[TÓPICO OFICIAL] HearthStone: Heroes of Warcraft

Murlock deck ta engraçado de jogar pqp...

Logo começa a fase 2, até final de semana libera pra todo mundo :)

o tópico foi atualizado com a data e horário do Test Season 2.

We will be officially transitioning to Test Season 2 tomorrow (January 9th) for all regions, during each region's scheduled maintenance time period. Expected maintenance times are as follows:

NA: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST
EU: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST
KR/TW: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST
CN: 12:00 PM - 2:00PM PST
Aki das 16 as 18h vai rolar o reset de rank.
Depois que comecei jogar diablo parei com hearthstone...tava começando a viciar....Tem 15 dias que não jogo.
Vou ver se dou uma conferida nessa fase 2.
Rapaiz ontem foi dia de apanhar, depoisque zeraram o rank. Começei a encontrar muito jogadores mais fortes que eu que começaram a subir no rank novamente pqp. Tem uns viciados (pay to win) que tem 4 a 5 cartas lendarias , eu como não uso nemhuma passei maior sufoco.

A coisa mais irritante que tem foi jogar contra sacerdote ladrão de cartas, quase quebro meu mouse, monitor e tudo mais :mesa::mesa::mesa:kkkkkkkkk
Isso ai de lendária depende mto, tem algumas poucas que são boas mesmo mas a maioria da minha opinião é pouca coisa melhor que as comuns, n é algo que vá fazer um player perder, eu tenho 4 ou 5 no entanto ainda n coloquei nada de crédito no servidor, só de missões diárias mesmo
Então segura essa legendaria ai!!!!!

OBS: Ele equipa arma 3/8 usando 3 de mana e a abilidade do heroi de custo 2 eh botar na mesa um infernal 6/6.




imagina o ódio q o cara ficou velho...nem o cara q jogou o pact esperava.....mas só esta carta deve funcionar!!!!:bwahaha:
Aqui ta dificil... Desmontei meu deck de priest para fazer o de druid do Day9 e fiquei travado no rank 17-18... Subo e baixo sem conseguir melhorar de rank. Ai peguei meu deck apelão de murlock e ja estou indo pro 13.... IMBA game. Murlocks = OP!
Faltou dizer quantas vitorias vc teve. Geralmente eu chego a 4~5, meu melhor resultad foi 6 e nunca veio lendaria.

Dessa vez foram 3 ou 4...meu record são 11
Mega atualização amanhã, muitos nerfs e um buff:
earthstone Update: Upcoming Changes 1/13

Thank you so much for continuing to play, test, and give feedback on Hearthstone as the closed beta testing phase begins to draw to a close. We are monitoring card balance over time, and without your continued testing efforts, we wouldn’t have the necessary data we need in order to make changes to cards that may warrant them. This should be our last big set of balance changes; once we go live, we plan to make very few card changes, and only if they are absolutely necessary.

We will be making changes to the following cards: Unleash the Hounds, Sylvanas Windrunner, Blood Imp, Defender of Argus, Pyroblast, Dark Iron Dwarf, Abusive Sergeant, Warsong Commander, Charge, and Novice Engineer.

Unleash the Hounds’ mana cost is now 2 (down from 4)

Unleash the Hounds was intended to give Hunters their own form of AoE and to have synergy with other beast cards, but its old cost was too prohibitive.
Pyroblast’s mana cost is now 10 (up from 8)

The 8-cost Pyroblast made for an un-interactive experience where the Mage only needed to do 10 damage during the course of a game and then double Pyroblast you for the win. We want Mages to be more interactive with the opponent to achieve victory, rather than delay the game until they can Pyroblast.
Blood Imp is now a 0/1 and now reads: Stealth. At the end of your turn, give another random friendly minion +1 Health.

The Warlock has three very strong 1-cost minions and that made the Warlock rush deck slightly stronger than we were comfortable with.
Warsong Commander has been reworked and now reads: Whenever you play a minion with 3 or less Attack, give it Charge.

Charge (the spell, not the keyword) has been reworked and now costs 3 mana. The card’s new power reads: “Give a friendly minion +2 Attack and Charge”.

Both of these cards were key components in “One Turn Kill” or “OTK” decks that kill your opponent in one turn without requiring any cards on the board. We want the game to be about playing minions and fighting for board control rather than just waiting until you can play your big combo and win in one turn with no interaction from your opponent.
Abusive Sergeant now reads: Battlecry: Give a minion +2 Attack until end of turn.

Abusive Sergeant was changed to make its power the same as the Dark Iron Dwarf and to give it additional versatility.
Dark Iron Dwarf’s buff now only lasts until the end of the turn.

This change was made to reduce the Dark Iron Dwarf’s overall power slightly. We also wanted to make the Battlecry effect the same as Abusive Sergeant‘s as to not force you to permanently buff one of your opponent’s creatures.
Defender of Argus is now a 2/3 (down from 3/3)

Defender of Argus was a card that found itself automatically included in many decks due to its power and stats. We want players to have an option of what cards they put in their decks, so cards that feel like they must be in all decks (especially Neutral ones) are not ideal.
Novice Engineer is now a 1/1 (down from 1/2)

The Novice Engineer was played in most non-rush decks (and even some rush decks) due to its cost and power. Similar in reasoning to our Defender of Argus change, we want players to have an option of what cards they put in their decks.
Sylvanas Windrunner’s mana cost is now 6 (up from 5)

Sylvanas had power and stats that made it a bit too powerful compared to other 5-cost cards, which made it automatically included in many decks. We want players to have an option of what cards they put in their decks, so cards that feel like they must be in all decks (especially Neutral ones) are not ideal.
Expert cards that are being changed can be disenchanted for their full cost for a limited time when the patch goes live. We hope these changes will increase the variety of cards you will see at all levels of play, and make playing Hearthstone a more fun and interactive game for everyone.
Dessa vez foram 3 ou 4...meu record são 11
Mega atualização amanhã, muitos nerfs e um buff:
earthstone Update: Upcoming Changes 1/13

Thank you so much for continuing to play, test, and give feedback on Hearthstone as the closed beta testing phase begins to draw to a close. We are monitoring card balance over time, and without your continued testing efforts, we wouldn’t have the necessary data we need in order to make changes to cards that may warrant them. This should be our last big set of balance changes; once we go live, we plan to make very few card changes, and only if they are absolutely necessary.

We will be making changes to the following cards: Unleash the Hounds, Sylvanas Windrunner, Blood Imp, Defender of Argus, Pyroblast, Dark Iron Dwarf, Abusive Sergeant, Warsong Commander, Charge, and Novice Engineer.

Unleash the Hounds’ mana cost is now 2 (down from 4)

Unleash the Hounds was intended to give Hunters their own form of AoE and to have synergy with other beast cards, but its old cost was too prohibitive.
Pyroblast’s mana cost is now 10 (up from 8)

The 8-cost Pyroblast made for an un-interactive experience where the Mage only needed to do 10 damage during the course of a game and then double Pyroblast you for the win. We want Mages to be more interactive with the opponent to achieve victory, rather than delay the game until they can Pyroblast.

Blood Imp is now a 0/1 and now reads: Stealth. At the end of your turn, give another random friendly minion +1 Health.

The Warlock has three very strong 1-cost minions and that made the Warlock rush deck slightly stronger than we were comfortable with.
Warsong Commander has been reworked and now reads: Whenever you play a minion with 3 or less Attack, give it Charge.

Charge (the spell, not the keyword) has been reworked and now costs 3 mana. The card’s new power reads: “Give a friendly minion +2 Attack and Charge”.

Both of these cards were key components in “One Turn Kill” or “OTK” decks that kill your opponent in one turn without requiring any cards on the board. We want the game to be about playing minions and fighting for board control rather than just waiting until you can play your big combo and win in one turn with no interaction from your opponent.
Abusive Sergeant now reads: Battlecry: Give a minion +2 Attack until end of turn.

Abusive Sergeant was changed to make its power the same as the Dark Iron Dwarf and to give it additional versatility.
Dark Iron Dwarf’s buff now only lasts until the end of the turn.

This change was made to reduce the Dark Iron Dwarf’s overall power slightly. We also wanted to make the Battlecry effect the same as Abusive Sergeant‘s as to not force you to permanently buff one of your opponent’s creatures.
Defender of Argus is now a 2/3 (down from 3/3)

Defender of Argus was a card that found itself automatically included in many decks due to its power and stats. We want players to have an option of what cards they put in their decks, so cards that feel like they must be in all decks (especially Neutral ones) are not ideal.
Novice Engineer is now a 1/1 (down from 1/2)

The Novice Engineer was played in most non-rush decks (and even some rush decks) due to its cost and power. Similar in reasoning to our Defender of Argus change, we want players to have an option of what cards they put in their decks.
Sylvanas Windrunner’s mana cost is now 6 (up from 5)

Sylvanas had power and stats that made it a bit too powerful compared to other 5-cost cards, which made it automatically included in many decks. We want players to have an option of what cards they put in their decks, so cards that feel like they must be in all decks (especially Neutral ones) are not ideal.
Expert cards that are being changed can be disenchanted for their full cost for a limited time when the patch goes live. We hope these changes will increase the variety of cards you will see at all levels of play, and make playing Hearthstone a more fun and interactive game for everyone.

Finalmente fizeram isso... Pyroblast tava ridiculo... Jogar contra mage era eles o tempo todo comprando card e soltando defesa pra sair 2x pyroblast + 2x fireball... 32 de dano em 4 cards. Mto apelão. A maioria dos mages ficava só usando froze nos lacaio pra depois tacar 2 pyro na cara dos outros...

Axo certo, assim como foi certo subir a card do priest de 8 pra 10 tbm, mesmo eu tendo sofrido como jogador de priest. Agora só de druid no ranked, to no 12 e de murlocks pra zoar os outros...
Cara , eu encontrei ontem 7 bruxos com deck de murlock. Aquilo é uma praga pra quem não tem dano em area, fica muito dificil de virar o jogo, so da pra vencer quando vc esta com cards fortes ja na mesa.

onde tem lista comos decks mais conhecidos? Não consigo subir de rank sem receitas prontas, todos jogam da mesma forma, com os mesmos card. Fica sempre parecendo que estou enfrentando o mesmo jogador, com a unica diferença para os lendarios.
Cara , eu encontrei ontem 7 bruxos com deck de murlock. Aquilo é uma praga pra quem não tem dano em area, fica muito dificil de virar o jogo, so da pra vencer quando vc esta com cards fortes ja na mesa.

onde tem lista comos decks mais conhecidos? Não consigo subir de rank sem receitas prontas, todos jogam da mesma forma, com os mesmos card. Fica sempre parecendo que estou enfrentando o mesmo jogador, com a unica diferença para os lendarios.

Eu busco no google pro personagem que quero. Pra você que usa Warrior, recomendo giant deck. Já peguei uns por ae e eh moh pedreira literalmente kkkk

Aqui alguns exemplos:




Basicamente você vai precisar craftar 2x gigantes, 400 de custo de pó pra fazer cada um. Na minha opinião um deck forte e barato... Se for ver o custo do meu deck de druida cai até os cabelos do cú LOL.
Eu busco no google pro personagem que quero. Pra você que usa Warrior, recomendo giant deck. Já peguei uns por ae e eh moh pedreira literalmente kkkk

Aqui alguns exemplos:




Basicamente você vai precisar craftar 2x gigantes, 400 de custo de pó pra fazer cada um. Na minha opinião um deck forte e barato... Se for ver o custo do meu deck de druida cai até os cabelos do cú LOL.

Sinceramente não sei qual a graça de se jogar com esses decks receita de bolo, a graça, o que torna o jogo interessante é justamente cada um bolar o seu único usando a experiência adquirida dos seus jogos e assim ir evoluindo naturalmente
Sinceramente não sei qual a graça de se jogar com esses decks receita de bolo, a graça, o que torna o jogo interessante é justamente cada um bolar o seu único usando a experiência adquirida dos seus jogos e assim ir evoluindo naturalmente

Não tem graça é ficar o dia tentando descer no rank e infrentar o tempo todo warlock usando deck cheese de murlocks. Isso é sem graça. Você já jogou starcraft 2? Lá é a mesma coisa, existe build order e units preferenciais, você não precisa seguir isso se não quiser, mas nunca vai chegar na liga diamante sem MUITA criatividade e dextreza.

No HS é a mesma coisa, teve gente com bastante criatividade pra criar decks interessantes. Pega a build de gigante e modifica, caso não tenha TODAS as cards que precisa...

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