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Todo dia apartir de 18. E final de semana o dia todo. Olha a comunidade do Facebook são 2 servers ativos
Eu sei desses 2 servers , o problema é que após a atualização ele fica eternamente procurando server e não acha nem em NA. Algum bug aqui.
Todo dia apartir de 18. E final de semana o dia todo. Olha a comunidade do Facebook são 2 servers ativos
Vocês jogam em clã? Ainda usam TS ou agora todo mundo usa Discord? Faz um tempo que não jogo online :haha:

Esse fim de semana vou instalar para jogar, espero que me lembre do PR véi de guerra :much:
Alpha 16 Released

It’s been a heck of a ride getting here and we certainly couldn’t have done it without the uncountable hours of testing you folks have put in to make sure we can get choppers off the ground! We’re finally ready to release the first iteration of choppers to the official Squad client! Helicopters represent one of our last milestones on the road to release and represent a big change to the flow of a match, so be sure to keep your feedback coming — there’s still work to be done.

Of course, there’s more to the patch than a few game-changing airborne vehicles, so let’s dig in for the complete list of changes:

Alpha 16 Changelog



  • Added Helicopters. Helicopters are an exciting new system of transport that (literally) brings about a new dimension to the battlefield. Each conventional faction will get access to medium-lift helicopters capable of transporting troops and supplies. Helicopters are piloted by special Pilot roles, similar to heavy vehicles requiring a dedicated Crewmen. Helicopters carry ammo as well as construction supplies. Additionally, all kit roles are available via choppers. (Just make sure someone’s got their wings before take-off!)
  • Added Helicopter Tutorial. Instead of showing your teammates how fun it is to make craters, we’ve included a brand new Helicopter Tutorial, complete with rings! (This one’s for you, SNES fans.)
  • Added a Soft-Boundary system for all map layers that feature helicopters. This new boundary system gives the player a warning to turn back to the battle area before they are killed by the system. Different tolerances are set depending on whether the player is on foot, in a ground vehicle, or in a helicopter. The goal is to make helicopter travel outside map boundaries less punishing.
  • Fixed the limitation that caused servers to be able to only run three mods at a time.

Game Modes

  • Territory Control: Added a HAB hex zone defense mechanic. When a team has an active HAB in a hex they control, that hex cannot be captured until the HAB is deactivated.
  • Territory Control: Fixed Ticket Bleed not properly replicating.
  • Territory Control: Fixed the “Cut off from Anchor Point” mechanic not working in many situations.
  • Increased Skirmish ticket counts to 150 tickets (was 100 tickets) and increased staging phase timer to 3 minutes, previously 2 minutes.


Infantry Gameplay

  • Decreased infantry ground friction from 5.0 to 3.0 to help reduce unnatural left/right zig-zag character movement. We’ll continue to evaluate these changes.
  • Updated British L110A2 LMG mesh to use its own unique iron sight and Weaver rail.
  • Updated British L129A1 DMR texture to a tan-colored finish.
  • Updated M68 CCO texture.
  • Updated TT33 Tokarev texture.
  • Improved all Hand Held Smoke grenades to develop smoke quicker with increased smoke cloud volume and duration.
  • Modified firing sounds for the M249, M9a1 pistol, and M110.
  • Fixed weapon lowering not replicating correctly to other players when exiting a vehicle.
  • Fixed player character offset when entering a vehicle while crouching or prone.
  • Fixed ADS diagonal movement not having any footstep sounds.
  • Fixed Recruit roles being able to change to Riflemen roles from deployables.
  • Fixed US Army Squad Leader’s M4 Foregrip Optics having its zero misaligned.
  • Fixed US Army Scoped Medic having a frag grenade; it has been removed.
  • Fixed one of the Desert Russian Squad Leader roles not being able to rearm their pistol.


Vehicle Gameplay

  • Added the MI-8 “Hip” to the Russian Ground Forces. This is a medium-lift helicopter capable of carrying up to 9 passengers. (Not including the pilot, copilot and 2 door-gunners.) It is armed with 2 door mounted PKP machine guns for self-defense and can carry up to 1500 points of supplies.
  • Added the UH-60M “Grouse” for the US Army and British Army Forces. This medium-lift helicopter can carry up to 9 passengers. (Not including pilot, copilot, and 2 door-gunners) It is armed with 2 window-mounted M240H machine guns suitable for some light degree of protection. It carries up to 1000 points of supplies.
  • Removed ability for players to turn vehicle engines on during the staging/planning phase.
  • Increased top speed on the Minsk to increase off-road effectiveness.
  • Improved visibility and artwork for the DsHK Turret Shield.
  • Improved visibility of vehicle health bar background being too hard to see. (Changed it from black to a shade of grey.)
  • Adjusted FV432 APC kit requirements to no longer require a Crewman kit for the driver.
  • Optimized effects on tank cannon shot and APC auto-cannon shot.
  • Optimized tracer effects to improve performance.
  • Fixed T72 autoload sound playing in other vehicles.
  • Fixed BRDM-2 Spandrel being able to occasionally rapid-fire its missiles more quickly than intended.
  • Fixed particles/vehicle glass shaders not blending properly with fog.
  • Fixed being able to continue loading supplies onto a logistics truck after the FOB has run out of supplies.
  • Fixed FV432 APC being stuck in 1st Gear all the time.
  • Fixed BFV driver receiving splash damage while inside the vehicle.
  • Fixed M1126 M240 destruction costing 10 tickets. Cost has been reduced to 5 tickets.
  • Fixed wrong impact FX and sounds for tank shells being played.


Deployables Gameplay

  • Fixed bug where shoveling down friendly FOB Radio cost your team tickets.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed infinite loading/unloading of supplies.
  • Fixed FOB Radio low health not blocking spawning when damaged by anything except destruction by shovel.
  • Fixed incorrect deployment requirements in the tooltips for FOB Radios for the Militia, Insurgents, and Russians.
  • Fixed mortars not having extreme distance incoming sounds.
  • Fixed DShk shielded deployable having floating ammo boxes.

User Interface

  • Removed Delta Fireteam and shifted colors up. (Bravo Fireteam is now dark blue and Charlie Fireteam is now cyan).
  • Added an indicator for when a player is bleeding inside a vehicle.
  • Added Show Full Servers and Sort by Ping functionality to the Server Browser.
  • Adjusted Vehicle Supply Radial. If your vehicle cannot carry a certain supply type, that supply type will be greyed out.
  • Updated Infantry Tutorial to include “Regional Training Center” on the Map Name.
  • Fixed commander chat saying DIRECT when using ALL.
  • Fixed scroll bar being too dark on the Command Map’s Vehicle List.
  • Fixed player notifications when a player is kicked from a squad. It will no longer show the notification for the player both leaving squad AND getting kicked from squad.
  • Fixed Call Medic button not being initially disabled on subsequent incapacitations.



  • Added new map: Mutaha! Although this region seems idyllic and pastoral at first glance, it has become a contested area between Syria and Iraq due to its highway access and naturally irrigated farmland. The locals have long abandoned their houses and shops, but the war-town streets are anything but quiet as ground forces push to secure this crossroads in the desert. Mutaha map layers include AAS, Invasion, RAAS, Territory Control and Skirmish. (And maybe an old favorite building or two.)
  • Added Helicopters to Gorodok, Kohat Toi, Tallil Outskirts, and Yehorivka map layers.
  • Added Helipads at main bases that can repair and resupply helicopters on all map layers that have helicopters.
  • Increased Skirmish ticket counts to 150 tickets (increased from 100 tickets), and increased staging phase timer to 3 minutes (previously 2 minutes).
  • Adjusted Territory Control ticket values to 400/400 on Logar Valley, Chora, and Skorpo TC v2.
  • Adjusted starting Hexes for Kokan TCv1: Insurgents start with 9, US Army starts with 6.
  • Adjusted US Main for Al Basrah TC v2, moving it closer to the Territory Hexes for balancing.
  • Updated minimaps for Gorodok, Belaya, and Yehorivka.
  • Al Basrah: Added AAS v1, bringing back the classic CP layout with US vs Insurgents.
  • Fools Road: Fixed RAAS v2 Hilltop Encampment flag having an incorrect collision.
  • Fools Road: Fixed being able to prone underneath a landscape mesh near the northeastern map border on Fools Road.
  • Kamdesh: Added TC v2, an alternate layer featuring a battle of unconventional forces: Insurgents vs Militia.
  • Kokan: Fixed Logi Trucks that were Transport Trucks on AAS v1.
  • Logar Valley: Added AAS v2, with an alternate route featuring US vs Insurgents.
  • Narva: Added AAS v2, a new and improved Narva with classic layout.
  • Narva: Optimized with new landscape materials, trees, grass, crops, and water.
  • Narva: Optimized buildings in an initial optimization pass and gave more color variety.
  • Skorpo: Improved and optimized rain weather effects.
  • Tallil Outskirts: Fixed spawn point being outside the staging zone on Tallil Skirmish v1.
  • Yehorivka: Additional optimizations. (See previous patches for more information.)
  • Yehorivka: Improved detailing on “Overpass” POI and re-designed it for improved infantry gameplay.
  • Fixed (Finally!) the landscape renderer bug on several maps that gave players strange discolored grass, foliage, rocks, and roads.
  • Fixed some effects piercing through fog on certain maps.
  • Fixed various foliage types that prevented leaning and construction.
  • Fixed collision issues on various buildings and assets, including certain bridges on Yehorivka and Belaya that were uncrossable.
  • Fixed staging zone pain volumes on Logar Valley and Sumari.
  • Fixed distant snow effects turning on/off depending on your zoom resolution.
  • Fixed some floating objects and minor visual bugs on several maps.


Known Issues

  • Helicopter Tail Rotor component currently can only take damage from collisions with ground, statics and other vehicles. Projectile damage to tail rotors will come in a future update.
  • Helicopters have various handling tweaks, damage values and small bugs that will be addressed in a future update.
  • Localization for most language translations is currently out of date. Our plan is to push a full localization pass when we are much closer to full release and are locking down all the text that will need to be translated for the game.
  • Clients frequently crash at the end of a round, upon map switch due to a (particle) bug. Actively investigating the cause for this crash.
  • Occasional client crashes in various circumstances. Detailed crash reports help us fix things faster and we truly appreciate those that have filled out and sent crash reports.
  • Players will occasionally spawn without full ammo on their first spawn on a server. This occurs if a player was in the match during map switch but did not spawn in during the staging phase. Actively investigating a fix for this bug.
  • Occasionally a player will not spawn at a Rally Point, this often happens when numerous players are spawning in at the exact same time. Actively investigating a fix for this bug.
  • Server performance may periodically dip when a server has a high population and high load. We are continuously working to improve server performance and optimization.
  • Occasionally Self-bandaging fails. Actively investigating this issue.
  • The CP Icon (Capture Point / Flag) will occasionally not show up on a client’s HUD. Investigating this issue.
  • ATGM projectiles desync for other players that are not the gunner, however, what the gunner sees should be the true synced projectile. This is an inherent problem, and the solution will be in the long term.
  • Local/Offline Bug with Vehicles: When playing offline on Jensen’s Range, Tracks, Wheels, and other components are not destructible while on the Jensen’s Range in Local play.
  • Local/Offline Bug with Weapon damages: When playing offline on Jensen’s Range, Weapon damages with both Infantry and Vehicle weapons are not accurately replicated.

Special Thanks

As mentioned in the introduction, we wanted to give a special mention to all the squaddies that have come together to beat the heck out of this patch in testing:

"A special thanks to all those that took the time to write-up Bug Reports and detailed feedback posts! You all played an important role in getting one of the major releases of Squad off the ground, literally. THANK YOU! And a request to keep it coming!

Thank you so much for your passion and support, it really keeps us motivated to continue making this game come to life!"

Sign Off

You heard ’em, squaddies: we want to hear what you think. Be sure to drop by Discord, the official forums, reddit, or just keep an eye out for the next feedback survey in-game! If you’re REALLY feeling it, head over to the Squad store and get some new duds — you’ve earned ’em!

Offworld out.

Quero voltar a jogar! :allgoods:

Sou da época do PR - comprei BF2 por causa dele.

Joguei o Squad no começo e não havia gostado tanto; voltei hoje por pura curiosidade e o jogo está DEMAIS.

Só que, neste meio tempo, me afastei de muita gente e me dediquei a pula-pula estilo CoD e BF, ou a jogos single-player.

posted on November 13, 2019
Hey squaddies!
We’re calling you in for some fire support on this one! The public is now being deployed to your Squad – Public Testing client and features the new Commander role. That role comes with some cool new tools and, perhaps more importantly, a big bit of BOOM. While we’re still working on the file set of patch notes, we did want to include a partial list of changes to help you test. Be sure to let us know what you think!

We’re introducing a new leadership role that is focused on planning and keeping the team on task. The intent for this role is to keep intel flowing between the various Squads, and in ideal circumstances, Commanders can create a dynamic plan for the entire team to follow. We envision that this role can be played in a variety of styles.
  • Commander role is voluntary and requires a vote to elect.
  • Commander abilities are on timers. These may vary for release, so please send us your feedback!
  • Conventional Faction Commanders have access to a UAV that can be used for remote reconnaissance.
  • Conventional Faction Commanders have access to 155mm Artillery barrage, in a creeping pattern or a static pattern focused on one location. Conventional Artillery fires two “ranging” shots before the main barrage.
  • Conventional Commanders have access to an aircraft based Gun or Rocket strike.
  • Unconventional MIL & INS Commanders have access to a Handheld Drone, a more versatile UAV.
  • Unconventional Commanders have access to a static Heavy Mortar barrage. Heavy Mortars are less accurate, have less splash damage, and less penetrating power, but do not have any “ranging” shots required by conventional artillery.
  • Commander abilities have cooldown timers. (Timers reset if a new commander is selected.) Note: Timers are subject to change during testing.
  • Conventional Factions Commanders must be within the radius of a fully built HAB use their abilities.
  • Unconventional Factions Commanders must be within the radius of a HAB or near any friendly vehicle to use their abilities.
  • Added a stamina penalty for leaning, with stamina loss over time when moving as well as using it in bursts. Note: Further improvements to the leaning system and ways to prevent its abuse are in development for a future update.
  • Added stance based stamina regeneration. Stamina will now regenerate faster while crouched and stationary; fastest while prone and stationary.
  • Updated leaning to have different movement speeds. (Crouched movement speed is halved while leaning).
  • Improved the prone lean trace blocking to help decrease the chances that a player can see through the world on steep hills. Further work is in progress.
  • Added vehicle velocity inheritance to players ejecting from vehicles in motion. If a player ejects past a certain velocity, the player will ragdoll and take damage upon impacting the ground.
  • Updated all vehicles to use a new and improved Speed Dependent Gearbox system . Instead of shifting gears at engine RPM ratios gear shifting now happens based on vehicle speed. This will make sure vehicles are always in the best gear driving uphill.
  • Updated Helicopters to have a subtle camera shake during active flight. Camera shake intensity is based on RPMs of the engine.
  • Updated Helicopters so that they can now be steered for a short while after disabling the engine.
  • Adjusted Helicopter collective sensitivity.
  • Added the ability to join another server via the server browser while currently in a server or in the local training range.
  • Added the ability to queue up to another server while currently in a server or in local training range – HUD will show a small queue widget to let the player know their current queue status.
  • Updated Insurgent HAB static to be larger with a new interior layout, to help eliminate players spawning on top. Spawning on top is still an occasional issue and will be fixed in a future update.
  • Fixed collisions on the ZU23 and Mortars to now collide properly with vehicles and vehicle physics bodies.
  • Added a toggle on the command screen to collapse the squad list, so the map can now be displayed in fullscreen glory – especially useful for Commanders.
  • Added a toggle to deployment and command screen (chat bubble toggle) to turn on/off text chat (also accessible in UI options).
  • Removed [GAMENOTIFICATION] showing up in server messages.
  • Helicopter Tail Rotor component currently can only take damage from collisions with ground, statics and other vehicles. Projectile damage to tail rotors will come in a future update.
  • Helicopters have various handling tweaks, damage values and small bugs that will be addressed in a future update.
  • Clients frequently crash at the end of a round, upon map switch due to a UE4 Particle Crash bug upon seamless map travel. Actively pursuing a fix for this crash.
  • When clients get a crash to desktop and the Crash Reporter appears, pressing “Send and Restart Squad” will restart Squad without EAC, which will prevent players from joining most public servers. The workaround, for the time being, is to press “Send and Close”. A proper fix for this issue is under investigation.
  • Occasional client crashes in various circumstances. Detailed crash reports help us fix things faster and we truly appreciate those that have filled out and sent crash reports.
  • Players will occasionally spawn without full ammo on their first spawn on a server. This occurs if a player was in the match during the map switch but did not spawn in during the staging phase. Actively investigating a fix for this bug.
  • Occasionally a player will not spawn at a Rally Point, this often happens when numerous players are spawning in at the exact same time. Actively investigating a fix for this bug.
  • Server performance may periodically dip when a server has a high population and high load. We are continuously working to improve server performance and optimization.
  • Occasionally Self-bandaging fails. Actively investigating a fix for this issue.
  • The CP Icon (Capture Point / Flag) will sometimes not show up on a client’s HUD in the RAAS game mode. This is likely related to RAAS “Lanes”. Investigating a fix for this issue.
  • Insurgent HAB still has a spawning issue where there’s a chance the player will spawn on top of the model instead of inside it. Actively investigating a fix for this bug.
  • ATGM projectiles desync for other players that are not the gunner, however, what the gunner sees should be the true synced projectile. This is an inherent problem, and the solution will be in the long term.
  • Vehicles parking brake will get stuck “On” if a player exits the vehicle while holding the parking brake (Default Spacebar). When encountering a vehicle that appears healthy but is not able to move, try hitting Spacebar to turn the parking brake “Off’. Investigating a fix for this issue.
  • “Alt-tabbing” out of Squad during a loading screen will freeze the client. The recommended solution, for now, is to run in “Borderless” mode.
  • Ammo rack component (on IFVs and Tanks) takes a very long time to repair.
  • Audio module for Squad is initialized at the game start. If a player does not have a microphone plugged in at launch, or accidentally unplug their microphone and then plug it back in, Squad will need to be restarted to get the microphone to work again.
  • SFX bug while Firing in full auto.If the player presses the fire button for a short period of time, the sound effect gives the impression that you fired more rounds then you actually did.
  • Localization for most language translations is currently out of date. Our plan is to push a full localization pass when we are much closer to full release and are locking down all the text that will need to be translated for the game.
  • Local/Offline Bug with Vehicles: When playing offline on Jensen’s Range, Tracks, Wheels, and other components are not destructible while on the Jensen’s Range in Local play.
  • Local/Offline Bug with Weapon damages: When playing offline on Jensen’s Range, Weapon damages with both Infantry and Vehicle weapons are not accurately replicated.
  • Local/Offline Bug with Scoped Emplacements: When playing offline on Jensen’s Range,if a player exits an Emplacement while looking through the scope, the Scope will remain on the Player’s HUD until they get back in the Emplacement and then Scope out.
There are, of course, bound to be some more bugs being a test release… which is precisely where you come in! Be sure to let us know what you think in the forums, or drop by Discord to give us some feedback!
Happy hunting, squaddies.

Esse tipo de jogo não da certo no Brasil, que pena.

Sempre tem um servidor BR ai quando aparece mais um eles começam a brigar entre si. Mas dá pra jogar de boas com os gringos, quase 1300 horas de jogo aqui e tá ficando cada vez melhor.
Lhe garanto que alem de lembrar vai dar vontade de voltar pro PR kkkk

Uma pena, quem nunca pensou que o Squad seria o PR 2.0 pois é...

um mecânica de jogo cada dia mais estranha, de bom só os gráficos do jogo.

PR ainda é muito superior, tanto é que abandonei o Squad uma hora volta a jogar.

Sempre tem um servidor BR ai quando aparece mais um eles começam a brigar entre si. Mas dá pra jogar de boas com os gringos, quase 1300 horas de jogo aqui e tá ficando cada vez melhor.

Essas brigas migraram do PR, a palhaçada é a mesma, panelas e clãs estragando o jogo.
Joguei PR e Squad, e acho Squad muito melhor em quase tudo.

Problema que eu vejo com jogadores de PR é que eles têm dificuldade em se adequar a um jogo novo. Maioria tem 35 anos+ e isso não é demérito, mas é fato que eles ficaram presos a uma forma de jogar de outro jogo de 10 anos atrás tentaram transportar para o Squad achando que isso ia dar certo, e grande parte se recusa a aprender o que funciona. Tanto que no jogo "PRzeiro" tem fama de ser ruim. Faria um paralelo com CS 1.6 e CS:GO, são dois jogos fantásticos, mas cada um teve sua época e forma de jogar, muitas lendas do 1.6 conseguiram jogar CS:GO em alto nível também porque entenderam que é outro game, já outros não se adequaram ao jogo e preferiram dizer que o CS:GO é ruim.

Acho que esse choque entre jogadores de PR x Squad é um dos motivos da comunidade ser tão problemática também.
Free Weekend


35% Off Sale for Doctors Without Borders

A lot of you have been asking when Squad would go on sale again and we’re happy to announce: this Thursday! But we’re even happier to announce the proceeds from copies of Squad sold on April 30 and May 1 will benefit Doctors Without Borders.
To esperando ficar disponível aqui na steam pra baixar hehe
Uma dica: Pelo amor de Deus arrumem os microfones...

Um monte de novato vem jogar d não fala, ou quando fala o mic tá uma merd4.
Uma dica: Pelo amor de Deus arrumem os microfones...

Um monte de novato vem jogar d não fala, ou quando fala o mic tá uma merd4.
Foi um problema que tive tanto no Squad quanto no Post Scriptum, ninguém me ouvia: Tem que definir o seu microfone como dispositivo padrão de comunicação no Windows.
Tentei jogar, mas todo server que clico tomo disconnect. Que bosta...
Parece que o jogo deu uma animada nesse fds. Servers brasileiros lotados.
O jogo sempre teve servidores lotados, problema é que há mais de 1 ano os servidores BR estão recebendo ataques DDoS e não conseguem ficar de pé. Não fosse isso teríamos 2 ou até mais servidores lotados.

Muitos brasileiros desistiram de jogar por conta disso, outros preferem ir jogar em servidor gringo.
O jogo sempre teve servidores lotados, problema é que há mais de 1 ano os servidores BR estão recebendo ataques DDoS e não conseguem ficar de pé. Não fosse isso teríamos 2 ou até mais servidores lotados.

Muitos brasileiros desistiram de jogar por conta disso, outros preferem ir jogar em servidor gringo.
Só pra ver como a comunidade é meio tóxica.
Eu que sou veterano de PRMM e de vez em quando visito SQUAD me sinto meio mal as vezes com a atitude de muito jogador, principalmente SL e CO, que tratam mal os jogadores, ficam rodando a bahiana a toa e chegam a abandonar partida caso as coisas não acontecem segundo os próprios planos.

Claro que é um jogo que exige teamwork, dentro do esquadrão e entre esquadrões, mas tem gente que abusa as vezes e acha que todo mundo deveria ser PRO em conhecer o jogo.
sei lá, parece que o jogo eu uma piorada de performance.. não sei se é só impressão ou depois de ficar muito tempo sem jogar pra curtir jogos com gráficos muito melhores e fluído, tenha causado estranheza quando voltei a jogar Squad...

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