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Não esta aberto para novas mensagens.
Depois desse aviso do amigo vou comprar um PS4 então, quem não quer jogar os lançamentos do ano passado agora com uma iluminação melhor e AA né, e tem outra se fanboy comprou deve ser bom :coolface::coolface::coolface:

Resumão dos jogos de PS4 no primeiro ano do lançamento, KZ Shadow fail, Infails e jogos de PS3 remasterizados, ótimo produto para investir :bwahaha::bwahaha::bwahaha:
Última edição:
se vc ver bem, a taxa do ML pra um valor desses é em torno de 3 a 5 reais (no máximo acredito) e dura mais de 2 meses (já sendo um anuncio prata onde as visualizações são bem maiores)
acredite isso é uma coisa facil de vender (e 2 meses é bastante tempo, com certeza alguém aparece), afinal, é que nem aquela frase "quem não arrisca, não petisca"
Quem vai comprar se por enquanto todas unidades vendidas já vem com ele?:yuno:
Po a MS tinha que lançar uma atualização pra melhorar o DVR.. no PS4 tá show de bola poder gravar 15min de gameplay e transferir direto pra um pendrive.
Po a MS tinha que lançar uma atualização pra melhorar o DVR.. no PS4 tá show de bola poder gravar 15min de gameplay e transferir direto pra um pendrive.

Mas você pode gravar quanto tempo quiser usando o Twitch, e ainda upar direto para o youtube :hmm:

Até onde eu saiba isso é bem melhor, mas nunca usei também :haha:
Mas você pode gravar quanto tempo quiser usando o Twitch, e ainda upar direto para o youtube :hmm:

Até onde eu saiba isso é bem melhor, mas nunca usei também :haha:
Mas aí é diferente cara, vc tem que ter uma conexão estável e com um bom upload pra sempre manter a qualidade boa... Sem contar que se vc quiser fazer uma edição, vc vai ter que upar pro YT, baixar o video, aí sim editar e depois upar novamente..
Mas aí é diferente cara, vc tem que ter uma conexão estável e com um bom upload pra sempre manter a qualidade boa... Sem contar que se vc quiser fazer uma edição, vc vai ter que upar pro YT, baixar o video pra depois upar novamente..

Ah sim, entendi agora. Pensei que teria um jeito de usar o Twitch pra gravar sem transmitir ao vivo. E pra transmitir depois só.

Mas o único problema que vejo no DVR é a limitação de 5 minutos. Porque você pode upar ele para um disco virtual e pegar em qualquer computador. Isso pra mim é melhor até que pendrive, mas claro também depende de ter uma boa conexão :feelbad:
Depois desse aviso do amigo vou comprar um PS4 então, quem não quer jogar os lançamentos do ano passado agora com uma iluminação melhor e AA né, e tem outra se fanboy comprou deve ser bom :coolface::coolface::coolface:

Resumão dos jogos de PS4 no primeiro ano do lançamento, KZ Shadow fail, Infails e jogos de PS3 remasterizados, ótimo produto para investir :bwahaha::bwahaha::bwahaha:

xone nao ta mto diferente nao hein...ambos tao precisando aumentar a biblioteca urgente! Espero que até o final de 2015 isso ja seja aguas passadas e tenha mts nos dois pra jogar



Any time you transition to a new platform, there is the opportunity to look at things with a new perspective. For us at 343 Industries, the launch of the Xbox One was an opportunity to think about what stories we wanted to tell, how to tell them, and how best to push the Halo franchise to showcase the platform. And, most importantly, combining our passion for Halo with the vocal and informative input from our fans.

Halo isn’t simply a perennial game franchise, it’s a part of the Xbox platform itself. In terms of innovation and ideation, it’s sometimes important to people who might not even play Halo. And of course it’s a passion and an essential experience for two generations of gamers. So we asked ourselves, how do we begin and where do we go with Halo on Xbox One?

In the past, Halo games have pushed the Xbox forward, showcasing the console and its ecosystem in entertaining and innovative ways. Making a Halo game that runs at 60 frames per second, on dedicated servers, with the scope, features and scale we’ve been dreaming of for more than a decade, is non-trivial. It’s a task that we, at 343 Industries, are taking very seriously to ensure we deliver the Halo game that fans deserve, and a game that is built from the ground up for Xbox One.

I’m happy to reveal that Halo 5: Guardians, the next installment in the legendary saga of the Master Chief, will launch on Xbox One in fall of 2015. In the tradition of every Halo game since its debut in 2001, it is a massive and exciting project.

Halo 5: Guardians is a bigger effort than Halo 4. That applies to the content and scope of the game, as well as the technology in what’s now a brand new and more powerful engine. Certainly there are some core elements carried over from prior games, but we’ve invested a huge effort in retooling our tech to take full advantage of the Xbox One’s hardware and ecosystem to create worlds and experiences worthy of next-gen.

It’s a game that will hopefully demonstrate the talent, learnings and abilities of the 343 Industries team. A game that will incorporate the things we learned from Halo 4 about technology, aesthetics, performance and scale – and perhaps more importantly, understanding and embracing a community of gamers who love what lies at the heart of this game, and the limitless potential of the Halo universe.

And 2015 won’t simply be the year of Halo 5: Guardians, it will also be a year that offers us a unique opportunity. The opportunity to invite old friends and new audiences into that universe through the Halo television series, launched as a unique collaboration with Steven Spielberg and some of the finest creative minds in the business. A series that will stand alone, as well as complement and enrich the game experience. We’ll have more to share on the Halo television series as we near its projected fall 2015 release.

Your Journey Begins in 2014

Many fans noted that I was very deliberate with my phrasing on stage at E3 last year. I spoke about a “journey,” rather than a destination – and that journey definitely begins in 2014 with a giant leap, rather than one small step. We’ll give you much more information about our plans for this year at the Xbox E3 2014 Media Briefing on June 9, and we’re confident that Halo fans will be pretty excited the special plans we have in store.

So until E3, I’d like to express my gratitude to our massive and varied Halo community, whose energy, enthusiasm, criticism and kindness are the driving force behind what we do and what we hope to achieve in Halo 5: Guardians.
Eu nunca fui lá muito fã de Halo, sempre fui mais um jogador de Gears (e espero ansiosamente pelo próximo), mas ótima notícia essa aí! Só mostra que o Xonão não veio pra brincar. :bwahaha:
"We'll give you much more information about our plans for this year at the Xbox E3 2014 Media Briefing on June 9, and were confident that Halo fans will be pretty excited the special plans we have in store."

Halo 2 anniversary
Mano, o meu é o HT-E3500/ZD da samsung, ele funciona o 5.1 perfeitamente no X360 e em filmes, BD etc, mas não consigo perceber esse efeito no XONE ligando elo HDMI, e na configuração do AUDIO, ele não permite eu configurar para 5.1, ai fica só no estereo... sabe como resolver??

Não consegui fazer meu X1 funcionar o som pelo HDMI, saia som e não saia imagem ou vice e versa, ai acabei deixando ligado pelo cabo optico mesmo. rsrs



Any time you transition to a new platform, there is the opportunity to look at things with a new perspective. For us at 343 Industries, the launch of the Xbox One was an opportunity to think about what stories we wanted to tell, how to tell them, and how best to push the Halo franchise to showcase the platform. And, most importantly, combining our passion for Halo with the vocal and informative input from our fans.

Halo isn’t simply a perennial game franchise, it’s a part of the Xbox platform itself. In terms of innovation and ideation, it’s sometimes important to people who might not even play Halo. And of course it’s a passion and an essential experience for two generations of gamers. So we asked ourselves, how do we begin and where do we go with Halo on Xbox One?

In the past, Halo games have pushed the Xbox forward, showcasing the console and its ecosystem in entertaining and innovative ways. Making a Halo game that runs at 60 frames per second, on dedicated servers, with the scope, features and scale we’ve been dreaming of for more than a decade, is non-trivial. It’s a task that we, at 343 Industries, are taking very seriously to ensure we deliver the Halo game that fans deserve, and a game that is built from the ground up for Xbox One.

I’m happy to reveal that Halo 5: Guardians, the next installment in the legendary saga of the Master Chief, will launch on Xbox One in fall of 2015. In the tradition of every Halo game since its debut in 2001, it is a massive and exciting project.

Halo 5: Guardians is a bigger effort than Halo 4. That applies to the content and scope of the game, as well as the technology in what’s now a brand new and more powerful engine. Certainly there are some core elements carried over from prior games, but we’ve invested a huge effort in retooling our tech to take full advantage of the Xbox One’s hardware and ecosystem to create worlds and experiences worthy of next-gen.

It’s a game that will hopefully demonstrate the talent, learnings and abilities of the 343 Industries team. A game that will incorporate the things we learned from Halo 4 about technology, aesthetics, performance and scale – and perhaps more importantly, understanding and embracing a community of gamers who love what lies at the heart of this game, and the limitless potential of the Halo universe.

And 2015 won’t simply be the year of Halo 5: Guardians, it will also be a year that offers us a unique opportunity. The opportunity to invite old friends and new audiences into that universe through the Halo television series, launched as a unique collaboration with Steven Spielberg and some of the finest creative minds in the business. A series that will stand alone, as well as complement and enrich the game experience. We’ll have more to share on the Halo television series as we near its projected fall 2015 release.

Your Journey Begins in 2014

Many fans noted that I was very deliberate with my phrasing on stage at E3 last year. I spoke about a “journey,” rather than a destination – and that journey definitely begins in 2014 with a giant leap, rather than one small step. We’ll give you much more information about our plans for this year at the Xbox E3 2014 Media Briefing on June 9, and we’re confident that Halo fans will be pretty excited the special plans we have in store.

So until E3, I’d like to express my gratitude to our massive and varied Halo community, whose energy, enthusiasm, criticism and kindness are the driving force behind what we do and what we hope to achieve in Halo 5: Guardians.

Halo 5: Guardians é anunciado para o Xbox One - desenvolvedora quer o game em 60fps


Halo 5? Agora eu vi vantagem ... Halo é simplesmente sensacional, já terminei todos lançados até hoje ... Multiplayer então, fora de série. Excelente notícia essa!



Any time you transition to a new platform, there is the opportunity to look at things with a new perspective. For us at 343 Industries, the launch of the Xbox One was an opportunity to think about what stories we wanted to tell, how to tell them, and how best to push the Halo franchise to showcase the platform. And, most importantly, combining our passion for Halo with the vocal and informative input from our fans.

Halo isn’t simply a perennial game franchise, it’s a part of the Xbox platform itself. In terms of innovation and ideation, it’s sometimes important to people who might not even play Halo. And of course it’s a passion and an essential experience for two generations of gamers. So we asked ourselves, how do we begin and where do we go with Halo on Xbox One?

In the past, Halo games have pushed the Xbox forward, showcasing the console and its ecosystem in entertaining and innovative ways. Making a Halo game that runs at 60 frames per second, on dedicated servers, with the scope, features and scale we’ve been dreaming of for more than a decade, is non-trivial. It’s a task that we, at 343 Industries, are taking very seriously to ensure we deliver the Halo game that fans deserve, and a game that is built from the ground up for Xbox One.

I’m happy to reveal that Halo 5: Guardians, the next installment in the legendary saga of the Master Chief, will launch on Xbox One in fall of 2015. In the tradition of every Halo game since its debut in 2001, it is a massive and exciting project.

Halo 5: Guardians is a bigger effort than Halo 4. That applies to the content and scope of the game, as well as the technology in what’s now a brand new and more powerful engine. Certainly there are some core elements carried over from prior games, but we’ve invested a huge effort in retooling our tech to take full advantage of the Xbox One’s hardware and ecosystem to create worlds and experiences worthy of next-gen.

It’s a game that will hopefully demonstrate the talent, learnings and abilities of the 343 Industries team. A game that will incorporate the things we learned from Halo 4 about technology, aesthetics, performance and scale – and perhaps more importantly, understanding and embracing a community of gamers who love what lies at the heart of this game, and the limitless potential of the Halo universe.

And 2015 won’t simply be the year of Halo 5: Guardians, it will also be a year that offers us a unique opportunity. The opportunity to invite old friends and new audiences into that universe through the Halo television series, launched as a unique collaboration with Steven Spielberg and some of the finest creative minds in the business. A series that will stand alone, as well as complement and enrich the game experience. We’ll have more to share on the Halo television series as we near its projected fall 2015 release.

Your Journey Begins in 2014

Many fans noted that I was very deliberate with my phrasing on stage at E3 last year. I spoke about a “journey,” rather than a destination – and that journey definitely begins in 2014 with a giant leap, rather than one small step. We’ll give you much more information about our plans for this year at the Xbox E3 2014 Media Briefing on June 9, and we’re confident that Halo fans will be pretty excited the special plans we have in store.

So until E3, I’d like to express my gratitude to our massive and varied Halo community, whose energy, enthusiasm, criticism and kindness are the driving force behind what we do and what we hope to achieve in Halo 5: Guardians.

Sou muito fã dessa porra... :megusta:

Prevejo ele em 1080p e 60fps :fuckyeah:
preferia a noticia de um novo gears...mas sem problemas, ctz q falarão algo dele nessa E3 tb
bom, nunca tive 360 e por isso nunca joguei halo.

por não conhecer qse nada do jogo, tenho a impressão que é meio que um killzone.

o quão errado estou?
Eis o dilema:

Comprar agora o PVZ no Deals with Gold com 25% de desconto ou esperar sair no Games with gold? :hmm:
bom, nunca tive 360 e por isso nunca joguei halo.

por não conhecer qse nada do jogo, tenho a impressão que é meio que um killzone.

o quão errado estou?


não conheço muito do killzone, mas creio que Halo seja bem melhor em questao de historia e jogabilidade (pelos videos que vi no killzone no youtube) :haha:
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