The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - [ TÓPICO OFICIAL ]

Não esta aberto para novas mensagens.
Ai galera,

Niguem me avisou que esse era no Novo CRYSIS motherfucker de PESADO.

18 FPS? Ai port porco passo longe...

Se em 1440x900 Rodou assim, numa HD6950 Já pensou em Full HD?

Coloquei tudo no Ultra, e setei tudo no talo, mais se esse Grafico Mediucre ai, roda a 19 FPS, to fora! e PIOR to put.o pq PAGUEI por esse jogo.


Somente a sombra champz, da uma ajustada ai.
Mas não é sua obrigação botar ordem na área PC Games? :poker:

Óbvio meu caro, eu só procuro evitar spoilers em um jogo que estou atualmente jogando. E dar punição para spoilers é opcional de cada moderador, não é regra. Quando estiver avançado no jogo eu irei tomar as providências quanto ao spoiler pois eu acho justo punir que estraga o jogo dos outros. E também não sou o único moderando aqui.
É só quem já leu os spoilers avisar quem postou e onde tá o post.
Se não gostam colaborem com o moderador também, po.



Fonte: The definitive Skyrim .ini file "Before" and "After" photo comparison thread - Bethesda Softworks Forums.

The definitive Skyrim .ini file "Before" and "After" photo comparison thread

Allright, the past few days has seen some incredible amount of attention to Betheseda's new game, Elder Scrolls V, Skryim. With it, comes a long legacy of tweaking, customizing and improving the game just like its predecassors, Oblivion and Morrowind.

Its become very apparent very quickly that already there are tons of tweaks that can be changed in the SkyrimPrefs.ini file which is found by default in C:\Users\Users\Documents\My Games\Skyrim

A quick look shows there is A LOT of options that can be tweaked, modified or even added to the .INI file to help improve FPS in the game, visual quality or somewhere in between depending on peoples computer setups and gaming desires.

With that comes the question that i've been asking and alot of other people have as well "What do the changes do? What does it look like" There has been much discussion, debate and even arguments on the actuall real impact of changing and or adding information in the .INI file and after a few days since Skyrims launch of spending hours searching the web, reading several forums, browsing and sorting through photos of various qualities, I decided it was time to make a "Definite" thread showing exactly WHAT is changed in the INI and then showing quality EXAMPLES of the changes, specifically BEFORE and AFTER photos with low compression and high resolution so the differences can be seen, wether subtle or massive in game

Seeings how there's PLENTY of information on the web and growing quick in regards to what type of changes and additions can be made to the .ini file, this thread will focus specifically on showing QUALITY EXAMPLES of Before and After each change in the .ini file for Skyrim If you are looking for specific help beyond that, this thread is not for you. This was made and meant to be a quick visual reference guide for everyone an anyone who is playing the PC version of Skyrim to see exactly what can be modified/ added into the SkyrimPrefs.ini file and then seeing the differences, which at that point, the user can make changes as they see fit

I will expand upon this post as time goes on with further testing of .ini file changes and the corresponding pictures to show the differences. If you are willing to add to this visual reference guide, which is meant to be for everyone, I ask the following:

1. Include low compression/ high resolution of before and after photos of the .ini change with a picture host that can handle lots of bandwith and requests. NO EXCEPTIONS!

2. Make easy reference of what exactly you changed in the ini. file both before and after. If you are adding something to the .ini, PLEASE indicate where it should be placed for maximum reliability and stability for peoples machines.

This thread is made and updated by me for the pleasure and ease of my fellow PC gamers and Skyrim brothers to have an easy visual reference for Skyrim .ini file changes. If you have nothing positive to say or contribute, don't say anything. I am doing this from time out of my own schedule and doing this work for the benefit of everyone else

I will start this thread with one the most basic, yet most profound changes you can make in the .ini file to make the game more immersive and life like. By default, the game DOES NOT render shadows for both tree's and small objects/rocks. This gives the world a very "bland" look, especially in broad daylight

To correct, this find the following settings in your SkrimPrefs.ini file


The "0" indicates that these options are turned off, for whatever Bethesedas reasoning. To turn the shadows on, simple change the "0" to a "1" so they look like this


Save your .ini file and load Skyrim. You will notice a difference immediately without any major FPS hit.

No Tree or small object shadows

With Tree and small object shadows enabled

Much better aint it? Well, were just getting started!

The next big issue that people have with Skyrim is the shadow quality and or distance of shadows and the effect on FPS. For some reason that I won't get into here, Betheseda has basically given us the ability to either have

A. High quality shadows close up but no shadows far away
B. Low quality shadows but shadows very far away

Wether due to the Skyrim game engine limitation, coding, or whatever the case may be, until there is an update or patch to the game, we must choose not only how good looking we want our shadows but how far away they are rendered and both will change FPS on most setups.

The .ini entry that modifies how far away and how good our outside shadows look is:


By default, Skyrim renders outside shadows at 8000. This looks like this


This is really the first thing people notice when the enter the game, the close up shadows look very blocky, pixelated and just down right awful, especially the tree shadows near the character in the above pic. The upside is that shadows are rendered very far into the distance, especially tree's, cliffs, overhangs, large rocks ect...

What happens if we reduce that number, say to, 4000? What happens then?


Wow! Look at that! You can now see that the close up tree shadows near the character are MUCH better looking in comparison! Talk about nice! Notice however that our distant tree's, especially across the river no longer have any shadows. This is the tradeoff with the current shadow system in Skyrim as mentioned earlier. We can't have our cake and eat it too at this time, its either long distance shadow with crappy close up ones or good looking shadows close with reduced shadows. To further show this, lets change the shadow distance to 1000


The close up tree shadows near the character look REAL good now! But dang, now the long distance shadows have really taken a hit. Notice that our tree' in front of the character on the trail have lost their shadows as a trade off. Let push it even father for giggles, now to 400


Ouch. We don't get much better close up shadow quality and now were not even getting the shadow of the tree to our left across the trail! Yuck Unless you really like detailed up close shadows, this isn't a worthwhile tradeoff IMO.

Now that you can see the difference in changing the shadow distance and what to change, feel free to experiment to how you want your Skryim shadows to look to your desired taste and or computers capabilities

Next were gonna try a water quality increase and a popular one at that. Can't tell you technically what the changes are, but apparently upping the following .ini entry will increase water qualtiy


By game default, the watersample setting is at "0" which is either low or off, im not sure which.

The following screens are of at iWaterMultiSamples=0



Water doesn't look too bad to be honest. But lets see what changing the value of "0" to "8" does


Hmmm, kinda hard to tell IMO. The water suface appears to have more ripples maybe? Lets try the other photo


Wow, almost impossible to tell with moving water, too much changing to notice the difference

So at this point, im not seeing any real gains with changing iWaterMultiSamples in the .ini file. Unless I did it wrong or someone can fill me in on more information on this one, we'll move on and update this later if needs be.

The next water quality improvement that seems to be popular is under the SkyrimPrefs.ini file near the bottom:


Apparently raising this increases the resolution of water reflections, or so its been said. The default value is "256" is looks like the following



Ok, lets raise it to the maximum value which apparently is "1024"



Hmm once again, the results are dissapointing in that I simply cannot tell any difference in water quality with this change. Again, unless im doing it wrong and someone wants to inform me further, we will leave this one and continue forth

*Special thanks to Lifeshield for the following tweaks!* :clap:

After the dissapointing and hyped up water tweaks, lets do something that actually shows us some real results! The next were gonna look at is increase the tree draw distance which is the following value:


Simply put, this changes how far the tree's are rendered in the landscape. Higher the number, the more tree's farther out. Simple enough. The default value of "75000" looks like this:



With the default now shown, lets change the tree rendering max to apparently 300000, beyond that from what i've heard, you simply can't tell the difference


Its not quickly apparent, but if you look to the far off distance mountains slightly to the left of center, you can see the extra tree's far off. Its not much, but it helps fill in the long horizon with some extra "life" rather then just blank mountain lines. Woo hoo, but now we actually see some benefits! Lets do more!

Dunno about you guys, but in real life, I can see vegetation pretty damn far off into the distance, so having a game that can render the valley floor, praire, flat land or whatever with as much grass and plantlife as possible gives me alot more of a immersive experience into a game, and Skyrim is no exception. A simple and very effective change we make in the ini is for grass which is:


Again, simply put, this value determines how far away grass is rendered into the far away landscape of the game. The default value of "7000" look as such


Not bad, but those far away hills and plains look really empty, dull and lifeless, which drags down the feeling of a "real world" inside the game. From my research, the max value that shows benfit is going up to 25000. Beyond that, apparently shows no difference. So lets try it


Now thats what were talking about! Instant, immediate and without a doubt 100% improvement over the default game setting look! Kinda makes up for all the lame water tweaks that didn't work now doesn't it?

Dando quote na nova página pois é importante!

Nossa Lithos, essa dica da árvore e grama era o que eu precisava! Já fiz aqui!
Dando quote na nova página pois é importante!

Nossa Lithos, essa dica da árvore e grama era o que eu precisava! Já fiz aqui!

Lancelot, não quer fazer um SkyrimPrefs com todas configs no máximo pra gente testar ?
Ia ser uma boa até para colocar na primeira página !
Eu ja vi no primeiro post todas as minhas duvidas, só por curiosidade, alguem ai esta com esse jogo e nao jogou os anteriores e esta entendendo tudo, se adaptou legal tal? porque sinceramente, eu sempre quis pegar um jogo asssim, porque nao pego? insegurança. =D
Eu ja vi no primeiro post todas as minhas duvidas, só por curiosidade, alguem ai esta com esse jogo e nao jogou os anteriores e esta entendendo tudo, se adaptou legal tal? porque sinceramente, eu sempre quis pegar um jogo asssim, porque nao pego? insegurança. =D

Tem essa duvida respondida varias vezes por ai. Eh tipo GTA e Final Fantasy cada jogo uma historia. Nao eh continuacao. :awesome:
No ha milhares de mods jah. Para sombras, varios inis tweaks, texturas etc. Eh em ingles, mas todo dia gasto 1h ou mais vendo oq lancou de novo e testando os trecos.
Eu ja vi no primeiro post todas as minhas duvidas, só por curiosidade, alguem ai esta com esse jogo e nao jogou os anteriores e esta entendendo tudo, se adaptou legal tal? porque sinceramente, eu sempre quis pegar um jogo asssim, porque nao pego? insegurança. =D

pode pegar sem medo cara, unica coisa q qm jogou antes ta por dentro do lore do jogo, sobre as raças, mundos etc.. as vezes nas conversas aparece os nomes de uns caras q apareceram nos anteriores, acho legal isso.. ai vc lembra do cara e tals, qq ele fez e q fim q deu

mas da pra entender completamente a história e tipo, da pra ficar por dentro do lore lendo os livros q tem no jogo q são muitos

No ha milhares de mods jah. Para sombras, varios inis tweaks, texturas etc. Eh em ingles, mas todo dia gasto 1h ou mais vendo oq lancou de novo e testando os trecos.

faço isso tb hauehae
n fico 1 hora :lol2::lol2:
mas do uma olhada td dia
Eu ja vi no primeiro post todas as minhas duvidas, só por curiosidade, alguem ai esta com esse jogo e nao jogou os anteriores e esta entendendo tudo, se adaptou legal tal? porque sinceramente, eu sempre quis pegar um jogo asssim, porque nao pego? insegurança. =D

É bom ter jogado os outros, pelas referências, os nomes dos imperadores e lugares. Mas nada que faça você desistir de jogar, a história é inteiramente nova. Só uma coisa que vai ter ajudar:

Uriel Semptin é o imperador antigo que morre logo no começo do Oblivion(5 min de gameplay), ele foi o ultimo dragonborn que existiu. E quando falarem da Oblivion crysis, é a história do anterior. Oblivion é como se fosse um inferno, e no jogo Oblivion, o Mehrunes Dagon(principe daquele lugar) quer romper a barreira que separa Oblivion do mundo real e então tomar conta de tudo.
Eu faria sim, apoio isso. O problema é que para punir que faz spoiler, eu tenho que também ler o spoiler. Esse moderador aqui também joga! :)

Deixa só eu evoluir um pouco mais no jogo que aí os spoilers não me afetarão muito. Aí eu começo a ler mais o tópico.

isso até faria sentido se tivesse só vc de moderador no forum...
Alguém conseguiu consertar o esquema das sombras serrilhadas ou "jagged"?

Eu fiz aquele esquema padrão que roda por ae de arrumar uns parametros no SkyrimPrefs.ini para 4096, mas não mudou absulutamente nada.
Galera estou jogando na versão jack sparrow mas gostei muito do jogo vou compra no steam será se tem como jogar o save do jogo na pasta do steam e continuar de onde eu parei pq to bem longe e começa de novo e tenso
Galera estou jogando na versão jack sparrow mas gostei muito do jogo vou compra no steam será se tem como jogar o save do jogo na pasta do steam e continuar de onde eu parei pq to bem longe e começa de novo e tenso

cara os saves ficam nos meus documentos/my games/skyrim/saves

então acho q n tem problema não
Galera estou jogando na versão jack sparrow mas gostei muito do jogo vou compra no steam será se tem como jogar o save do jogo na pasta do steam e continuar de onde eu parei pq to bem longe e começa de novo e tenso

Fica sussa, o save está nos meus documentos. Vai lá faz um backup e cola quando instalar o do steam(eu uso steam aqui, mesma pasta).
Última edição:
Qual é o lugar mais barato pra comprar esse jogo?


Fonte: The definitive Skyrim .ini file "Before" and "After" photo comparison thread - Bethesda Softworks Forums.

The definitive Skyrim .ini file "Before" and "After" photo comparison thread
Allright, the past few days has seen some incredible amount of attention to Betheseda's new game, Elder Scrolls V, Skryim. With it, comes a long legacy of tweaking, customizing and improving the game just like its predecassors, Oblivion and Morrowind.

Its become very apparent very quickly that already there are tons of tweaks that can be changed in the SkyrimPrefs.ini file which is found by default in C:\Users\Users\Documents\My Games\Skyrim

A quick look shows there is A LOT of options that can be tweaked, modified or even added to the .INI file to help improve FPS in the game, visual quality or somewhere in between depending on peoples computer setups and gaming desires.

With that comes the question that i've been asking and alot of other people have as well "What do the changes do? What does it look like" There has been much discussion, debate and even arguments on the actuall real impact of changing and or adding information in the .INI file and after a few days since Skyrims launch of spending hours searching the web, reading several forums, browsing and sorting through photos of various qualities, I decided it was time to make a "Definite" thread showing exactly WHAT is changed in the INI and then showing quality EXAMPLES of the changes, specifically BEFORE and AFTER photos with low compression and high resolution so the differences can be seen, wether subtle or massive in game

Seeings how there's PLENTY of information on the web and growing quick in regards to what type of changes and additions can be made to the .ini file, this thread will focus specifically on showing QUALITY EXAMPLES of Before and After each change in the .ini file for Skyrim If you are looking for specific help beyond that, this thread is not for you. This was made and meant to be a quick visual reference guide for everyone an anyone who is playing the PC version of Skyrim to see exactly what can be modified/ added into the SkyrimPrefs.ini file and then seeing the differences, which at that point, the user can make changes as they see fit

I will expand upon this post as time goes on with further testing of .ini file changes and the corresponding pictures to show the differences. If you are willing to add to this visual reference guide, which is meant to be for everyone, I ask the following:

1. Include low compression/ high resolution of before and after photos of the .ini change with a picture host that can handle lots of bandwith and requests. NO EXCEPTIONS!

2. Make easy reference of what exactly you changed in the ini. file both before and after. If you are adding something to the .ini, PLEASE indicate where it should be placed for maximum reliability and stability for peoples machines.

This thread is made and updated by me for the pleasure and ease of my fellow PC gamers and Skyrim brothers to have an easy visual reference for Skyrim .ini file changes. If you have nothing positive to say or contribute, don't say anything. I am doing this from time out of my own schedule and doing this work for the benefit of everyone else

I will start this thread with one the most basic, yet most profound changes you can make in the .ini file to make the game more immersive and life like. By default, the game DOES NOT render shadows for both tree's and small objects/rocks. This gives the world a very "bland" look, especially in broad daylight

To correct, this find the following settings in your SkrimPrefs.ini file


The "0" indicates that these options are turned off, for whatever Bethesedas reasoning. To turn the shadows on, simple change the "0" to a "1" so they look like this


Save your .ini file and load Skyrim. You will notice a difference immediately without any major FPS hit.

No Tree or small object shadows

With Tree and small object shadows enabled

Much better aint it? Well, were just getting started!

The next big issue that people have with Skyrim is the shadow quality and or distance of shadows and the effect on FPS. For some reason that I won't get into here, Betheseda has basically given us the ability to either have

A. High quality shadows close up but no shadows far away
B. Low quality shadows but shadows very far away

Wether due to the Skyrim game engine limitation, coding, or whatever the case may be, until there is an update or patch to the game, we must choose not only how good looking we want our shadows but how far away they are rendered and both will change FPS on most setups.

The .ini entry that modifies how far away and how good our outside shadows look is:


By default, Skyrim renders outside shadows at 8000. This looks like this


This is really the first thing people notice when the enter the game, the close up shadows look very blocky, pixelated and just down right awful, especially the tree shadows near the character in the above pic. The upside is that shadows are rendered very far into the distance, especially tree's, cliffs, overhangs, large rocks ect...

What happens if we reduce that number, say to, 4000? What happens then?


Wow! Look at that! You can now see that the close up tree shadows near the character are MUCH better looking in comparison! Talk about nice! Notice however that our distant tree's, especially across the river no longer have any shadows. This is the tradeoff with the current shadow system in Skyrim as mentioned earlier. We can't have our cake and eat it too at this time, its either long distance shadow with crappy close up ones or good looking shadows close with reduced shadows. To further show this, lets change the shadow distance to 1000


The close up tree shadows near the character look REAL good now! But dang, now the long distance shadows have really taken a hit. Notice that our tree' in front of the character on the trail have lost their shadows as a trade off. Let push it even father for giggles, now to 400


Ouch. We don't get much better close up shadow quality and now were not even getting the shadow of the tree to our left across the trail! Yuck Unless you really like detailed up close shadows, this isn't a worthwhile tradeoff IMO.

Now that you can see the difference in changing the shadow distance and what to change, feel free to experiment to how you want your Skryim shadows to look to your desired taste and or computers capabilities

Next were gonna try a water quality increase and a popular one at that. Can't tell you technically what the changes are, but apparently upping the following .ini entry will increase water qualtiy


By game default, the watersample setting is at "0" which is either low or off, im not sure which.

The following screens are of at iWaterMultiSamples=0



Water doesn't look too bad to be honest. But lets see what changing the value of "0" to "8" does


Hmmm, kinda hard to tell IMO. The water suface appears to have more ripples maybe? Lets try the other photo


Wow, almost impossible to tell with moving water, too much changing to notice the difference

So at this point, im not seeing any real gains with changing iWaterMultiSamples in the .ini file. Unless I did it wrong or someone can fill me in on more information on this one, we'll move on and update this later if needs be.

The next water quality improvement that seems to be popular is under the SkyrimPrefs.ini file near the bottom:


Apparently raising this increases the resolution of water reflections, or so its been said. The default value is "256" is looks like the following



Ok, lets raise it to the maximum value which apparently is "1024"



Hmm once again, the results are dissapointing in that I simply cannot tell any difference in water quality with this change. Again, unless im doing it wrong and someone wants to inform me further, we will leave this one and continue forth

*Special thanks to Lifeshield for the following tweaks!* :clap:

After the dissapointing and hyped up water tweaks, lets do something that actually shows us some real results! The next were gonna look at is increase the tree draw distance which is the following value:


Simply put, this changes how far the tree's are rendered in the landscape. Higher the number, the more tree's farther out. Simple enough. The default value of "75000" looks like this:



With the default now shown, lets change the tree rendering max to apparently 300000, beyond that from what i've heard, you simply can't tell the difference


Its not quickly apparent, but if you look to the far off distance mountains slightly to the left of center, you can see the extra tree's far off. Its not much, but it helps fill in the long horizon with some extra "life" rather then just blank mountain lines. Woo hoo, but now we actually see some benefits! Lets do more!

Dunno about you guys, but in real life, I can see vegetation pretty damn far off into the distance, so having a game that can render the valley floor, praire, flat land or whatever with as much grass and plantlife as possible gives me alot more of a immersive experience into a game, and Skyrim is no exception. A simple and very effective change we make in the ini is for grass which is:


Again, simply put, this value determines how far away grass is rendered into the far away landscape of the game. The default value of "7000" look as such


Not bad, but those far away hills and plains look really empty, dull and lifeless, which drags down the feeling of a "real world" inside the game. From my research, the max value that shows benfit is going up to 25000. Beyond that, apparently shows no difference. So lets try it


Now thats what were talking about! Instant, immediate and without a doubt 100% improvement over the default game setting look! Kinda makes up for all the lame water tweaks that didn't work now doesn't it?
Deu uma bela diferença! pqp! eu fico entrando neste topico não sei o pq, minha maldita VGA ainda está viajando quando ela chegar vou estar de féiras! o vida!
Como estou fazendo pourraninhuma aqui no trampo:yellowface: vou ser legal:orly: e colocar uma dica que não sei se já postaram mas eu uso desde o Oblivion.

Pra alguns isso pode não ter utilidade, outros podem achar que é cheat, mas pra mim isso ajuda um pouco na diversão e imersão do jogo.

Falo da escala de tempo de jogo. Pra quem não sabe, o Oblivion e o Skyrim agora, usam uma proporção para calcular quantas horas de passam in-game em relação a quanto tempo se passou na vida real.

Em oblivion eu não lembro qual era a proporção, mas em Skyrim ela é de 20 minutos in-game pra 1 minuto em vida real. Isso significa que, pra cada minuto de jogo se passaram 20 minutos em Skyrim, 3 min equivalem a 1 hora, e 1 hora e 12 min se passou um dia inteiro dentro do jogo.

Pra mim isso é muito rápido, pois, muitas vezes eu saio de uma cidade de manhã, faço uma dungeon e quando saio já anoiteceu e eu fico sem poder vender meu loot:feelbad:

Pra mudar isso é bem simples. Basta digitar o comando Set Timescale XX no console, onde XX é a quantidade de minutos que você quer que se passe in-game à cada minuto na vida real. Depois de usarem o comando podem sair e entrar do jogo sem problemas, o valor não reseta para o padrão. Para verificarem o valor atual usem o comando Show Timescale.

Eu uso o valor de 12, o que faz com que um dia em Skyrim demora 2 horas na vida real. Algumas pessoas gostam de usar 15, outras preferm usar valores menores que 10. Cuidado que, pelas minhas pesquisas, valor igual ou inferior à 5 causa bugs em várias quests.

Fica ai a dica e usem com cautela, não me responsabilizo se seu pc explodir depois de usar isso:yellowface::haha:
Lancelot, não quer fazer um SkyrimPrefs com todas configs no máximo pra gente testar ?
Ia ser uma boa até para colocar na primeira página !

Nao existe "configs maximas" nessa engine. Voce pode ir aumentando milhares de coisas. To usando uma ini agora otimizada para usar varios threads da CPU. NEgocio eh ir pegando os detalhes de cada ini e ir alterando de acordo com oq seu PC segura. Jogo em resolucao 2560x1440, qlqr efeito de AA muito forte consome minha VGA, e nessa resolucao posso ateh pegar mais leve nisso. Negocio eh ir testando.
Depois de recomeçar o jogo umas 5 vezes usando diversas combinações, finalmente cheguei nessa build:


Prioridade alta
Light Armor

Prioridade média

Prioridade baixa

Assim eu fico com a mobilidade e agilidade da light armor, a defesa do shield e o ataque da espada para melee.
Também posso usar o bow para ficar invisível nas dungeons ou para iniciar uma batalha.

O q vcs acham?
Se meu computador aguentasse, ia colocar em prática esses tweaks que o Lithos postou. Estamos chegando numa época bem interessante, pós-lançamento, com quase uma semana do acontecido, que as pessoas já jogaram bastante, testaram bastante, e um monte de tweaks e mods vão começar a sair.

E uma coisa que gostei demais no jogo, mais uma coisa, aliás, são as dungeons dos Dwarven. São extremamente lindas, e com uma arquitetura bem diferente do restante do jogo. Pior que só fui entrar numa pela primeira vez agora, no level 34. :lol2:

Aliás, eu ainda tô impressionado como aquele FXAA Injector mudou totalmente a cara do jogo. Tô falando disso de novo, porque recomendo demais que todo mundo use, a versão com Low Saturation. Não pesa nada, e transformou o que já era bonito, em algo maravilhoso.
:datena: or did not happen :cereal:

No Ultra é TUDO no Ultra :cereal: Nao no ultra-medium. :poker:
Tudo Ultra MAS com shadow=high da pico de 60fps sim, mas o normal eh perto dos 40fps

Uso o Steam pra tirar fotos e nele não mostra o OSD, e agora já troquei a HD5850 pela GTX580, então n posso mais te provar aqui.
Mas eu usava o Ultra msm, não diminui a shadow e só não usava AA. Normal era de 60fps indoors e no mundo, só em áreas como o centro de Riften e perto das chamas em Whiterun o fps caia pra 20 e pko, mas de resto era sempre 60fps constante.
Não esta aberto para novas mensagens.

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