A J6 SimRacing irá organizar um Torneio Teste com o Assetto Corsa Competizione, que visa estudar requisitos mínimos de hardware para o servidor, regras de campeonatos, entre outras coisas, para a abertura de um campeonato assim que saia a versão 1.0.

Clima dinâmico?
Sacanagem, meu ponto de frenagem antes da segunda chicane tiraram. Acho que era uma passarela que ficava quase no fim da reta.
Clima dinâmico?
Sacanagem, meu ponto de frenagem antes da segunda chicane tiraram. Acho que era uma passarela que ficava quase no fim da reta.

O clima randômico ainda não está disponível.
Pena, mas coloca uma corrida com chuva pra agradar a todos. Vou dar uma corrida lá pra testar.

O objetivo é testar o desempenho do hardware do servidor entre outras coisas. A chuva, que será obrigatória na liga quando o clima randômico sair, não ajuda em anda neste momento. A maioria odeia, é mais fácil aparecer dois ou três do que outra coisa.

Se eles ativarem a opção de clima randômico e liberarem a opção de você mudar o composto de pneu durante a corrida, certamente isso será testado.
Última edição:
Ai que tá. Todo mundo fala de chuva, de clima randômico e coisa e tal, que simulador A tem e simulador B não tem. Ai vc cria um corrida com essas condições e todo mundo foge.

Vai entender...

Mas gostei da iniciativa.
Ai que tá. Todo mundo fala de chuva, de clima randômico e coisa e tal, que simulador A tem e simulador B não tem. Ai vc cria um corrida com essas condições e todo mundo foge.

Vai entender...

Mas gostei da iniciativa.

Uma coisa é colocar chuva 100% do tempo. Sem variação de intensidade ou mesmo parar e voltar, etc. Outra coisa é colocar de forma randômica. O ACC ainda não tem o modo randômico liberado (salvo alguns special events). Mas concordo que a grande maioria fala em chuva e nunca quer correr nela.
Restam apenas 7 (sete) vagas para o Torneio Teste com o ACC.
Primeira etapa já é nesta quinta.

Para se inscrever e saber as regras clique no link abaixo
Poxa, gostaria muito de participar deste evento mas de quinta pra mim não da pois participo de uma liga de Gran Turismo e é justo de quinta-feira kkkk mas no próximo se cair em outro dia da semana, irei participar com certeza.
Opa, eu topo participar dessa liga ai ein
Se não fosse quinta eu conseguiria participar.

A galera poderia gravar video/live pra quem perdeu poder ver como que é
0.7 liberada :)

Surprise! Assetto Corsa Competizione 7th Early Access release is OUT NOW on Steam. Featuring mechanical and visual damage, custom and dynamic weather, multi-functional strategy widget, penalties, rating-requirements in Multiplayer, custom race weekends, brake air duct simulation and some fixes and optimisations we are ready to get into the final stage of Early Access programme. The release date of Assetto Corsa Competizione will be announced soon: but the full release does not mean the end of development at all!

With this release, the SRO E-Sport GT Series in game Special Event will also open (it is controlled remotely, expect it to come a bit later in game) and SILVER qualifications will start for Monza's round!
Changelog v0.7.0

- Opened SRO E-Sports Series - Round 1 special event.
NOTE: This special event is controlled remotely and may be invisible for a short time after the release.
- Reintroducing Endurance game modes.
- Added Custom Race Weekend mode that allows you to completely customize a race weekend, including number of races, mandatory pit stops and time multiplier.
NOTE: Some features, such as the Superpole session will become available in the full release of the game.
- Introducing penalties for various on-track transgressions: pitlane speeding, cutting, failure to serve mandatory pitstop within the pit window.
Penalties include warnings, drive-through, stop&go and disqualification. Cutting is penalized depending on time gained. Cuts with large gains result in DQ straight away. Speeding in the pitlane may remove your fastest lap in non-race sessions, and serious speeding results in DQ straight away. Added penalty for reversing.
- Introducing pit stops with refuel, tyre change, damage repair and serving penalties.
- Introducing dynamic weather, custom weather and track status presets: the Weather page in the menu now allows you to select existing presets and enable dynamic weather for each single one of them. The preset defines the starting conditions, and also have a significant effect on what you can expect. Weather variability can range from 1 to 100%.
The Custom weather preset allows you to set each aspect of the conditions, including cloud cover, the intensity of rain and levels of track wetness and standing water.
NOTE: Selecting the Clear weather preset and high variability doesn't mean that you can expect drastic changes over a short period. Cloudy weather on the other hand, has a much bigger probability of producing precipitation, but variability can also render conditions to improve significantly.
NOTE: The weather is designed to be dynamic over realistic periods of time. However, as it uses game-time, the player can accelerate weather transitions by using the time multiplier.
- Various improvements in cut detection and corresponding penalties.
- Fixed engine start assist sometimes failing to restart the car.
- Added input to change secondary (Racelogic device) pages. Cycles between current laptime, delta, stint time and speed). Default key is ALT+D.
- Added input to toggle wiper on and off. Uses last selected wiper speed. Default key is ALT+W.
- Replay pause: now updated on random access.
- Replay pause: now possible to use the free camera controls with the same speed as 1x speed.
- Improved management of automatic highlights priority and avoiding flood.
- Option file for replay in [Documents/Assetto Corsa Competizione]/Config/replay.json
- Added possibility to reduce saved replay time in options/general.
- Fixed wheel speed with different replay playing times.
- Fixed replay focused camera for disconnected cars during random access.
- Next car/previous shortcut is now based on relative car positions.
- Improved logic for white/yellow/blue flag and optimizations for marshalls.
- Fixed fireworks/tracklight/endmode for replay.
- Permanent spotter message groups.
- Added short wait time at the start of the formation to allow enough time for manual starting procedure.

- Fixed Safety Rating (SA) decaying in both race and solo conditions.
- Improved Racecraft Rating (RC) development directly after unlocking.
- Improved Consistency Rating (CN), should now be more sensitive to inconsistencies.
- Improved Consistency Rating (CC) to be less volatile.
- Improved ingame rating widget to highlight rating value gains.
- Rating widget will now allow to unlock the highest rating Competition (CP) and remain in collapsed state then.
- Added data charts and insights for SA and RC rating Driver Profile Rating Page.
- Fixed driver category assignment in Total Rating page, added Beginner and Rookie categories.
- Due to the significant changes in RC and SA, both ratings will be reset. Progress in TR, CN and CC will remain.

- Fixed a bug in VR that caused the racing HUD to flicker and hit performance by constantly re-rendering the overlay.
- Introducing visual and mechanical damage:
Mechanical damage affects bodywork, suspension, aero and tyres.
Visual damage affects bodywork, windows, can deform body parts and also affects the functionality of headlights.
- Added dynamic windshield dirt effects that are cleaned off during pit stops.
- Added blurred brake disc visuals.
- Fix for Dash and DashPro cameras having wrong offset/rotation when using custom settings.
- Fix for wrong camera pitch after F1 cycle with lock to horizon enabled.

- First release of the new multi-page and multi-functional widget, replacing the old Standings widget.
It contains a real-time track position page, standings, pit stop strategy and car electronics. Navigation is possible with all navigation inputs, including keyboard arrows, D-Pad and mouse.
It enables the player to control all car-related inputs (TC, ABS, wiper, lights, rain light etc.) on the fly, without having to map each key to the steering wheel/button box.
NOTE: the MFD uses navigation inputs, which means input overlap may need some bindings to be remapped.
NOTE: the MFD navigation in VR is not yet functional, thank you for your patience.
- Introducing weather forecast and grip status widget: a simple widget on the HUD that alerts the player of changing weather forecast in 10 and 30-minute projections. It is also visible on the race and setup screens.
NOTE: It shows weather forecast in real-world time, which means in accelerated sessions the forecast will be translated to a time that is easier to understand for the player.
- Fixed timing issues on car dash displays.
- Additional server information on Multiplayer lobby page, including session status and dynamic weather indicator.
- HUD pages can now by cycled backwards using Shift+F2.
- Added realtime track position widget.
NOTE: it is now the default page inside the MFD in multi-car sessions.
- Weather and Track status summary now visible on the weather tile in the Single Player page.
- Added helper information for various single player pages and the new weather page.
- Added tyre pressure readout on tyre app to help users who do not use cockpit cameras monitor tyre pressure.

- Optimizations in multithreaded CPU calculations.
- Brake duct simulation. Influences brake disc heat and braking efficiency, but also rim and air temperature inside the tyre and thus pressure and general tyre temperature.
- Brake duct settings in setup aero screen for all cars. Setting 0 is a completely closed duct and can provoke brake fade very very fast, exceeding 1000°C. Never to be used in a real race, but added for simracer's gratification. Setting 6 is completely open and can keep the brakes very cold.
The peak temperature is of course important but keep in mind that a low setting not only heats up more, but doesn't cool down the brake in the straights, so the heat accumulates and keeps dissipating heat to the tyres.
Ideally you want your front brake HUD to show green or slight yellow at the end of your braking zone and your rear, green. Don't judge after just 2,3 braking zones. Do a couple of laps and let the brakes do some heat/cool cycles to arrive at a balanced condition.
- Suspension damage for all cars (WIP).
- Basic aero damage for all cars (WIP).
- Optimizations to tyre flex at very low speeds, to diminish or even eliminate an FFB vibration around 50kmh.
- Added tyre pressure and potential puncture influenced by riding kerbs aggressively.
If you ride stepped kerbs with low tyre pressure (cold tyre) the tyre flex might provoke pressure loss. How much pressure loss is not easy to predict, but the lower the pressure the more pressure loss will happen. Hitting the kerbs and sliding laterally over them with low pressures can result to a tyre deflation losing all pressure instantly in less than a lap. Avoid kerbs with very cold tyres at all costs. When the tyre has adequate pressure, the risk of loss of pressure is almost null so you can attack kerbs again. Be careful when racing on slick tyres when it starts raining. The tyres will lose temperature very fast and so you must avoid kerbs until you enter for your pitstop. Any pressure over 26psi is relatively safe. The whole system is complex, brand new and we are still working on it. Thank you for your patience.
- Improved collision model, which significantly benefits car-to-ground collisions. Also brings significant improvements to car behaviour when attacking any kind of kerbs.
- Start ECU assist now has more discreet intervention because of the launch control implementation. To start, just floor it in 1st gear with clutch on and revs will be limited to 5000rpm. The less start assist should aid when trying to spin around on grass after a track exit.
- Tweaked TC logic for all cars. Permits more slippage in straight line and more angle. Can result in more oversteery cars in lower TC settings so take care when track is slippery.
- Fixed bug that could cause an event to start with tyres in ambient temperature if user clicked directly on drive.
- Wet tyre adjustments.
- Slick tyres optimum pressure range now 1-2 psi higher.

- Exterior engine volumes are now higher.
- Interior engine volumes are now higher.
- Fixed wind sound in tunnel/underpass sometimes not played properly.
- Fixed pit alarm sirens sometimes not played properly.
- Tuned exterior volume for engine reverb and reflection.
- Tuned volume attenuation curve for opponents when the player is in cockpit/chase cameras.
- New radio messages and alerts, including penalties, damage, tyre pressure warning.
- Fixed possible crash changing device for xaudio2.
- Fixed inconsistencies in ambient zone audio.
- Updated fmod to version 1.10.10.

- Fixed issue where the HUD would vanish after a session transition.
- Enabled server rating requirements, see updates in https://www.assettocorsa.net/forum/...server-configuration-for-server-admins.54830/
- Added dirt and visual damage to Multiplayer.
- Improved server lobby stability.
- Enabled dynamic weather in multiplayer server configuration, see updates in https://www.assettocorsa.net/forum/...server-configuration-for-server-admins.54830/
- Improved race-weekend track condition simulation in Multiplayer when dynamic weather is used.
- Safety (SA) and Racecraft (RC) ratings will change with a drastically reduced rate on password protected servers.
- Added server admin commands: /kick and /ban.
Servidor da J6SimRacing para o Torneio Teste já está atualizado com a versão 0.7. clima randômico ativo.
Que update ótimo, heim! Tomara que tenha poucos bugs. A noite estamos na pista para treinar para corrida de amanha da J6!
Que update ótimo, heim! Tomara que tenha poucos bugs. A noite estamos na pista para treinar para corrida de amanha da J6!

Se você ler os detalhamentos dos danos de suspensão e pneus aí sim você fica impressionado com o trabalho dos caras.

ACC v.0.7 brings brake ducts simulation.

Actually brake ducts simulation was always there, but now it is enabled as setup choice. As usual the preset setups have a default brake duct setting, that can work safely pretty much in any condition, different brake duct settings can affect greatly the brake efficiency but also the tyre temperatures and of course up to a point, the aerodynamics of the car.

The obvious functionality of the brake duct is to bring more or less air to the brake discs and keep them in a temperature range that can be effective. Setting 0 is a completely closed duct and can provoke brake fade very very fast, exceeding 1000°C. Never to be used in a real race, but added for simracer's gratification. Setting 6 is completely open and can keep the brakes very cold.

Small and fast note of how the brake heat affects braking performance. The brake discs and pads have a range of optimum friction, just like the tyres. Keeping their temperature between this range, will give you the best possible brake performance. Of course that doesn't mean that it will also stop the car sooner, as this depends on a multitude of reasons like tyre grip, downforce, ABS, setup etc. But it is obvious that a very cold brake system will make your braking zones much longer and the same will happen for a very hot brake system. In addition a very hot brake system will also wear down the pads much faster... but this is a different story for a different release version maybe :p

The brake duct doesn't only change the peak heat temperature but, most importantly it changes how the heat gets dissipated after you release the brakes. A low setting will keep the brakes hot for a longer period of time after your last braking zone, while a higher setting will not only achieve a lower peak temperature but also cool them down faster.

Ideally you want your front brake HUD to show green or slight yellow at the end of your braking zone and your rear, green. Don't judge after just 2,3 braking zones. Do a couple of laps and let the brakes do some heat/cool cycles to arrive at a balanced condition.
MoTeC channels are available for brake heat.

This behaviour brings us to the next very important influence of the brakes. The red hot discs will warm up the rims and then the air inside the tyre. In that way you can use the brake heat to heat your tyres up or try to run a bit colder brakes to keep the tyres from overheating.
Again, a couple of laps are needed to check the heat behaviour of the whole system brakes and tyres.

Also keep in mind that the brake ducts, especially the fronts, get heat from low near the asphalt. That is why they are influenced more by asphalt temperature. This means that you might have the same ambient temperature but an overcast weather will heat the asphalt and thus the brakes, more than a cloudy condition.
Also, the water now influences the brake discs, so under rain conditions it is better if you use a lower brake duct settings.

Finally, as you might have thought, the brake ducts will influence a bit the aerodynamics of the car, both in downforce and most importantly drag. The differences aren’t massive as you might expect, but they will make 3-4kmh difference at the long straight of Paul Ricard and as you know, every little counts.

ACC V.0.7 also brings an industry first tyre damage implementation.

One of the most risky conditions in a racing car, is cold tyres. Everybody has heard pit radio screaming at the driver to warn him that his tyres are cold and he should warm them up. Obviously a well warmed up tyre gives better grip and improves performance so it makes sense to have warm tyres at all costs. Still, there is a much more dangerous situation that occurs on cold tyres. A tyre is inflated with a low pressure so that with heat going up, the tyre will be at the optimum pressure. On the other hand a cold tyre will go even lower in pressure and this means the tyre can flex and move a lot. Riding a stepped kerb on a very low tyre, will make it vibrate and flex a lot. This can provoke carcass damage, can make the tyre lose contact with the rim and small amounts of pressure, eventually creating a vicious cycle that can provoke permanent deflation of the tyre and puncture! All of this is now simulated in ACC.

When the pressure goes under 24psi, you will get a warning from pitradio to keep an eye on it and avoid kerbs. You should really avoid kerbs at all costs when the pressure is so low. If you ride and slide over stepped kerbs with such a low kerb, the tyre might lose pressure. If the pitradio understands that you lost a good amount it will warn you again. It’s up to you of course to do a pitstop and put new tyres or raise the pressures, or risk it and stay out trying to heat up your tyres and raise your pressures. But don’t blame us if over a kerb the tyre will instantly deflate and you’ll end up spinning with no grip… or tyre.

Go outside the track and rejoining, running wide on grass and sand traps can also provoke similar tyre damage situations. All in all, the more you abuse your tyres when not in correct pressures, the more risk you have to get a puncture or at least to seriously compromise your tyres life.

A typical scenario of what you might experience: You start with slick tyres and correct pressures. Dynamic weather changes and you get night time cloudy with lower temperature or slight rain. You think you can handle it with slicks and decide to stay out. The grip is not bad but the tyres lose temperature and pressure fast. You get a warning from the pit radio which you ignore and you keep pushing on the kerbs. Another different warning, this time the pit radio says they detect a slow puncture or simply you’re losing pressure. Another kerb, and another and then that frightening sound of a tyre exploding, sparks from the under tray scratching the asphalt and your car spinning without control… maybe you should have made that pitstop for rain tyres.

Obviously the system is brand new and needs tweaking, so we appreciate your feedback. There is nothing random in the system, all of it depends on your actions, but some of the causes and effects are not predictable. You can never tell how your tyres hit the kerb or what impact they got in the re-entry from the grass, so some effects might seem random to you, but they are not.
We think it adds extra depth of simulation, realism and decision making while racing.

Finally with ACC v.0.7 we also activate the classic damage. Aero damage, drag and downforce, suspension bends, and total crash can happen. It’s a good system, fairly simple, does the job. We will try to improve on that too, in the near future.

Hope you will enjoy.
Bom...o pessoal esteve trabalhando bem pesado nesses últimos meses. Esse último update mostra o nível de comprometimento e trabalho deles. Parabéns!!
Pessoal, Torneio Teste com o ACC começa amanhã.
Restam apenas 4 vagas.
Regras e inscrições no link abaixo.

Desejo sorte no evento pessoal.
Pena mas as datas nao consigo participar.

Update de hoje parece sensacional, vou testar a noite para ver como ficou, e participar tambem do evento oficial da Kunos.
Depois vamos compartilhar aqui nossos tempos para quem se aventurar no evento.

VLW galera.
Caramba! Testando aqui. Não fico em um servidor. Só entrar, rapidinho todos os carros travam lá ou somem e fico correndo sozinho no servidor. Eu heim!! Testar num nacional pra ver.
Desejo sorte no evento pessoal.
Pena mas as datas nao consigo participar.

Update de hoje parece sensacional, vou testar a noite para ver como ficou, e participar tambem do evento oficial da Kunos.
Depois vamos compartilhar aqui nossos tempos para quem se aventurar no evento.

VLW galera.

Para mim também só tenho disponível segunda e terça. E compartilha também o setup....
Para mim também só tenho disponível segunda e terça. E compartilha também o setup....

Setup padrão fechei 11min no evento. Melhor tempo foi algo de 1:51:baixo
Testei com a BMW em Zolder. Gzuissss.... os freios frontais aquecem muito rápido. Aumentei o duto pro máximo mas ainda sim aquecem muito depois de umas 5 voltas
Com Ferrari e Lambo não tive esse problema
Importante tbm ressaltar o grande salto no comportamento da galera do online. Fiz umas 3 corridas e foram super de boas.
Update do caralho. Esse pra mim vai ser o sim número 1. Pelo trabalho que eles estão fazendo, pelo comprometimento e pelos detalhes que eles estão colocando.

Ai depois vai vir aquele simuleiro e vai dizer que a física do ACC é estranha, justamente por não saber desses detalhes que não vemos nos outros sims.
Testei com a BMW em Zolder. Gzuissss.... os freios frontais aquecem muito rápido. Aumentei o duto pro máximo mas ainda sim aquecem muito depois de umas 5 voltas
Com Ferrari e Lambo não tive esse problema
Importante tbm ressaltar o grande salto no comportamento da galera do online. Fiz umas 3 corridas e foram super de boas.

Tenta diminuir a pressão dos freios ou então jogar os freios mais pra trás. Tvz ajude.
Update do caralho. Esse pra mim vai ser o sim número 1. Pelo trabalho que eles estão fazendo, pelo comprometimento e pelos detalhes que eles estão colocando.

Ai depois vai vir aquele simuleiro e vai dizer que a física do ACC é estranha, justamente por não saber desses detalhes que não vemos nos outros sims.

Tenta diminuir a pressão dos freios ou então jogar os freios mais pra trás. Tvz ajude.
Eu tentei alterar a pressão do freio, mas tbm não deu muito resultado. Achei exagerado o aquecimento dos freios na BMW, pelo menos nessa pista de Zolder, q foi a única q testei depois do patch 0.7
Depois vou tentar testar em outras condições

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