[TÓPICO OFICIAL] Diablo III: Reaper of Souls

Mas ai é que está, sua necessidade por tal itens ainda vai existir, porque vai aparecer outras builds e com essas builds certamente UMA das armas vão continuar tendo que ser Ancient!

Esse que é o problema.

No mínimo você terá que dropar 1 de 2 opções de arma ancient pelo que entendi.

Achei meio galhofa essa ideia de extrair a passiva, acharia mais legal um sistema de craft com as armas lendárias.
Última edição:
Esse que é o problema.

No mínimo você terá 2 opções de armas ancient.

A necessidade pra atingir uma build completa com a nova possibilidade do kubo vai depender de uma das 2 armas serem ancestrais... Obvio que qualquer arma ancestral vai ser uma nova combinação com outras buids...

Mas vai diminuir a necessidade de ter item especifico como Krideshot, Serpent Sparker... ancestral, ai tu remove o afixo e crafta uma no ferreiro... já é uma mão na roda e tanto!
Gostei da idéia do cubo e do server BR. Mas... como sempre tem um mas, o cubo aceitará os ítens já dropados, ou teremos que começar tudo do zero, dropando tudo de novo?
A necessidade pra atingir uma build completa com a nova possibilidade do kubo vai depender de uma das 2 armas serem ancestrais... Obvio que qualquer arma ancestral vai ser uma nova combinação com outras buids...

Mas vai diminuir a necessidade de ter item especifico como Krideshot, Serpent Sparker... ancestral, ai tu remove o afixo e crafta uma no ferreiro... já é uma mão na roda e tanto!

Mais ou menos, com certeza as builds agora vão ser baseadas em 2 passivas.

Negócio é torcer para a sua classe favorita ter 1 das 2 armas fácil de dropar.

Se o Wiz precisar da Serpente e da arma de teleporte fud3u por exemplo.
Mas ai é que está, sua necessidade por tal itens ainda vai existir, porque vai aparecer outras builds e com essas builds certamente UMA das armas vão continuar tendo que ser Ancient!

Sim, isso é verdade. Eu já tenho varias armas ancient topadas só nao tenho essas duas citadas. A minha ideia inicial é usar a Shard of Hate que eu tenho ancient com dps bem alto e colocar no cubo bonus de hydra ou teleport, ficar variando.
ah eu nem gosto de ZDPS, se acabar por mim ta ótimo....eu jogo com outros 3 amigos e todos eles jogam de DH e eu de barbaro....dai sobrou pra mim fazer o ZDPS dessa vez....mas com o fim disso eu to livre rsrsrs
Sim, isso é verdade. Eu já tenho varias armas ancient topadas só nao tenho essas duas citadas. A minha ideia inicial é usar a Shard of Hate que eu tenho ancient com dps bem alto e colocar no cubo bonus de hydra ou teleport, ficar variando.

Eu to pensando o dia todo em o que fazer :haha:

Meu wizard tem foco em poder arcano, já que o meteoro do arcano tem o maior dano... agora com a possibilidade de usar o chapeu das bolhas em conjunto com o tal rasha + bolhas vai ser op demais! ai eu jogo o efeito da Hydra na minha Orpheu antiga que é arcana e com maior redução de tempo, vai ficar mais animal! além de poder usar o focus e restraint usando o bonus do royal ring.... ou dá pra dar uma leve modificada na build pra ter mais sobrevivencia com efeito do ring de gelo.
Lamentável o ping aqui no Rio Grande do Sul, de tarde tava 65-85, agora essa nojera
Esse que é o problema.

No mínimo você terá que dropar 1 de 2 opções de arma ancient pelo que entendi.

Achei meio galhofa essa ideia de extrair a passiva, acharia mais legal um sistema de craft com as armas lendárias.

A idéia é muito boa para versatilidade de builds. Te permite ter um build sem ter uma arma ancestral fodastica com a habilidade X. Vc pode usar essa habilidade agora independente da arma. Pode botar outra arma que vc já tem da classe topada na build. Só que se só vier isso é tiro no pé. Estão saindo mais informações de sets, items, novos anéis etc. Vamos aguardar.

Eu quero ver informação da mudança dos mobs, boss e GR. Isso é o mais importante de tudo.
Diablo 3 Patch 2.3 PTR Datamined - Class changes, Set items, Kanai's Cube, and MUCH more

Diablo 3 Patch 2.3 PTR Datamined - Class changes, Set items, Kanai's Cube, and MUCH more

The PTR patch has just been spotted on the CDN. As always please remember the following is datamined and may contain errors.

This is a work in progress post, keep checking back

Update 7:56 EDT - Added Achievements and Flavor text
Update 7:20 EDT - all sets added. Going on to more datamining
Update 7:10 EDT - Started adding set bonus changes. More to come
Update 6:46 EDT
- Added Crafting options for the cube

Update 6:39 EDT - Added Crafting Ingredients for the cube

A Note from Blizzard on this Datamined Patch

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

I've said this already on Twitter, but it bears reiteration:

Take external information and datamining with a grain of salt. When we experiment with things internally, we often leave behind remnants of those experiments even after a feature or tweak is pulled. Said details may show up in a later patch... or not at all.

It can be a lot of fun to speculate, and I encourage that discussion! But, it's also part of our duty as community managers to help manage (see what I did thar?) expectations. There's already a couple of strings I've seen that I can confirm are not making it into this patch for various reasons. Cursed Realms continue to be an internal experiment and will not be appearing in Patch 2.3.0. The ability to level a Legendary up to your level using the Kanai's Cube was pulled because it created a lot of unforeseen interactions and nasty bugs that will take too long for us to implement for this particular patch (though we may revisit it at a later date).

It's early yet, though. The PTR isn't live yet, after all! I encourage you to temper your excitement over third-party info and hang tight for the official patch notes. They are on their way.

New Torment Levels

We have not datamiend the new bonus gold and exp yet. However it does look like "double blood shards" has been removed as a reward from all torment levels.

Kanai's Cube Information

Note: we are still gathering a LOT more information on this. Please check the 3 sections below for craftable options, information, and ingredients

Craft-able Options

it looks like you can craft some pretty neat things if these strings are indeed what are enabled.

  • [EXTRACT LEGENDARY POWER] - Extract Legendary Power
  • [REFORGE LEGENDARY] -Reforge Legendary
  • [UPGRADE RARE ITEM] -Upgrade Rare Item
  • [CONVERT SET ITEM] -Convert Set Item
  • [REMOVE LEVEL REQ] -Remove Level Requirement
  • [CONVERT CRAFTING MATS] -Convert Crafting Materials
  • [UPGRADE ITEM TO PLAYER LEVEL] -Upgrade Item to Player's Level
  • [CONVERT GEMS] -Convert Gems
  • [OPEN PORTAL TO GREED] -Open Portal to Greed Realm
  • [OPEN PORTAL TO COW] -Open Portal to Not A Cow Level
  • [OPEN PORTAL TO WHIMSEYSHIRE] -Open Portal to Whimseyshire
  • [CONVERT CRAFTING MATS]_Name -Anger of Iben Fahd
  • [CONVERT SET ITEM]_Name - Skill of Nilfur
  • [CONVERT GEMS]_Name -Darkness of Radament
  • [EXTRACT LEGENDARY POWER]_Name - Archive of Tal Rasha
  • [REFORGE LEGENDARY]_Name -Law of Kulle
  • [REMOVE LEVEL REQ]_Name -Work of Cathan
  • [UPGRADE ITEM TO PLAYER LEVEL]_Name -The Time of Radament
  • [UPGRADE RARE ITEM]_Name -Hope of Cain
  • [OPEN PORTAL TO WHIMSEYSHIRE]_Name -Recipe of Impossibility
General Information

  • p3_KCube_NewVendor-There is a new Vendor in Town Look for the spirit of Zoltun Kulle...
  • p3_KCube_NewVendor_title-New Vendor Available
  • p3_KCube_Sescheron-Kanai's Cube was last seen in the Ruins of Sescheron Proceed to the ruins and attempt to locate the long lost Cube.
  • p3_KCube_Sescheron_title-Locate the Cube
  • p3_KCube_CubeCollected -You have found the powerful Kanai's Cube! Only Zoltun Kulle can unlock its mysterious powers. Return to town when you are able.
  • p3_KCube_CubeCollected_title -Kanai's Cube Located!
  • p3_KCube_CubeInteract -Kanai's Cube can now be used! Talk to Zoltun Kulle to discover its mysterious powers.
  • p3_KCube_CubeInteract_title -Using Kanai's Cube
  • p3_KCube_AddItems -Kanai's Cube can be used to make excting new things
    Place recipe items within the cube itself to begin.
    Either drag items to the Cube or Right-click ({icon:rmb}) on them in your inventory.
  • p3_KCube_AddItems_title -Adding Items
  • p3_KCube_RecipesPrompt -There are many ancient recipes to discover
    Click here to view the ancient recipes Zoltun Kulle successfully documented.
  • p3_KCube_RecipesPrompt_title -Recipes
  • p3_KCube_IngredientsPrompt - Each recipe is constructed from a number of ingredients
    Those ingredients are listed here, including the number of each component required.
  • p3_KCube_IngredientsPrompt_title -Recipe Ingredients
  • p3_KCube_RecipePagePrompt -The Kanai's Cube recipe book contains many entries
    Use these buttons to page between the recipes you have available.
  • p3_KCube_RecipePagePrompt_title -Recipe Pages
  • p3_KCube_RecipeLastPage -Tal Rasha's experiments were many and varied
    He was known for his free experimentation but also his terrible note taking! Can you uncover further lost recipes...?
  • p3_KCube_RecipeLastPage_title - Other Recipes
  • p3_KCube_TransmogPrompt - You have added sufficient ingredients to complete an experiment
    Press this button to engage the Cube and follow in the footsteps of Nilfur.
  • p3_KCube_TransmogPrompt_title -Kanai's Cube - Transmogrify
  • p3_KCube_PowerExtracted -You have just extracted a Legendary Power
    The new power can be viewed within the Horadric Collection, accessed via a Left-Click ({icon:lmb}) here or on the accompanying power locations.
  • p3_KCube_PowerExtracted_title - Extraction
  • p3_KCube_NewPower -Newly extracted powers are indicated like this
    Once extracted, each power can be equipped at will.
    Only one power from each category can be equipped at a time.
    Left click ({icon:lmb}) to equip a power.
  • p3_KCube_NewPower_title - New Power
  • p3_KCube_CollectionPagePrompt -Kanai's Cube can be used to extract Legendary Powers and add them to your Horadric Collection
    Use these buttons to page between the available potential powers.
  • p3_KCube_CollectionPagePrompt_title - Collection pages
  • p3_KCube_EquipFirstPower -Your first extracted power is now active
    You can view the power here.
    You can freely switch powers in town with Kanai's Cube.
    While in the field, you can see the powers you have active listed in the Details pane.
  • p3_KCube_EquipFirstPower_title - First Power
  • p3_KCube_FirstPowerOthers - You can equip up to 3 powers, one in each category
    As you extract new powers, remember to check your Horadric Collection while in town to see these new powers and equip them.
  • p3_KCube_FirstPowerOthers_title -Equip Powers
  • p3_KCube_DuplicatePower -You have already extracted this power
    Remember to check your Horadric Collection to see the powers you already have.
    The collection can be accessed via Left-Click ({icon:lmb}) on any power slot.
  • p3_KCube_DuplicatePower_title -Duplicate
  • p3_KCube_UnequippedPower -You do not currently have a power equipped in this slot
    Remember to check your Horadric Collection to see the powers you have already extracted.
  • p3_KCube_UnequippedPower_title -Unequipped Power
  • p3_KCube_CubePaperDoll - You can view the Legendary Powers you have extracted and equipped here
    Left Click ({icon:lmb}) to view your currently equipped powers.
    You can adjust your equipped powers using Kanai's Cube in town.
  • p3_KCube_CubePaperDoll_title - View your Powers
  • p3_KCube_TransmutePrompt -You have added sufficient ingredients to complete an experiment
    Press this button to engage the Cube and follow in the footsteps of Nilfur.
  • p3_KCube_TransmutePrompt_title - Transmute
  • p3_KCube_FirstCursedRealm - You have discovered your first portal to a Cursed Realm
    Legend has it that Tal Rasha used these realms to fuel his experiments.
    Entering one is sure to lead to great reward, if you can survive...
  • p3_KCube_FirstCursedRealm_title - Cursed Realms
  • p3_KCube_SuperReagentGet - You have just discovered a Super Reagent
    Your journey through the Cursed Realm has granted you the mysterious Super Reagent.
    It was revered by the Horadrim.
    Try using it in the Cube!
  • p3_KCube_SuperReagentGet_title - Super Reagent
  • p3_KCube_SuperReagentUse - This Super Reagent can be used in place of any other reagent
    Simply use 1 of this reagent to substitue for any amount of another reagent.
  • p3_KCube_SuperReagentUse_title - Super Reagent
  • p3_KCube_FirstCursedRealmEnter -You have discovered your first portal to a Cursed Realm
    Legend has it that Tal Rasha used these realms to fuel his experiments.
    Entering one is sure to lead to great reward, if you can survive...
Crafting Ingredients

  • [ANY] - Any Item
  • [LEGENDARY ITEM] - Legendary Item
  • [LEGENDARY ITEM POWER] - Legendary Item with Special Power
  • [RARE EQUIPPABLE ITEM] - Rare Equippable Level 70 Item
  • [SET ITEM] - Set Item
  • [UPGRADED GEM OF EASE] -Rank 25+ Gem of Ease
  • [EQUIPPABLE ITEM] - Equippable Item
  • [NON LEGENDARY EQUIPPABLE ITEM] -Non Legendary Equippable Item
  • [GEM] - Any Gem
  • [BASIC CRAFTING MAT] - [PH] White, Blue, or Yellow Crafting Material
  • [NORMAL MAGIC RARE ITEM] - [PH] Normal, Magic or Rare Equippable Item
  • [ACT BOUNTY REAGENT] - Any of the five act bounty reagents
  • [GEM CONVERSION REAGENT] -[PH] Select one of the following:

Heroes of the Storm Promotion



We have information on new and changed sets!

  • Chantodo's Resolve [Reworked]
    • 2 pieces: [Every time you hit with an attack while not in Archon form, 350% weapon damage is added to the Wave of Destruction, stacking up to 20 times.]
  • Shenlong's Spirit [Reworked]
    • 2 pieces: [When reaching maximum Spirit, all damage is increased by 300%, but you no longer passively regenerate Spirit and 65 Spirit is drained every second until you run out of Spirit.]
  • Manajuma's Way [ Reworked]
    • 2 pieces: [Your Hex - Angry Chicken lasts 15 seconds and movement speed as a chicken is increased by an additional 100%.]
  • Zunimassa's Haunt
    • 2 Pieces: Now the cooldown of your Fetish Army is reduced by 80% also
  • Vyr's Amazing Arcana [Reworked]
    • 2 pieces: [Archon gains the effect of every rune.]
    • 4 pieces: [You automatically start with 50 Archon stacks when entering Archon form.]
    • 6 pieces: [You also gain Archon stacks when you hit with an Archon ability.]
  • Embodiment of Marauder
    • 4 pieces: instead of saying "hatred spenders" now lists "Elemental Arrow, Chakram, Impale, Multishot, and Cluster Arrow"
  • Helltooth Harness [Reworked]
    • 2 pieces: [Enemies hit by Wall of Death are afflicted by Necrosis, becoming Slowed and taking 2500% weapon damage every second for 10 seconds.]
    • 4 pieces: [After applying Necrosis to an enemy, you take 50% reduced damage for 10 seconds.]
    • 6 pieces: [Enemies afflicted by Necrosis take an 800% increased damage from your primary skills, Acid Cloud, Firebats, Zombie Charger, Grasp of the Dead, Piranhas, and Wall of Death.]
  • Wrath of the Wastes
    • 2 pieces: tooltip added "per second"
  • Uliana's Stratagem [New]
    • 2 pieces: [Every third hit of your Spirit Generators applies Exploding Palm.]
    • 4 pieces: [Your Seven-Sided Strike deals its total damage with each hit.]
    • 6 pieces: [Your Seven-Sided Strike detonates your Exploding Palm.]
  • Spirit of Arachyr [New]
    • 2 pieces: [Summon a permanent Spider Queen who leaves behind webs that deal [3*100*5 (we are looking into this value)]% weapon damage over 5 seconds and Slows enemies. The Spider Queen is commanded to move to where you cast your Corpse Spiders.]
    • 4 pieces: [Hex gains the effect of the Toad of Hugeness rune. While Toad of Hugeness is active, you take 40% reduced damage. After Toad of Hugeness finishes his meal, you will heal for 10% of your maximum Life per second for 10 seconds.]
    • 6 pieces: [The damage of your creature skills is increased by 500%. Creature skills are Corpse Spiders, Plague of Toads, Firebats, Hex, and Piranhas.]
  • Seeker of the Light [New]
    • 2 pieces: [Every use of Blessed Hammer that hits an enemy reduces the cooldown of Falling Sword and Provoke by 1 second.]
    • 4 pieces: [You take 50% less damage for 8 seconds after landing with Falling Sword.]
    • 6 pieces: [Increase the damage of Blessed Hammer by 750% and Falling Sword by 250%.]

Item passives

NOTE: The term Unique_ring is used for internal data. it does not mean they are attached to a ring
Note2: Some passives have changed. We have not included the ones that have changed (yet)

DiabloFans Quote:

  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_001 - You take [{VALUE1}*100]% less damage for 8 seconds after landing with Falling Sword.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_002 -Increase the damage of Blessed Hammer by [{VALUE1}*100]% and Falling Sword by 250%.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_003 -Every use of Blessed Hammer that hits an enemy reduces the cooldown of Falling Sword and Provoke by {VALUE1} second.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_004 -Increase the attack speed of Blessed Hammer by {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]%{/c_magic}.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_005 -Multishot attacks [{VALUE1}*100]% faster.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_007 -Blessed Hammer damage is increased by {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]%{/c_magic} for the first 3 enemies it hits.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_008 -When your Blessed Hammer hits 3 or fewer enemies, {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]%{/c_magic} of its Wrath Cost is refunded.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_006 -Strafe projectiles pierce.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_009 -After applying Necrosis to an enemy, you take [{VALUE1}*100]% reduced damage for 10 seconds.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_010 -Enemies afflicted by Necrosis take an [{VALUE1}*100]% increased damage from your primary skills, Acid Cloud, Firebats, Zombie Charger, Grasp of the Dead, Piranhas, and Wall of Death.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_011 -Archon stacks also increase your Attack Speed, Armor and Resistances by [{VALUE1}*100]%.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_012 -You also gain Archon stacks when you hit with an Archon ability.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_013 -Every second while in Archon form you expel a Wave of Destruction, dealing [{VALUE1}*100]% weapon damage to enemies within 30 yards.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_014 -You automatically start with {VALUE1} Archon stacks when entering Archon form.
  • Lewis_ItemPassive_Test -{c_magic}[{VALUE1} * 2]%{/c_magic} chance on hit to summon a Fetish Sycophant.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_015 -Summon a permanent Spider Queen who leaves behind webs that deal [{VALUE1}*100*5]% weapon damage over 5 seconds and Slows enemies. The Spider Queen is commanded to move to where you cast your Corpse Spiders.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_016 - Hex gains the effect of the Toad of Hugeness rune. While Toad of Hugeness is active, you take [{VALUE1}*100]% reduced damage. After Toad of Hugeness finishes his meal, you will heal for 10% of your maximum Life per second for 10 seconds.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_017 -The damage of your creature skills is increased by [{VALUE1}*100]%. Creature skills are Corpse Spiders, Plague of Toads, Firebats, Hex, and Piranhas.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_018 -Your Seven-Sided Strike deals its total damage with each hit.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_019 -Every third hit of your Spirit Generators applies Exploding Palm.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_020 -Your Seven-Sided Strike detonates your Exploding Palm.
  • ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_879_x1 -Gain the Leech passive.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_021 -Every time you hit with an attack while not in Archon form, [{VALUE1} * 100]% weapon damage is added to the Wave of Destruction, stacking up to 20 times.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_022 -The bonuses from Archon stacks now last for {c_magic}{VALUE1}{/c_magic} seconds after Archon expires.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_023 -Judgment is cast at your landing location when casting Falling Sword.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_024 -The first time an enemy deals damage to you, reduce that damage by {c_magic}[{value1}*100]% and Charm the enemy for 3 seconds.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_025 -The damage of your Spirit Generators is increased by [{VALUE1}*100]% for each point of Spirit you have.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_026 -When reaching maximum Spirit, all damage is increased by [{VALUE1}*100]%, but you no longer passively regenerate Spirit and 65 Spirit is drained every second until you run out of Spirit.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_027 -Each hit with Seven-Sided Strike grants {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100|1|]%{/c_magic} damage reduction for 7 seconds.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_028 -Your Hatred generators attack 30% faster and deal {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]% increased damage.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_029 -While channeling Firebats, gain {c_magic}{VALUE1} Life per Hit.
    ItemPassive_Unique_Mojo_010_x1_tooltipDummy_1 -Your Hex - Angry Chicken lasts 15 seconds and movement speed as a chicken is increased by an additional 100%.
  • p1_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_945 -Spike Trap - Sticky Trap spreads to nearby enemies when it explodes.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_030 -Reduces the number of items needed for set bonuses by 1 (to a minimum of 2). [NOTE: This is not the same ID as RoRG]
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_031 -Wall of Death can be cast up to twice again within 2 seconds before the cooldown begins.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_032 -When Hammer of the Ancients hits an enemy, gain {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]% increased Attack Speed for 3 |4second:seconds;.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_033 -Call of the Ancients gains the effect of the Ancients' Fury rune.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_034 -Cleave deals up to {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]% increased damage based on percentage on missing Fury.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_035 -Seismic Slam deals {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]% increased damage to the first two enemies it hits.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_036 -Demon Hunter defensive item.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_037 -Weapon Throw generates up to {c_magic}{VALUE1} additional Fury based on how far away the enemy hit is. Maximum benefit when the enemy hit is 20 or more yards away.
  • P3_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_038 -Your Hatred Generators reduce your damage taken by {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]%{/c_magic} for 5 seconds.
  • ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_612_p3 -Lightning damage has a chance to turn enemies into lightning rods, causing them to pulse {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]%{/c_magic} weapon damage as Lightning every second to nearby enemies for 6 seconds.
  • ItemPassive_Unique_Sword_1H_012_p3 -Undead and Demon enemies within 25 yards take {c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]%{/c_magic} weapon damage as Holy every second and are sometimes knocked into the air.
  • ItemPassive_Unique_Mighty_1H_006_p3-You are surrounded by a Chilling Aura when attacking.

Class Changes

Please note the following is datamined and may contain errors.

DiabloFans Quote:


  • No Escape Increase the damage of Weapon Throw and Ancient Spear by 2530% against enemies more than 2015 yards away from you.
  • Cleave
    • Scattering Blast : On Critical Hits, knock enemies back 10 yardsup into the air and deal 80% weapon damage to enemies where they land.
  • Battle Rage
    • Ferocity : Increase the duration of Battle Rage to 300 secondsmovement speed by 10%.
    • Swords to Ploughshares : Critical Hits haveheal you for up to a 8% chance to cause enemies to drop additional health globes21457 Life.
  • Frenzy
    • Vanguard : Gain 255% movement speed while under the effectsfor each stack of Frenzy.
  • Seismic Slam Cost: 30 Fury / Slam the ground and cause a wave of destruction that deals 620% weapon damage to enemies up to 4550 yards in front of you.
  • War Cry

  • Hot Pursuit Increase movement speed by 20% for 24 seconds when you hit an enemy.
  • Numbing Traps Enemies you Slow or hit with Fan of Knives, Spike Trap, Caltrops, Grenades, and Sentry fire have their damage reduced by 25% for 35 seconds.
  • Spike Trap Cost: 30 Hatred / Lay a trap that arms after 21.5 seconds and triggers when an enemy approaches. The trap has a 20.5 second re-arming time and can explode up to 3 times, each time dealing 340% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within 8 yards. / You can have a maximum of 3 Spike Traps active at one time.
    • Long Fuse : Increase the arming and re-Increases arming time to 3 seconds but increases damage to 520930% weapon damage as Firein a single blast. / Enemies hit are stunned for 2 seconds.
    • Echoing Blast : Increase the damage of each explosion to 420to 575% weapon damage and turns theas Cold. / The trap explodes in a single blast that freezes any targets hit for 3 seconds. Whilst frozen damage into Coldis amplified by 20%.
    • Sticky Trap : Plant athe bomb on ana single targeted enemy rather than on the ground.. / After 2 seconds,1 second the bomb explodes dealing 800915% weapon damage as Firedamage to all enemies within 1612 yards.
    • Lightning Rod : When the trap is triggered, it releases a pulse oftriggered lightning that will bounce tochain hits up to 3 enemies within 10 yards. / Lightning will also arc from any triggered trap to any armed traps within 75 yards. / All enemies are hit for 500880% weapon damage as Lightning over 10 hits.
  • Leech Leech
    • stat : Gain 18507 Life per Hit. / Heal amount is increased by 75% of your Life per Kill.
    • desc : "For a Demon Hunter, killing is life. Kill, grow strong, and survive." ???Mynton, Demon Hunter

  • Spiritual Attunement Maximum Mana is increased by 10%. Regenerate 13% of your maximum Mana per second. / Mana fuels your offensive and defensive skills.
  • Blood Ritual 1020% of Mana costs are paid with Life. In addition, you regenerate 1% of your maximum Life per second.
  • Bad Medicine When you deal Poison damage to an enemy, its damage is reduced by 2025% for 35 seconds.
  • Physical Attunement PhysicalSwampland Attunement
    • stat : You and your pets gain 70120 Physical, Poison, Fire, and Cold Resistance for every enemy within 20 yards. / The range of this effect is increased by your gold pickup radius.
  • Corpse Spiders
    • Blazing Spiders : Throw a jar with fire spiders that deal a total of 700% weapon damage as Firethat return 3 Mana to you per hit.
    • Widowmakers : Throw a jar with widowmaker spiders that return 3 Mana to you per hitdeal a total of 700% weapon damage as Physical.
  • Hex Cooldown: 15 seconds / Summon a Fetish Shaman for 12 seconds that will hex groups of enemies into chickens. Hexed enemies are unable to perform offensive actions and take 1015% additional damage.
    • Toad of Hugeness : Summon a giant toad that pulls in enemies, briefly swallows enemiesthem whole for up to 5 seconds, digesting for 580%then spits them back out with a layer of yourgoo that deals 750% weapon damage per second as Poison over 5 seconds and increases all damage taken by 25%.
    • Angry Chicken : Transform into an angry chicken for up to 2 seconds that can explode for 1350% weapon damage as PhysicalPoison to all enemies within 12 yards.
    • Unstable Form : Hexed enemies explode when killed, dealing 135500% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within 8 yards.
    • Jinx : Increases the magnitude of the hex to 2030% additional damage.
  • Soul Harvest
    • Soul to Waste : Increase the duration of Soul Harvest's effect to 60 secondsGain 5% increased movement speed for each enemy harvested.
  • Firebomb
    • Ghost Bomb : In addition to the base explosion, the skull creates a larger blast that deals an additional 30% weapon damage as FireCold to all other enemies within 28 yards.
  • Acid Cloud
    • Corpse Bomb : Raise a corpse from the ground that explodes for 525620% weapon damage as Fire to enemies in the area.
    • Kiss of Death : Spit a cloud of acid that deals 330333% weapon damage as Poison, followed by 396400% weapon damage as Poison over 3 seconds.
  • Mass Confusion Cooldown: 60 seconds / Incite paranoia in enemies, confusing them and causing some to be Charmed and fight for you for 12 seconds.
    • Mass Hysteria : Up to 610 enemies who are not Confused become Stunned for 3 seconds.
    • Mass Hallucination : Amid the confusion, a giant spirit rampages through enemies, dealing 195400% weapon damage per second as Physical to enemies it passes through.
    • Unstable Realm : Reduce the cooldown of Mass Confusion to 4530 seconds.
    • Devolution : Enemies killed while Confused have a 30100% chance to spawn a Zombie Dog.
  • Zombie Charger
    • Zombie Bears : Summon zombie bears that stampede towards your enemy. Each bear deals 392400% weapon damage as Poison to enemies in the area.
    • Lumbering Cold : Zombie winter bears crawl out of the ground and run in all directions, dealing 196200% weapon damage as Cold to nearby enemies.
    • Explosive Beast : Summon an explosive Zombie Dog that streaks toward the enemy before exploding, dealing 532580% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within 912 yards.
  • Firebats
    • Hungry Bats : Rapidly summon two bats that each seek out a nearby enemiesenemy for 635]% weapon damage as Fire.
    • Plague Bats : Diseased bats fly towards the enemy and infect them. Damage is slow at first, but can increase over time to a maximum of638660% weapon damage as Poison.
    • Vampire Bats : Firebats initial cost increased to 225 mana but no longer has a channeling cost. / Firebats' damage type turns into Physical.
  • Plague of Toads
    • Piercing Toads : Mutate to frogs that pierce through enemies for 130% weapon damage as PoisonPhysical.
    • Toad Affinity : Gain 9 Mana every time a toad hits an enemy. / Plague of Toads' damage turns into Cold.
  • Wall of Zombies Wall of ZombiesDeath
    • desc : Cooldown: 8 seconds / Raise a linewall of zombies 28 yards wide from the ground that attacks nearbyblocks enemies and attacks them for 200800% weapon damage as Physical over 46 seconds.
    • CreepersSurrounded by Death : Up to 3Raise a circle of zombies will emerge from the ground that traps and attackattacks nearby enemies for 25% of your1000% weapon damage as Physical per attackover 4 seconds.
    • Barricade : Increase the widthRing of the Wall of ZombiesPoison / Summon a deadly ring for 5 seconds that poisons nearby enemies for 1200% weapon damage as Poison over 8 seconds.
    • Offensive LineCommuning with Spirits : Knock allSummon a circle of spirits for 6 seconds that deals 1400% weapon damage as Cold, Chills nearby enemies behind the wallby 60%, and reduces their damage dealt by 25% for 3 seconds.
    • Unrelenting GripOffensive Line : Your Wall of Zombies will SlowIncrease the movementwidth of the wall to 50 yards. All enemies by 60% for 5 seconds. Changesin front of you are knocked back behind the damage done to Coldwall.
    • Wrecking CrewFire Wall : The lineRaise a wall of zombies tauntflame 40 yards wide for 8 seconds that burns enemies to attackwho walk through, causing them to take 1000% weapon damage as Fire over 4 seconds.

  • Unstable Anomaly When you receive fatal damage, you healinstead gain a shield equal to 45300% of your maximum Life for 5 seconds and release a shockwave that knocks enemies back and slowsStuns them by 60% for 3 seconds. / This effect may occur once every 60 seconds.
  • Wave of Force
    • Impactful Wave : Wave of Force repels projectiles back toward their shooter, knocks back nearby enemies and Slows them by 60% for 3 seconds. / Wave of Force gains a 5 second cooldown.
  • Archon
    • Slow Time : Archon form can cast a Slow Time that follows you and your Arcane Blast and Arcane Strike abilities Freeze enemies for 1 second. / Archon abilities deal Cold damage instead of Arcane.

  • Blessed Hammer
    • Icebound Hammer : The hammer is made of ice, chilling enemies it passes through and has a 1035% chance to explode on impact, dealing380460% weapon damage as Cold and Freezing enemies within 6 yards for 21 seconds.
  • Judgment
    • Mass Verdict : All enemies are first drawn toward the center of the judged area.
    • ConversionDebilitate : Enemies below 25% health who arein the judged have a 20area deal 40% chance to be converted into an Avatar of the Order who fights by your sidereduced damage for 56 seconds. Each Avatar attacks for 100% of your weapon damage.

Item Flavor Text

  • P1_Unique_SpiritStone_008 - The monk Vhalit is said to have been driven mad with the power of this stone. Can you withstand the corruption that lies within?
  • P1_Unique_WizardHat_003 - Bestows upon the wearer both formidable power and an unsurpassed statement of fashion.
  • P1_Unique_Boots_010 - You've got to mind those feets.
  • P2_Unique_Shield_002 - This shield hums with the Song of the Arch.
  • P3_Unique_HandXBow_005_Old - What fevered mind conceived of this vicious device that sends spikes hurling towards one's enemies at incredible speeds?
  • Lewis_Test_Dagger - "Blizard QA is the best except for me" -Lewis
  • P1_flail1H_norm_unique_01 - One of the more mysterious tales in the annals of the Crusaders is that of Johanna. A powerful warrior, she disappeared suddenly. The fact that she did not take this, her favorite flail, seems to indicate that her journey was unplanned. She has not been seen since.
  • P3_Unique_WizardHat_003 - Bestows upon the wearer both formidable power and an unsurpassed statement of fashion.
  • P2_mojo_norm_unique_02 - The enchanter Yanashima hired the famous craftsman Paul of Westmarch to help her create a mojo of great power. At a critical moment, Paul’s cat Henri leapt into the mix, deep in pursuit of a mouse. Now an inseparable part of the mojo, Henri is said to be eternally searching for that mouse, which has never been seen since.
  • P3_Unique_HandXBow_005 - Valla was one of the most lethal Demon Hunters ever known, until her abrupt disappearance. Some claim that she still lives, fighting in another land. Her body was never found, but she did leave behind her prized possession
  • Unique_Helm_Set_01_p3 - “Uliana was the first to venture out amongst the laymen while retaining her status-for in those days, monks were forbidden to leave the monasteries, with their forms being used solely to commune with the gods.” -Poldamyr's Histories of the Veradani
  • Unique_Shoulder_Set_01_p3 - “Uliana questioned the orthodoxy that the gods were actual beings, asking if they might not instead be metaphors to guide the monk’s spiritual development. For her temerity, she was ordered to wander the world and seek repentance.”-Poldamyr's Histories of the Veradani
  • Unique_Chest_Set_01_p3 - “Ultimately, she was unable to view her exile as punishment, as she firmly believed the monks’ true calling was to inspire the masses, not lock themselves away.” -Poldamyr's Histories of the Veradani
  • Unique_Pants_Set_01_p3 - “Uliana’s beliefs were forever altered when she was attacked on the road by beings she believed to be agents of the gods of chaos-if not the gods themselves. She had never imagined beings of such horror could actually exist.” -Poldamyr's Histories of the Veradani
  • Unique_Gloves_Set_01_p3 - “After her encounter with the demonic creatures in the Aranoch, Uliana became obsessed with defeating the gods of chaos, and, to this end, began adapting the forms of the Veradani towards the martial style every monk is familiar with today.” -Poldamyr's Histories of the Veradani
  • Unique_Boots_Set_01_p3 - “Uliana’s passion to defeat the gods of chaos drew the ire of the Patriarchs, for a monk was to seek balance in all things. She disappeared shortly after her excommunication, never to be seen again, swearing to eradicate all agents of chaos for the good of all mankind.” -Poldamyr's Histories of the Veradani
  • Unique_Helm_Set_02_p3 - “Some creatures are born of chaos. They can be summoned, but never tamed.” -The Tomes of Creation
  • Unique_Shoulder_Set_02_p3 - “Arachyr was the first of the beasts created for this world. As such, he is father to all others.” -The Tomes of Creation
  • Unique_Chest_Set_02_p3 - “Arachyr is often portrayed as a spider, but there is much debate as to how many legs he actually had.” -The Tomes of Creation
  • Unique_Pants_Set_02_p3 - “Much like his uncontrollable children, it is said he can be charmed to do ones bidding-but often turns on his supplicants with no warning.” -The Tomes of Creation
  • Unique_Gloves_Set_02_p3 - “The unpredictability of the children of Arachyr is also their strength.” -The Tomes of Creation
  • Unique_Helm_Set_03_p3 - Some Crusaders fought the Darkness. Crusader Anajinn sought the Light.
  • Unique_Shoulder_Set_03_p3 - The Crusader Anajinn believed that the Light could be found in everyone. But it was dimmed, and in need of succor from some external source.
  • Unique_Chest_Set_03_p3 - The Crusader Anajinn knew that the search for the Light would be the greatest test of her life. She embraced it eagerly.
  • Unique_Pants_Set_03_p3 - Anajinn took an apprentice who would seek the Light as she had, and her master before her.
  • Unique_Boots_Set_03_p3 - Anajinn’s apprentice became Anajinn in her time, and the search for the Light continued.
  • Unique_Gloves_Set_03_p3 - Anajinn knew the Darkness would take her before the Light was found. But it did not matter, it had always been the search that mattered.
  • P3_Unique_Ring_107 - "Contemporary accounts say the Mad King's ring was a wonder to behold, its many jewels glinting like stars in the firmament." —Abd al-Hazir
  • P3_Unique_Bracer_101 - “Always seeking to improve the Crusaders’ efficiency, Akkhan’s Master Blacksmith Gabriel crafted these bracers to ease the strain of summoning the Blessed Hammer.” -Rennold's Catalogue of Arms
  • P3_Unique_Belt_01 - “Fall upon your enemies like divine retribution from above.” -Elder Crusader Drakon
  • P3_Unique_Belt_02 - “Fazula, like many wizards, was obsessed with power. She claimed this belt was crafted by Vyr himself, but I doubt that. Like many, she wanted to benefit from another’s notoriety. What cannot be denied, however, was its effectiveness.” -Abd al-Hazir
  • P3_Unique_Belt_03 - All that was ever found of Uliana after her disappearance.
  • P1_fistWeapon_norm_unique_01 - The ferocity of Uliana’s unrelenting attacks was often compared to that of a lion.
  • P2_handXbow_norm_unique_03 - “Whispers abound of Kovan's insatiable lust for slaughtering the denizens of the Burning Hells. May the gods save the world if the day comes when he no longer has demons to fight” -Tales of the Wasteland
  • P3_Unique_Bracer_102 - For those who may not be sufficiently holy to find refuge in Inna’s arms.
  • P3_Unique_Bracer_103 - Steadies the arm and brings calm certainty in the face of death.
  • P3_Unique_Bracer_104 - “These bracers appear to utilize primal forces channeled from the ground itself. Interesting, to say the least.” -Abd al-hazir
  • P3_Unique_Bracer_105 - “I do not care if these were forged in long dead furnaces by the Ancients themselves. They help me crush my enemies; that is all that matters.” -Aletur of Sescheron
  • P3_Unique_Bracer_106 - You can still see traces of the blood left by the demonic multitudes Jeram slew on his quest for revenge.
  • P3_Unique_Bracer_107 - It is claimed that Arachyr was able to restore the vital life essence of his followers by using creatures spawned from the realm that lies between our world and the Unformed Land.
  • P3_Unique_Spear_001 - A relic from the time before the fall of Arreat.
  • P3_Unique_Belt_005 - Your hatred knows no bounds.
  • P3_Unique_Shoulder_102 - This mantle was crafted by one banished from the sacred mountain, in order to commune with the ancients.
  • P3_Unique_Sword_1H_104 - The Quinblades are the only surviving weapons forged by master swordsmith Morad Peerse, each a unique expression of his craft. Made during Peerse's Early Period, Fulminator expresses, through blinding speed and arcing lightning strikes, its maker's youthful exuberance and the joy he found in his craft.
  • P3_Unique_Sword_1H_012 - Before he fell, Izual was the bearer of the runeblade Azurewrath, an ancient sword blessed by the Song of the Arch as an instrument of the righteous.
  • P3_Unique_Mighty_1H_006 - It takes a sturdy weapon to survive on the shores of the Frozen Sea.


list of all the new achievements added this season

  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Title_Tag - Alone Tonight
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Description_Tag - Reach Greater Rift Level 15 Solo without the bonuses of any of the following Class sets.
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_1 - Armor of Akkhan
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_2 - Embodiment of the Marauder
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_3 - Firebird's Finery
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_4 - Helltooth Harness
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_5 - Immortal King's Call
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_6 - Inna's Mantra
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_7 - Might of the Earth
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_8 - Monkey King's Garb
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_9 - Natalya's Vengeance
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_10 - Raiment of a Thousand Storms
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_11 - Raiment of the Jade Harvester
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_12 - Roland's Legacy
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_13 - Tal Rasha's Elements
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_14 - The Legacy of Raekor
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_15 - The Shadow's Mantle
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_16 - Thorns of the Invoker
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_17 - Vyr's Amazing Arcana
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_18 - Zunimassa's Haunt
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_19 - Delsere's Magnum Opus
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_20 - Unhallowed Essence
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_21 - Wrath of the Wastes
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_23 - Seeker of the Light
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_24 - Uliana's Stratagem
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_NoSet_Criteria_25 - Spirit of Arachyr
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Title_Tag - 20/20 Vision
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Description_Tag - Reach Greater Rift Level 20 Solo without the bonuses of any of the following Class sets.
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_1 - Armor of Akkhan
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_2 - Embodiment of the Marauder
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_3 - Firebird's Finery
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_4 - Helltooth Harness
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_5 - Immortal King's Call
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_6 - Inna's Mantra
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_7 - Might of the Earth
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_8 - Monkey King's Garb
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_9 - Natalya's Vengeance
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_10 - Raiment of a Thousand Storms
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_11 - Raiment of the Jade Harvester
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_12 - Roland's Legacy
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_13 - Tal Rasha's Elements
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_14 - The Legacy of Raekor
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_15 - The Shadow's Mantle
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_16 - Thorns of the Invoker
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_17 - Vyr's Amazing Arcana
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_18 - Zunimassa's Haunt
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_19 - Delsere's Magnum Opus
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_20 - Unhallowed Essence
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_21 - Wrath of the Wastes
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_23 - Seeker of the Light
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_24 - Uliana's Stratagem
  • SeasonGreaterRifts20Solo_NoSet_Criteria_25 - Sprit of Arachyr
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Title_Tag - Quarter Rift Crisis
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Description_Tag - Reach Greater Rift Level 25 Solo without the bonuses of any of the following Class sets.
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_1 - Armor of Akkhan
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_2 - Embodiment of the Marauder
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_3 - Firebird's Finery
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_4 - Helltooth Harness
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_5 - Immortal King's Call
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_6 - Inna's Mantra
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_7 - Might of the Earth
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_8 - Monkey King's Garb
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_9 - Natalya's Vengeance
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_10 - Raiment of a Thousand Storms
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_11 - Raiment of the Jade Harvester
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_12 - Roland's Legacy
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_13 - Tal Rasha's Elements
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_14 - The Legacy of Raekor
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_15 - The Shadow's Mantle
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_16 - Thorns of the Invoker
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_17 - Vyr's Amazing Arcana
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_18 - Zunimassa's Haunt
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_19 - Delsere's Magnum Opus
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_20 - Unhallowed Essence
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_21 - Wrath of the Wastes
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_23 - Seeker of the Light
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_24 - Uliana's Stratagem
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_NoSet_Criteria_25 - Spirit of Arachyr
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Title_Tag - Under My Skin
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Description_Tag - Reach Greater Rift Level 30 Solo without the bonuses of any of the following Class sets.
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_1 - Armor of Akkhan
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_2 - Embodiment of the Marauder
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_3 - Firebird's Finery
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_4 - Helltooth Harness
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_5 - Immortal King's Call
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_6 - Inna's Mantra
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_7 - Might of the Earth
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_8 - Monkey King's Garb
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_9 - Natalya's Vengeance
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_10 - Raiment of a Thousand Storms
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_11 - Raiment of the Jade Harvester
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_12 - Roland's Legacy
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_13 - Tal Rasha's Elements
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_14 - The Legacy of Raekor
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_15 - The Shadow's Mantle
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_16 - Thorns of the Invoker
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_17 - Vyr's Amazing Arcana
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_18 - Zunimassa's Haunt
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_19 - Delsere's Magnum Opus
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_20 - Unhallowed Essence
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_21 - Wrath of the Wastes
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_23 - Seeker of the Light
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_24 - Uliana's Stratagem
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_NoSet_Criteria_25 - Spirit of Arachyr
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Title_Tag - Swagger Like Us
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Description_Tag - Reach Greater Rift Level 35 Solo without the bonuses of any of the following Class sets.
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_1 - Armor of Akkhan
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_2 - Embodiment of the Marauder
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_3 - Firebird's Finery
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_4 - Helltooth Harness
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_5 - Immortal King's Call
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_6 - Inna's Mantra
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_7 - Might of the Earth
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_8 - Monkey King's Garb
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_9 - Natalya's Vengeance
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_10 - Raiment of a Thousand Storms
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_11 - Raiment of the Jade Harvester
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_12 - Roland's Legacy
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_13 - Tal Rasha's Elements
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_14 - The Legacy of Raekor
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_15 - The Shadow's Mantle
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_16 - Thorns of the Invoker
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_17 - Vyr's Amazing Arcana
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_18 - Zunimassa's Haunt
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_19 - Delsere's Magnum Opus
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_20 - Unhallowed Essence
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_21 - Wrath of the Wastes
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_23 - Seeker of the Light
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_24 - Uliana's Stratagem
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_NoSet_Criteria_25 - Spirit of Arachyr
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Title_Tag - Legendary
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Description_Tag - Reach Greater Rift Level 40 Solo without the bonuses of any of the following Class sets.
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_1 - Armor of Akkhan
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_2 - Embodiment of the Marauder
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_3 - Firebird's Finery
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_4 - Helltooth Harness
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_5 - Immortal King's Call
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_6 - Inna's Mantra
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_7 - Might of the Earth
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_8 - Monkey King's Garb
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_9 - Natalya's Vengeance
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_10 - Raiment of a Thousand Storms
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_11 - Raiment of the Jade Harvester
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_12 - Roland's Legacy
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_13 - Tal Rasha's Elements
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_14 - The Legacy of Raekor
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_15 - The Shadow's Mantle
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_16 - Thorns of the Invoker
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_17 - Vyr's Amazing Arcana
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_18 - Zunimassa's Haunt
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_19 - Delsere's Magnum Opus
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_20 - Unhallowed Essence
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_21 - Wrath of the Wastes
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_23 - Seeker of the Light
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_24 - Uliana's Stratagem
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Criteria_25 - Spirit of Arachyr
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Title_Tag - The Thrill
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Description_Tag - Reach Greater Rift Level 40 Solo without the bonuses of any of the following Class sets.
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_1 - Armor of Akkhan
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_2 - Embodiment of the Marauder
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_3 - Firebird's Finery
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_4 - Helltooth Harness
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_5 - Immortal King's Call
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_6 - Inna's Mantra
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_7 - Might of the Earth
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_8 - Monkey King's Garb
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_9 - Natalya's Vengeance
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_10 - Raiment of a Thousand Storms
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_11 - Raiment of the Jade Harvester
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_12 - Roland's Legacy
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_13 - Tal Rasha's Elements
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_14 - The Legacy of Raekor
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_15 - The Shadow's Mantle
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_16 - Thorns of the Invoker
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_17 - Vyr's Amazing Arcana
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_18 - Zunimassa's Haunt
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_19 - Delsere's Magnum Opus
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_20 - Unhallowed Essence
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_21 - Wrath of the Wastes
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_23 - 2.3 Crusader Set
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_24 - 2.3 Monk Set
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_Conquest_Criteria_25 - 2.3 Witch Doctor Set
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Title_Tag - Super Human
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Description_Tag - Reach Greater Rift Level 40 Solo without the bonuses of any of the following Class sets in Hardcore mode.
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_1 - Armor of Akkhan
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_2 - Embodiment of the Marauder
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_3 - Firebird's Finery
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_4 - Helltooth Harness
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_5 - Immortal King's Call
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_6 - Inna's Mantra
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_7 - Might of the Earth
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_8 - Monkey King's Garb
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_9 - Natalya's Vengeance
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_10 - Raiment of a Thousand Storms
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_11 - Raiment of the Jade Harvester
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_12 - Roland's Legacy
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_13 - Tal Rasha's Elements
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_14 - The Legacy of Raekor
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_15 - The Shadow's Mantle
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_16 - Thorns of the Invoker
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_17 - Vyr's Amazing Arcana
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_18 - Zunimassa's Haunt
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_19 - Delsere's Magnum Opus
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_20 - Unhallowed Essence
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_21 - Wrath of the Wastes
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_23 - 2.3 Crusader Set
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_24 - 2.3 Monk Set
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_NoSet_ConquestHC_Criteria_25 - 2.3 Witch Doctor Set
  • Season_SK_Challenge_1_Title_Tag - Instant Karma
  • Season_SK_Challenge_1_Description_Tag - Have the Skeleton King kill 15 of his own Forgotten skeletons at level 70 on Torment I difficulty or higher.
  • Season_Butcher_No_Hits_Title_Tag - Fire Bad!
  • Season_Butcher_No_Hits_Description_Tag - Kill the Butcher at level 70 without being burned by floor fires or being grabbed by Ancient Spear on Torment I difficulty or higher.
  • X1_Maghda_Timed_Title_Tag_1 - Freaks Have More Fun
  • X1_Maghda_Timed_Description_Tag_1 - Kill 20 Unholy Thralls during the Maghda encounter at level 70 on Torment II difficulty or higher.
  • Season_Zoltun_Kulle_No_Guardian_Title_Tag - Kulle Duel
  • Season_Zoltun_Kulle_No_Guardian_Description_Tag - Kill Zoltun Kulle at level 70 without killing either of his Eternal Guardians on Torment II difficulty or higher.
  • Season_Zoltun_Kulle_No_Guardian_Criteria_1 - Zoltun Kulle No Guardian Criteria 1
  • Season_Belial_No_Meteors X1_Title_Tag - Good Eye
  • Season_Belial_No_Meteors X1_Description_Tag - Kill Belial at level 70 without dying and without getting hit by his projectile or meteor attacks on Torment II difficulty or higher.
  • Season_Kill_DemonTroopers_SiegeBreaker_Title_Tag - Like Clockwork
  • Season_Kill_DemonTroopers_SiegeBreaker_Description_Tag - Kill 8 Demon Troopers in 3 seconds during the Siegebreaker encounter at level 70 on Torment III difficulty or higher.
  • Season_Spiders_No_Damage_Title_Tag - Antivenom
  • Season_Spiders_No_Damage_Description_Tag - Kill Cydaea at level 70 without taking damage from her Spiderlings on Torment III difficulty or higher.
  • Season_Spiders_No_Damage_Criteria_1 - Spiders No Damage Criteria 1
  • X1_Azmodan_No_Fireball_Title_Tag_1 - Be Cool
  • X1_Azmodan_No_Fireball_Description_Tag_1 - Kill Azmodan at level 70 without getting hit by a fireball or walking over the bloody demonic ground on Torment III difficulty or higher.
  • X1_Diablo_Bone_Cage_Title_Tag_1 - Tension
  • X1_Diablo_Bone_Cage_Description_Tag_1 - Kill Diablo at level 70 without getting hit by the Hell Spikes, Fire Nova, and Lightning Breath attacks on Torment IV difficulty or higher.
  • X1_Rakanoth_Timed_Title_Tag_1 - Peace of Mind
  • X1_Rakanoth_Timed_Description_Tag_1 - Kill Rakanoth at level 70 after surviving his Blade Strike attack 5 times on Torment IV difficulty or higher.
  • Season_Adria_No_Hits_Title_Tag - Move For Me
  • Season_Adria_No_Hits_Description_Tag - Kill Adria at level 70 after surviving 3 Cauldron Eruptions and not getting hit by her Blood Ball attack on Torment V difficulty or higher.
  • Season_Malthael_No_Hits_Title_Tag - Never Reap Alone
  • Season_Malthael_No_Hits_Description_Tag - Kill Malthael at level 70 without being hit by his Death Fog, Drain Soul, Skull Spiral, Soul Nova or Soul Sweep attacks on Torment V difficulty or higher.
  • X1_Ghom_Timed_Title_Tag_1 - Ghom Appetit
  • X1_Ghom_Timed_Description_Tag_1 - Kill Ghom at level 70 in under 30 seconds on Torment III difficulty or higher.
  • Boss_Timed_Criteria_35 - Boss Timed Criteria
  • Season_Kill_Izual_not_Adds_Title_Tag - Angel On My Shoulder
  • Season_Kill_Izual_not_Adds_Description_Tag - Kill Izual at level 70 without killing any Oppressors or Servants of Izual on Torment IV difficulty or higher.
  • X1_Rakanoth_Timed_Title_Tag_2 - Because I Spit Hot Fire
  • X1_Rakanoth_Timed_Description_Tag_2 - Kill Urzael at level 70 after surviving his Burning Cannonball attack 5 times on Torment V difficulty or higher.
  • Season_Journey - Season Journey
  • Season_JourneyCasual - Casual
  • Season_JourneyAdvanced - Advanced
  • SeasonJourneyMainPartI_Title_Tag - Chapter I
  • SeasonJourneyMainPartI_Description_Tag - Complete the Chapter I objectives.
  • Level_10_Title_Tag_2 - Fearless Veteran
  • Level_10_Description_Tag_2 - Reach level 35. If enemies are too easy, raising the difficulty will also increase the amount of experience you gain. You can raise the difficulty outside of game through the Game Settings UI.
  • SeasonJourneyMainPartII_Title_Tag - Chapter II
  • SeasonJourneyMainPartII_Description_Tag - Complete the Chapter II objectives.
  • Season_JourneyPart_I - Objectives
  • Part_I_Criteria_1 - level 35 temp
  • Level_5_Blacksmith_Title_Tag_1 - Iron Heart
  • Level_5_Blacksmith_Description_Tag_1 - Raise the Blacksmith to level 5. The Blacksmith crafts weapons and armors and salvages items into crafting materials for you.
  • Level_10_Blacksmith_Title_Tag_2 - A Life with Meaning
  • Level_10_Blacksmith_Description_Tag_1 - Raise the Blacksmith to level 10. Leveling up the Blacksmith unlocks access to higher level weapon and armor recipes.
  • Level_12_Blacksmith_Title_Tag_1 - Forged Credentials
  • Level_12_Blacksmith_Description_Tag_1 - Raise the Blacksmith to level 12. You will need Death's Breath, which can found by killing Rare or Champion enemies level 61 or higher.
  • Level_5_Jeweler_Title_Tag_1 - I Like Jewels
  • Level_5_Jeweler_Description_Tag_1 - Raise the Jeweler to level 5. The Jeweler crafts gems and jewelry and unsockets gems for you.
  • Level_10_Jeweler_Title_Tag_2 - Just a Hobby
  • Level_10_Jeweler_Description_Tag_1 - Raise the Jeweler to level 10. Leveling up the Jeweler unlocks access to higher level gem recipes.
  • Level_12_Jeweler_Title_Tag_1 - Run the Jewels
  • Level_12_Jeweler_Description_Tag_1 - Raise the Jeweler to level 12. You will need Death's Breath, which can found by killing Rare or Champion enemies level 61 or higher.
  • Level_5_Mystic_Title_Tag_1 - Magic Mystical Tour
  • Level_5_Mystic_Description_Tag_1 - Raise the Mystic to level 5. The Mystic can replace one unwanted property on each item for you. The Mystic can also change the look of your items via Transmogrification.
  • Level_10_Mystic_Title_Tag_1 - Valuable Vecin
  • Level_10_Mystic_Description_Tag_1 - Raise the Mystic to level 10. Leveling up the Mystic enables her to enchant more item types and unlocks new Transmogrify looks.
  • Level_12_Mystic_Title_Tag_2 - Maximum Myriam
  • Level_12_Mystic_Description_Tag_1 - Raise the Mystic to level 12. Level 11 enables the ability to enchant Rings and level 12 enables the ability to enchant Helms and Pants.
  • Part_I_Criteria_2 - bs level 5 temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_3 - jeweler level 5 temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_4 - mystic level 5 temp
  • Level_10_Title_Tag_3 - Hero of Sanctuary
  • Level_10_Description_Tag_3 - Reach level 60.
  • Level_10_Title_Tag_4 - Above & Beyond
  • Level_10_Description_Tag_4 - Reach level 70.
  • Part_I_Criteria_5 - level 60 temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_6 - bs level 10 temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_7 - jeweler level 10 temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_8 - mystic level 10 temp
  • SeasonJourneyMainPartII_Title_Tag_1 - Chapter III
  • SeasonJourneyMainPartII_Description_Tag_1 - Complete the Chapter III objectives.
  • Part_I_Criteria_9 - level 70 temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_10 - bs level 12 temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_11 - jeweler level 12 temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_12 - mystic level 12 temp
  • Item_All_L70_Legendaries_Title_Tag_1 - Up All Night to Get Lucky
  • Item_All_L70_Legendaries_Description_Tag_1 - Equip all Inventory slots with Legendary items that have a minimum required level of 70 or higher.
  • SeasonJourneyMainPartII_Title_Tag_2 - Chapter IV
  • SeasonJourneyMainPartII_Description_Tag_2 - Complete the Chapter IV objectives.
  • Part_I_Criteria_13 - all l70 legs temp
  • SeasonGreaterRifts10Solo_Title_Tag - The Great Divide
  • SeasonGreaterRifts10Solo_Description_Tag - Reach Greater Rift Level 10 Solo. Greater Rift Keystones drop from Rift Guardians in Nephalem Rifts.
  • Part_I_Criteria_14 - gr 10 solo temp
  • SeasonJourneyAdvancedSlayer_Title_Tag - Slayer
  • SeasonJourneyAdvancedSlayer_Description_Tag - Complete the Slayer objectives.
  • SeasonJourneyAdvancedSlayer_Criteria_1 - gr 25 solo temp
  • SeasonJourneyAdvancedChampion_Title_Tag - Champion
  • SeasonJourneyAdvancedChampion_Description_Tag - Complete the Champion objectives.
  • SeasonJourneyAdvancedChampion_Criteria_1 - gr 30 solo temp
  • SeasonJourneyAdvancedDestroyer_Title_Tag - Destroyer
  • SeasonJourneyAdvancedDestroyer_Description_Tag - Complete the Destroyer objectives.
  • SeasonJourneyAdvancedDestroyer_Criteria_1 - gr 35 solo temp
  • SeasonJourneyAdvancedConqueror_Title_Tag - Conqueror
  • SeasonJourneyAdvancedConqueror_Description_Tag - Complete the Conqueror objectives.
  • SeasonJourneyAdvancedConqueror_Criteria_1 - gr 40 solo temp
  • SeasonJourneyAdvancedGuardian_Title_Tag - Guardian
  • SeasonJourneyAdvancedGuardian_Description_Tag - Complete the Guardian objectives.
  • SeasonJourneyAdvancedGuardian_Criteria_1 - gr 50 solo temp
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_Title_Tag_1 - Great Expectations
  • SeasonGreaterRifts25Solo_Description_Tag_1 - Reach Greater Rift Level 25 Solo. In difficulties Normal through Torment I, there is a 50% chance for a Greater Rift Keystone to drop.
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_Title_Tag_1 - They're Grrrrreat!
  • SeasonGreaterRifts30Solo_Description_Tag_1 - Reach Greater Rift Level 30 Solo. The chance for a Greater Rift Keystone to drop scales from 50% to 100% between the Torment I and Torment VI difficulties.
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_Title_Tag_1 - For the Greater Good
  • SeasonGreaterRifts35Solo_Description_Tag_1 - Reach Greater Rift Level 35 Solo. There is a chance for an extra Greater Rift Keystone to drop in the Torment VII through Torment X difficulties.
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_Title_Tag_1 - The Longest Road
  • SeasonGreaterRifts40Solo_Description_Tag_1 - Reach Greater Rift Level 40 Solo.
  • SeasonGreaterRifts50Solo_Title_Tag - Take U There
  • SeasonGreaterRifts50Solo_Description_Tag - Reach Greater Rift Level 50 Solo.
  • SeasonUberZKSBDieSameTime_Title_Tag - Together We Are
  • SeasonUberZKSBDieSameTime_Description_Tag - Kill The Savage Behemoth and The Undying One within 5 seconds of each other on Torment VI difficulty or higher.
  • SeasonUberSKMag_Kill12Thralls_Title_Tag - The Seconds
  • SeasonUberSKMag_Kill12Thralls_Description_Tag - Kill 12 Thralls of the Witch within 5 seconds of each other during the Realm of Discord encounter on Torment VI difficulty or higher.
  • SeasonBossesUberGhomRakFastKill_Title_Tag - Feed Me
  • SeasonBossesUberGhomRakFastKill_Description_Tag - Kill The Vile Executioner and The Foul Desecrator within 30 seconds of starting the Realm of Chaos encounter on Torment VI difficulty or higher.
  • BlizzCon2015_Title_Tag - blizzcon2015 temp
  • BlizzCon2015_Description_Tag - Be a part of BlizzCon 2015.
  • SeasonItemsClassSets1_Criteria_22 - Seeker of the Light
  • SeasonItemsClassSets1_Criteria_23 - Uliana's Stratagem
  • SeasonItemsClassSets1_Criteria_24 - Spirit of Arachyr
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_1Set_Criteria_22 - Seeker of the Light
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_1Set_Criteria_23 - Uliana's Stratagem
  • SeasonGreaterRifts15Solo_1Set_Criteria_24 - Spirit of Arachyr
  • Complete4Bounties_Title_Tag_1 - A New Start
  • Complete4Bounties_Description_Tag_1 - Complete 5 Bounties. Open up the Waypoint Map in Adventure Mode to see what Bounties are available.
  • Complete4Bounties_Title_Tag_2 - Begin Again
  • Complete4Bounties_Description_Tag_2 - Complete a Nephalem Rift. Click the Nephalem Obelisk in town while in Adventure Mode to start a Nephalem Rift.
  • Complete4Bounties_Title_Tag_3 - Socket to Me
  • Complete4Bounties_Description_Tag_3 - Socket a gem in an item. Gems and items that are socketable do not start dropping until level 15.
  • Complete4Bounties_Title_Tag_4 - Like a Boss
  • Complete4Bounties_Description_Tag_4 - Slay the Butcher, Belial, Azmodan, Diablo or Malthael.
  • SeasonJourney_ActBossesHardomplete4Bounties_Title_Tag_4 - Drop the Boss
  • SeasonJourney_ActBossesHardomplete4Bounties_Description_Tag_4 - Slay the Butcher, Belial, Azmodan, Diablo or Malthael on Hard difficulty or higher. Higher difficulties also increase the amount of gold and experience you gain.
  • SeasonJourney_ActBossesMasteromplete4Bounties_Title_Tag_4 - All Over the World
  • SeasonJourney_ActBossesMasteromplete4Bounties_Description_Tag_4 - Slay the Butcher, Belial, Azmodan, Diablo or Malthael on Master difficulty or higher. On Master difficulty and higher, Imperial gems can drop from enemies level 61 and above.
  • Complete4Bounties_Title_Tag_5 - HARD
  • Complete4Bounties_Description_Tag_5 - Complete a Nephalem Rift on Hard difficulty or higher.
  • SeasonJourney_EquipFollower_Title_Tag - Friends with Benefits
  • SeasonJourney_EquipFollower_Description_Tag - Fully equip one of your followers.
  • SeasonJourney_CraftAnItem_Title_Tag - Build Me Up Buttercup
  • SeasonJourney_CraftAnItem_Description_Tag - Craft an item at the Blacksmith.
  • SeasonJourney_TransmogrifyAnItem_Title_Tag - Change Clothes
  • SeasonJourney_TransmogrifyAnItem_Description_Tag - Transmogrify an item at the Mystic.
  • SeasonJourney_ActBossesT1omplete4Bounties_Title_Tag_4 - I'm on Fire
  • SeasonJourney_ActBossesT1omplete4Bounties_Description_Tag_4 - Slay the Butcher, Belial, Azmodan, Diablo or Malthael on Torment I difficulty or higher. Some legendaries and class sets can only drop in Torment I difficulty or higher.
  • SeasonJourney_OdegKeywardenT1omplete4Bounties_Title_Tag_4 - Key Decisions
  • SeasonJourney_OdegKeywardenT1omplete4Bounties_Description_Tag_4 - Slay Odeg the Keywarden at level 70 on Torment I difficulty or higher. Odeg the Keywarden can be found in Act I in the Fields of Misery.
  • SeasonJourney_SokahrKeywardenT1_Title_Tag_4 - Key Wee
  • SeasonJourney_SokahrKeywardenT1_Description_Tag_4 - Slay Sokahr the Keywarden at level 70 on Torment I difficulty or higher. Sokahr the Keywarden can be found in Act II in the Dahlgur Oasis.
  • SeasonJourney_XahRithKeywardenT1_Title_Tag_4 - Keeping it Low Key
  • SeasonJourney_XahRithKeywardenT1_Description_Tag_4 - Slay Xah'Rith the Keywarden at level 70 on Torment I difficulty or higher. Xah'Rith the Keywarden can be found in Act III in Stonefort.
  • SeasonJourney_NekaratKeywardenT1_Title_Tag_4 - The Key to Success
  • SeasonJourney_NekaratKeywardenT1_Description_Tag_4 - Slay Nekarat the Keywarden at level 70 on Torment I difficulty or higher. Nekarat the Keywarden can be found in Act IV in the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier.
  • SeasonJourney_EnchantAnItem_Title_Tag - Penchant for Enchants
  • SeasonJourney_EnchantAnItem_Description_Tag - Replace a property on an item with Enchanting at the Mystic. Enchanting is very useful for replacing an unwanted primary affix on a near-perfect item.
  • SeasonJourney_UberSKMaghdaT1_Title_Tag_4 - The Realm of Discord
  • SeasonJourney_UberSKMaghdaT1_Description_Tag_4 - Slay The King of the Dead and The Merciless Witch at level 70 on Torment I difficulty or higher. The Infernal Machine for the Realm of Discord drops from Odeg the Keywarden in the Fields of Misery.
  • SeasonJourney_UberSiegebreakerZKT1_Title_Tag_4 - The Realm of Turmoil
  • SeasonJourney_UberSiegebreakerZKT1_Description_Tag_4 - Slay The Savage Behemoth and The Undying One at level 70 on Torment I difficulty or higher. The Infernal Machine for the Realm of Turmoil drops from Xah'Rith the Keywarden in Stonefort.
  • SeasonJourney_UberRakanothGhomT1_Title_Tag_4 - The Realm of Chaos
  • SeasonJourney_UberRakanothGhomT1_Description_Tag_4 - Slay The Vile Executioner and The Foul Desecrator at level 70 on Torment I difficulty or higher. The Infernal Machine for the Realm of Chaos drops from Sokahr the Keywarden in the Dahlgur Oasis.
  • SeasonJourney_3Gems_25_Title_Tag_4 - Gem's the Breaks
  • SeasonJourney_3Gems_25_Description_Tag_4 - Level three Legendary Gems to level 25. Legendary Gems unlock a secondary power at level 25.
  • SeasonJourney_3Gems_30_Title_Tag_4 - Up and At Gem
  • SeasonJourney_3Gems_30_Description_Tag_4 - Level three Legendary Gems to level 30.
  • SeasonJourney_3Gems_35_Title_Tag_4 - Insane in the Gembrane
  • SeasonJourney_3Gems_35_Description_Tag_4 - Level three Legendary Gems to level 35.
  • SeasonJourney_3Gems_40_Title_Tag_4 - Gem of My Life
  • SeasonJourney_3Gems_40_Description_Tag_4 - Level three Legendary Gems to level 40.
  • SeasonJourney_3Gems_50_Title_Tag_4 - Gem Fatale
  • SeasonJourney_3Gems_50_Description_Tag_4 - Level three Legendary Gems to level 50.
  • SeasonJourney_UberDiablo_T6_Title_Tag_4 - You Gotta Pay the Troll Toll
  • SeasonJourney_UberDiablo_T6_Description_Tag_4 - Slay the Soul of Evil at level 70 on Torment VI difficulty or higher. The Infernal Machine for the Realm of Fright drops from Nekarat the Keywarden in the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier.
  • Complete4Bounties_Title_Tag_6 - I Got 5 On It
  • Complete4Bounties_Description_Tag_6 - Finish a level 70 Nephalem Rift on Torment VI difficulty within 5 minutes.
  • Complete4Bounties_Title_Tag_7 - Five for Fighting
  • Complete4Bounties_Description_Tag_7 - Finish a level 70 Nephalem Rift on Torment VII difficulty within 5 minutes.
  • Complete4Bounties_Title_Tag_8 - 4AM
  • Complete4Bounties_Description_Tag_8 - Finish a level 70 Nephalem Rift on Torment VIII difficulty within 4 minutes.
  • Complete4Bounties_Title_Tag_9 - Three's Company
  • Complete4Bounties_Description_Tag_9 - Finish a level 70 Nephalem Rift on Torment IX difficulty within 3 minutes.
  • Complete4Bounties_Title_Tag_10 - 2 Fast 2 Furious
  • Complete4Bounties_Description_Tag_10 - Finish a level 70 Nephalem Rift on Torment X difficulty within 2 minutes.
  • SeasonJourney_1Conquest_Title_Tag_4 - Easy
  • SeasonJourney_1Conquest_Description_Tag_4 - Complete 1 Conquest this Season.
  • SeasonJourney_2Conquest_Title_Tag_4 - All I Do is Win
  • SeasonJourney_2Conquest_Description_Tag_4 - Complete 2 Conquests this Season.
  • SeasonJourney_3Conquest_Title_Tag_4 - Flawless Victory
  • SeasonJourney_3Conquest_Description_Tag_4 - Complete 3 Conquests this Season.
  • Level_10_Title_Tag_5 - The Hardest of the Core
  • Level_10_Description_Tag_5 - Reach level 70 in Hardcore mode.
  • SeasonJourney_Greed_T6_Title_Tag_4 - Money Ain't a Thang
  • SeasonJourney_Greed_T6_Description_Tag_4 - Slay Greed on Torment VI difficulty or higher. Treasure Goblins outside of Nephalem Rifts will sometimes open portals to Greed's domain, The Vault.
  • Part_I_Criteria_15 - complete 5 bounties temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_16 - complete a nephalem riftt temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_17 - Socket to Me
  • Part_I_Criteria_18 - slay any act boss temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_19 - complete rift hard temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_20 - Friends with Benefits
  • Part_I_Criteria_21 - slay bosses hard temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_22 - craft an item temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_23 - slay boss master temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_24 - transmog temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_26 - slay bosses t1 temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_27 - odeg temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_28 - sokahr temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_29 - xah'rith temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_30 - nekarat temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_31 - enchant temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_33 - uber sk maghda temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_34 - uber siegebreaker zk temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_35 - uber rakanoth ghom temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_36 - mystic level 5 temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_37 - t6 rift 5min temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_42 - uber diablo t6 temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_43 - mystic level 5 temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_44 - t7 rift 5min temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_46 - 1 conquest temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_47 - 3gems 35 temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_48 - t8 4min temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_50 - 2 conquest temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_51 - mystic level 5 temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_52 - mystic level 5 temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_55 - 3 conquest temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_56 - t10 rift 2min temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_57 - 3gem 50 temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_58 - l70 hardcore temp
  • Part_I_Criteria_59 - mystic level 5 temp
  • SeasonJourney_ImperialGem_Title_Tag - The Rock
  • SeasonJourney_ImperialGem_Description_Tag - Craft a Gem of Imperial or greater quality at the Jeweler. Socketing an Emerald into your weapon increases your Critical Hit Damage, and is a big damage boost.
  • Part_I_Criteria_25 - imperial gem temp
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower1_Title_Tag - Level 1 Cubist
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower1_Description_Tag - Extract a Legendary power using Kanai's Cube.
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower1_Criteria_1 - Crafting_KanaisCube_ExtractPower_1 Criteria 1
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower10_Title_Tag - Level 10 Cubist
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower10_Description_Tag - Extract 10 Legendary powers using Kanai's Cube.
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower10_Criteria_1 - Crafting_KanaisCube_ExtractPower_1 Criteria 1
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower25_Title_Tag - Level 25 Cubist
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower25_Description_Tag - Extract 25 Legendary powers using Kanai's Cube.
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower25_Criteria_1 - Crafting_KanaisCube_ExtractPower_1 Criteria 1
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower50_Title_Tag - Level 50 Cubist
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower50_Description_Tag - Extract 50 Legendary powers using Kanai's Cube.
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower50_Criteria_1 - Crafting_KanaisCube_ExtractPower_1 Criteria 1
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower75_Title_Tag - Level 100 Cubist
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower75_Description_Tag - Extract 100 Legendary powers using Kanai's Cube.
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower75_Criteria_1 - Crafting_KanaisCube_ExtractPower_1 Criteria 1
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower1_Title_Tag_1 - Cubed
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower1_Description_Tag_1 - Extract a Legendary power using Kanai's Cube. Kanai's Cube can be found in Act III in The Ruins of Sescheron.
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower1_Criteria_2 - Crafting_KanaisCube_ExtractPower_1 Criteria 1
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower10_Title_Tag_1 - It Was a Good Day
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower10_Description_Tag_1 - Extract 10 Legendary powers using Kanai's Cube.
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower10_Criteria_2 - Crafting_KanaisCube_ExtractPower_1 Criteria 1
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower25_Title_Tag_1 - Check Yo Self
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower25_Description_Tag_1 - Extract 25 Legendary powers using Kanai's Cube.
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower25_Criteria_2 - Crafting_KanaisCube_ExtractPower_1 Criteria 1
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower50_Title_Tag_1 - You Can Do It
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower50_Description_Tag_1 - Extract 50 Legendary powers using Kanai's Cube.
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower50_Criteria_2 - Crafting_KanaisCube_ExtractPower_1 Criteria 1
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower75_Title_Tag_1 - Kanai's Excellent Adventure
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower75_Description_Tag_1 - Extract 100 Legendary powers using Kanai's Cube.
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower75_Criteria_2 - Crafting_KanaisCube_ExtractPower_1 Criteria 1
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower75_Title_Tag_2 - Cow and Cheese Connoisseur
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower75_Description_Tag_2 - Extract 75 Legendary powers using Kanai's Cube.
  • CraftingKanaisCubeExtractPower75_Criteria_3 - Crafting_KanaisCube_ExtractPower_1 Criteria 1
  • Chapter_IV_Criteria__Kanais_Cube - Chapter IV Criteria - Kanai's Cube
  • Slayer_Criteria__Kanais_Cube - Slayer Criteria - Kanai's Cube
  • Champion_Criteria__Kanais_Cube - Champion Criteria - Kanai's Cube
  • Destroyer_Criteria__Kanais_Cube - Destroyer Criteria - Kanai's Cube
  • Conqueror_Criteria__Kanais_Cube - Conqueror Criteria - Kanai's Cube
  • Guardian_Criteria__Kanais_Cube - Guardian Criteria - Kanai's Cube

fonte: http://www.diablofans.com

Santa Blizzard!
O kubo vai dar uma melhorada no gameplay! vai adiantar certas builds, acabando com a necessidade inicial de uma arma ancestral topada... vai aumentar a utilidade do ferreiro e seus itens ancestrais...

Mas ainda sim as armas ancestrais vão ser necessárias, justamente pra poder misturar os efeitos! só que agora a chance é dobrada de ter a arma em especifico em ancestral!

Vai abrir novas builds! principalmente pra dano massivo pra Wizard! focus + restraint + Elemetal ring! 125 + 200% ! ou Então vai possibilitar ter defesa com Ring da armadura gelida...

Serpent Sparker + Shard of Hate + Chapeu das Bolhas com todas as runas e imunidade! cara vai subir muito no geral! acho que agora vão chegar nos lvl 75+ :haha:


Na minha opinião chegarão no 100.

Esse cubo vai causar um broken no jogo irreversível.

O leque que ele abrirá é grande demais para cogitar sua existência.

Alguns exemplos:

WD Dardos hoje faz 58~60. Daí adiciona +100% da Jeram + 200% do CoE...

Crusader Sweep Atack hoje faz 60~62. Daí adiciona mais uma build nesta. Pode ser Condemn (efeito do escudo mais espada) ou Shield Nash (efeito do escudo+bracadeira) ou Falanges (efeito do escudo+anel).

São várias opções e não tardará em conseguir montar a best build.
Dai o que a Blizzard fará quando se atingir a dificuldade máxima do jogo?

O que segura a progressão é o dano que se causa. De nada adianta tirar o cownd control e te dano suficiente para não precisar de controle algum.
Última edição:
Que patch é esse ??????
tinham que lança logo uma expansão com mapas novos, mobs novos e botar pra fuder logo com classe necromancer e assassin ai sim ia ser show.
Alguém já tinha visto esse item que tem no diablo 3 chinês?
Podia vir para gente também seria ótimo.:fovhappy::fovhappy:

[h=1]Dádiva do Profeta Morto: Adiciona soquete em joalherias.[/h]

Outra informação também sobre cosméticos na china que iria nos ajudar muito!

A loja de cosméticos chinesa existe a opção de comprar mais um baú e com isso você pode ter até 10 abas.


Alguém já tinha visto esse item que tem no diablo 3 chinês?
Podia vir para gente também seria ótimo.:fovhappy::fovhappy:

Dádiva do Profeta Morto: Adiciona soquete em joalherias.

Outra informação também sobre cosméticos na china que iria nos ajudar muito!

A loja de cosméticos chinesa existe a opção de comprar mais um baú e com isso você pode ter até 10 abas.


PQP ! que sacanagem isso não ter no ocidente ainda... EU falo desse item desde antes de lançarem os gifts pras armas... Quanto ao báu com ctz eu pagaria um troco pra ter ! :coolface:
PQP ! que sacanagem isso não ter no ocidente ainda... EU falo desse item desde antes de lançarem os gifts pras armas... Quanto ao báu com ctz eu pagaria um troco pra ter ! :coolface:

Acho que é isso mesmo que eles querem, não libera para a gente nem fala nada, quando se vê tem uma galera fazendo petição e pedindo pra eles colocaram isso na loja, de um jogo pago...acho isso um absurdo.

PoE por exemplo é free, se sustenta em coisas do tipo mas Diablo não, e sinceramente ter que pagar adicional pra ter aba no baú a mais é muita zuera, chineses curtem sair comprando tudo os adicionais de todos jogos, mas não gostaria que virasse tendência pro ocidente mesmo!
KKKKKK , fico louco vendo o HYPE do pessoal. Até descobrirem que precisam de N itens específicos pra ficar ultra top mega das estrelas :bwahaha::bwahaha::bwahaha:. E o drop fode tudo , se pelo menos tivéssemos trade de itens poderíamos adquirir o que não se dropa. :poker:
A regra dos 20 dias não funciona mais não?

Tem uma rapa de nego com mais de 20, 30, 40 e até 50 dias sem logar.

Tem officer pra cuidar disso aí não?

Cadê a oportunidade para quem está há tempos esperando vaga?
A regra dos 20 dias não funciona mais não?

Tem uma rapa de nego com mais de 20, 30, 40 e até 50 dias sem logar.

Tem officer pra cuidar disso aí não?

Cadê a oportunidade para quem está há tempos esperando vaga?

Estão jogando o Bruxão 3. :coolface:


Esse set novo do monk combinando uma arma topada do Dragão Voador com a Passiva do Fluxo da Eternidade vai ficar show de bola.

Digamos que não me agradou muito o set das tempestade. :haha:
A regra dos 20 dias não funciona mais não?

Tem uma rapa de nego com mais de 20, 30, 40 e até 50 dias sem logar.

Tem officer pra cuidar disso aí não?

Cadê a oportunidade para quem está há tempos esperando vaga?

Funciona, fiquei 30 dias sem logar e me chutaram da clan :feelbad:

Muito triste, que gente sem coração, sem humildade, :okay: justo quando eu já tinha feito amiguinhos legais, queridos, amorosos, delicados, meigos, generosos, compreensivos, dedicados.

E agora, quem poderá me defender?:cuti:
Funciona, fiquei 30 dias sem logar e me chutaram da clan :feelbad:

Muito triste, que gente sem coração, sem humildade, :okay: justo quando eu já tinha feito amiguinhos legais, queridos, amorosos, delicados, meigos, generosos, compreensivos, dedicados.

E agora, quem poderá me defender?:cuti:
Hehe, você mesmo amigo, volte a jogar e aguarde na fila.. pq a fila anda,, acredite.. :bwahaha:

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