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    Administração do Fórum Adrenaline

[TÓPICO OFICIAL] Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

  • Iniciador de Tópicos Chackall
  • Data de Início
O jogo dá crash sem motivo algum depois de dois ou 3 jogos seguidos.
Audio buga as vezes tambem.
Tem outros, mas tem tanto tempo que não jogo que esqueci.
O jogo é muito bom, mas comigo pegou picuinha.
Jogo outros jogos muito mais pesados, mas esse e o Xcom2 me sacaneiam direto.
pode ser o ant cheater do game

Vem jogo novo aí com a mesma temática

Burning Lands


Burning Lands is a tactical multiplayer first-person shooter set in the Vietnam war era. It will be, what we coined an “accessible tactical simulation” (ATS) striking the best possible balance between realism and accessibility, to bring you a intense gaming experience and large-scale teamplay you have not seen before in this scenario.
• Asymmetric warfare.
• Dismemberment.
• Large open and detailed battlefields based on historic real-world locations stretching all over Vietnam.
• Fight in towns, villages, farmlands, jungles, hills and rivers.
• Combined arms warfare in air, land, and sea with multiple user-controlled vehicles.
• Unconventional forces, among other things, are able to capture light vehicles from the conventional forces and build tunnels.
• Choose role loadouts featuring multiple weapons, including flamethrower and booby traps.
• Choose and utilize deployable objects to your advantage on the battlefield.
• Support your fight with logistics, including sling loading of resources and vehicles via helicopter.
• As commander you play a crucial role in planning and coordinating a winning battle. For this you will have many tools available: give orders to your squad leaders, issue Napalm or artillery strikes on targets, approve requests and more.
• Commanders, squad leaders and fireteams communicate and coordinate via in-game VoIP and other tools.

There will be maps featuring 4km², 16km² and 32km²

We hope you stand by us as we continue to develop this game, please feel free to ask questions and such but at this early stage some of these questions may not be able to be answered as we don't want to give false promises.






Última edição:

Vem jogo novo aí com a mesma temática

Burning Lands


Burning Lands is a tactical multiplayer first-person shooter set in the Vietnam war era. It will be, what we coined an “accessible tactical simulation” (ATS) striking the best possible balance between realism and accessibility, to bring you a intense gaming experience and large-scale teamplay you have not seen before in this scenario.
• Asymmetric warfare.
• Dismemberment.
• Large open and detailed battlefields based on historic real-world locations stretching all over Vietnam.
• Fight in towns, villages, farmlands, jungles, hills and rivers.
• Combined arms warfare in air, land, and sea with multiple user-controlled vehicles.
• Unconventional forces, among other things, are able to capture light vehicles from the conventional forces and build tunnels.
• Choose role loadouts featuring multiple weapons, including flamethrower and booby traps.
• Choose and utilize deployable objects to your advantage on the battlefield.
• Support your fight with logistics, including sling loading of resources and vehicles via helicopter.
• As commander you play a crucial role in planning and coordinating a winning battle. For this you will have many tools available: give orders to your squad leaders, issue Napalm or artillery strikes on targets, approve requests and more.
• Commanders, squad leaders and fireteams communicate and coordinate via in-game VoIP and other tools.

There will be maps featuring 4km², 16km² and 32km²

We hope you stand by us as we continue to develop this game, please feel free to ask questions and such but at this early stage some of these questions may not be able to be answered as we don't want to give false promises.






Mais dinheiro jogado fora.
Estou cansado desses multiplayers em eterno early access com desempenho sofrível.
Não entendi
Vc vai comprar

Quais jogos que vc joga que possuem desempenho sofrível?
Pq aqui RS Vietnam roda super bem
Não dinheiro da produtora mesmo. Gostaria de comprar mas quase nunca tem server ou pessoal suficiente para jogar com ping decente.
Não dinheiro da produtora mesmo. Gostaria de comprar mas quase nunca tem server ou pessoal suficiente para jogar com ping decente.
Esse jogo aí do pouco que vi vai começar via kickstart
Do pouco que li, comparam bastante com Hell let Loose e Squad (alguns devs parece que trabalharam no Squad)

Eu vou ficar de olho, Hell é disparado o FPS que mais jogo hj em dia e gosto bastante dessas batalhas em mapas "gigantes".
TTalvez um fator que gere discussão é a temática (muitos só querem guerra moderna ou segunda guerra)
O problema nesses jogos é o público fraco.
Publico Br é bem fraco, vira e mexe encontro 1 na partida
Mas servidores gringos vivem lotados e é bem tranquilo de jogar.

Talvez o que mais afaste o publico são as animações/movimentação dos personagens. O jogo ainda usa a UE 3 (não é nem a UE 4)
Mas querendo ou não, o gun fight desse jogo é melhor do que MUITO jogo atual.
putz ... sensacional ... joguei muito o red orchestra 2 e esse rising storm ... meus fps preferidos ... mas tem que jogar com os gringos, br esquece (e na boa, é até melhor) ... os caras tem vários clans q jogam direitinho, jogo muito tático e realístico sem ser chato q nem arma ...
Freezão na epic, presta?
E aqueles que morre em um tiro?
(graças a deus)


New Additions and Highlights
  • Epic Online Services (EOS) integrated into dedicated server framework to enable Cross-Play capability between Steam and EGS players
  • New In-Game Invite UI system that will enable Steam users to link an associated EGS account you own so that they can send their EGS friends invites to parties and server lobbies.

  • Replaced VOIP services for in-game chat to Vivox in order to enable Steam-EGS cross-platform VOIP within multiplayer matches and lobbies.

Known Bugs and Issues
  • In server Green Army Men upgrade on the EGS client is redirecting to the Steam store
  • Steam SDK has the opportunity to fail to load properly on launch.
  • There is a case where servers can fail to become ranked
  • No new mods have been whitelisted as part of this update

Bug fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the HMG’s could fail to properly spawn
  • Fixed an issue where valid ranked servers could switch to unranked on map change

Bug fixes from Steam/EOS Preview Beta


  • Fixed an issue with the client potentially crashing by quickly refreshing the server browser.
  • Fixed an issue with the client potentially crashing when quickly moving through tabs and menus.
  • Server Names can now be changed using Web Admin.
  • Custom Maps are able to be downloaded for EGS clients if admins have set up a redirect

  • Fixed issues with the Find Match functionality which prevented users from finding active matches.
  • Fixed various matchmaking issues for both EGS and Steam.

  • Fixed an issue where the number of players on a server was not displaying correctly after connecting to the server.
  • Fixed an issue where the Loudness scale UI elements were not reflecting the actual changes made.
  • Fixed an issue with long nicknames displaying incorrectly within invite popups.
  • Fixed an issue where the local voice channel was not displaying correctly after changing teams.
  • Fixed an issue where entering and then leaving a server would remove the server from the Server Browser.
  • Fixed an issue where clients would get stuck in an invite loop due to UI overlays while in a server.

  • Fixed an issue with Cyrillic symbols not decoding correctly in the server players list.
  • Fixed an issue with Cyrilic nicknames not displaying correctly in Invite popups.

Voice Chat
  • Fixed an issue where spectators were able to hear local voice chat.
  • Fixed an issue where Mute was not working correctly.

As always, thank you for your continued support! We are working on a hotfix in the coming days to address the Known Issues.
Última edição:
Vou testar pra vé qual e a do game, agora que ta free deve encher os sv br.
Porra, na minha vga antiga crashava a rodo vou reinstalar de novo.
esse jogo em equipe é muito bom.
Gosto mto dos jogos red orchestra 2 e vietnam o problema é que roda horrivelmente nas gpu amd alguem sabe alguma solução?
queda de framas o tempo todo, jogo parece que ta arrastado, tenho uma rx 5700 xt

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