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Sobre o DX 12



PS. Don't count on better Direct X 12 drivers from nVIDIA. DirectX 12 is closer to Metal and it's all on the developer to make efficient use of both nVIDIA and AMDs architectures." :bwahaha::lol2:



This basically means that in terms of parallelism, GCN GPUs should be able to surpass their direct Maxwell rivals, something we’ve been witnessing in the Ashes of the Singularity benchmark.

It’s been known that under DX11, NVIDIA has provided better results than its rival. And according to Mahigan, this is mainly because NVIDIA’s graphics cards can handle better Serial Scheduling rather than Parallel Scheduling.

“nVIDIA, on the other hand, does much better at Serial scheduling of work loads (when you consider that anything prior to Maxwell 2 is limited to Serial Scheduling rather than Parallel Scheduling). DirectX 11 is suited for Serial Scheduling therefore naturally nVIDIA has an advantage under DirectX 11.”

Regarding the really curious results of DX11 and DX12 on NVIDIA’s graphics cards, Mahigan had this to say:

“People wondering why Nvidia is doing a bit better in DX11 than DX12. That’s because Nvidia optimized their DX11 path in their drivers for Ashes of the Singularity. With DX12 there are no tangible driver optimizations because the Game Engine speaks almost directly to the Graphics Hardware. So none were made. Nvidia is at the mercy of the programmers talents as well as their own Maxwell architectures thread parallelism performance under DX12. The Devellopers programmed for thread parallelism in Ashes of the Singularity in order to be able to better draw all those objects on the screen. Therefore what we’re seeing with the Nvidia numbers is the Nvidia draw call bottleneck showing up under DX12. Nvidia works around this with its own optimizations in DX11 by prioritizing workloads and replacing shaders. Yes, the nVIDIA driver contains a compiler which re-compiles and replaces shaders which are not fine tuned to their architecture on a per game basis. NVidia’s driver is also Multi-Threaded, making use of the idling CPU cores in order to recompile/replace shaders. The work nVIDIA does in software, under DX11, is the work AMD do in Hardware, under DX12, with their Asynchronous Compute Engines.”

And as for AMD’s underwhelming DX11 results, Mahigan claimed that this is mainly due to GCN’s architecture, as the graphics cards are limited by DX11’s 1-2 cores for the graphics pipeline.

“But what about poor AMD DX11 performance? Simple. AMDs GCN 1.1/1.2 architecture is suited towards Parallelism. It requires the CPU to feed the graphics card work. This creates a CPU bottleneck, on AMD hardware, under DX11 and low resolutions (say 1080p and even 1600p for Fury-X), as DX11 is limited to 1-2 cores for the Graphics pipeline (which also needs to take care of AI, Physics etc). Replacing shaders or re-compiling shaders is not a solution for GCN 1.1/1.2 because AMDs Asynchronous Compute Engines are built to break down complex workloads into smaller, easier to work, workloads. The only way around this issue, if you want to maximize the use of all available compute resources under GCN 1.1/1.2, is to feed the GPU in Parallel… in comes in Mantle, Vulcan and Direct X 12.”

This is definitely interesting and will make people understand why Ashes of the Singularity performs so well on AMD’s GPUs.

Do note that a game’s draw calls are not its only bottleneck under DX12. Both 3D Mark’s DX12 benchmark and Ashes of Singularity use a lot of draw calls. However, a game may hit a Geometry or Rasterizer Operator bottleneck, in which case an NVIDIA GPU will outperform an AMD GPU.

O pessoal comentou isso sobre o post em particular sobre async compute - q o game usa:
R9 Nano será full Fiji : http://www.guru3d.com/news-story/amd-radeon-r9-nano-core-configuration-leak.html


Yesterday the two familiar sites, that leak everything and anything they can, posted the specs on the the upcoming Radeon R9 Nano. The 175W TDP card seems to be a fully enabled Fiji GPU with 4096 stream processors - 256 TMUs and 64 ROPs.

The card supposedly will also hold 4 GB on the 4096-bit HBM memory interface. According to the leak, the core clock speed isn't far off the R9 Fury X with an up to 1000 MHz, with its memory ticking at 500 MHz (512 GB/s).

That does not sound right though, no liquid cooling, small air/fan cooling. And such we think that card will be throttling based on heat. E.g. a target of say 80 Degrees C will be set and the clocks/voltages will be manually adjusted in real-time to adapt the the heat signature and limiters in place.

Korean tech site DGLee posted pictures of an R9 Nano taken apart.

Sources: IYD.kr


Última edição:

Já tem jogo com patch pra DX 12 e seus draw calls ...

ARK:Survivor DX12 update on Friday

-Patch Notes- Current (v202.1) & Upcoming
Current ARK Official Server Network Servers Version: 202.0

This Friday:
- New Creature: Mesopithecus
- Smoke Grenades
- DirectX12 Mode for Windows 10! Approximate +20% perf
- "Survival of the Fittest: Unnatural Selection" Event + Tournament
R9 Nano será full Fiji : http://www.guru3d.com/news-story/amd-radeon-r9-nano-core-configuration-leak.html


Yesterday the two familiar sites, that leak everything and anything they can, posted the specs on the the upcoming Radeon R9 Nano. The 175W TDP card seems to be a fully enabled Fiji GPU with 4096 stream processors - 256 TMUs and 64 ROPs.

The card supposedly will also hold 4 GB on the 4096-bit HBM memory interface. According to the leak, the core clock speed isn't far off the R9 Fury X with an up to 1000 MHz, with its memory ticking at 500 MHz (512 GB/s).

That does not sound right though, no liquid cooling, small air/fan cooling. And such we think that card will be throttling based on heat. E.g. a target of say 80 Degrees C will be set and the clocks/voltages will be manually adjusted in real-time to adapt the the heat signature and limiters in place.

Korean tech site DGLee posted pictures of an R9 Nano taken apart.

Sources: IYD.kr


E eu achando que seriam 3072 SP.
Fora essa possibilidade de throttle do clock, essa placa não faz sentido...

De qualquer forma, gostaria que a AMD acertasse no preço dela. Mas provavelmente vão jogar o preço acima da GTX 980.
E eu achando que seriam 3072 SP.
Fora essa possibilidade de throttle do clock, essa placa não faz sentido...

De qualquer forma, gostaria que a AMD acertasse no preço dela. Mas provavelmente vão jogar o preço acima da GTX 980.
R9 Nano será full Fiji : http://www.guru3d.com/news-story/amd-radeon-r9-nano-core-configuration-leak.html


Yesterday the two familiar sites, that leak everything and anything they can, posted the specs on the the upcoming Radeon R9 Nano. The 175W TDP card seems to be a fully enabled Fiji GPU with 4096 stream processors - 256 TMUs and 64 ROPs.

The card supposedly will also hold 4 GB on the 4096-bit HBM memory interface. According to the leak, the core clock speed isn't far off the R9 Fury X with an up to 1000 MHz, with its memory ticking at 500 MHz (512 GB/s).

That does not sound right though, no liquid cooling, small air/fan cooling. And such we think that card will be throttling based on heat. E.g. a target of say 80 Degrees C will be set and the clocks/voltages will be manually adjusted in real-time to adapt the the heat signature and limiters in place.

Korean tech site DGLee posted pictures of an R9 Nano taken apart.

Sources: IYD.kr


A AMD tem um belo produto nas mãos, só espero que consiga fazer um bom preço. Na minha opnião a AMD voltaria a ganhar mercado com os seguintes preços:
Fury : 470 $
Nano : 530 $
FuryX : 600 $

E a AMD tem que fazer um bom markenting em cima do DX12, pois nos testes até agora a NVIDIA está um lixo em DX12, a AMD tem que explorar isso.
Última edição:
Já tem jogo com patch pra DX 12 e seus draw calls ...

ARK:Survivor DX12 update on Friday

-Patch Notes- Current (v202.1) & Upcoming
Current ARK Official Server Network Servers Version: 202.0

This Friday:
- New Creature: Mesopithecus
- Smoke Grenades
- DirectX12 Mode for Windows 10! Approximate +20% perf
- "Survival of the Fittest: Unnatural Selection" Event + Tournament

Legal pacas q ja tao lançando.
Saiu um bench obscuro de async compute q segundo quem escreveu deve mostrar no log gerado o tempo nao subind linearmente caso a placa suporte async compute e ganhe algo. Tem de se inscrever pra baixar:

E no mesmo topico um carinha da Intel resolveu dar aquela troladinha basica nas "tradicoes" da amd:

"And let's remember, an ideal architecture would not require additional parallelism to reach full throughput, so while the API is nice to have, seeing "no speedup" from async compute is not a bad thing if it's because the architecture had no issues keeping the relevant units busy without the additional help :) It is quite analogous to CPU architectures that require higher degrees of multi-threading to run at full throughput vs. ones with higher IPCs."

Mas... se uma placa da amd de mesmo preço - se ela tiver a mesma performance atualmente q a concorrencia - tem coisa pra ganhar enquanto q a da nvidia nao/menos, é alegria pra dono de amd oras.

FURY NANO = 650U$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AMDs upcoming Nano graphics card is supposedly faster then the GeForce GTX 980 and a good 30% faster compared to the GTX 970. The small form factor card will be interesting alright.

Rumors suggest that the specs of the card are equal towards the Fury X, yet with thermal limiters pushing down performance. Pricing is now under discussion as well, as it is rumored the card would cost a whopping US $649.99 Now honestly, I cannot see that happening at all as a GTX 970 is 300 USD and a GTX 980 just over 450 USD. But time will tell of course. Interesting times, that's a fact :)

Later this in the day we'll be provising a small preview of the card, which should lift some concerns and questions.

Se for isso, pode fechar o caixão da amd.

FURY NANO = 650U$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AMDs upcoming Nano graphics card is supposedly faster then the GeForce GTX 980 and a good 30% faster compared to the GTX 970. The small form factor card will be interesting alright.

Rumors suggest that the specs of the card are equal towards the Fury X, yet with thermal limiters pushing down performance. Pricing is now under discussion as well, as it is rumored the card would cost a whopping US $649.99 Now honestly, I cannot see that happening at all as a GTX 970 is 300 USD and a GTX 980 just over 450 USD. But time will tell of course. Interesting times, that's a fact :)

Later this in the day we'll be provising a small preview of the card, which should lift some concerns and questions.


Estava cético com a burrice dessa empresa. Depois dessa, impossível não ter certeza.

F**k you, AMD. Minha próxima vga será uma Pascal.
Calma gente ! Só rumores, talvez um blefe ... quem sabe não aparece por $600 :haha:







650,00 $$$$$$ na Nano. NVIDIA ta feliz da vida. Aquelas linhas do gráfico de participação de mercado vão se distanciar mais ainda. O que será que a Taiwan maluca ta pensando? A NVIDIA não precisa nem se esforçar, a AMD se arrebenta sozinha...
Apelo : Samsung / Microsoft, por favor comprem a AMD, não aguento mais usar Intel/Nvidia!!
650,00 $$$$$$ na Nano. NVIDIA ta feliz da vida. Aquelas linhas do gráfico de participação de mercado vão se distanciar mais ainda. O que será que a Taiwan maluca ta pensando? A NVIDIA não precisa nem se esforçar, a AMD se arrebenta sozinha...
Apelo : Samsung / Microsoft, por favor comprem a AMD, não aguento mais usar Intel/Nvidia!!

Cara CEO da AMD precisa ser mudado rapidamente ou então ser vendida para Samsung mesmo, se não a empresa vai morrer... Com esse preço lá fora, porque aqui nem considero os preços abusivos...
uHAhuahuHUEAUHhuhhue uhuahUhueHUEHUEHUEUHAUh huuhhue

eu já sabia.

E qualquer um que não seja fanboy dessa empresinha ae tb saberia que sairia por esse preço ou ate mais caro.

Essas Fuji aqui no Brasil vão ser moscas brancas.

Que a Samsung compre logo essa empresa, senão tamos fuuuuu na parte de GPU, pq de CPU a Intel reina soberana faz muitos anos já.
Tenso mesmo poxa AMD gosta de meter o pé na jaca.
Nossa e em algum momento ainda tive na minha cabeça que iria esperar por essa Nano pq valeria a pena. Como sou feliz de ter abandonado logo essa idéia
Pode enterrar a AMD, pqp!
Ai é putaria...

Placa pra custar 450 dolares no maximo (e ja sendo CARA)
Isso que a AMD chama de preços agressivos!hehehe..

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