[TÓPICO OFICIAL] Batman: Arkham Knight

Passando por aqui para postar o mesmo que postei no tópico de performance. Apesar de falar dos dois assuntos, tanto de performance como do game, segue ai.

Seguinte, minha 780 não é milagrosa e muito menos tenho porque mentir, mas aqui não tive stuntering, lag, travadas nem nada. A única coisa estranha que notei foi o seguinte, desabilitei os 30fps no bloco de notas, porém no game quando estou no chão os fps não sobem, ficam travados em 30, agora se vou para os telhados, os frames sobem, batem os 60, é interessante porque não fica oscilando, no chão 30 e no alto 60.

Quando estou no Batmóvel mesma coisa, sem stuntering, nada, fica liso, sem engasgos.

Coloquei aquele arquivinho para habilitar o AO e sinceramente não vi diferença a não ser escurecer a tela um pouco. Também habilitei a AF para 16 no bloco de notas e no CP da nvidia. O jogo está bem bonito, apesar dessa escorregada das texturas entre pc e ps4, falando nelas, também habilitei elas para alta no bloco de notas.

O único crash que estou tendo é quando saio do game.

É isso pessoal, o que me resta agora é desabilitar o fraps e ir curtir o game, que por sinal parece estar muito bom.
Passando por aqui para postar o mesmo que postei no tópico de performance. Apesar de falar dos dois assuntos, tanto de performance como do game, segue ai.

Seguinte, minha 780 não é milagrosa e muito menos tenho porque mentir, mas aqui não tive stuntering, lag, travadas nem nada. A única coisa estranha que notei foi o seguinte, desabilitei os 30fps no bloco de notas, porém no game quando estou no chão os fps não sobem, ficam travados em 30, agora se vou para os telhados, os frames sobem, batem os 60, é interessante porque não fica oscilando, no chão 30 e no alto 60.

Quando estou no Batmóvel mesma coisa, sem stuntering, nada, fica liso, sem engasgos.

Coloquei aquele arquivinho para habilitar o AO e sinceramente não vi diferença a não ser escurecer a tela um pouco. Também habilitei a AF para 16 no bloco de notas e no CP da nvidia. O jogo está bem bonito, apesar dessa escorregada das texturas entre pc e ps4, falando nelas, também habilitei elas para alta no bloco de notas.

O único crash que estou tendo é quando saio do game.

É isso pessoal, o que me resta agora é desabilitar o fraps e ir curtir o game, que por sinal parece estar muito bom.

Como habilita o AF no bloco de notas?
Vc queria dificuldade em Batman? Hauahaujauahayahauaju... o jogo que vc zera praticamente usando um botão... :lol2:
Existe gente retardada que joga apertando somente um botão? :lol2::lol2::lol2:

So tenho um problema, esta dando crash com os efeitos da nvidia.

Ai esta normal ?
Nesse ponto aqui está normal.

Só tive BSOD quando fiquei alternando muito a resolução.
Como habilita o AF no bloco de notas?

Pasta do jogo > pasta bmgame > arquivo Bmsystemsettings

Procure essa linha, está em 4x, mude para 16 no arquivo e no painel da nvidia.
Meu jogo é Steam, como altero o áudio de BR pra EUA?

Já tentei isso (no Launcher.ini) e não resolveu:

; For testing localisation un-comment one of the lines below.

; Maps a windows culture name to a localisation folder.
; NOTE, if running on a system which has a culture code that is not in this list
; then the locale mapped to "default" is used, you can use the full culture
; name if desired, i.e. es-BO for Spanish-Bolivia or you can just use the first
; two characters, i.e. es for Spanish
; fr=Fra
; it=Ita
; de=Deu
; es=Esn
; pl=Pol
; ru=Rus
; pt=Por
Meu jogo é Steam, como altero o áudio de BR pra EUA?

Já tentei isso (no Launcher.ini) e não resolveu:

; For testing localisation un-comment one of the lines below.

; Maps a windows culture name to a localisation folder.
; NOTE, if running on a system which has a culture code that is not in this list
; then the locale mapped to "default" is used, you can use the full culture
; name if desired, i.e. es-BO for Spanish-Bolivia or you can just use the first
; two characters, i.e. es for Spanish
; fr=Fra
; it=Ita
; de=Deu
; es=Esn
; pl=Pol
; ru=Rus
; pt=Por
Tu quer deixar com áudio inglês e legenda em português?

Se for, não tem como.
Dear Batman: Arkham Knight PC owners,

We want to apologize to those of you who are experiencing performance issues with Batman: Arkham Knight on PC. We take these issues very seriously and have therefore decided to suspend future game sales of the PC version while we work to address these issues to satisfy our quality standards. We greatly value our customers and know that while there are a significant amount of players who are enjoying the game on PC, we want to do whatever we can to make the experience better for PC players overall.

Thank you to those players who have already given valuable feedback. We are continuously monitoring all threads posted in the Official Batman: Arkham Knight Community and Steam forums, as well as any issues logged with our Customer Support (support.wbgames.com). If you purchased your copy of the game and are not satisfied with your experience, then we ask for your patience while these issues are resolved. If desired, you can request a refund at help.steampowered.com (Steam refund policies can be found here: http://store.steampowered.com/steam_refunds) or the retail location where you purchased the game.

The Batman: Arkham fans have continually supported the franchise to its current height of success, and we want to thank you for your patience as we work to deliver an updated version of Batman: Arkham Knight on PC so you can all enjoy the final chapter of the Batman: Arkham series as it was meant to be played.

Fonte: https://community.wbgames.com/t5/Su...ate-on-PC-Version-of-Arkham-Knight/m-p/575332
Não sei se já postaram, mais amanha vem o patch 1.01

06/25 Patchnote 1.01 from Rocksteady site
06/25 - Batman™: Arkham Knight - Patch 1.01

-Various stabilIty fixes.
-Add CPU optimizations, Nvidia Gameworks™ framerate improved, 30 fps cap removed.
-Massive improvements for the batmobile, stuttering is gone.
-Framerate improvements when running SLI or Crossfire.
-Add the rain effect on the models, different models and textures were missing from the console version, textures are now working better.
-Fixed the GCPD Sewers elevator stuck in wrong state when backtracking to the area.
-Add SSAO HBAO+, FXAA SMAA MSAA, TXAA support, and many other graphical settings.
-Now the high res textures are working again.
-Immediately acquiring concussion detonator after using batwing now saves objective when fast traveling later.
-Fixed animation crash using invalid texture’s unused memory.
-On rare occasions, Batman would only have 1 health after restarting after title autosaves. This should no longer happen.
-The use of Batmobile is no longer mandatory for some missions.
-Greatly improve the collisions, for a proper new-gen experience.
-Fixed another ‘infinite falling’ issue in GCPD.
-Fix potential issue when backing out too soon after creating a new save slot.
-Batmobile gameplay is improved.
-Fixed issue where consumable's names and descriptions would not be in English if the user booted in some unsupported languages.

Rocksteady Studios is sorry for all the problems caused by the first version of the game and we want to apologize to our fans supporting us since years, thanks to everyone for purchasing the game, all our teams will continue to work hardly on it to make the best game possible. Good game everyone !

Dear Batman: Arkham Knight PC owners,

We want to apologize to those of you who are experiencing performance issues with Batman: Arkham Knight on PC. We take these issues very seriously and have therefore decided to suspend future game sales of the PC version while we work to address these issues to satisfy our quality standards. We greatly value our customers and know that while there are a significant amount of players who are enjoying the game on PC, we want to do whatever we can to make the experience better for PC players overall.

Thank you to those players who have already given valuable feedback. We are continuously monitoring all threads posted in the Official Batman: Arkham Knight Community and Steam forums, as well as any issues logged with our Customer Support (support.wbgames.com). If you purchased your copy of the game and are not satisfied with your experience, then we ask for your patience while these issues are resolved. If desired, you can request a refund at help.steampowered.com (Steam refund policies can be found here: http://store.steampowered.com/steam_refunds) or the retail location where you purchased the game.

The Batman: Arkham fans have continually supported the franchise to its current height of success, and we want to thank you for your patience as we work to deliver an updated version of Batman: Arkham Knight on PC so you can all enjoy the final chapter of the Batman: Arkham series as it was meant to be played.

Fonte: https://community.wbgames.com/t5/Su...ate-on-PC-Version-of-Arkham-Knight/m-p/575332

Então vão parar de vender? rpzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

primeira vez que vejo isso, realmente um precedente tenso mas ao menos admitiram o erro gigantesco.
Que palhaçada desses caras lançar o jogo nesse estado. O pior é que o Arkham City também saiu ruim, mas não tão ruim quanto esse AK. Comprei o City no lançamento e fiquei meses sem jogar por esse motivo. Nunca mais comprei nada da Warner no lançamento.
Não sei se já postaram, mais amanha vem o patch 1.01

06/25 Patchnote 1.01 from Rocksteady site
06/25 - Batman™: Arkham Knight - Patch 1.01

-Various stabilIty fixes.
-Add CPU optimizations, Nvidia Gameworks™ framerate improved, 30 fps cap removed.
-Massive improvements for the batmobile, stuttering is gone.
-Framerate improvements when running SLI or Crossfire.
-Add the rain effect on the models, different models and textures were missing from the console version, textures are now working better.
-Fixed the GCPD Sewers elevator stuck in wrong state when backtracking to the area.
-Add SSAO HBAO+, FXAA SMAA MSAA, TXAA support, and many other graphical settings.
-Now the high res textures are working again.
-Immediately acquiring concussion detonator after using batwing now saves objective when fast traveling later.
-Fixed animation crash using invalid texture’s unused memory.
-On rare occasions, Batman would only have 1 health after restarting after title autosaves. This should no longer happen.
-The use of Batmobile is no longer mandatory for some missions.
-Greatly improve the collisions, for a proper new-gen experience.
-Fixed another ‘infinite falling’ issue in GCPD.
-Fix potential issue when backing out too soon after creating a new save slot.
-Batmobile gameplay is improved.
-Fixed issue where consumable's names and descriptions would not be in English if the user booted in some unsupported languages.

Rocksteady Studios is sorry for all the problems caused by the first version of the game and we want to apologize to our fans supporting us since years, thanks to everyone for purchasing the game, all our teams will continue to work hardly on it to make the best game possible. Good game everyone !

Animou o meu dia
Dear Batman: Arkham Knight PC owners,

We want to apologize to those of you who are experiencing performance issues with Batman: Arkham Knight on PC. We take these issues very seriously and have therefore decided to suspend future game sales of the PC version while we work to address these issues to satisfy our quality standards. We greatly value our customers and know that while there are a significant amount of players who are enjoying the game on PC, we want to do whatever we can to make the experience better for PC players overall.

Thank you to those players who have already given valuable feedback. We are continuously monitoring all threads posted in the Official Batman: Arkham Knight Community and Steam forums, as well as any issues logged with our Customer Support (support.wbgames.com). If you purchased your copy of the game and are not satisfied with your experience, then we ask for your patience while these issues are resolved. If desired, you can request a refund at help.steampowered.com (Steam refund policies can be found here: http://store.steampowered.com/steam_refunds) or the retail location where you purchased the game.

The Batman: Arkham fans have continually supported the franchise to its current height of success, and we want to thank you for your patience as we work to deliver an updated version of Batman: Arkham Knight on PC so you can all enjoy the final chapter of the Batman: Arkham series as it was meant to be played.

Fonte: https://community.wbgames.com/t5/Su...ate-on-PC-Version-of-Arkham-Knight/m-p/575332

Ta legal, assumiram o erro, mais tem uma parte desse texto que me deixou com uma pulga atras da orelha.

We take these issues very seriously and have therefore decided to suspend future game sales of the PC version

Ou seja, eles não pretendem vender os futuros lançamentos para PC, ou pretendem não vender enquanto o problema não ser resolvido?

Meu inglês é horrível, minha interpretação esta certa?
Ta legal, assumiram o erro, mais tem uma parte desse texto que me deixou com uma pulga atras da orelha.

We take these issues very seriously and have therefore decided to suspend future game sales of the PC version

Ou seja, eles não pretendem vender os futuros lançamentos para PC, ou pretendem não vender enquanto o problema não ser resolvido?

Meu inglês é horrível, minha interpretação esta certa?
Eles não pretender futuras copias da versão pc do batimão enquanto eles não arrumarem
Ta legal, assumiram o erro, mais tem uma parte desse texto que me deixou com uma pulga atras da orelha.

We take these issues very seriously and have therefore decided to suspend future game sales of the PC version

Ou seja, eles não pretendem vender os futuros lançamentos para PC, ou pretendem não vender enquanto o problema não ser resolvido?

Meu inglês é horrível, minha interpretação esta certa?
Também fiquei com essa dúvida :hmm:
Não sei se já postaram, mais amanha vem o patch 1.01

06/25 Patchnote 1.01 from Rocksteady site
06/25 - Batman™: Arkham Knight - Patch 1.01

-Various stabilIty fixes.
-Add CPU optimizations, Nvidia Gameworks™ framerate improved, 30 fps cap removed.
-Massive improvements for the batmobile, stuttering is gone.
-Framerate improvements when running SLI or Crossfire.
-Add the rain effect on the models, different models and textures were missing from the console version, textures are now working better.
-Fixed the GCPD Sewers elevator stuck in wrong state when backtracking to the area.
-Add SSAO HBAO+, FXAA SMAA MSAA, TXAA support, and many other graphical settings.
-Now the high res textures are working again.
-Immediately acquiring concussion detonator after using batwing now saves objective when fast traveling later.
-Fixed animation crash using invalid texture’s unused memory.
-On rare occasions, Batman would only have 1 health after restarting after title autosaves. This should no longer happen.
-The use of Batmobile is no longer mandatory for some missions.
-Greatly improve the collisions, for a proper new-gen experience.
-Fixed another ‘infinite falling’ issue in GCPD.
-Fix potential issue when backing out too soon after creating a new save slot.
-Batmobile gameplay is improved.
-Fixed issue where consumable's names and descriptions would not be in English if the user booted in some unsupported languages.

Rocksteady Studios is sorry for all the problems caused by the first version of the game and we want to apologize to our fans supporting us since years, thanks to everyone for purchasing the game, all our teams will continue to work hardly on it to make the best game possible. Good game everyone !

esse patchnote é fake.

esse carinha postou pra zuar

Mas em pouco tempo assim já tem um patch para corrigir? Até parece que foi de propósito um lançamento péssimo. :haha:

Tomara que arrume logo o jogo, pois quero muito jogar.


Fake? :mesa:
Bom meu PC é um FX-8350 + 16gb HyperX FURY 1866MHz + R9 280

Não sei se o jogo esta muito bugado ou ele exige muito + que isso para rodar, o jogo fica dando umas travadas horríveis, as texturas dos inimigos estão tbm horríveis, o gráfico das texturas não deixa eu colocar maior que médio, sinceramente não da para jogar como esta
Pelo visto é continuar com essa versão por enquanto

Vídeo in game abaixo.
O jogo já sumiu da loja Só tem o season pass.

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