Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War II - [ TÓPICO OFICIAL ]


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Desenvolvido pela premiada Relic Entertainment, Dawn of War II levará os jogadores para à frente de guerra, afim de liderar uma força de ataque em uma missão para salvar a galáxia.

O jogo se passa no 41° milênio em um sub-setor chamado Aurelia, um aglomerado de planetas na extremidade da galáxia. Raças antigas lutarão não apenas pela terra e seus valores, mas pelo destino de cada uma delas.



Título: Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War II :hooray:
Desenvolvedora: Relic Entertainment
Engine: Essence Engine 2.0
Plataforma: Microsoft Windows
Gênero: Estratégia em Tempo Real



Requerimento Mínimo:

* Windows XP SP2 ou Windows Vista SP1
* P4 3.2 GHz (single core) ou qualquer Dual Core
* 1 GB RAM (XP), 1.5 GB RAM (Vista)
* Placa de vídeo com 128MB (Shader Model 3) - Nvidia GeForce 6600 GT / ATI X1600, ou equivalente
* 5.5 GB de HD

Requerimento Recomendado:

* Windows XP SP2 ou Windows Vista SP1
* AMD Athlon 64x2 4400+ ou qualquer Intel Core 2 Duo
* 2 GB RAM (XP e Vista)
* Placa de vídeo com 256MB (Shader Model 3) - Nvidia GeForce 7800 GT / ATI X1900, ou equivalente
* 5.5 GB de HD



Campanha interplanetária não linear.

Não haverá construção de bases durante as missões single-player, apenas reforços limitados.

Consequências conforme as escolhas durante as missões. Haverão múltiplos chamados de emergência, cada um disponível por um certo limite de tempo. Durante as missões o jogador terá que escolher entre salvar civis ou obter equipamento de guerra.

Controle sobre apenas cinco ou seis esquadrões. Cada esquadrão terá uma especialidade de combate única e vozes diferentes.

Equipamento de guerra redesenhado. Os equipamentos podem ser obtidos através do cumprimento de objetivos durante as missões ou randomicamente "dropados" pelos inimigos, sendo armazenados em um inventário como nos RPGs.

Melhores bônus em relação à cobertura e novos métodos para lidar com unidades sob cobertura, como por exemplo destruir o obstáculo com granadas ou utilizar o lança-chamas para ignorar o bônus.

Inteligência artificial dos esqudrões melhorada. Por exemplo, os esquadrões sob fogo procurarão cobertura automaticamente.

Tamanho dos veículos mais realístico, maiores que no jogo anterior.

Os esquadrões ganharão experiência, tornando-se mais fortes conforme o progresso do jogo.

As unidades com "Jet-Packs" decolarão e pousarão de um modo mais realístico, sem seguir um caminho totalmente linear.

Os comandantes ganharão novos nívels e poderão aprender novas habilidades, assim como ganhar diferentes tipos de bônus.

Nova versão da engine Essence (2.0), cuja versão anterior foi utilizada em Company of Heroes e suas respectivas expansões.


Onde Comprar



Zero Day Patch
LINK: ???

PATCH NOTES 1.1.0 (2/19/09)


• Fixed a bug where Tyranid units were not “speaking.”
• Missing button audio added to Player Stats screen under Game History.
• Added a countdown sound to the post-game stats screen.


• Fixed a bug that caused invisible Tyrannoformation.
• Fixed a bug where walker units would shuffle their feet quickly when moving.
• Fixed visual bugs with burrowed units.
• Fixed visual problems on ATI X1800 series cards.
• Eldar web gate ambient effects now show upon spawning of the unit.
• Fixed a bug where FX didn’t display on Geforce 6800 cards.


• Added two new maps to PvP automatch rotation.
• Fixed a bug where ability effects were permanent on burrowed units.
• Fixed several population capacity bugs.
• Fixed problem with retreating to allied HQ when player’s HQ is destroyed.
• Fixed attack ground to allow firing into the Fog of War.
• Prevented Waaagh/Zeal/Biomass/Psychic might “double dipping” when own units are killed by friendly fire, and remove reward for allied friendly fire.
• Prevented non-attacking commanders from getting a share of XP for incomplete construction.
• Added cool down timers to construction abilities.
• Prevented anti-suppression from being modified into the positive.
• Prevented area of effect suppression originating from target entities inside of buildings from spreading to units outside a building.
• Fixed a bug where units that had been completely replaced via reinforcement would lose their control groups.
• Removed Ravener tunnel impass to prevent several blocking exploits.
• Resource rates are now reduced depending on game size.
• Requisition points now increase by +5 requisition every 20 seconds (up from 15), up to a maximum of +30 (down from 35).
• Fixed an issue with grenades not harming the squad that throws them.
• Increased the suppression and damage on suppression weapons at distant range.
• Fixed an issue with the Apothecary’s Heal ability that prevented it from properly healing infantry.
• Reduced damage of Kommando hero’s Remote Bomb against HQ’s.
• Kommando hero’s Kaboom! now properly deals 500 damage to the Kommando, but does not kill him.
• Tyranid Warrior Adrenal Gland melee damage reduced to 52, from 60.
• Reduced firing rate of Hive Tyrant Venom Cannon to match the other versions. Damage reduced to 60, from 85. Area of effect damage modifier reduced at outermost radius to 0.3, from 0.4.
• Spore Mine blast radius increased to 10, from 8.
• Increased accuracy of small arms against Ripper Swarm to 0.3, from 0.2.
• Ripper Swarm cost increased to 240, from 200.


• Fixed a bug where world text on a building would change colour to Red when garrisoned by an enemy even though it was hidden by Fog of War.
• Fixed a bug where the UI failed to update with Squad Leader upgrade if a previously purchased leader died while the squad was selected.
• Fixed a bug where parts of tech tree panel remained visible after destroying your base, and would overlap unit UI.
• Fixed a bug where the build queue would hang around in an inactive state until if the base was destroyed during unit construction.
• Fixed a bug where the Commander Wargear panel would disappear after destroying the base, even though it’s still valid to build wargear.
• Fixed a bug where targeting reticules would reveal if a building in the FoW was occupied.
• Added support for Relic and Games Workshop employee Gamertags. Watch for our custom chapters online!
• Fixed a bug where Eldar webway gates would appear as Ravener tunnels on the minimap when you were using Tyranids, and Ravener tunnels would appear as webway gates when you were using Eldar.
• Simultaneously pressing shift and squad hotkey now allows for adding to current selection.
• Fixed visual bugs with the global build buttons.
• Changed ork abilities that have a per entity cost to properly display their cost in the ui (based on the number of entities in the squad.)
• Fixed a bug with wargear button state switching.


• Changed the kick-vote screen; removed the confirmation prompt, removed ability to abstain, added display of number of lag complaints.


• Fixed AI Dreadnought combat vs buildings.
• CPU players now have a number associated with their names.
• The AI no longer considers unconscious hero a military target.


• Fixed how Leaderboards are sorted.
• Fixed matchmaking. TrueSkill™ rank should properly be updated in TeamBattle games, and stats should be more reliable when being recorded.
• Fixed an issue where the leaderboard screen wasn’t sorting data properly when using the friends filter.
• Fixed a problem where unit score doesn’t reflect appropriately in the post-game score.


• Fixed an issue where games would not get cleared properly from the public games screen.
• Victory Point Control load screen tips will no longer show up if the Annihilate win condition is chosen.
• Fixed a bug where the Hero Select screen wasn’t remembering the correct heroes when assigning players between multiple open slots.
• Rank point bar, level, and title are no longer displayed in the post game stats screen in unranked games.


• Added the ability to kick people from a party.
• Added countdown information to the hero selection screen.
• Fixed a bug where a player’s visual MP rank unlocks were incorrectly displayed in the select hero screen.
• Fixed a bug where the rank in the party panel was always the Space Marines rank no matter what race was selected.
• Post Game advancement countdown no longer occurs unless the user is in a party.
• Matchmaking now has a preference for lower pings.
• Fixed a bug where it was possible for players with different data to end up matched together.


• Scaleform IME is now supported for Traditional Chinese.
• Fixed a bug where event updates were displayed in the host’s language when viewing the events prior to the client joining the game session in the Event Log from the Battle Barge.
• Fixed a bug on Debriefing screen where French wasn’t fitting in the available space.
• Polish Readme now displays in proper language.


• Fixed a rare multi-threading crash involving co-op synchronization.
• Fix for a crash that occured when you tried to cancel a base upgrade after the base had been destroyed.
• Many memory fragmentation improvements, which should alleviate a number of out of memory crashes.
• Fixed a bug where the game could crash after viewing a completed campaign, deleting it, and then backing out to the main menu.
• Settings that were invalid in the UI could still occur if set manually in configuration.lua, now the settings are validated in the same way as the options menu UI.
• Fixed a crash when client accepts Co-Op game invitation on Game List Screen.
• Fixed a bug where the game freezes on Main Menu when player signout from the Windows Live Profile on the confirmation message of Save and Exit to Window from the Battle Barge.
• Fixed a bug where the game crashed to desktop when a user clicked on Invite Friend after unplugging their LAN cable on delete a Campaign window.
• Fixed a crash that would occur when people ranked up to level 60.
• Fixed a multithreading crash in the UI on game exit.
• Reduced the frequency of checking Steam authentication - it was causing users who momentarily lost their connection to Steam to be ejected from a game in progress.
• Fixed a deadlock that could occur in low latency situations.


• Fixed a bug where it was possible to grant achievements to players that hadn’t rightfully earned them.


• Added a “Squad Summary” screen to the mission debrief.
• Fixed a bug where the cursor disappeared after inviting a client to the game, and then declining the request once he accepts.
• Fixed a bug where the host loses his mouse after kicking a client during an NIS.
• Finishing the campaign no longer removes the save game from the final mission.
• Fixed an inverted badge on a piece of campaign wargear.
• Fixed a bug where global abilities replenished when the client dropped.


• Colours with high specular values will now have a more accurate swatch colour in the Army Painter.
• Fix issue with DLC badges being visible when they weren’t supposed to be.


• Fixed a bug where replay speed would display incorrectly during game replays.
• Added a button on the replay widget to hide the UI.
• A message is now shown to notify the user that the replay has ended.
• Squad tabs in replays now show up when switching perspectives and always load the first two units when the replay starts.
• Upgrade button panel now doesn’t show up in replays
• Hitting continue after exiting from a replay now takes you back to the Game History screen.
• Created units in replay now use the correct team colour badge that the player started with


• Added a News Tab to the title screen
• Updated the Post-game stats screen
• Fixed incorrect icon in Jump load screen tip.
• Made layout changes to Leaderboards screen
• Made layout changes to Game History screen


• Fix for mouse pointer getting stuck in the middle of the screen if you press the home key while simultaneously holding mouse left.
• Fixed a bug where multiple message boxes popped up when the host would disconnect.
• We now properly shut down the game when the OS switches users.
• Added functionality to allow changing the automatch map list without invalidating replays.
• Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor was frozen to centre of screen if user alt-tabbed at the victory/defeat screen in a ranked match, and didn’t alt-tab back into the game until he’d been sent back to the front end.
• Added -noReverb commandline flag to disable convolution reverb.
• Added a “-disablepagefilecheck” command line switch so users can elect to try and run the game without a swap file.
• Added a “-yam” command line switch to allow 32bit users to run with Ultra textures.


• Fixed a bug where performance suffered when Steam community was disabed.
• Disabled v-sync by default to prevent performance problems on certain computers.













Créditos ao User RyuRanX :yes:

Aos poucos irei melhorando o tópico :p

Coloca o que vai ser adicionado nesse day 0 patch. Não encontrei nada ainda :(

Eu achei isso aqui:
Relic Details Dawn of War 2 Day Zero Patch

The patch also packs the promised addition of two new multiplayer maps.

PvP Gameplay
Added two new maps to PvP automatch rotation.
Fixed a bug where ability effects were permanent on burrowed units.
Fixed several population capacity bugs.
Fixed problem with retreating to allied HQ when player's HQ is destroyed.
Fixed attack ground to allow firing into the Fog of War.
Prevented Waaagh/Zeal/Biomass/Psychic might "double dipping" when own units are killed by friendly fire, and remove reward for allied friendly fire.
Prevented non-attacking commanders from getting a share of XP for incomplete construction.
Added cool down timers to construction abilities.
Prevented anti-suppression from being modified into the positive.
Prevented area of effect suppression originating from target entities inside of buildings from spreading to units outside a building.
Fixed a bug where units that had been completely replaced via reinforcement would lose their control groups.
Removed Ravener tunnel impass to prevent several blocking exploits.
Resource rates are now reduced depending on game size.
Requisition points now increase by +5 requisition every 20 seconds (up from 15), up to a maximum of +30 (down from 35).
Fixed an issue with grenades not harming the squad that throws them.
Increased the suppression and damage on suppression weapons at distant range.
Fixed an issue with the Apothecary's Heal ability that prevented it from properly healing infantry.
Reduced damage of Kommando hero's Remote Bomb against HQ's.
Kommando hero's Kaboom! now properly deals 500 damage to the Kommando, but does not kill him.
Tyranid Warrior Adrenal Gland melee damage reduced to 52, from 60.
Reduced firing rate of Hive Tyrant Venom Cannon to match the other versions. Damage reduced to 60, from 85. Area of effect damage modifier reduced at outermost radius to 0.3, from 0.4.
Spore Mine blast radius increased to 10, from 8.
Increased accuracy of small arms against Ripper Swarm to 0.3, from 0.2.
Ripper Swarm cost increased to 240, from 200.
Fixed a bug where Tyranid units were not "speaking."
Missing button audio added to Player Stats screen under Game History.
Added a countdown sound to the post-game stats screen.
Fixed a bug that caused invisible Tyrannoformation.
Fixed a bug where walker units would shuffle their feet quickly when moving.
Fixed visual bugs with burrowed units.
Fixed visual problems on ATI X1800 series cards.
Eldar web gate ambient effects now show upon spawning of the unit.
Fixed a bug where FX didn't display on Geforce 6800 cards.
In-game HUD and UI fixes
Fixed a bug where world text on a building would change colour to Red when garrisoned by an enemy even though it was hidden by Fog of War.
Fixed a bug where the UI failed to update with Squad Leader upgrade if a previously purchased leader died while the squad was selected.
Fixed a bug where parts of tech tree panel remained visible after destroying your base, and would overlap unit UI.
Fixed a bug where the build queue would hang around in an inactive state until if the base was destroyed during unit construction.
Fixed a bug where the Commander Wargear panel would disappear after destroying the base, even though it's still valid to build wargear.
Fixed a bug where targeting reticules would reveal if a building in the FoW was occupied.
Added support for Relic and Games Workshop employee Gamertags. Watch for our custom chapters online!
Fixed a bug where Eldar webway gates would appear as Ravener tunnels on the minimap when you were using Tyranids, and Ravener tunnels would appear as webway gates when you were using Eldar.
Simultaneously pressing shift and squad hotkey now allows for adding to current selection.
Fixed visual bugs with the global build buttons.
Changed ork abilities that have a per entity cost to properly display their cost in the ui (based on the number of entities in the squad.)
Fixed a bug with wargear button state switching.
Kicking Players
Changed the kick-vote screen; removed the confirmation prompt, removed ability to abstain, added display of number of lag complaints.
AI Players
Fixed AI Dreadnought combat vs buildings.
CPU players now have a number associated with their names.
The AI no longer considers unconscious hero a military target.
Ranking and Online Stats
Fixed how Leaderboards are sorted.
Fixed matchmaking. TrueSkill� rank should properly be updated in TeamBattle games, and stats should be more reliable when being recorded.
Fixed an issue where the leaderboard screen wasn't sorting data properly when using the friends filter.
Fixed a problem where unit score doesn't reflect appropriately in the post-game score.
Custom Games
Fixed an issue where games would not get cleared properly from the public games screen.
Victory Point Control load screen tips will no longer show up if the Annihilate win condition is chosen.
Fixed a bug where the Hero Select screen wasn't remembering the correct heroes when assigning players between multiple open slots.
Rank point bar, level, and title are no longer displayed in the post game stats screen in unranked games.
Find a Game
Added the ability to kick people from a party.
Added countdown information to the hero selection screen.
Fixed a bug where a player's visual MP rank unlocks were incorrectly displayed in the select hero screen.
Fixed a bug where the rank in the party panel was always the Space Marines rank no matter what race was selected.
Post Game advancement countdown no longer occurs unless the user is in a party.
Matchmaking now has a preference for lower pings.
Fixed a bug where it was possible for players with different data to end up matched together.
Scaleform IME is now supported for Traditional Chinese.
Fixed a bug where event updates were displayed in the host's language when viewing the events prior to the client joining the game session in the Event Log from the Battle Barge.
Fixed a bug on Debriefing screen where French wasn't fitting in the available space.
Polish Readme now displays in proper language.
Fixed a rare multi-threading crash involving co-op synchronization.
Fix for a crash that occured when you tried to cancel a base upgrade after the base had been destroyed.
Many memory fragmentation improvements, which should alleviate a number of out of memory crashes.
Fixed a bug where the game could crash after viewing a completed campaign, deleting it, and then backing out to the main menu.
Settings that were invalid in the UI could still occur if set manually in configuration.lua, now the settings are validated in the same way as the options menu UI.
Fixed a crash when client accepts Co-Op game invitation on Game List Screen.
Fixed a bug where the game freezes on Main Menu when player signout from the Windows Live Profile on the confirmation message of Save and Exit to Window from the Battle Barge.
Fixed a bug where the game crashed to desktop when a user clicked on Invite Friend after unplugging their LAN cable on delete a Campaign window.
Fixed a crash that would occur when people ranked up to level 60.
Fixed a multithreading crash in the UI on game exit.
Reduced the frequency of checking Steam authentication - it was causing users who momentarily lost their connection to Steam to be ejected from a game in progress.
Fixed a deadlock that could occur in low latency situations.
Fixed a bug where it was possible to grant achievements to players that hadn't rightfully earned them.
Added a "Squad Summary" screen to the mission debrief.
Fixed a bug where the cursor disappeared after inviting a client to the game, and then declining the request once he accepts.
Fixed a bug where the host loses his mouse after kicking a client during an NIS.
Finishing the campaign no longer removes the save game from the final mission.
Fixed an inverted badge on a piece of campaign wargear.
Fixed a bug where global abilities replenished when the client dropped.
Army Painter
Colours with high specular values will now have a more accurate swatch colour in the Army Painter.
Fix issue with DLC badges being visible when they weren't supposed to be.
Fixed a bug where replay speed would display incorrectly during game replays.
Added a button on the replay widget to hide the UI.
A message is now shown to notify the user that the replay has ended.
Squad tabs in replays now show up when switching perspectives and always load the first two units when the replay starts.
Upgrade button panel now doesn't show up in replays
Hitting continue after exiting from a replay now takes you back to the Game History screen.
Created units in replay now use the correct team colour badge that the player started with
Front End
Added a News Tab to the title screen
Updated the Post-game stats screen
Fixed incorrect icon in Jump load screen tip.
Made layout changes to Leaderboards screen
Made layout changes to Game History screen
Fix for mouse pointer getting stuck in the middle of the screen if you press the home key while simultaneously holding mouse left.
Fixed a bug where multiple message boxes popped up when the host would disconnect.
We now properly shut down the game when the OS switches users.
Added functionality to allow changing the automatch map list without invalidating replays.
Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor was frozen to centre of screen if user alt-tabbed at the victory/defeat screen in a ranked match, and didn't alt-tab back into the game until he'd been sent back to the front end.
Added -noReverb commandline flag to disable convolution reverb.
Added a "-disablepagefilecheck" command line switch so users can elect to try and run the game without a swap file.
Added a "-yam" command line switch to allow 32bit users to run with Ultra textures.
Fixed a bug where performance suffered when Steam community was disabed.
Disabled v-sync by default to prevent performance problems on certain computers.
Eu achei isso aqui:
Relic Details Dawn of War 2 Day Zero Patch

The patch also packs the promised addition of two new multiplayer maps.

PvP Gameplay
Added two new maps to PvP automatch rotation.
Fixed a bug where ability effects were permanent on burrowed units.
Fixed several population capacity bugs.
Fixed problem with retreating to allied HQ when player's HQ is destroyed.
Fixed attack ground to allow firing into the Fog of War.
Prevented Waaagh/Zeal/Biomass/Psychic might "double dipping" when own units are killed by friendly fire, and remove reward for allied friendly fire.
Prevented non-attacking commanders from getting a share of XP for incomplete construction.
Added cool down timers to construction abilities.
Prevented anti-suppression from being modified into the positive.
Prevented area of effect suppression originating from target entities inside of buildings from spreading to units outside a building.
Fixed a bug where units that had been completely replaced via reinforcement would lose their control groups.
Removed Ravener tunnel impass to prevent several blocking exploits.
Resource rates are now reduced depending on game size.
Requisition points now increase by +5 requisition every 20 seconds (up from 15), up to a maximum of +30 (down from 35).
Fixed an issue with grenades not harming the squad that throws them.
Increased the suppression and damage on suppression weapons at distant range.
Fixed an issue with the Apothecary's Heal ability that prevented it from properly healing infantry.
Reduced damage of Kommando hero's Remote Bomb against HQ's.
Kommando hero's Kaboom! now properly deals 500 damage to the Kommando, but does not kill him.
Tyranid Warrior Adrenal Gland melee damage reduced to 52, from 60.
Reduced firing rate of Hive Tyrant Venom Cannon to match the other versions. Damage reduced to 60, from 85. Area of effect damage modifier reduced at outermost radius to 0.3, from 0.4.
Spore Mine blast radius increased to 10, from 8.
Increased accuracy of small arms against Ripper Swarm to 0.3, from 0.2.
Ripper Swarm cost increased to 240, from 200.
Fixed a bug where Tyranid units were not "speaking."
Missing button audio added to Player Stats screen under Game History.
Added a countdown sound to the post-game stats screen.
Fixed a bug that caused invisible Tyrannoformation.
Fixed a bug where walker units would shuffle their feet quickly when moving.
Fixed visual bugs with burrowed units.
Fixed visual problems on ATI X1800 series cards.
Eldar web gate ambient effects now show upon spawning of the unit.
Fixed a bug where FX didn't display on Geforce 6800 cards.
In-game HUD and UI fixes
Fixed a bug where world text on a building would change colour to Red when garrisoned by an enemy even though it was hidden by Fog of War.
Fixed a bug where the UI failed to update with Squad Leader upgrade if a previously purchased leader died while the squad was selected.
Fixed a bug where parts of tech tree panel remained visible after destroying your base, and would overlap unit UI.
Fixed a bug where the build queue would hang around in an inactive state until if the base was destroyed during unit construction.
Fixed a bug where the Commander Wargear panel would disappear after destroying the base, even though it's still valid to build wargear.
Fixed a bug where targeting reticules would reveal if a building in the FoW was occupied.
Added support for Relic and Games Workshop employee Gamertags. Watch for our custom chapters online!
Fixed a bug where Eldar webway gates would appear as Ravener tunnels on the minimap when you were using Tyranids, and Ravener tunnels would appear as webway gates when you were using Eldar.
Simultaneously pressing shift and squad hotkey now allows for adding to current selection.
Fixed visual bugs with the global build buttons.
Changed ork abilities that have a per entity cost to properly display their cost in the ui (based on the number of entities in the squad.)
Fixed a bug with wargear button state switching.
Kicking Players
Changed the kick-vote screen; removed the confirmation prompt, removed ability to abstain, added display of number of lag complaints.
AI Players
Fixed AI Dreadnought combat vs buildings.
CPU players now have a number associated with their names.
The AI no longer considers unconscious hero a military target.
Ranking and Online Stats
Fixed how Leaderboards are sorted.
Fixed matchmaking. TrueSkill� rank should properly be updated in TeamBattle games, and stats should be more reliable when being recorded.
Fixed an issue where the leaderboard screen wasn't sorting data properly when using the friends filter.
Fixed a problem where unit score doesn't reflect appropriately in the post-game score.
Custom Games
Fixed an issue where games would not get cleared properly from the public games screen.
Victory Point Control load screen tips will no longer show up if the Annihilate win condition is chosen.
Fixed a bug where the Hero Select screen wasn't remembering the correct heroes when assigning players between multiple open slots.
Rank point bar, level, and title are no longer displayed in the post game stats screen in unranked games.
Find a Game
Added the ability to kick people from a party.
Added countdown information to the hero selection screen.
Fixed a bug where a player's visual MP rank unlocks were incorrectly displayed in the select hero screen.
Fixed a bug where the rank in the party panel was always the Space Marines rank no matter what race was selected.
Post Game advancement countdown no longer occurs unless the user is in a party.
Matchmaking now has a preference for lower pings.
Fixed a bug where it was possible for players with different data to end up matched together.
Scaleform IME is now supported for Traditional Chinese.
Fixed a bug where event updates were displayed in the host's language when viewing the events prior to the client joining the game session in the Event Log from the Battle Barge.
Fixed a bug on Debriefing screen where French wasn't fitting in the available space.
Polish Readme now displays in proper language.
Fixed a rare multi-threading crash involving co-op synchronization.
Fix for a crash that occured when you tried to cancel a base upgrade after the base had been destroyed.
Many memory fragmentation improvements, which should alleviate a number of out of memory crashes.
Fixed a bug where the game could crash after viewing a completed campaign, deleting it, and then backing out to the main menu.
Settings that were invalid in the UI could still occur if set manually in configuration.lua, now the settings are validated in the same way as the options menu UI.
Fixed a crash when client accepts Co-Op game invitation on Game List Screen.
Fixed a bug where the game freezes on Main Menu when player signout from the Windows Live Profile on the confirmation message of Save and Exit to Window from the Battle Barge.
Fixed a bug where the game crashed to desktop when a user clicked on Invite Friend after unplugging their LAN cable on delete a Campaign window.
Fixed a crash that would occur when people ranked up to level 60.
Fixed a multithreading crash in the UI on game exit.
Reduced the frequency of checking Steam authentication - it was causing users who momentarily lost their connection to Steam to be ejected from a game in progress.
Fixed a deadlock that could occur in low latency situations.
Fixed a bug where it was possible to grant achievements to players that hadn't rightfully earned them.
Added a "Squad Summary" screen to the mission debrief.
Fixed a bug where the cursor disappeared after inviting a client to the game, and then declining the request once he accepts.
Fixed a bug where the host loses his mouse after kicking a client during an NIS.
Finishing the campaign no longer removes the save game from the final mission.
Fixed an inverted badge on a piece of campaign wargear.
Fixed a bug where global abilities replenished when the client dropped.
Army Painter
Colours with high specular values will now have a more accurate swatch colour in the Army Painter.
Fix issue with DLC badges being visible when they weren't supposed to be.
Fixed a bug where replay speed would display incorrectly during game replays.
Added a button on the replay widget to hide the UI.
A message is now shown to notify the user that the replay has ended.
Squad tabs in replays now show up when switching perspectives and always load the first two units when the replay starts.
Upgrade button panel now doesn't show up in replays
Hitting continue after exiting from a replay now takes you back to the Game History screen.
Created units in replay now use the correct team colour badge that the player started with
Front End
Added a News Tab to the title screen
Updated the Post-game stats screen
Fixed incorrect icon in Jump load screen tip.
Made layout changes to Leaderboards screen
Made layout changes to Game History screen
Fix for mouse pointer getting stuck in the middle of the screen if you press the home key while simultaneously holding mouse left.
Fixed a bug where multiple message boxes popped up when the host would disconnect.
We now properly shut down the game when the OS switches users.
Added functionality to allow changing the automatch map list without invalidating replays.
Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor was frozen to centre of screen if user alt-tabbed at the victory/defeat screen in a ranked match, and didn't alt-tab back into the game until he'd been sent back to the front end.
Added -noReverb commandline flag to disable convolution reverb.
Added a "-disablepagefilecheck" command line switch so users can elect to try and run the game without a swap file.
Added a "-yam" command line switch to allow 32bit users to run with Ultra textures.
Fixed a bug where performance suffered when Steam community was disabed.
Disabled v-sync by default to prevent performance problems on certain computers.

Valeu :)

Pena que o jogo não vai ser vendido em caixa no Brasil :(, vai perder muitos compradores.
Yaesir, vai ver pararam o suporte do primeiro justamente para se concentrar na produção da sequência. Se bem q mesmo assim seria falta de respeito aos consumidores. Complicado né, a Blizzard deixa qualquer jogador mal acostumado em relação a suporte. :)
o patch DAY 0 já foi lançado

só falta saber como usarios "não-steam" vão aplicar o patch....
Muito boas as screens.. esse jogo realmente é muito bonito, tem um capricho grande nos gráficos e animação. Ganhou pontos comigo, muito bom mesmo. Ainda mais a jogabilidade de Company of Heroes é show! Esse e Halo Wars estão fazendo muitos jogadores de RTS felizes.
Ta muito beeem feeiitoooooo!!!

Viciou legal...

Agora bora jogar na LIVE

gamertag "DarkLordRash"
Um dos melhores RTS que ja joguei, senão o melhor talvez.

Bora add a Live da galera no tópico ae

gamertag "BaconBR"
Tô no dia 28 e tô jogando direto! As reviews aí a fora estão dando selo de editor´s choice, review adora jogo que inova e tenha qualidade, e esse tem, não aquele troço tradicional com upgrades nos gráficos (sc2).
alguem sabe quais portas liberar para o dawn of war2?
sobre as portas em jogos, sao tcp ou udp?


edit: no multiplaye, publico custuma ter umas 7 salas so que umas 5 nao dão pra entrar, as letras dessas salas sao escuras, alguem sabe pq isso?
alguem sabe quais portas liberar no dawn of war2?
sobre as portas em jogos, sao tcp ou udp?


A Live pede:

TCP 80
UDP 88
UDP 3074
TCP 3074
UDP 53
TCP 53
Ahh deu uma trabalheira fazer o tópico, mas tudo bem :D

O jogo está ótimo, a campanha single-player está maravilhosa e viciante. A Relic acertou em cheio mesmo! Achei muito, mas muito mais divertido do que Company of Heroes!!!
Não joguei nem o 1º nem a expansão, se eu começar pelo 2, vou estar perdendo mta coisa, tanto em história quanto em jogo?
Po tou de cara.. não tá funcionando nem as keys do beta e nem as da SEGA!! :mad:

Que pode ser? Meu amigo testou e funcionou no dele..

Só lembrando que isso não é pirataria.
Po tou de cara.. não tá funcionando nem as keys do beta e nem as da SEGA!! :mad:

Que pode ser? Meu amigo testou e funcionou no dele..

Só lembrando que isso não é pirataria.

To com a da SEGA aqui BIXO!!!

Ve ai q q rola... joguei ontem a noite ainda...
A minha key do Beta ta funcionando.

Lembrando q eu instalei o jogo ONTEM.

Acho q hj, após o lançamento Oficial, as Keys foram desconsideradas para novas ativações.
A minha key do Beta ta funcionando.

Lembrando q eu instalei o jogo ONTEM.

Acho q hj, após o lançamento Oficial, as Keys foram desconsideradas para novas ativações.

Também tentei ontem e não deu :no:
meu deus, o cop online é muito bom, mt msm, joguei com meu amigo no nivel mais dificio e é totalmente adrenalina...

quem tiver afim de jogar um cop nessa madrugada ou amanha, me add no steam mattador123 ja q no steam fico online 24horas =]
anotem mais um ai viciado no single, o comandante avitus com a gatling ativada com o focus fire eh simplesmente invencivel.
Realmente a campanha single-player tá expetacular. Aquele Ork Backstabba me irritou muito com aqueles tele-transportes. Pior foi o Elder Warlock na fase anterior que deitou o Force Commander com 1 golpe :lol:
Pessoal que esta jogando, eu gostei muito do primeiro, tanto que passei ele.

Entao esse ai vcs me recomendam pra jogar? :D

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