
  • [Fixed] Player's name is flickering on the vehicle HUD
  • [Fixed] Visual issue with tank reticles on ultrawide monitors
  • [Fixed] Leadership VOIP channel may fail for Infantry Officer role immediately after joining a server
  • [Fixed] A player leaving the Enlist screen while a different Enlist screen tab is being loaded will see the results for that tab when returning to the Enlist screen
  • [Fixed] If a player opens the map and aims down sights at the exact same time, when they close the map they will ADS without pressing the key.
  • [Fixed] Reloading and opening/closing the map, while holding/releasing left mouse button, will make guns shoot without any player input
  • [Fixed] Gun will continuously fire after placing an object then opening/closing the map
  • [Fixed] Flickering VFX when aiming with the visual sphere aid in the Recon vehicle at different objects
  • [Fixed] Holding [LMB], while tapping [W] or [SHIFT] button, triggers the weapon to fire
  • [Fixed] Fuel and Manpower resource node hints will disappear after 1 second when selected
  • [Fixed] Jumping multiple times in a row causes player camera to jerk during jump animation
  • [Fixed] PTRS can destroy OPs and Garrisons
  • [Fixed] GER Heavy Tank is observed to slightly slide when parked horizontally on an angled surface
  • [Fixed] The game displays in a small window while alt-tabbed after changing from Low Resolution & Windowed to High Resolution & Fullscreen
  • [Fixed] There is no tooltip for the Airhead in the Map Key
  • [Fixed] A banned player does not receive a reason in the Notice Prompt after being kicked by vote
  • [Fixed] German level 3 barricade sandbags have no bullet collision
  • [Fixed] Misaligned Terrain in the Front End background
  • [Fixed] Flickering textures are present on the window frame of the US & German Recon vehicles when driving
  • [Fixed] [Field Manual] SMDM map is outdated
  • [Fixed] Discrepancy between cooldown of the tanks: Tiger and 76
  • [Fixed] When locked to a target in the Admin Camera, some keybinds on the Admin Camera UI are displayed incorrectly.
  • [Fixed] Smoke grenade detonates again on respawn
  • [Fixed] There is a non-functional Back button in the Personal Stats page of the Scoreboard
  • [Fixed] There is an ineffectual scroll bar in the Gameplay Options menu
  • [Fixed] Inconsistency issue present when throwing grenades through hedges
  • [Fixed] Flickering textures are present on the window frame of the US & German Recon vehicles when driving
  • [Fixed] If a player in the last 3 seconds of deploying is team switched using the RCON tool they spawn on that location as a member of the other team
  • [Fixed] The Change Role screen UI can briefly flicker and resize if the unit leader clicks on the screen background
  • [Fixed] The Change Role screen UI can briefly flicker and resize starting with the second time the player enters the menu and clicks on the screen background
  • [Fixed] Using RMB on the Front End background causes the UI SFX to be played
  • [Fixed] 'Garrison' and 'Munitions Node' have the incorrect map key tooltips
  • [Fixed] Remove the word 'hardcore' from the profanity filter
  • [Fixed] The text chat window is closed if the player has a spawn location selected and it becomes unavailable
  • [Fixed] Issue present with map tooltips when displayed outside of the map boundaries
  • [Fixed] Switching loadouts in the Barracks and Change Role menu with a controller does not show the correct equipment
  • [Fixed] Joining a server cannot be cancelled when using a controller
  • [Fixed] Changing the FX Quality setting can cause the first bullet shot to remain visible in FPP
  • [Fixed] When a player creates a unit or exits the Change Role menu they will have no "Leave Unit" button
  • [Fixed] Unable to dismantle the Airhead if it's deployed inside barbed wire
  • [Fixed] [Field Manual] The Elevate Up/Down keys in the Anti Tank Gun page are inverted
  • [Fixed] [Field Manual] The Increase/Decrease Elevation keys in the Artillery page are inverted
  • [Fixed] Enlist Screen - Controller has no function until mouse is clicked on this menu
  • [Fixed] Barracks "Appearance" and "Loadout" buttons are not properly highlighted
  • [Fixed] The Sprint and Steady Aim keybinds can conflict when being changed back to their default bindings
  • [Fixed] The VOIP Connection Status buttons show the wrong function
  • [Fixed] Buttons from deployment menu disappear after inviting a player in the squad
  • [Fixed] The text chat window is closed during the phases of the Victory/Defeat screen
  • [Fixed] Players can still use VOIP chat after they are banned/kicked from the server
  • [Fixed] While being banned by administrator, when trying to rejoin the server, the notice received is in German language
  • [Fixed] Favourite role icon is not immediately visible and only appears when other roles are selected
  • [Fixed] Gear in Tanks changes from Reverse to Gear 1 after the tracks are destroyed
  • [Fixed] DFAO is creating visual issues in maps.
  • [Fixed] Grenades will clip into the Turret body section of all Tanks

  • [Fixed] Multiple assets floating/misaligned
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect LoD transition distances
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect player collision
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect or misaligned bullet collision
  • [Fixed] Some terrain can be seen to change shape when the player enters ADS

  • [Fixed] Multiple assets floating/misaligned
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect player collision
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect or misaligned bullet collision
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect bullet PFX/SFX

St Marie Du Mont
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets floating/misaligned
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect or misaligned bullet collision
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect player collision
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect bullet PFX/SFX
  • [Fixed] Belgian Gates found throughout the map vanish when hit with any firearm
  • [Fixed] House in Rue De La Gare has a LoD transition issue
  • [Fixed] Stone house has a Z-Fighting issue between textures

Hurtgen Forest
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets floating/misaligned
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect player collision
  • [Fixed] Camera moves abruptly in FPP while moving on a stack of shells
  • [Fixed] There is an LoD transition issue with a building row asset near a bridge
  • [Fixed] Some sets of 3 Dragon Teeth assets can be destroyed by shooting them with any firearm
  • [Fixed] A preplaced Belgian Gate can be destroyed with firearms
  • [Fixed] Bullets fail to go through some holes in the bunker ruins

Hill 400
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets floating/misaligned
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect LoD transition distances
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect or misaligned bullet collision
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect bullet PFX/SFX
  • [Fixed] Tessellation issue present on the muddy terrain throughout the map when the player is using ADS
  • [Fixed] Player appears to be floating when viewed from third person view, when a player is prone inside a specific trench
  • [Fixed] Navigating far enough in the water with a vehicle/character, the user can reach a "kill volume" which instantly kills and destroys the vehicle/user

  • [Fixed] Multiple assets floating/misaligned
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect or misaligned bullet collision
  • [Fixed] Terrain is too steep in a specific location and blocks player movement
  • [Fixed] Players are able to see off the edge/underneath the map
  • [Fixed] Barbed wire asset with missing functionality
  • [Fixed] A Z-fighting issue is present on the roof inside the Corbu Factory building
  • [Fixed] One of the windows located in the building at the Cobru Farm cannot be accessed from the outside

Omaha Beach
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets floating/misaligned
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect LoD transition distances
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect or misaligned bullet collision
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect vehicle collision
  • [Fixed] Invisible stairs and floor present on a warehouse
  • [Fixed] Loud burning SFX can be heard inside and outside the church
  • [Fixed] When deploying on the Higgins Boat, the boat is seen to visibly shudder whilst moving.
  • [Fixed] Player is unable to deploy machine guns on certain bunkers windows

Utah Beach
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets floating/misaligned
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect or misaligned bullet collision

  • [Fixed] Multiple assets floating/misaligned
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect LoD transition distances
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect or misaligned bullet collision
  • [Fixed] Player can see below the map when going prone on a specific dirt mound
  • [Fixed] Players cannot jump/vault over a fence asset in a specific area in Sector C8

  • [Fixed] Multiple assets floating/misaligned
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect vehicle collision
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect LoD transition distances
  • [Fixed] Corrupted texture on a wooden door
  • [Fixed] No splash SFX when walking through water in specific locations

Purple Heart Lane
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets floating/misaligned
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect player collision
  • [Fixed] Multiple assets with incorrect LoD transition distances

Known Key Issues
  • Character model's legs and uniform can clip through the Russian half-track
  • Satchels placed on on vehicle tracks or barrels may deal less than the required damage to destroy the vehicle

Pensar que anos atrás eu cheguei a comprar o jogo e pedir refund porque estava achando ele muito travado.
Logo depois ainda comprei novamente pelo preço promocional de Early Acess e foi a melhor coisa que poderia ter feito. A evolução desse jogo é espantosa.

Kudos para o Devs;.
Pensar que anos atrás eu cheguei a comprar o jogo e pedir refund porque estava achando ele muito travado.
Logo depois ainda comprei novamente pelo preço promocional de Early Acess e foi a melhor coisa que poderia ter feito. A evolução desse jogo é espantosa.

Kudos para o Devs;.
O jogo está bem melhor... Mais estável o GPS em dx11 nem precisa forçar pra rodar em dx12 que agora está pior em desempenho....
O som ficou muito melhor agora
Developer Briefing #157 - Outflank Update is LIVE!!!

Hey Everyone,

At last Update 11 ‘Outflank’ is upon us. Over the past few days we have enjoyed seeing many players jumping in and experiencing new assets such as the Panzer IV, Half Tracks, Trench Gun and FG-42.

You can check out the full changelog with all the information here:
Known Issues

Overall we are happy with the release of the update and are excited to continue development as we look towards what future updates have in store.

Though before we are able to fully begin work on U12, a number of issues have arisen that we would like to investigate and look to address. The following issues may be present to some players in Update 11, we will be tackling these as quickly as possible as well as anything else we find.

  • FG42 and FG42 Scoped sights are zeroed incorrectly
  • AT-Guns are able to destroy Heavy tanks with 2 shots to the hull
  • Satchels placed on vehicle tracks or barrels may deal less than the required damage to destroy the vehicle
  • Revive stats for not being recorded by steam for achievements or Personal Stats
  • Some players are experiencing an increase in Client crashes
  • Textures on the German Halftrack viewport appear distorted
  • The Panzer IV can struggle to traverse uneven terrain due to it’s hull collision
  • Players are occasionally spawned in with the incorrect Loadout

Steam Store DLC and Unlockable Cosmetics

For those who may not have seen, alongside the Update 11 release we have also implemented some new DLC uniforms for all factions:

False Front - German Zeltbahn Uniform

Red Steel - Soviet RA SN-42 Steel Bib over Ameba Summer Uniform

Hot Drop - US 82nd Airborne Pathfinder Uniform

Tropic Fever - US M1942 Jungle Frogskin Uniform

We are also happy to announce that the free Winter Warfare DLC is once again available for players to obtain for a limited time. If you are yet to obtain your pair click here to learn more.


In addition to the above uniforms, a further 8 new Soviet uniforms have been added to the game, all unlockable via in-game progression. These unlockable uniforms include the following:

  • Ameba Camo Summer Uniform
  • Ameba Camo Autumn Uniform
  • M40 Winter Coat
  • M43 Winter Coat
  • Vatnik M40
  • Vatnik M43
  • RA M40 Cape Plash-Palatka
  • RA M43 Cape Plash-Palatka

Community Content

We continue to see some great content from the Hell Let Loose community members showcased in the official HLL discord. Separate from the dedicated team of ‘War Correspondents’ the HLL general community comprises every person who is involved with HLL (That means you as well!).

Let's take a look at some of the fantastic screenshots and artwork that the community has contributed to the HLL official discord.


Farewell OG Panther - NRD Fatstacks

War Correspondent, Content Creator and Community HLL Videos

Time for some more community highlights from the below creators.

We highly recommend giving them a watch.
If you see a Video you like make sure to post in the Discord #hll-videos channel.

Hell Let Loose - MORE Realistic than BF2042 and Vanguard COMBINED - Alpine Sniper

Hell Let Loose - Update 11 SFX Comparison - Gabatron Gaming

Hell Let Loose - Update 11 is Awesome! - Monoespacial

Don’t forget that if you haven’t checked out the other Hell Let Loose socials you should do so. Join our discord and you will find some great places for information and community interaction.

Join the Discord here https://discord.gg/hellletloose

Our other social platforms can be found here:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HellLetLoose/
Twitter @hell_let_loose

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/HellLetLoose
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hellletlooseofficial/
Steam http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HellLetLoose

Well, it's time to wrap up today's Dev Brief. See you all in new uniforms on the frontline!


Helmet Pack de graça

Última edição:
Pensando aqui em instalar novamente, game não para de receber att o que é muito bom...
Tem cross com os consoles?
Uma coisa que eu acho que o HLL tinha que implementar em algum momento, seria um modo tutorial e treino.

Tutorial pq e coisa D+ para aprender, para fazer, para entender oq tal coisa faz e etc.

Bixo o cara q entra no jogo hoje, ele tem q passar se boiar ate mais de um dia, vendo inumeros videos no YT para entender como cada classe funciona, modos de jogo e etc.

Tipo, olha o engenheiro por exemplo, constroi inumeras coisas, suplementos, fortificações, postos avançados e so cambal, mas ele nao tem suprimento, ai ja limita o cara, mete aquele monte de estrutura sem poder "contruir" nada se nao tiver suprimento suficiente na area.

Cara, escrevendo, parece simples de entender, mas vai ver no jogo.

Acho q isso limita D+ a experiencia do cara.

Oi to no jogo a muito tempo, apesar de ser um player mais casual, eu mesmo nao faço a menor ideia como jogo de comandante, nem uq faz, nem como nem nada.

Ai vai entrar num mp pa jogar, se pego com certeza vou fuder o jogo do time. Ja vi nego de comandante ser banido pq nao sabia fazer as paradas. Falei bixo, poderia ser eu, e simplemente pq nao faço ideia de como usar, vai q o cara q tão banindo ta na mesmo, tentando aprender???

Acho isso uma falha muito grande do jogo.

Um game tão complexo como esse, tinha q ter algo nesse sentido ingame.

E por favor, nao me venham dizer para "pergunta pro pessoal q te explicam"... Veio online nao e bem assim nao.
Concordo que quem entra agora deveria ver vídeos no youtube para aprender. Ontem eu estava jogando em um esquadrão onde o líder não sabia de nada... pedia a ele as coisas e ele nem respondia... fui para outro esquadrão. .. Tenho jogado muito de comandante e jogo até bem...foda é que as vezes caio em um grupo que não sabe que é necessário o engenheiros construírem os nodos... fico pedindo e nada de comunicação com os líderes de esquadrão. Mas ainda assim, é um jogo sensacional...melhor FPS que já joguei na vida.... Ja joguei várias partidas iradas, com pessoas que sabem jogar... o controle do PS5 permite uma imersão nesse jogo que é algo surpreendente.
É mais fácil que SQUAD!
Developer Briefing #157 - Outflank Update is LIVE!!!

Hey Everyone,

At last Update 11 ‘Outflank’ is upon us. Over the past few days we have enjoyed seeing many players jumping in and experiencing new assets such as the Panzer IV, Half Tracks, Trench Gun and FG-42.

You can check out the full changelog with all the information here:
Known Issues

Overall we are happy with the release of the update and are excited to continue development as we look towards what future updates have in store.

Though before we are able to fully begin work on U12, a number of issues have arisen that we would like to investigate and look to address. The following issues may be present to some players in Update 11, we will be tackling these as quickly as possible as well as anything else we find.

  • FG42 and FG42 Scoped sights are zeroed incorrectly
  • AT-Guns are able to destroy Heavy tanks with 2 shots to the hull
  • Satchels placed on vehicle tracks or barrels may deal less than the required damage to destroy the vehicle
  • Revive stats for not being recorded by steam for achievements or Personal Stats
  • Some players are experiencing an increase in Client crashes
  • Textures on the German Halftrack viewport appear distorted
  • The Panzer IV can struggle to traverse uneven terrain due to it’s hull collision
  • Players are occasionally spawned in with the incorrect Loadout

Steam Store DLC and Unlockable Cosmetics

For those who may not have seen, alongside the Update 11 release we have also implemented some new DLC uniforms for all factions:

False Front - German Zeltbahn Uniform

Red Steel - Soviet RA SN-42 Steel Bib over Ameba Summer Uniform

Hot Drop - US 82nd Airborne Pathfinder Uniform

Tropic Fever - US M1942 Jungle Frogskin Uniform

We are also happy to announce that the free Winter Warfare DLC is once again available for players to obtain for a limited time. If you are yet to obtain your pair click here to learn more.


In addition to the above uniforms, a further 8 new Soviet uniforms have been added to the game, all unlockable via in-game progression. These unlockable uniforms include the following:

  • Ameba Camo Summer Uniform
  • Ameba Camo Autumn Uniform
  • M40 Winter Coat
  • M43 Winter Coat
  • Vatnik M40
  • Vatnik M43
  • RA M40 Cape Plash-Palatka
  • RA M43 Cape Plash-Palatka

Community Content

We continue to see some great content from the Hell Let Loose community members showcased in the official HLL discord. Separate from the dedicated team of ‘War Correspondents’ the HLL general community comprises every person who is involved with HLL (That means you as well!).

Let's take a look at some of the fantastic screenshots and artwork that the community has contributed to the HLL official discord.


Farewell OG Panther - NRD Fatstacks

War Correspondent, Content Creator and Community HLL Videos

Time for some more community highlights from the below creators.

We highly recommend giving them a watch.
If you see a Video you like make sure to post in the Discord #hll-videos channel.

Hell Let Loose - MORE Realistic than BF2042 and Vanguard COMBINED - Alpine Sniper

Hell Let Loose - Update 11 SFX Comparison - Gabatron Gaming

Hell Let Loose - Update 11 is Awesome! - Monoespacial

Don’t forget that if you haven’t checked out the other Hell Let Loose socials you should do so. Join our discord and you will find some great places for information and community interaction.

Join the Discord here https://discord.gg/hellletloose

Our other social platforms can be found here:

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HellLetLoose/
Twitter @hell_let_loose

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/HellLetLoose
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hellletlooseofficial/
Steam http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HellLetLoose

Well, it's time to wrap up today's Dev Brief. See you all in new uniforms on the frontline!


Helmet Pack de graça

Gostei D+ dos uniformes das DLCs, mas vou esperar uma promo para pegar, quase 70 reais em skin e foda.

Mas super apoio a ideia, dev tem q fazer isso mesmo para gerar mais receita, e poder continuar melhorando o jogo.
Em que sentido
São parecidos
Squad tem mais team play e menos combate
Hell tem menos comunicação e muito mais combate
Exatamente nesse team play, não curto muito ficar me comunicando na jogatina.

Consigo jogar SOLO tranquilo esse jogo ? A galera é de boa nessa questão?

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