- Arrive at destination
2022-04-18 06:15:00 [GMT-3]
- Hong Kong - Shipped by air
2022-04-17 12:11:20 [GMT+8]
- Handover to airline
2022-04-17 05:50:00 [GMT+8]
- Received in Hong Kong
2022-04-14 15:07:10 [GMT+8]
- Depart from transit country or district
2022-04-10 09:37:12 [GMT+8]
- Handed over to the Carrirer
2022-04-10 09:37:12
- Departure from Regional Sorting Center
2022-04-08 08:10:28
- Dispatched from Office of Exchange
2022-04-07 20:47:19
- [深圳市]离开【香港中快项目部】,下一站【深圳市】
2022-04-07 13:17:29
- Depature from Local Sorting Center
2022-04-07 13:17:29
- Post office collection.
2022-04-07 13:16:32 [GMT+8]
- Arrive at transit country or district
2022-04-07 12:25:52 [GMT+8]
- [Fenggang Town]Outbound in sorting center
2022-04-07 01:55:26 [GMT+8]
- [Fenggang Town]Inbound in sorting center
2022-04-06 22:34:56 [GMT+8]
- Accepted by carrier
2022-04-06 16:27:28 [GMT+8]
Já falei com o Correios que o Aliexpress avisou que a encomenda chegou aqui, eles me responderam assim:
"Não respondemos por informações divergentes prestadas por outras empresas ou vendedores."
Resumindo, tiraram o deles da reta, e eu que lute esperando a boa vontade deles da encomenda chegar.