Rise of the Tomb Raider [ TÓPICO OFICIAL ]


Lucy 🖤

Gênero: Ação
Produtora: Crystal Dynamics
Publisher: Square Enix/ Microsoft
Plataforma: Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS4 e PC
Lançamento: Xbox360 e XBox One - 10/11/2015
PC: Começo de 2016
PS4: Final de 2016


Rise of the Tomb Raider é a sequência de Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, jogo que mostrou as origens de Lara Croft. O game trará uma Lara mais experiente e exploradora do que vimos no título anterior, porém o foco principal continuará sendo a sobrevivência aliada com furtividade.

Além de inimigos humanos altamente equipados, a heroína voltará a enfrentar a natureza, desde avalanches inesperadas até ursos polares gigantes. Rise of the Tomb Raider estará disponível para Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS4 e PC. Ele chega aos consoles da Microsoft no dia 10 de novembro e à versão para PC no início de 2016. Já a edição para o PS4 sairá somente no final do ano que vem.

Dispondo de momentos épicos com muita ação, Rise of the Tomb Raider traz para você uma aventura cinematográfica de sobrevivência, em um dos mais belos e hostis ambientes da Terra, onde irá se juntar a Lara Croft em mais uma expedição para procurar o segredo da imortalidade.
























Última edição:
Jogão, eu adoraria comprar, mas o preço de R$200,00 já se tornou caro para os padrões atuais em que vivemos, nesses tempos não da mais pra permitir um débito de 200 pratas por um jogo sem sentir falta do $ depois!
Coração na mão, que gráficos tops. Versao final do xonão está estonteante de linda.

Beatifull Tomb Raider, loved Lara croft.
Data pra versão PC 1° de abril segundo rumores, parece que foi confirmado pela crystal dinamics.
Versao PS4 somente daqui 12 meses.
q jogo, Q JOGO :magico:

O inicio é empolgante demais :mother: (E como essa Lara é azarada, meu deus. Iria recomendar ela não sair mais de casa :cat::rip:)






Gênero: Ação
Produtora: Crystal Dynamics
Publisher: Square Enix/ Microsoft
Plataforma: Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS4 e PC
Lançamento: Xbox360 e XBox One - 10/11/2015
PC: Começo de 2016
PS4: Final de 2016


Rise of the Tomb Raider é a sequência de Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, jogo que mostrou as origens de Lara Croft. O game trará uma Lara mais experiente e exploradora do que vimos no título anterior, porém o foco principal continuará sendo a sobrevivência aliada com furtividade.

Além de inimigos humanos altamente equipados, a heroína voltará a enfrentar a natureza, desde avalanches inesperadas até ursos polares gigantes. Rise of the Tomb Raider estará disponível para Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS4 e PC. Ele chega aos consoles da Microsoft no dia 10 de novembro e à versão para PC no início de 2016. Já a edição para o PS4 sairá somente no final do ano que vem.

Dispondo de momentos épicos com muita ação, Rise of the Tomb Raider traz para você uma aventura cinematográfica de sobrevivência, em um dos mais belos e hostis ambientes da Terra, onde irá se juntar a Lara Croft em mais uma expedição para procurar o segredo da imortalidade.
























O jogo tá muito bom! Ótimo tópico amigo! :)

Jogão, eu adoraria comprar, mas o preço de R$200,00 já se tornou caro para os padrões atuais em que vivemos, nesses tempos não da mais pra permitir um débito de 200 pratas por um jogo sem sentir falta do $ depois!

Disse tudo amigo, eu compro poucos jogos no lançamento, seleciono ao máximo!
E a questão também é que paro e penso: Será que vale colocar R$ 200,00 num jogo, mesmo se o dinheiro não me fazer falta depois, tem que ser um jogo que quero demais joga-lo.

O último jogo por exemplo que comprei no lançamento, foi o The Witcher 3 e olha que comprei na Steam e paguei R$ 85,00
caras, parece que tem muita exploração....to adorando :lindo:

Jogo tá MUITO foda, gráficos, dublagem, exploração, combate... Exclusivo pesadíssimo pro xonão esse ano.
Coloquei pra baixar o meu ontem, a hora que sair do serviço o download vai estar em 70% mais ou menos. Será que vai dar pra começar a jogar?
q jogo, Q JOGO :magico:

O inicio é empolgante demais :mother: (E como essa Lara é azarada, meu deus. Iria recomendar ela não sair mais de casa :cat::rip:)






Versão 360 este???? Os graficos estao foda!
O jogo está realmente lindo! Pegaram várias coisas do anterior e melhoraram (só não curti a mudança do botão do "sentido aranha", e não sei se dá pra trocar). Que jogo! :vish:
Joguei o início e achei excelente. Muito emocionante.

Já agendei um horário pra receber a Larinha hoje à noite. É muita paixão!!!

Esse jogo promete demais!
Valeu a espera, ontem meia noite e alguns segundos o jogo liberou. E que jogo, que gráfico lindo, que audio show!!!!! Joguei uns 50min só pq eu tinha que vir trabalhar hj cedo.

Jogão, fiquei sem fôlego em vários momentos, gráficos lindos, fluido, joguei até 1 da madruga, fui dormir com a adrenalina lá em cima, (tinha que acordar cedo pra trabalhar, fazer o que), ansioso pra continuar a aventura.




Alguém mais também não recebeu o e-mail da Square Enix com a confirmação do cadastro?
Sai que dia para o PS4?
Tópico ficou lindo, valeu @PELO.

Espero receber meu jogo hoje. :cuti:
A Digital Foundry fez a análise técnica do jogo e colocaram o que funcionam bem e o que não funciona.

What works
  • TressFX:
    Rise of the Tomb Raider introduces the latest generation of TressFX and it looks excellent in motion. TressFX is a spline-based hair rendering solution featuring thousands of individual hair strands. These strands are controlled by master strands which then help determine the behaviour of the hair in different situations. This means that hair can blow violently in the wind, float gently in a pool of water, or droop realistically when wet. The implementation in this new game manages to minimise the sometimes glitchy behaviour we encountered in the last game.
  • Character rendering:
    Aside from the beautifully rendered hair, character models also feature very realistic skin shading and rendering along with realistic clothing materials. Faces employ full sub-surface scattering complete with backscattering enabling more realistic portrayal of light across the skin. This is most evident during the beautifully realised real-time cut-scenes, but makes a clear impact in-game as well.
  • Material effects:
    Lara spends an inordinate amount of time slogging it through muddy creeks and snow covered mountains so it's only natural that Crystal Dynamics would implement a system to reflect these environments on their lead character. Lara's character model can show blood, water, snow, and dirt effects across both skin and clothing. These effects can be combined and adjusted on a per-effect basis enabling some very realistic layering. It brings an extra layer to the exploration aspect of the game by more directly tying Lara to the environment.
  • Deformable snow:
    Rise of the Tomb Raider makes use of deformable snow in a number of locations. This has been achieved using a form of adaptive tessellation paired with normal and height maps. The grid from which the snow is constructed varies geometric density based on camera proximity enabling a smoother mesh during normal gameplay angles. The depth of the snow varies heavily throughout these areas and Lara's animation reacts naturally to the varying conditions. Unfortunately, deformable snow is not utilised in every snowy area. For instance, the mountainous region following the Soviet Installation, is covered in snow - but the majority of it lacks the effect completely. Still, when it works, it's perhaps the best implementation of deformable material we've seen yet.
  • Pre-rendered effects:
    One of the more interesting techniques we see here in Rise of the Tomb Raider comes from the depiction of fluid dynamics in several key sequences. This is achieved using a unique blend of real-time visuals with pre-rendered effects. The avalanche that occurs early in the game or the water bursting from a temple in Syria use this effect very effectively. The effects are blended so seamlessly that it isn't entirely apparent that we're looking at something pre-rendered. The only real limitation centres on the fact that these effects cannot co-exist easily during sequences in which the player has control.
  • Real-time cut-scenes:
    The cut-scene sequences present in Rise of the Tomb Raider offer some of the most impressive visuals in the game. The mix of natural motion, high quality post effects, and realistic materials really helps sell these sequences. Actors and actresses were captured using the Mova performance capture system which uses a paint system rather than the traditional pasted white balls to track expressions. This data is then fed into the engine which makes use of blendshapes rather than the traditional bone structures. Blendshapes work by breaking up key expressions into individual shapes which can be animated in various combinations enabling a very natural performance. The results are mighty impressive and created some of the most nuances cinematic sequences we've seen to date.
  • Volumetric lighting:
    Rise of the Tomb Raider features a plethora of volumetric lights throughout. Using a resolution-agnostic voxel method similar to Killzone Shadow Fall, each light is generated using asynchronous compute late in the rendering order. We see these lights appear in a multitude of situations ranging from sun shafts to thick fog. In many cases, volumetric lighting is combined with screen-space light shafts to create some very dramatic scenes.
  • Motion blur:
    High quality object motion blur is one of our favourite visual effects and Tomb Raider brings it in spades. The sample count is high and applied to objects and camera movement alike enabling some very fluid movement. This is a key feature which is missing in Tomb Raider 2013 that helps create a much more cinematic experience.
  • Animation layering:
    Lara now features a much wider selection of animations and each can be combined to create nuanced, layered motion. The fluidity with which these animations are tied together creates a very consistent presentation throughout despite the number of actions the player can engage in.
  • Procedural music:
    Utilising a middleware solution created by Intelligent Music Systems, Rise of the Tomb Raider features a fantastic selection of highly dynamic music throughout the game. Rather than simply cross-fading pre-recorded audio streams, the solution employed here is able to generate real-time audio that dynamically changes based on data created by the game's composer. When facing off against a pack of wolves, for instance, we were impressed with how layers of music would build up based on the proximity of the animals. From a distance, the music is slow and focused on light percussion, but the audio ramps up in a dramatic fashion as the wolf approaches for an attack. It's an incredibly impressive solution to the dynamic music situation that works beautifully throughout the game.
What doesn't
  • Image Quality:
    - Rise of the Tomb Raider operates primarily at 1920x1080 with post-process anti-aliasing in effect. During cut-scenes this is knocked down to 1440x1080. Unfortunately, the anti-aliasing solution here combined with the assets in use simply cannot keep up with what is on display and we're left with noticeable sub-pixel breakup and shimmering throughout many sequences in the game. Furthermore, we noticed a recurring artefact in which pixels along certain edges appear much lower in resolution than the rest of the game. Just to give a better idea of how the lower resolution used in cut-scenes fares from a gameplay angle, we managed to capture a pair of shots showcasing just this. The first shot was taken just as the cut-scene returned control over to the player and is still rendering at 1440x1080. One frame later, the game returns to 1920x1080. Perhaps 1440x1080 with improved anti-aliasing could have yielded better results?
  • Frame-rate:
    Rise of the Tomb Raider targets 30 frames per second with adaptive v-sync and reaches its objective fairly often. However, we ran across a significant number of scenes in which this frame-rate could not be maintained leaving us instead with judder and torn frames along the top 30 per cent of the image. We noticed a performance penalty when engaging enemies in combat as well though slowdown can occur even in sequences without any enemies or characters on screen.
  • Input latency:
    One issue we struggled with throughout the game is its input latency. Prior to receiving the game, we spent some time revisiting Tomb Raider on both PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 and found that Rise of the Tomb Raider feels less responsive. Aiming is more cumbersome and difficult here to the point where it feels more as if you're pushing the camera rather than directly controlling it. It's not an issue during exploration or puzzle solving, but combat suffers.
  • Materials:
    Rise of the Tomb Raider has made the jump to a physically-based renderer but the results leave something to be desired. Compared to its contemporaries, the materials in this game simply lack the realism we've come to expect. While cloth, snow, and ice are convincing enough, much of the stone and wood work just don't work for us. Indirect lighting conditions often appear unnatural, despite the reliance on image based light probes, and specular highlights behave in an unrealistic fashion.
  • Shadow quality:
    This game makes use of sample distribution shadows maps - a technique designed to smooth transitions between shadow partitions. This does work as intended, alleviating many of the artefacts typically observable along a shadow cascade, but the actual shadow map resolution is often far too low. In many areas, shadows are visibly chunky in a way that detracts from the overall consistency of the world.
  • Disabled motion blur:
    One of the more bizarre issues we encountered in the game relates to the game's fantastic motion blur implementation. Essentially, in any number of demanding sequences, we found that motion blur would become disabled. When this occurs, the slowdown encountered in these areas is further exacerbated as a result. We have determined that motion blur has a slight impact on performance, determined by running through an area with the effect both enabled and disabled, but assuming it's not a bug but a deliberate choice by the developer, we still feel it should have remained enabled more often. Tackling the enemy at 25fps with screen-tear and no motion blur is not what we would label 'smooth'.
  • Ambient occlusion:
    Rise of the Tomb Raider employees an internally developed take on ambient occlusion known as broad temporal ambient obscurance. It works well in many cases, but we found that it often struggles with two key issues. Firstly, many objects exhibit obvious borders between the contact shadow and the object itself that we found distracting. Secondly, objects situated a fair distance from another surface still often exhibited blob-like contact shadows which seems unnatural. Fortunately, the effect remains stable in motion unlike some lower cost solutions.

Jogo está lindão, hoje termina de baixar o meu.

Só tenho uma coisa a dizer:

Melhor que Uncharted :coolface:!

No aguardo da versão :mr2:!

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