[TÓPICO OFICIAL] Playerunknown's Battlegrounds

Blz, vizinho?!

Eu travei fps lobby/ jogo em 60 / 75 fps, respectivamente. As travadas diminuíram.. mas, nas situações chaves já citadas, ainda percebo. O saldo da alteração foi positivo.
Última edição:
um negócio muito tosco no pubg que acho é quando quero virar o boneco quando to deitado, o boneco tem que da um giro de 360º pra virar pro lado oposto :genio: poderia ser no estilo do arma 3 ,ring of elysium ou até R6 onde o boneco pode girar para todos os lados sem precisar girar o corpo todo :facepalm:
Modelagem quadrada são as pedras de Miramar que parecem cubos.
Custava modelar melhorzinho as montanhas?
Só tomem cuidado nas alterações gráficas pois algumas afetam diretamente na visibilidade.
Fiquei sem jogar por um tempo e quando fui voltar meu jogo tava dando umas freezadas tensas...
Publicidade do PUBG tá bem bosta hein? Nenhum trailer, nenhum anuncio oficial na steam ou no forum.

To achando que vem no Natal mesmo.
Última edição:
Publicidade do PUBG tá bem bosta hein? Nenhum trailer, nenhum anuncio oficial na steam ou no forum.

To achando que vem no Natal mesmo.

Update #24 is now live on the PUBG: Test Server. Anyone who owns a copy of PUBG can download and participate in this test.

Hey Everyone,

Winter has arrived. With Update #24, we’re debuting something we’ve been eager to share with you for months; our new 6x6 snow-themed map, Vikendi! An isolated Northern resort island in the shadow of Mount Kreznic, Vikendi was home to a wide variety of attractions, businesses, and villages. Look to the future from the spacecraft launch site Cosmodrome or travel back to the past and walk with the giants at the prehistoric Dino Park. Visit the aging Castle or take a tour of the winery. Vikendi is as beautiful as it is dangerous and Survivors treading these bitter cold lands will have to watch their backs even more closely as the fresh snow is perfect for leaving behind footprints! The days are long on Vikendi, but it won’t be long before the sun sets and the auroras fill the moonlit skies.

We feel Vikendi is a mixture of all the best parts of our previous maps and we can’t wait to hear your feedback. But that’s not everything coming in this patch! We’re also introducing two brand new items exclusive to the map; the G36C Assault Rifle (which replaces the SCAR on Vikendi) and the Snowmobile to navigate its icy terrain. We’ve also completed an overhaul to our in-game replay system, putting you in the director’s chair to edit clips, create 3D camera movements, and export your work so show the world your best PUBG productions! Coming later in the patch is our overhaul to the Parachuting system, which allows you to glide or dive during freefall, improves animations, and also lets you cut your chute before hitting the ground.

As always, your feedback is essential to our continued development and we especially need your input at times like these. Once you’ve played the map, please take the time to let us know what you think on our Official Forums or Reddit. We know you’ve waited a long time for this map, so without further ado, onto the patch notes!


During this test server phase, Vikendi will be the only map available to play and squads the only mode. Vikendi is not yet available in custom matches.

Vikendi Gameplay
  • Vikendi is 6x6km map. The gameplay of Vikendi is quicker than Erangel and Miramar, but offers an arguably more tactical experience than Sanhok.
  • Players can throw snowballs while waiting to board the plane in the starting area
  • Vehicles will be more slippery in snow or icy areas. Acceleration on icy terrain is slow and you lose more general vehicle control as you speed up
  • Footprints and vehicle tracks will appear as players travel in snow-covered areas. Keep an eye out! These are great to help identify if enemies have passed by recently
    • Keep in mind that footprints and tracks in the snow don’t stay around forever!

  • The center of the red zone spawns outside of the play zone
  • The smaller the play zone, the smaller the red zone
  • The first circle of every game is much smaller than other maps, but subsequent circle sizes change less drastically.
    • This facilitates more blue zone variety and unique experiences.
  • Similar strategies work on Vikendi to Erangel and Miramar for the first three phases, but the zones will close slower starting from phase 4, similar to Sahnok. We feel this leads to a good balance between strategy and gunplay throughout the duration of each match
Item Spawn Balance
  • The overall item spawn rate is at a midpoint between our maps - offering a unique place between the spawn rates of Erangel and Sahnok.
    • Level 3 helmets spawn in the world
    • Level 3 vests spawn more often than other maps
    • Smoke Grenades are spawned at a higher rate compared to other throwables


Added a new AR - G36C
  • G36C spawns only in Vikendi
    • Chambered for 5.56mm ammo, it can load 30 bullets and 40 with an Extended Magazine
    • G36C has a lower and upper rail for attachments, but cannot attach a stock


Added a new vehicle - Snowmobile
  • The Snowmobile only spawns in Vikendi
    • It seats 2 players and performs much better than other vehicles on snow and ice, but is more difficult to drive on other terrain.

Replay Editor

Added a Replay editor system
  • This system allows you to create dynamic video clips with creative camera angles and special effects using your replay files
  • You can also create 3D paths for the camera and camera angles and export clips
    • Guide & Tutorial of the replay editor system will be updated later.

  • Improved the character animations used in the air.
    • Character movements are much more fluid and have been improved to be more realistic.
[UPCOMING] Parachute System Overhaul
Updated parachuting system will be applied to the test server on Dec 10. We’re looking forward to your feedback on this updated feature!
  • Freefalling
    • LSHIFT now puts you into a dive at full speed straight down towards the ground
    • Turning speed is now much faster and has increased control, responsiveness, and precision
  • Parachuting
    • Added new freefall animations and increased overall control and responsiveness
    • LSHIFT helps you drop faster and land quicker
    • LCTRL lets you glide, when you want to travel a longer distance
      You can now cut the parachute while relatively close to the ground, while still moving through the air.
      • This can be used to strategically to get to your drop point faster, but be careful, as you can take damage if you drop too far
    • Added new landing animations
      • The speed in which you land matters, as landing too fast may force your character to roll, or roll for longer, before you can gain full control of your movement
    • Colliding with buildings or objects while parachuting will now automatically cut your parachute. Be careful!
    • The parachute no longer disappears instantly after landing

  • Improved blood hit effects
    • Improved the visuals of blood particles when players are shot.
    • Improved the visuals of blood effects that appear on screen when shot by other players.
  • Slightly increased delay between single shots of the M16A4
  • Players now receive damage from Molotovs that hit their vehicle
    • Molotovs that hit around the vehicle, or when driven through an already-exploded molotov will not damage those inside

Survival Title System(Season 2 Beta)


  • Changed the overall lobby theme in celebration of our latest map - Vikendi

    • Applied the snowfield environment theme
    • Applied a snowing effect
    • Changed the background music
  • Improved the Store feature
    • Added additional sorting features to sort by Featured, Newest, Price High to Low, Price Low to High
    • When you preview items in the store, only the selected item to be previewed will be displayed on your character. All items equipped in your wardrobe will be unequipped.
    • If you preview a helmet skin, makeup or other items covering the face, all other items equipped on the head will be unequipped
    • Combined the 'Career' and 'Leaderboard' menu in Statistics into a 'Season' menu
    • Added On/Off option keybind for the on-screen key guide
      • You can toggle the on-screen key guide by pressing ALT+K
      • You can change the default setting for this feature in the settings under the Gameplay tab

Play Menu UI Renewal

  • Improved the map and game mode selection UI
  • Training mode can now be found under the PLAY menu, next to public match

  • Optimized foliage and vegetation rendering
  • Improved CPU performance by optimizing the object creation process
  • Improved GPU performance for Medium and Low options by adjusting graphic quality related to the 'Post Processing' with those settings (tuned HBAO+)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where each weapon had a different delay between reloading and being able to fire
  • Fixed an issue which caused vehicles to sometimes pass through players, when rolling down a hill
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the system menu from opening when clicking a specific spot on the button
  • Fixed an issue when laying prone right next to a wall, your weapon could move through the wall in FPP
  • Fixed an issue when spectating a player who died in Replay Mode, the follow camera stopped working
  • Fixed an issue which caused sudden frame drops temporarily when quickly toggling voice/sound options repeatedly
  • Fixed an issue that caused the region indicator in-game beneath the health bar to display as “UNKNOWN”
    • Region indicator will now not be shown until before the match countdown starts
  • Fixed an issue which caused character animations to look unnatural when players were pushed by a vehicle moving down a hill
  • Fixed an issue caused after restarting the lobby with 'Open Crate’ and 'Preview' buttons displaying on the left side of the screen in the Store Inventory page
  • Fixed an issue which caused the camera to fall into the ground in replay mode after parachuting
  • Fixed an issue where the angle of the spectated player's view was different from that of the player
Mapa novo ja esta ai galera no test serve.
Limited Time Broadcaster Royale Twitch Streamer Skins: Group 5

Group 5 of the Twitch[www.twitch.tv] streamer skins are here, featuring 8 more content creators who participated in Broadcaster Royale[www.broadcasterroyale.com]!


Skins are available for $4.99 each and can be purchased until December 27th at 7pm Pacific through the game client or directly from each streamer via their Twitch channel’s extension (through 12/17). Each sale directly benefits the Twitch streamer, so pick up your favorite skins and support them in-game and out!

This group’s streamers:

CigaretteSTV • Edberg • ewanng • fuffenz • Lil_Lexi • Lumi • Shobosuke • WackyJacky







Ainda tem gente que gosta dessas Skins :bwahaha::bwahaha::bwahaha::bwahaha::bwahaha:
Blz, vizinho?!

Eu travei fps lobby/ jogo em 60 / 75 fps, respectivamente. As travadas diminuíram.. mas, nas situações chaves já citadas, ainda percebo. O saldo da alteração foi positivo.

Opa como vai conterrâneo?

Então, no meu caso, se eu fizer essa diminuição vou sentir muito em relação a fluidez do jogo, porque meu FPS na maior parte do tempo é sempre acima de 120. Mas de qualquer forma valeu a dica, farei esse teste também.

Pubg Ring of Elysium edition , buenas de qq modo curti esse mapa, variedade é sempre bacana
Há previsão de Vikendi ficar disponível no game normal?


Opa, 19 de dezembro é melhor ainda.
Agora para o jogo ficar 10 é só remover essa bosta de Sanhok e dar uma atualizada/modificada em Erangel. :megusta:

O mapa é pouca coisa maior que Sanhok. Achei que seria pouca coisa menor que Erangel...

Em escala: Miramar > Erangel >>>> Vikendi > Sanhok

Última edição:
Opa como vai conterrâneo?

Então, no meu caso, se eu fizer essa diminuição vou sentir muito em relação a fluidez do jogo, porque meu FPS na maior parte do tempo é sempre acima de 120. Mas de qualquer forma valeu a dica, farei esse teste também.

O jogo vc consegue definir o valor travado. Então, tenta 90 a 100. Mas, te digo, aqui que passa dos 100, mas, caía pra 60-30-10, agora seguro 50-75.. as quedas para 10-15 é como a galera citou.. bug, não tme jeito. Mas, oscila menos.

Gostei da atualização, porém não 100%.

Ainda to no trampo e nem joguei, então questão de performance não vou opinar.

A primeira vista: (DESDE SEMPRE, eles deveriam focar no desempenho e otimização do jogo mas...)

  • Curti o novo mapa, ficou bem bacana!
  • Nova arma: ela é sensacional, pelo menos nos BFs da vida (amava jogar com ela no bf3 :wub:)
  • Skins novas: pelo amor de Deus kkkkkkk não sei como os caras curtem esse FORTNITEismo...ta louco!! (não me julguem)
  • Novo menu: legal até, mas prefiro o antigo, prefiro a simplicidade (funcionalidade) ao estético.
  • Spawn Capa lvl 3: interessante, vai deixar o jogo mais acirrado.

Agora vc pode cortar o paraquedas (falo isso desde a 1° vez que joguei PUBG)

Uai, mas já não dava? Sempre quando me SANDUICHO em duas casa e trava o paraquedas, após alguns segundos aparece para cortar.
Gostei da atualização, porém não 100%.

Ainda to no trampo e nem joguei, então questão de performance não vou opinar.

A primeira vista: (DESDE SEMPRE, eles deveriam focar no desempenho e otimização do jogo mas...)

  • Curti o novo mapa, ficou bem bacana!
  • Nova arma: ela é sensacional, pelo menos nos BFs da vida (amava jogar com ela no bf3 :wub:)
  • Skins novas: pelo amor de Deus kkkkkkk não sei como os caras curtem esse FORTNITEismo...ta louco!! (não me julguem)
  • Novo menu: legal até, mas prefiro o antigo, prefiro a simplicidade (funcionalidade) ao estético.
  • Spawn Capa lvl 3: interessante, vai deixar o jogo mais acirrado.

Uai, mas já não dava? Sempre quando me SANDUICHO em duas casa e trava o paraquedas, após alguns segundos aparece para cortar.

mas vc tinha que esperar pra cortar o paraquedas (na marioria morria antes mesmo de aparecer o F para cortar), agora acho que vai dar pra cortar antes mesmo do bug ou chegar tão perto do chão...
Gostei da atualização, porém não 100%.

Ainda to no trampo e nem joguei, então questão de performance não vou opinar.

A primeira vista: (DESDE SEMPRE, eles deveriam focar no desempenho e otimização do jogo mas...)

  • Curti o novo mapa, ficou bem bacana!
  • Nova arma: ela é sensacional, pelo menos nos BFs da vida (amava jogar com ela no bf3 :wub:)
  • Skins novas: pelo amor de Deus kkkkkkk não sei como os caras curtem esse FORTNITEismo...ta louco!! (não me julguem)
  • Novo menu: legal até, mas prefiro o antigo, prefiro a simplicidade (funcionalidade) ao estético.
  • Spawn Capa lvl 3: interessante, vai deixar o jogo mais acirrado.

Uai, mas já não dava? Sempre quando me SANDUICHO em duas casa e trava o paraquedas, após alguns segundos aparece para cortar.
Agora vc vai poder cortar mesmo sem bugar o paraquedas.
Ou seja, vc pode cortar para tentar lootear primeiro

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