Kickstarter - [ TÓPICO OFICIAL ]

Quem jogou Total Annihilation? Quem jogou Supreme Commander? Que tal elevar isso ao quadrado?

Planetary Annihilation

Planetary Annihilation Kickstarter Trailer - YouTube
Primeiro minuto e meio é "gameplay"

Planetary Annihilation - A Next Generation RTS by Uber Entertainment Inc — Kickstarter

Muito bom, primeiro jogo que financio no Kickstarter, o resto foram filmes ou HQs.

Mas eu tava pensando mais cedo... pô, tem tanto projeto bom e sem ajuda no Kick (= não chegam nem no 100%), e eu vou ajudar um que em 24h chegou a 250k?

PRA MIM, o ideal do Kick é tu ajudar gente que, de outra forma, sem a tua ajuda, não conseguiria fazer aquele projeto. Aí tu olha, "o que são 15 dólares (o valor que paguei) no meio de 1kk+ (que com certeza vão conseguir)?"

É melhor gastar em algo mais modesto, que realmente vá precisar de 10 ou 20 dólares.

Ou seja, até "pledgeei" os $15, mas acho que quando passar, digamos, do 1kk, provavelmente vou retirar. Que que acham?
Broken Sword :fap::fap::fap::fap:

falando nisso, aquele The Angel of Death vale a pena ? na época eu tentei evitar por ser 3D
Saiu uma versão demo de Project Giana: Project Giana » Download

Foi bom enquanto durou. :awesome:
Joguei a demo aqui e gostei muito do que vi. Visual lindo, gameplay super fluído. Um verdadeiro clássico oldschool modernizado.
Até mesmo o esquema de mudança de mundos, que eu achei que fosse atrapalhar a jogabilidade de alguma forma, ficou show, super natural, não atrapalha absolutamente nada, pelo contrário, se mescla ao gameplay em geral de forma perfeita.

The Other Brother está chegando ao fim e ainda estão precisando de um bocado de dinheiro. Torço para que consigam alcançar o objetivo, pois esse jogo tá prometendo bastante, curti demais o estilo "clone original" dele.

Última edição:
Quem jogou Total Annihilation? Quem jogou Supreme Commander? Que tal elevar isso ao quadrado?

Planetary Annihilation

Planetary Annihilation Kickstarter Trailer - YouTube
Primeiro minuto e meio é "gameplay"

Planetary Annihilation - A Next Generation RTS by Uber Entertainment Inc — Kickstarter

Agora que vi esse projeto e pelo trailer vai ser muito bom, paguei $20 e garanti minha cópia:awesome:

O objetivo é $900,000 .. mas já está em $810,000 faltando ainda 17 dias :megusta:

Planetary Annihilation - A Next Generation RTS by Uber Entertainment Inc — Kickstarter
Fiz a minha contribuição, poder jogar um asteróide na base do inimigo é demais!!!!!:fovhappy::money:
Kuakuakuakuakuakuakua... imagina a cara do infeliz, quando ver aquele baita asteróide caindo bem meio no base dele..... deve ser simplesmente impagável. Deve ser até mesmo mais hilário que no Command & Conquer: Red Alert 1, quando a gente mandava uma bomba atômica bem no meio daquele monte de base de energia, tudo construída uma colada na outra.
Entrevista com os desenvolvedores de Planetary Annihilation:

E aproveitando o tópico (já peço desculpas pelo offtopic), gostaria de divulgar a nova criação dos produtores de Dungeons of Dredmor chamado Clockwork Empires. O jogo de estratégia é basicamente uma mistura de Sim City, Steampunk e Lovecraft. Muito promissor! :magico:


Clockwork Empires: a preview of Gaslamp Games' Lovecraft-laden steampunk city-builder
Caramba, muito bons esses projetos aí!!
Faltando 9 dias já ta sobrando: 1.2kk ! :megusta:
Porra, o pessoal desse Planetary Annihilation disse que se conseguirem arrecadar 1.8kk, vão adicionar ao jogo uma campanha singleplayer (com possibilidade de jogatina cooperativa), mas será um singleplayer totalmente diferente do que estamos acostumados a ver. Segundo eles, vai ser uma campanha dinâmica, onde TODA VEZ que o jogador iniciar a campanha, ela não será igual foi da última vez. Achei muito interessante isso, espero que consigam alcançar esse stretch goal.
Project Eternity da Obisidian Entertainment no Kickstarter!


O Project Eternity trará os companheiros memoráveis e exploração épica de Baldur’s Gate, adicionando ao divertimento o combate intenso e a exploração de calabouços de Icewind Dale, amarrando tudo isso à uma temática madura e emocional inspirada por Planescape: Torment.


Project Eternity by Obsidian Entertainment — Kickstarter

Project Eternity da Obisidian Entertainment no Kickstarter!

O Project Eternity trará os companheiros memoráveis e exploração épica de Baldur’s Gate, adicionando ao divertimento o combate intenso e a exploração de calabouços de Icewind Dale, amarrando tudo isso à uma temática madura e emocional inspirada por Planescape: Torment.

Project Eternity by Obsidian Entertainment — Kickstarter

OH MY GOD!!!! Desse jeito terei uma diarreia mental.
Puts, saquem só essa entrevista que o Chris Avellone deu para o pessoal do Kotaku:

The People Behind Fallout And Planescape Are Making My Dream RPG

Video game publishers have not treated Obsidian Entertainment very well over the years.

The studio behind games like Fallout: New Vegas and Alpha Protocol has missed out on bonuses because of Metacritic scores, lost out on sequels because of Metacritic scores, and been forced to lay off staff because of sudden project cancellations (that would have probably been ruined because of Metacritic scores).

So now they're ditching the publisher model. They're going straight to the fans. They want $1.1 million to make an original, brand new, fantasy role-playing game in the vein of old classics like Baldur's Gate II and Planescape Torment. It's a dream project. And they've got the talent to pull it off.
This afternoon, Obsidian is launching a Kickstarter for what they're calling Project: Eternity. It's an original fantasy role-playing game created by many of the company's top minds: Chris Avellone, creator of Planescape: Torment; Tim Cain, one of the brains behind the original Fallout; Josh Sawyer, a lead designer on Icewind Dale; and a number of other programmers, artists, and designers who have worked on all of those games.

Their goal: to make an RPG that blends the combat and exploration of Baldur's Gate, the dungeon spelunking of Icewind Dale, and the powerful narrative of Planescape: Torment.

In other words, this could be an RPG fan's dream game.

"Project: Eternity is our opportunity to FINALLY develop our own fantasy RPG world and franchise," Obsidian's Avellone told me in an e-mail this week. "FINALLY. Did I say FINALLY enough? One more time: FINALLY.

"It's not like we've had any lack of ideas, only a lack of opportunity or anyone who wanted to finance it. Then Kickstarter came along and a door opened—this was FINALLY our chance to sidestep the publisher model and get financing directly from the people who want to play an Obsidian RPG. I'd much rather have the players be my boss and hear their thoughts for what would be fun than people who might be more distant from the process and the genre and frankly, any long-term attachment to the title."

They're targeting a spring 2014 release. The game will cost you $25 (or $20 if you're an early supporter). And it'll be PC only, because Avellone is "tired of designing content and interactions that caters to consoles and console controllers."

"Those limitations affect RPG mechanics and content more than players may realize (especially for players who've never played a PC RPG and realize what's been lost over the years), and often doesn't add to the RPG experience," he told me.

Avellone also echoed something I've written quite a bit about: the value of having conversations with gamers. Kickstarter can free a company like Obsidian from the message-driven shackles of publishers and allow designers like Avellone to be as open as possible.

"It's nice to be able to TALK about our Kickstarter projects, not just with devs, but with fans directly," he said. "Want to share a vision doc? Sure! Want to show early screenshots and concept art? Sure! Normally that kind of sharing with the community is strictly monitored and shackled, and often, we can't share what we're working on until way, way, way down the line of the development process. That's always struck me as one of the worst business models in an industry where iteration is key."

So what's the game actually going to look like? The final product is still at least a year and a half away, but Avellone shared some thoughts on how Project: Eternity is shaping up:

Combat will be old-school. "It'll feel like Baldur's Gate 2. After discussions here, we decided to pursue a similar combat style to the [games on the Infinity Engine, like Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale]—real time with pause. It'll offer the same breadth and depth of combat choices as you'd expect from combats in Baldur's Gate, and our combat system has been one of the first systems we've delved into for the Kickstarter."

The world is totally original. "It's fantasy with its own voice. Josh Sawyer has been leading the charge with the world and race creation—at first glance, players will recognize archetypes and seemingly-familiar landscapes, but often, we just use that as a means to draw you in and let you begin to see the subtleties and differences. Our first goal with the world creation was to make a world that's fun to explore first, and then construct the lore, factions, and conflicts around that."

This is a game with soul. "So there are a few things—we want the player to be able to build their own character, and we want the player to be able to evolve and grow. And this growth wouldn't be limited to the first game, but would continue into subsequent titles as well. The story and world is built around the concept of magic and power tied to a character's soul, and the player's soul and the souls of his companions are... special."

You won't get to create your own party. That's not a bad thing. "Much like Baldur's Gate and Planescape Torment, the player creates one character and gathers a party while exploring the world. We'll be giving the companions as much love and attention as we've done in our titles in the past, from Torment all the way up to [Neverwinter Nights 2:] Mask of the Betrayer and Fallout: New Vegas. We don't want them to outshine the player, but support him and act as a sounding board for his decisions and choices in the game. Our desire is the player character and the companions (if they survive) will go beyond simply one title into future installments."

It will look like the old classic isometric games. "While Project: Eternity heralds back to the Infinity Engine games our fans have played, we'll be using a different engine and it will be isometric. We feel isometric lends itself to more tactical party-based play."

If the Kickstarter fails, they'll just try again. "[We'll] refine the idea, figure out what didn't work, then try again. The nice thing about KS is that you know in 30 days (often, less) if your idea doesn't resonate with the public, rather than 2-3 years down the line or trying to pump so many marketing dollars at people they become brainwashed into liking an idea that never resonated with them in the first place. (That's my final rant.)"

If the Kickstarter succeeds, this will be a franchise. "It means we FINALLY have a world of our own that we can build upon, not just for this title but for future releases down the line. We've wanted to do our own RPG world for a long, long time, and it's been hard to pursue outside of existing franchises. Project: Eternity is our chance to take all the RPG knowledge, mechanics, lore, and characterization we've learned over the years and turn it into the game our fans have been hungering for."

UAU!!! Este projeto precisa de um tópico dedicado a ele, urgentemente. É algo grandioso demais para ficar aqui neste tópico, misturado com outros assuntos.
Última edição:
OH MY GOD!!!! Desse jeito terei uma diarreia mental.
Puts, saquem só essa entrevista que o Chris Avellone deu para o pessoal do Kotaku:

The People Behind Fallout And Planescape Are Making My Dream RPG

UAU!!! Este projeto precisa de um tópico dedicado a ele, urgentemente. É algo grandioso demais para ficar aqui neste tópico, misturado com outros assuntos.

Brfritos criou um tópico preview!

Btw em pouco mais de 30 horas o projeto chegou na meta de 1.1Milhoes.
Tem 30 dias pela frente para continuar arrecadando!
O Kickstarter adicionou algumas novas regras:

Kickstarter Is Not a Store

It's hard to know how many people feel like they're shopping at a store when they're backing projects on Kickstarter, but we want to make sure that it's no one. Today we're introducing a number of changes to reinforce that Kickstarter isn’t a store — it’s a new way for creators and audiences to work together to make things. We’d like to walk you through these changes now.

Creators must talk about “Risks and Challenges”

Today we added a new section to the project page called "Risks and Challenges." All project creators are now required to answer the following question when creating their project:

“What are the risks and challenges this project faces, and what qualifies you to overcome them?”

We added the "Risks and Challenges" section to reinforce that creators' projects are in development. Before backing a project, people can judge both the creator's ability to complete their project as promised and whether they feel the creator is being open and honest about the risks and challenges they face.

The new section will appear below the project description of projects that launch starting today.
New Hardware and Product Design Project Guidelines

The development of new products can be especially complex for creators and seductive to backers. Today we’re adding additional guidelines for Hardware and Product Design projects.

They are:
  • Product simulations are prohibited. Projects cannot simulate events to demonstrate what a product might do in the future. Products can only be shown performing actions that they’re able to perform in their current state of development.
  • Product renderings are prohibited. Product images must be photos of the prototype as it currently exists.
Products should be presented as they are. Over-promising leads to higher expectations for backers. The best rule of thumb: under-promise and over-deliver.

We've also added the following guideline for Hardware and Product Design projects:

  • Offering multiple quantities of a reward is prohibited. Hardware and Product Design projects can only offer rewards in single quantities or a sensible set (some items only make sense as a pair or as a kit of several items, for instance). The development of new products can be especially complex for creators and offering multiple quantities feels premature, and can imply that products are shrink-wrapped and ready to ship.
These guidelines are effective for all Hardware and Product Design projects that launch starting today.

We hope these updates reinforce that Kickstarter isn't a traditional retail experience and underline the uniqueness of Kickstarter. Thanks for reading, and thanks as always for using Kickstarter.

Fonte: Kickstarter Is Not a Store » The Kickstarter Blog — Kickstarter
Eu não entendi muito bem essa limitação na quantidade de itens a serem enviados. Por exemplo, no caso do Oculus Rift eles não poderiam enviar mais de uma unidade e assim limitariam os grupos de desenvolvimento que estivessem interessados em desenvolver para o hardware. Não creio que o envio de múltiplas unidades indicaria que o produto está praticamente pronto, ainda mais quando o(s) criador(es) do projeto deixam isso bem claro na página. É esperar pra ver como essas regras vão mudar as coisas.
Afff... tudo isso graças a retardadisse do povo, que não sabe ler e interpretar.

Olha o absurdo que virou agora, nego não vai mais poder mostrar um render do seu projeto, ou ele mostra algo real ou não mostra nada. Poha, como assim? Isso vai totalmente contra a idéia do Kickstarter. O cara só tem uma idéia, não tem dinheiro ainda pra tirar essa idéia do papel, sem um render, como é que ele vai ilustrar para os seus "investidores" o que ele está querendo fazer?

To vendo que essa geração inclusão digital não é algo restrito ao território brasileiro não. Por causa desses retardados que não sabem ler, muitos desenvolvedores foram e serão extremamente prejudicados agora.
Eu acho esses pontos extremamente válidos pra ser sincero.

Depende muito do render Rock, eu já acho que se a pessoa for querer backing em um projeto, já tem que ser na fase do protótipo real, algo que tenha condição de ser feito. Tipo o caso do Project Eternity ae, eles tão prometendo o infinito, o deus dos RPGs, mas eles não tem nenhum protótipo nem do gameplay pra mostrar... aí fica difícil, ele ta se mantendo puramente pelo hype imenso sem nada concreto pra mostrar.

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