[TÓPICO DEDICADO] Mikrotik Rb750 - Experiencia no Ambiente Domestico

  • Iniciador de Tópicos Iniciador de Tópicos natanurso
  • Data de Início Data de Início
O Mikrotik não entende que 1 é 1 byte?
Já lhe disse que sim, no entanto e dependendo da quantidade das requisições no mesmo momento isso causa desconforto a ele, assim como quando sobe uma ladeira na segunda marcha com o carro carregado de pessoas.
@Sergiofsm Boa tarde!
Eu estou testando o script que você modificou.

Essa última linha do script do queue tree está certa?
add disabled=yes name=speedtest.net packet-mark=speedtest.net parent=global \

Me tira uma duvida, no firewall mangle e filter as regras speedtest ficam em que posição? Atualmente estão lá em baixo como últimas.
Como devo proceder para utilizar essas regras?

Outra duvida:
Como funciona o burst na queue tree? Percebi que fazendo speed test ele ultrapassa os 200M de limite da queue Download e não entendi o porquê
Última edição:
@Sergiofsm Boa tarde!
Eu estou testando o script que você modificou.

Essa última linha do script do queue tree está certa?
add disabled=yes name=speedtest.net packet-mark=speedtest.net parent=global \
Sim tá certa! Só que esta desabilitada no meu mikrotik, se quiser pode habilitar após add.

e tira uma duvida, no firewall mangle e filter as regras speedtest ficam em que posição? Atualmente estão lá em baixo como últimas.
Como devo proceder para utilizar essas regras?

Não uso regras no filter e por isso não posso lhe falar nada da posição mas creio não ter problema ficar em ultimo já que no filter é feito a primeira consulta no mikrotik antes de direcionar a rede interna. E essa regra serve para que testes de banda nos medidores não sejam limitados pelo QOS.

Outra duvida:
Como funciona o burst na queue tree? Percebi que fazendo speed test ele ultrapassa os 200M de limite da queue Download e não entendi o porquê
Serve para que e exista uma agilidade nas requisições e por isso viu por algum tempo sua banda ultrapassar limites. todos provedores fazem essa jogada dando aos seus assinantes a falsa sensação de tá recebendo velocidade a mais que contratou. Mas também usam para dizer que sua velocidade na medição dos testes tá perfeita em quanto por trás fazer traffic shaping. descaradamente já que a maioria dos usuarios são enganados pro falta de conhecimento de até mesmo como medir de fato sua velocidade sem usar esses medidores que podem ser burlados por burst na queue tree.
Sim tá certa! Só que esta desabilitada no meu mikrotik, se quiser pode habilitar após add.
Reparei que você colocou 153600k(15M) no max limit do upload, e no speedtest bate 18m, como você chegou nesse calculo?
Tipo assim, meu upload aqui é 20m, mas eu limitava em 18 pra não saturar
Reparei que você colocou (15M) no max limit do upload, e no speedtest bate 18m, como você chegou nesse calculo?
Tipo assim, meu upload aqui é 20m, mas eu limitava em 18 pra não saturar
Boa noite, tá errado o seu calculo,153600k corresponde a 18.75 Megabytes por segundo!
Uma boa calculadora para essa sua duvida tá //aqui
Se o seu up for de vinte, use tudo fazendo direito e não existirá saturações.

Use o mikrotik ao seu favor já sabendo o que tá delegando a ele para melhorar sua rede dentro do que deseja. Ele é ótima ferramenta se bem usado e consegue fazer maravilhas se bem configurado. Mas, pode se tornar um vilão dependendo do que determinar e lhe pedir para fazer.

Ainda sou da opinião que em uma rede domestica não é necessário impor limites mais sim prioridades!

Sobre sua pergunta, veja que o controle que adotei foi feito dentro do QOS mikrotik usando a taxa PCQ diferente do QOS defaut que usou limitando toda a banda como se fosse provedor. Esse que usei corresponde ao (pcq-rate e max-limite) isso que dizer que se apenas vc estiver usando a sua internet em um único ponto receberá tudo que contratou da operadora e se mais um ponto começar a usar em conjunto a banda será dividida para os dois e assim por diante.
Boa noite, tá errado o seu calculo,153600k corresponde a 18.75 Megabytes por segundo!
Uma boa calculadora para essa sua duvida tá //aqui
Se o seu up for de vinte, use tudo fazendo direito e não existirá saturações.

Use o mikrotik ao seu favor já sabendo o que tá delegando a ele para melhorar sua rede dentro do que deseja. Ele é ótima ferramenta se bem usado e consegue fazer maravilhas se bem configurado. Mas, pode se tornar um vilão dependendo do que determinar e lhe pedir para fazer.

Ainda sou da opinião que em uma rede domestica não é necessário impor limites mais sim prioridades!

Sobre sua pergunta, veja que o controle que adotei foi feito dentro do QOS mikrotik usando a taxa PCQ diferente do QOS defaut que usou limitando toda a banda como se fosse provedor. Esse que usei corresponde ao (pcq-rate e max-limite) isso que dizer que se apenas vc estiver usando a sua internet em um único ponto receberá tudo que contratou da operadora e se mais um ponto começar a usar em conjunto a banda será dividida para os dois e assim por diante.
No seu calculo vc colocou os 200M de download como 204.800 que é 200 x 1024.
No upload vc colocou 153600k que é 150megabits de upload (18.75 Megabytes)
O certo não seria 18m = 18 * 1024 = 18432k ?

Aqui em casa a gente é um pouco hardcore com download, se eu não limitar da ruim kkkkkk
Última edição:
No seu calculo vc colocou os 200M de download como 204.800 que é 200 x 1024.
No upload vc colocou 153600k que é 150megabits de upload (18.75 Megabytes)
O certo não seria 18m = 18 * 1024 = 18432k ?

Aqui em casa a gente é um pouco hardcore com download, se eu não limitar da ruim kkkkkk
Cara, eu concordo com o Sergio.
Rede doméstica é muito melhor você priorizar o tráfego com marcação de pacotes do que limitar banda.
Meu QoS aqui é só maravilhas. De volta em meia eu faço algumas otimizações que melhoram ainda mais a qualidade da minha rede.
Pessoal to pensando em pegar uma rb750gr3 para fazer load balance de dois links, porém pretendo utilizar os dois links com o balanço de cargas e failover, além de priorizar o tráfego por marcações de pacotes... Alguém tem e pode compartilhar o script pra esse fim? recomendam outra RB/modelo?
Galera, lançada a versão 6.48 no canal stable!
What's new in 6.48 (2020-Dec-22 11:20):

*) arm - added support for automatic CPU frequency stepping for IPQ4018/IPQ4019 devices;
*) arm - improved system stability;
*) arm - improved watchdog and kernel panic reporting in log after reboots on IPQ4018/IPQ4019 devices;
*) arm64 - improved reboot reason reporting in log;
*) bgp - fixed VPNV4 RD byte order;
*) bonding - added LACP monitoring;
*) branding - fixed LCD logo loading from new style branding package;
*) bridge - added "multicast-router" monitoring value for bridge interface;
*) bridge - added fixes and improvements for IGMP and MLD snooping;
*) bridge - added minor fixes and improvements for IGMP snooping with HW offloading;
*) bridge - added warning message when port is disabled by the BPDU guard;
*) bridge - allow to exclude interfaces from extended ports;
*) bridge - automatically remove extended interfaces when deleting PE device from CB;
*) bridge - correctly filter packets by L2MTU size;
*) bridge - correctly remove dynamic VLAN assignment for bridge ports;
*) bridge - fixed "multicast-router" setting on bridge enable;
*) bridge - fixed MDB entry removal when using bridge port "fast-leave" property;
*) bridge - fixed dynamic VLAN assignment when changing port "frame-type" property (introduced in v6.46);
*) bridge - fixed dynamic VLAN assignment when changing port to tagged VLAN member;
*) bridge - fixed link-local multicast forwarding when IGMP snooping and HW offloading is enabled;
*) bridge - fixed local MAC address removal from host table when deleting bridge interface;
*) bridge - fixed multicast table printing;
*) bridge - improved BPDU guard logging;
*) bridge - increased multicast table size to 4K entries;
*) bridge - show "H" flag for extended bridge ports;
*) bridge - show error when switch do not support controlling bridge or port extension;
*) bridge - use "frame-types=admit-all" by default for extended bridge ports;
*) cap - fixed L2MTU setting from CAPsMAN;
*) certificate - clear challenge password on renew;
*) certificate - fixed CRL URL length limit;
*) certificate - fixed private key verification for CA certificate during signing process;
*) certificate - generate CRL even when CRL URL not specified;
*) certificate - properly flush expired SCEP OTP entries;
*) chr - fixed SSH key import on Azure;
*) chr - fixed VLAN tagged packet transmit on bridge for Hyper-V installations;
*) chr - improved interface loading on startup on XEN;
*) chr - improved system stability when changing flow control settings on e1000;
*) cloud - improved backup generation process;
*) conntrack - automatically reduce connection tracking timeouts when table is full;
*) console - allow "once" parameter for bonding monitoring;
*) crs3xx - added initial Bridge Port Extender support;
*) crs3xx - added initial Controlling Bridge support for CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices;
*) crs3xx - added switch-cpu port VLAN filtering (switch-cpu port is now mapped with bridge interface VLAN membership when vlan-filtering is enabled);
*) crs3xx - correctly filter packets by L2MTU size;
*) crs3xx - fixed "custom-drop-packet" and "not-learned" switch stats for CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed "mirror-source" property on switch port disable for CRS305, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328, CRS318 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed "storm-rate" traffic limiting for switch-cpu port on CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed "switch-cpu" VLAN membership on bridge disable;
*) crs3xx - fixed CDP packet forwarding for CRS305, CRS318, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed duplicate host entries when creating static switch hosts;
*) crs3xx - fixed port isolation for "switch-cpu" port for CRS305, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328, CRS318 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed port isolation removal for "switch-cpu" port on CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed switch "copy-to-cpu" property for CRS305, CRS318, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed switch "not-learned" stats for CRS305, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328-24P-4S+, CRS328-4C-20S-4S+, CRS318 devices;
*) crs3xx - improved system stability on CRS354 devices;
*) crs3xx - improved system stability when receiving large frames for CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices (introduced in v6.47.5);
*) defconf - fixed default configuration loading on RBcAP-2nD and RBwAP-2nD;
*) defconf - fixed static IP address setting in case default configuration loading fails;
*) defconf - improved CAP interface bridging;
*) defconf - improved default configuration generation on devices with non-default wireless interface names;
*) detnet - fixed malformed dummy DHCP User Class option;
*) detnet - use MAC address from bridge interface instead of slave port;
*) dhcp - fixed DHCP packet forwarding to IPsec policies;
*) dhcpv4-server - improved "client-id" value parsing;
*) dhcpv6 server - added support for "Delegated-IPv6-Prefix" for PPP services;
*) dhcpv6-server - added ability to generate binding on first request;
*) dhcpv6-server - added support for "option18" and "option37" for RADIUS managed clients;
*) dhcpv6-server - allow loose static binding "pool" parameter (introduced in v6.46.8);
*) dhcpv6-server - make sure that calling station ID always contains DUID;
*) discovery - added "lldp-med-net-policy-vlan" property for assigning VLAN ID;
*) discovery - allow choosing which discovery protocol is used;
*) discovery - fixed discovery on mesh ports;
*) discovery - fixed discovery packet sending on newly bridged port with "protocol-mode=none";
*) discovery - fixed discovery when enabled only on master port;
*) discovery - send the same "Chassis ID" on all interfaces for LLDP packets;
*) discovery - use interface MAC address when sending MNDP from slave port;
*) disk - fixed external EXT3 disk mounting on x86 systems;
*) dns - added IPv6 support for DoH;
*) dns - do not use type "A" for static entries with unspecified type;
*) dns - end ongoing queries when changing DoH configuration;
*) dns - fixed listening for DNS queries when only dynamic static entries exist (introduced in v6.47);
*) dot1x - accept priority tagged (VLAN 0) EAP packets on dot1x client;
*) dot1x - fixed reauthentication after server rejects a client into VLAN;
*) dot1x - fixed unicast destination EAP packet receiving when a client is running on a bridge port;
*) dude - fixed configuration menu presence on ARM64 devices;
*) export - fixed RouterBOARD USB "type" parameter export;
*) filesystem - fixed repartition on RB4011 series devices;
*) filesystem - fixed repartition on non-first partition;
*) filesystem - improved long-term filesystem stability and data integrity;
*) gps - fixed "init-channel" release when not used;
*) health - changed PSU state parameter type to read-only;
*) health - removed unused "heater-control" and "heater-threshold" parameters;
*) hotspot - added "vlan-id" parameter support for hosts and HTML pages;
*) hotspot - added support for captive portal advertising using DHCP (RFC7710);
*) hotspot - fixed "html-directory" parameter export;
*) hotspot - improved management service stability when receiving bogus packets;
*) ike1 - fixed "my-id=address" parameter usage together with certificate authentication;
*) ike1 - fixed 'rsa-signature-hybrid' authentication method;
*) ike1 - fixed memory leak on multiple CR payloads;
*) ike1 - fixed policy update with and without mode configuration;
*) ike1 - rekey phase 1 as responder for Windows initiators;
*) ike2 - added "prf-algorithm" support for phase 1;
*) ike2 - added support for IKEv2 Message Fragmentation (RFC7383);
*) ike2 - fixed EAP MSK length validation;
*) ike2 - fixed too small payload parsing;
*) ike2 - improved EAP message integrity checking;
*) ike2 - improved child SA rekeying process;
*) interface - added temperature warning and interface disable on overheat for SFP and SFP+ interfaces (CLI only);
*) interface - fixed pwr-line running state (introduced in v6.45);
*) ipsec - added SHA384 hash algorithm support for phase 1;
*) ipsec - do not kill connection when peer's "name" or "comment" is changed;
*) ipsec - fixed client certificate usage when certificate is renewed with SCEP;
*) ipsec - fixed multiple warning message display for peers;
*) ipsec - inactivate peer's policy on disconnect;
*) ipsec - refresh peer's DNS only when phase 1 is down;
*) kidcontrol - allow creating static device entries without assigned user;
*) led - fixed state persistence after device reboot on NetMetal 5 ac devices;
*) lora - fixed device going into "ERROR" state caused by FSK modulated downlinks;
*) lora - limited output power in RU region for range 868.7 MHz - 869.2 MHz according to regulations;
*) lte - added "age" column and "max-age" parameter to "cell-monitor" (CLI only);
*) lte - added "comment" parameter for APN profiles;
*) lte - added support for Alcatel IK41VE1;
*) lte - fixed "band" value reporting;
*) lte - increased "at+cops" reply timeout to 90 seconds;
*) m33g - added support for "/system gpio" menu (CLI only);
*) metarouter - allow creating RouterOS metarouter instances on devices with 16MB flash storage;
*) metarouter - fixed memory leak when tearing down metarouter instance;
*) ppp - added "bridge-learning" parameter support;
*) ppp - added "ipv6-routes" parameter to "secrets" menu;
*) ppp - added support for "Framed-IPv6-Route" RADIUS attribute;
*) ppp - store "last-caller-id" for PPP secrets;
*) ppp - store "last-disconnect-reason" for PPP secrets;
*) profile - added "lcd" process classificator;
*) profile - improved idle process detection on x86 processors;
*) profile - improved process classification on ARM devices;
*) quickset - added "Port Mapping" to QuickSet;
*) quickset - fixed local IP address setting on master interface;
*) route - improved stability when 6to4 interface is configured with disabled IPv6 package;
*) routerboard - fixed PCIe bus reset during power-on on MMIPS devices ("/system routerboard upgrade" required);
*) routerboard - force power-down on PCIe bus during reboot on LHGR devices ("/system routerboard upgrade" required);
*) script - added error message in the logs if startup script runtime limit was exceeded;
*) snmp - added information from IPsec "active-peers" menu to MIKROTIK-MIB;
*) snmp - added new LTE monitoring OID's to MIKROTIK-MIB;
*) snmp - fixed value types for "dot1dStp";
*) snmp - fixed value types for "dot1qPvid";
*) ssh - fixed returned output saving to file when "output-to-file" parameter is used;
*) ssh - skip interactive authentication when not running in interactive mode;
*) supout - added bonding interface monitor information;
*) supout - improved autosupout.rif file generation process;
*) timezone - updated timezone information from "tzdata2020d" release;
*) tr069-client - added "X_MIKROTIK_MimoRSRP" parameter for LTE RSRP value reporting;
*) tr069-client - added LTE model and revision parameters;
*) tr069-client - added additional wireless registration table parameters;
*) tr069-client - added branding package build time parameter;
*) tr069-client - added wireless "noise-floor" and "overall-tx-ccq" information parameters;
*) tr069-client - allow passing LTE firmware update URL as XML;
*) tr069-client - fixed RouterOS downgrade procedure;
*) tr069-client - fixed TotalBytesReceived parameter value;
*) tr069-client - send correct "ConnectionRequestURL" when using IPv6;
*) traffic-flow - added "sys-init-time" parameter support;
*) traffic-flow - added NAT event logging support for IPFIX;
*) traffic-generator - fixed 32Gbps limitation;
*) user-manager - do not allow creating limitation that crosses midnight;
*) user-manager - updated PayPal's root certificate authorities;
*) webfig - allow hiding QuickSet mode selector;
*) webfig - allow hiding and renaming inline buttons;
*) webfig - fixed default value presence when creating new entries under "IP/Kid Control";
*) webfig - properly stop background processes when switching away from QuickSet tab;
*) winbox - added "src-mac-address" parameter under "IP/DHCP-Server/Leases" menu;
*) winbox - added missing IGMP Snooping settings to "Bridge" menu;
*) winbox - added missing MSTP settings to "Bridge" menu;
*) winbox - added support for LTE Cell Monitor;
*) winbox - allow adding bonding interface with one slave interface;
*) winbox - allow performing "USB Power Reset" on "0" bus on RBM33G;
*) winbox - do not show "network-mode" parameter for LTE interfaces that do not support it;
*) winbox - fixed "IP->Kid Control->Devices" table automatic refreshing;
*) winbox - fixed "interface" and "on-interface" parameter presence under "Bridge/Hosts" menu;
*) winbox - fixed "receive-errors" setting persistence under "Wireless/Wireless Sniffer/Settings" menu;
*) winbox - fixed "tls-version" parameter setting under "IP/Services" menu;
*) winbox - fixed minor typo in "Users" menu;
*) winbox - provide sane default values for bridge "VLAN IDs" parameter;
*) winbox - use health values reported by gauges for "System/Health" menu;
*) wireless - added U-NII-2 support for US and Canada country profiles for mANTBox series devices;
*) wireless - create "connect-list" rule when address specified for "setup-repeater";
*) wireless - do not override MTU and ARP values from CAPsMAN with local forwarding;
*) wireless - improved WPS process stability;
*) wireless - increased "group-key-update" maximum value to 1 day;
*) wireless - updated "indonesia5" regulatory domain information;
*) wireless - updated "no_country_set" regulatory domain information;
Galera, lançada a versão 6.48 no canal stable!
What's new in 6.48 (2020-Dec-22 11:20):

*) arm - added support for automatic CPU frequency stepping for IPQ4018/IPQ4019 devices;
*) arm - improved system stability;
*) arm - improved watchdog and kernel panic reporting in log after reboots on IPQ4018/IPQ4019 devices;
*) arm64 - improved reboot reason reporting in log;
*) bgp - fixed VPNV4 RD byte order;
*) bonding - added LACP monitoring;
*) branding - fixed LCD logo loading from new style branding package;
*) bridge - added "multicast-router" monitoring value for bridge interface;
*) bridge - added fixes and improvements for IGMP and MLD snooping;
*) bridge - added minor fixes and improvements for IGMP snooping with HW offloading;
*) bridge - added warning message when port is disabled by the BPDU guard;
*) bridge - allow to exclude interfaces from extended ports;
*) bridge - automatically remove extended interfaces when deleting PE device from CB;
*) bridge - correctly filter packets by L2MTU size;
*) bridge - correctly remove dynamic VLAN assignment for bridge ports;
*) bridge - fixed "multicast-router" setting on bridge enable;
*) bridge - fixed MDB entry removal when using bridge port "fast-leave" property;
*) bridge - fixed dynamic VLAN assignment when changing port "frame-type" property (introduced in v6.46);
*) bridge - fixed dynamic VLAN assignment when changing port to tagged VLAN member;
*) bridge - fixed link-local multicast forwarding when IGMP snooping and HW offloading is enabled;
*) bridge - fixed local MAC address removal from host table when deleting bridge interface;
*) bridge - fixed multicast table printing;
*) bridge - improved BPDU guard logging;
*) bridge - increased multicast table size to 4K entries;
*) bridge - show "H" flag for extended bridge ports;
*) bridge - show error when switch do not support controlling bridge or port extension;
*) bridge - use "frame-types=admit-all" by default for extended bridge ports;
*) cap - fixed L2MTU setting from CAPsMAN;
*) certificate - clear challenge password on renew;
*) certificate - fixed CRL URL length limit;
*) certificate - fixed private key verification for CA certificate during signing process;
*) certificate - generate CRL even when CRL URL not specified;
*) certificate - properly flush expired SCEP OTP entries;
*) chr - fixed SSH key import on Azure;
*) chr - fixed VLAN tagged packet transmit on bridge for Hyper-V installations;
*) chr - improved interface loading on startup on XEN;
*) chr - improved system stability when changing flow control settings on e1000;
*) cloud - improved backup generation process;
*) conntrack - automatically reduce connection tracking timeouts when table is full;
*) console - allow "once" parameter for bonding monitoring;
*) crs3xx - added initial Bridge Port Extender support;
*) crs3xx - added initial Controlling Bridge support for CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices;
*) crs3xx - added switch-cpu port VLAN filtering (switch-cpu port is now mapped with bridge interface VLAN membership when vlan-filtering is enabled);
*) crs3xx - correctly filter packets by L2MTU size;
*) crs3xx - fixed "custom-drop-packet" and "not-learned" switch stats for CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed "mirror-source" property on switch port disable for CRS305, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328, CRS318 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed "storm-rate" traffic limiting for switch-cpu port on CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed "switch-cpu" VLAN membership on bridge disable;
*) crs3xx - fixed CDP packet forwarding for CRS305, CRS318, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed duplicate host entries when creating static switch hosts;
*) crs3xx - fixed port isolation for "switch-cpu" port for CRS305, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328, CRS318 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed port isolation removal for "switch-cpu" port on CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed switch "copy-to-cpu" property for CRS305, CRS318, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed switch "not-learned" stats for CRS305, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328-24P-4S+, CRS328-4C-20S-4S+, CRS318 devices;
*) crs3xx - improved system stability on CRS354 devices;
*) crs3xx - improved system stability when receiving large frames for CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices (introduced in v6.47.5);
*) defconf - fixed default configuration loading on RBcAP-2nD and RBwAP-2nD;
*) defconf - fixed static IP address setting in case default configuration loading fails;
*) defconf - improved CAP interface bridging;
*) defconf - improved default configuration generation on devices with non-default wireless interface names;
*) detnet - fixed malformed dummy DHCP User Class option;
*) detnet - use MAC address from bridge interface instead of slave port;
*) dhcp - fixed DHCP packet forwarding to IPsec policies;
*) dhcpv4-server - improved "client-id" value parsing;
*) dhcpv6 server - added support for "Delegated-IPv6-Prefix" for PPP services;
*) dhcpv6-server - added ability to generate binding on first request;
*) dhcpv6-server - added support for "option18" and "option37" for RADIUS managed clients;
*) dhcpv6-server - allow loose static binding "pool" parameter (introduced in v6.46.8);
*) dhcpv6-server - make sure that calling station ID always contains DUID;
*) discovery - added "lldp-med-net-policy-vlan" property for assigning VLAN ID;
*) discovery - allow choosing which discovery protocol is used;
*) discovery - fixed discovery on mesh ports;
*) discovery - fixed discovery packet sending on newly bridged port with "protocol-mode=none";
*) discovery - fixed discovery when enabled only on master port;
*) discovery - send the same "Chassis ID" on all interfaces for LLDP packets;
*) discovery - use interface MAC address when sending MNDP from slave port;
*) disk - fixed external EXT3 disk mounting on x86 systems;
*) dns - added IPv6 support for DoH;
*) dns - do not use type "A" for static entries with unspecified type;
*) dns - end ongoing queries when changing DoH configuration;
*) dns - fixed listening for DNS queries when only dynamic static entries exist (introduced in v6.47);
*) dot1x - accept priority tagged (VLAN 0) EAP packets on dot1x client;
*) dot1x - fixed reauthentication after server rejects a client into VLAN;
*) dot1x - fixed unicast destination EAP packet receiving when a client is running on a bridge port;
*) dude - fixed configuration menu presence on ARM64 devices;
*) export - fixed RouterBOARD USB "type" parameter export;
*) filesystem - fixed repartition on RB4011 series devices;
*) filesystem - fixed repartition on non-first partition;
*) filesystem - improved long-term filesystem stability and data integrity;
*) gps - fixed "init-channel" release when not used;
*) health - changed PSU state parameter type to read-only;
*) health - removed unused "heater-control" and "heater-threshold" parameters;
*) hotspot - added "vlan-id" parameter support for hosts and HTML pages;
*) hotspot - added support for captive portal advertising using DHCP (RFC7710);
*) hotspot - fixed "html-directory" parameter export;
*) hotspot - improved management service stability when receiving bogus packets;
*) ike1 - fixed "my-id=address" parameter usage together with certificate authentication;
*) ike1 - fixed 'rsa-signature-hybrid' authentication method;
*) ike1 - fixed memory leak on multiple CR payloads;
*) ike1 - fixed policy update with and without mode configuration;
*) ike1 - rekey phase 1 as responder for Windows initiators;
*) ike2 - added "prf-algorithm" support for phase 1;
*) ike2 - added support for IKEv2 Message Fragmentation (RFC7383);
*) ike2 - fixed EAP MSK length validation;
*) ike2 - fixed too small payload parsing;
*) ike2 - improved EAP message integrity checking;
*) ike2 - improved child SA rekeying process;
*) interface - added temperature warning and interface disable on overheat for SFP and SFP+ interfaces (CLI only);
*) interface - fixed pwr-line running state (introduced in v6.45);
*) ipsec - added SHA384 hash algorithm support for phase 1;
*) ipsec - do not kill connection when peer's "name" or "comment" is changed;
*) ipsec - fixed client certificate usage when certificate is renewed with SCEP;
*) ipsec - fixed multiple warning message display for peers;
*) ipsec - inactivate peer's policy on disconnect;
*) ipsec - refresh peer's DNS only when phase 1 is down;
*) kidcontrol - allow creating static device entries without assigned user;
*) led - fixed state persistence after device reboot on NetMetal 5 ac devices;
*) lora - fixed device going into "ERROR" state caused by FSK modulated downlinks;
*) lora - limited output power in RU region for range 868.7 MHz - 869.2 MHz according to regulations;
*) lte - added "age" column and "max-age" parameter to "cell-monitor" (CLI only);
*) lte - added "comment" parameter for APN profiles;
*) lte - added support for Alcatel IK41VE1;
*) lte - fixed "band" value reporting;
*) lte - increased "at+cops" reply timeout to 90 seconds;
*) m33g - added support for "/system gpio" menu (CLI only);
*) metarouter - allow creating RouterOS metarouter instances on devices with 16MB flash storage;
*) metarouter - fixed memory leak when tearing down metarouter instance;
*) ppp - added "bridge-learning" parameter support;
*) ppp - added "ipv6-routes" parameter to "secrets" menu;
*) ppp - added support for "Framed-IPv6-Route" RADIUS attribute;
*) ppp - store "last-caller-id" for PPP secrets;
*) ppp - store "last-disconnect-reason" for PPP secrets;
*) profile - added "lcd" process classificator;
*) profile - improved idle process detection on x86 processors;
*) profile - improved process classification on ARM devices;
*) quickset - added "Port Mapping" to QuickSet;
*) quickset - fixed local IP address setting on master interface;
*) route - improved stability when 6to4 interface is configured with disabled IPv6 package;
*) routerboard - fixed PCIe bus reset during power-on on MMIPS devices ("/system routerboard upgrade" required);
*) routerboard - force power-down on PCIe bus during reboot on LHGR devices ("/system routerboard upgrade" required);
*) script - added error message in the logs if startup script runtime limit was exceeded;
*) snmp - added information from IPsec "active-peers" menu to MIKROTIK-MIB;
*) snmp - added new LTE monitoring OID's to MIKROTIK-MIB;
*) snmp - fixed value types for "dot1dStp";
*) snmp - fixed value types for "dot1qPvid";
*) ssh - fixed returned output saving to file when "output-to-file" parameter is used;
*) ssh - skip interactive authentication when not running in interactive mode;
*) supout - added bonding interface monitor information;
*) supout - improved autosupout.rif file generation process;
*) timezone - updated timezone information from "tzdata2020d" release;
*) tr069-client - added "X_MIKROTIK_MimoRSRP" parameter for LTE RSRP value reporting;
*) tr069-client - added LTE model and revision parameters;
*) tr069-client - added additional wireless registration table parameters;
*) tr069-client - added branding package build time parameter;
*) tr069-client - added wireless "noise-floor" and "overall-tx-ccq" information parameters;
*) tr069-client - allow passing LTE firmware update URL as XML;
*) tr069-client - fixed RouterOS downgrade procedure;
*) tr069-client - fixed TotalBytesReceived parameter value;
*) tr069-client - send correct "ConnectionRequestURL" when using IPv6;
*) traffic-flow - added "sys-init-time" parameter support;
*) traffic-flow - added NAT event logging support for IPFIX;
*) traffic-generator - fixed 32Gbps limitation;
*) user-manager - do not allow creating limitation that crosses midnight;
*) user-manager - updated PayPal's root certificate authorities;
*) webfig - allow hiding QuickSet mode selector;
*) webfig - allow hiding and renaming inline buttons;
*) webfig - fixed default value presence when creating new entries under "IP/Kid Control";
*) webfig - properly stop background processes when switching away from QuickSet tab;
*) winbox - added "src-mac-address" parameter under "IP/DHCP-Server/Leases" menu;
*) winbox - added missing IGMP Snooping settings to "Bridge" menu;
*) winbox - added missing MSTP settings to "Bridge" menu;
*) winbox - added support for LTE Cell Monitor;
*) winbox - allow adding bonding interface with one slave interface;
*) winbox - allow performing "USB Power Reset" on "0" bus on RBM33G;
*) winbox - do not show "network-mode" parameter for LTE interfaces that do not support it;
*) winbox - fixed "IP->Kid Control->Devices" table automatic refreshing;
*) winbox - fixed "interface" and "on-interface" parameter presence under "Bridge/Hosts" menu;
*) winbox - fixed "receive-errors" setting persistence under "Wireless/Wireless Sniffer/Settings" menu;
*) winbox - fixed "tls-version" parameter setting under "IP/Services" menu;
*) winbox - fixed minor typo in "Users" menu;
*) winbox - provide sane default values for bridge "VLAN IDs" parameter;
*) winbox - use health values reported by gauges for "System/Health" menu;
*) wireless - added U-NII-2 support for US and Canada country profiles for mANTBox series devices;
*) wireless - create "connect-list" rule when address specified for "setup-repeater";
*) wireless - do not override MTU and ARP values from CAPsMAN with local forwarding;
*) wireless - improved WPS process stability;
*) wireless - increased "group-key-update" maximum value to 1 day;
*) wireless - updated "indonesia5" regulatory domain information;
*) wireless - updated "no_country_set" regulatory domain information;
É melhor sempre usar a Long-term.
Galera, lançada a versão 6.48 no canal stable!
What's new in 6.48 (2020-Dec-22 11:20):

*) arm - added support for automatic CPU frequency stepping for IPQ4018/IPQ4019 devices;
*) arm - improved system stability;
*) arm - improved watchdog and kernel panic reporting in log after reboots on IPQ4018/IPQ4019 devices;
*) arm64 - improved reboot reason reporting in log;
*) bgp - fixed VPNV4 RD byte order;
*) bonding - added LACP monitoring;
*) branding - fixed LCD logo loading from new style branding package;
*) bridge - added "multicast-router" monitoring value for bridge interface;
*) bridge - added fixes and improvements for IGMP and MLD snooping;
*) bridge - added minor fixes and improvements for IGMP snooping with HW offloading;
*) bridge - added warning message when port is disabled by the BPDU guard;
*) bridge - allow to exclude interfaces from extended ports;
*) bridge - automatically remove extended interfaces when deleting PE device from CB;
*) bridge - correctly filter packets by L2MTU size;
*) bridge - correctly remove dynamic VLAN assignment for bridge ports;
*) bridge - fixed "multicast-router" setting on bridge enable;
*) bridge - fixed MDB entry removal when using bridge port "fast-leave" property;
*) bridge - fixed dynamic VLAN assignment when changing port "frame-type" property (introduced in v6.46);
*) bridge - fixed dynamic VLAN assignment when changing port to tagged VLAN member;
*) bridge - fixed link-local multicast forwarding when IGMP snooping and HW offloading is enabled;
*) bridge - fixed local MAC address removal from host table when deleting bridge interface;
*) bridge - fixed multicast table printing;
*) bridge - improved BPDU guard logging;
*) bridge - increased multicast table size to 4K entries;
*) bridge - show "H" flag for extended bridge ports;
*) bridge - show error when switch do not support controlling bridge or port extension;
*) bridge - use "frame-types=admit-all" by default for extended bridge ports;
*) cap - fixed L2MTU setting from CAPsMAN;
*) certificate - clear challenge password on renew;
*) certificate - fixed CRL URL length limit;
*) certificate - fixed private key verification for CA certificate during signing process;
*) certificate - generate CRL even when CRL URL not specified;
*) certificate - properly flush expired SCEP OTP entries;
*) chr - fixed SSH key import on Azure;
*) chr - fixed VLAN tagged packet transmit on bridge for Hyper-V installations;
*) chr - improved interface loading on startup on XEN;
*) chr - improved system stability when changing flow control settings on e1000;
*) cloud - improved backup generation process;
*) conntrack - automatically reduce connection tracking timeouts when table is full;
*) console - allow "once" parameter for bonding monitoring;
*) crs3xx - added initial Bridge Port Extender support;
*) crs3xx - added initial Controlling Bridge support for CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices;
*) crs3xx - added switch-cpu port VLAN filtering (switch-cpu port is now mapped with bridge interface VLAN membership when vlan-filtering is enabled);
*) crs3xx - correctly filter packets by L2MTU size;
*) crs3xx - fixed "custom-drop-packet" and "not-learned" switch stats for CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed "mirror-source" property on switch port disable for CRS305, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328, CRS318 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed "storm-rate" traffic limiting for switch-cpu port on CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed "switch-cpu" VLAN membership on bridge disable;
*) crs3xx - fixed CDP packet forwarding for CRS305, CRS318, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed duplicate host entries when creating static switch hosts;
*) crs3xx - fixed port isolation for "switch-cpu" port for CRS305, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328, CRS318 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed port isolation removal for "switch-cpu" port on CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed switch "copy-to-cpu" property for CRS305, CRS318, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328 devices;
*) crs3xx - fixed switch "not-learned" stats for CRS305, CRS326-24G-2S+, CRS328-24P-4S+, CRS328-4C-20S-4S+, CRS318 devices;
*) crs3xx - improved system stability on CRS354 devices;
*) crs3xx - improved system stability when receiving large frames for CRS317, CRS309, CRS312, CRS326-24S+2Q+ and CRS354 devices (introduced in v6.47.5);
*) defconf - fixed default configuration loading on RBcAP-2nD and RBwAP-2nD;
*) defconf - fixed static IP address setting in case default configuration loading fails;
*) defconf - improved CAP interface bridging;
*) defconf - improved default configuration generation on devices with non-default wireless interface names;
*) detnet - fixed malformed dummy DHCP User Class option;
*) detnet - use MAC address from bridge interface instead of slave port;
*) dhcp - fixed DHCP packet forwarding to IPsec policies;
*) dhcpv4-server - improved "client-id" value parsing;
*) dhcpv6 server - added support for "Delegated-IPv6-Prefix" for PPP services;
*) dhcpv6-server - added ability to generate binding on first request;
*) dhcpv6-server - added support for "option18" and "option37" for RADIUS managed clients;
*) dhcpv6-server - allow loose static binding "pool" parameter (introduced in v6.46.8);
*) dhcpv6-server - make sure that calling station ID always contains DUID;
*) discovery - added "lldp-med-net-policy-vlan" property for assigning VLAN ID;
*) discovery - allow choosing which discovery protocol is used;
*) discovery - fixed discovery on mesh ports;
*) discovery - fixed discovery packet sending on newly bridged port with "protocol-mode=none";
*) discovery - fixed discovery when enabled only on master port;
*) discovery - send the same "Chassis ID" on all interfaces for LLDP packets;
*) discovery - use interface MAC address when sending MNDP from slave port;
*) disk - fixed external EXT3 disk mounting on x86 systems;
*) dns - added IPv6 support for DoH;
*) dns - do not use type "A" for static entries with unspecified type;
*) dns - end ongoing queries when changing DoH configuration;
*) dns - fixed listening for DNS queries when only dynamic static entries exist (introduced in v6.47);
*) dot1x - accept priority tagged (VLAN 0) EAP packets on dot1x client;
*) dot1x - fixed reauthentication after server rejects a client into VLAN;
*) dot1x - fixed unicast destination EAP packet receiving when a client is running on a bridge port;
*) dude - fixed configuration menu presence on ARM64 devices;
*) export - fixed RouterBOARD USB "type" parameter export;
*) filesystem - fixed repartition on RB4011 series devices;
*) filesystem - fixed repartition on non-first partition;
*) filesystem - improved long-term filesystem stability and data integrity;
*) gps - fixed "init-channel" release when not used;
*) health - changed PSU state parameter type to read-only;
*) health - removed unused "heater-control" and "heater-threshold" parameters;
*) hotspot - added "vlan-id" parameter support for hosts and HTML pages;
*) hotspot - added support for captive portal advertising using DHCP (RFC7710);
*) hotspot - fixed "html-directory" parameter export;
*) hotspot - improved management service stability when receiving bogus packets;
*) ike1 - fixed "my-id=address" parameter usage together with certificate authentication;
*) ike1 - fixed 'rsa-signature-hybrid' authentication method;
*) ike1 - fixed memory leak on multiple CR payloads;
*) ike1 - fixed policy update with and without mode configuration;
*) ike1 - rekey phase 1 as responder for Windows initiators;
*) ike2 - added "prf-algorithm" support for phase 1;
*) ike2 - added support for IKEv2 Message Fragmentation (RFC7383);
*) ike2 - fixed EAP MSK length validation;
*) ike2 - fixed too small payload parsing;
*) ike2 - improved EAP message integrity checking;
*) ike2 - improved child SA rekeying process;
*) interface - added temperature warning and interface disable on overheat for SFP and SFP+ interfaces (CLI only);
*) interface - fixed pwr-line running state (introduced in v6.45);
*) ipsec - added SHA384 hash algorithm support for phase 1;
*) ipsec - do not kill connection when peer's "name" or "comment" is changed;
*) ipsec - fixed client certificate usage when certificate is renewed with SCEP;
*) ipsec - fixed multiple warning message display for peers;
*) ipsec - inactivate peer's policy on disconnect;
*) ipsec - refresh peer's DNS only when phase 1 is down;
*) kidcontrol - allow creating static device entries without assigned user;
*) led - fixed state persistence after device reboot on NetMetal 5 ac devices;
*) lora - fixed device going into "ERROR" state caused by FSK modulated downlinks;
*) lora - limited output power in RU region for range 868.7 MHz - 869.2 MHz according to regulations;
*) lte - added "age" column and "max-age" parameter to "cell-monitor" (CLI only);
*) lte - added "comment" parameter for APN profiles;
*) lte - added support for Alcatel IK41VE1;
*) lte - fixed "band" value reporting;
*) lte - increased "at+cops" reply timeout to 90 seconds;
*) m33g - added support for "/system gpio" menu (CLI only);
*) metarouter - allow creating RouterOS metarouter instances on devices with 16MB flash storage;
*) metarouter - fixed memory leak when tearing down metarouter instance;
*) ppp - added "bridge-learning" parameter support;
*) ppp - added "ipv6-routes" parameter to "secrets" menu;
*) ppp - added support for "Framed-IPv6-Route" RADIUS attribute;
*) ppp - store "last-caller-id" for PPP secrets;
*) ppp - store "last-disconnect-reason" for PPP secrets;
*) profile - added "lcd" process classificator;
*) profile - improved idle process detection on x86 processors;
*) profile - improved process classification on ARM devices;
*) quickset - added "Port Mapping" to QuickSet;
*) quickset - fixed local IP address setting on master interface;
*) route - improved stability when 6to4 interface is configured with disabled IPv6 package;
*) routerboard - fixed PCIe bus reset during power-on on MMIPS devices ("/system routerboard upgrade" required);
*) routerboard - force power-down on PCIe bus during reboot on LHGR devices ("/system routerboard upgrade" required);
*) script - added error message in the logs if startup script runtime limit was exceeded;
*) snmp - added information from IPsec "active-peers" menu to MIKROTIK-MIB;
*) snmp - added new LTE monitoring OID's to MIKROTIK-MIB;
*) snmp - fixed value types for "dot1dStp";
*) snmp - fixed value types for "dot1qPvid";
*) ssh - fixed returned output saving to file when "output-to-file" parameter is used;
*) ssh - skip interactive authentication when not running in interactive mode;
*) supout - added bonding interface monitor information;
*) supout - improved autosupout.rif file generation process;
*) timezone - updated timezone information from "tzdata2020d" release;
*) tr069-client - added "X_MIKROTIK_MimoRSRP" parameter for LTE RSRP value reporting;
*) tr069-client - added LTE model and revision parameters;
*) tr069-client - added additional wireless registration table parameters;
*) tr069-client - added branding package build time parameter;
*) tr069-client - added wireless "noise-floor" and "overall-tx-ccq" information parameters;
*) tr069-client - allow passing LTE firmware update URL as XML;
*) tr069-client - fixed RouterOS downgrade procedure;
*) tr069-client - fixed TotalBytesReceived parameter value;
*) tr069-client - send correct "ConnectionRequestURL" when using IPv6;
*) traffic-flow - added "sys-init-time" parameter support;
*) traffic-flow - added NAT event logging support for IPFIX;
*) traffic-generator - fixed 32Gbps limitation;
*) user-manager - do not allow creating limitation that crosses midnight;
*) user-manager - updated PayPal's root certificate authorities;
*) webfig - allow hiding QuickSet mode selector;
*) webfig - allow hiding and renaming inline buttons;
*) webfig - fixed default value presence when creating new entries under "IP/Kid Control";
*) webfig - properly stop background processes when switching away from QuickSet tab;
*) winbox - added "src-mac-address" parameter under "IP/DHCP-Server/Leases" menu;
*) winbox - added missing IGMP Snooping settings to "Bridge" menu;
*) winbox - added missing MSTP settings to "Bridge" menu;
*) winbox - added support for LTE Cell Monitor;
*) winbox - allow adding bonding interface with one slave interface;
*) winbox - allow performing "USB Power Reset" on "0" bus on RBM33G;
*) winbox - do not show "network-mode" parameter for LTE interfaces that do not support it;
*) winbox - fixed "IP->Kid Control->Devices" table automatic refreshing;
*) winbox - fixed "interface" and "on-interface" parameter presence under "Bridge/Hosts" menu;
*) winbox - fixed "receive-errors" setting persistence under "Wireless/Wireless Sniffer/Settings" menu;
*) winbox - fixed "tls-version" parameter setting under "IP/Services" menu;
*) winbox - fixed minor typo in "Users" menu;
*) winbox - provide sane default values for bridge "VLAN IDs" parameter;
*) winbox - use health values reported by gauges for "System/Health" menu;
*) wireless - added U-NII-2 support for US and Canada country profiles for mANTBox series devices;
*) wireless - create "connect-list" rule when address specified for "setup-repeater";
*) wireless - do not override MTU and ARP values from CAPsMAN with local forwarding;
*) wireless - improved WPS process stability;
*) wireless - increased "group-key-update" maximum value to 1 day;
*) wireless - updated "indonesia5" regulatory domain information;
*) wireless - updated "no_country_set" regulatory domain information;
Atualizei há alguns dias, tá funcionando redondo e não encontrei outros bugs, mas as informações de temperatura e tensão sumiram do WinBox, só aparecem no terminal:


[sysadmin@MikroTik] > system health print
      voltage: 24.5V
  temperature: 46C
Atualizei há alguns dias, tá funcionando redondo e não encontrei outros bugs, mas as informações de temperatura e tensão sumiram do WinBox, só aparecem no terminal:

Ver anexo 133811

[sysadmin@MikroTik] > system health print
      voltage: 24.5V
  temperature: 46C
Realmente, fui fazer uma pesquisa no fórum oficial e foi reportado esse BUG nas RB's 750gr3
Aqui na 760iGS está normal.
Realmente, fui fazer uma pesquisa no fórum oficial e foi reportado esse BUG nas RB's 750gr3
Aqui na 760iGS está normal.
Tá bugado nela também, atualizei para stable e tive que voltar para a long therm!
Tá bugado nela também, atualizei para stable e tive que voltar para a long therm!
Na 760iGS?? Tenho uma e a minha segue normal amigo.
Já atualizou seu Winbox?

Pela Web:

Pelo Winbox:
Última edição:
Na 760iGS?? Tenho uma e a minha segue normal amigo.
Já atualizou seu Winbox?

Pela Web:

Pelo Winbox:
Sim, na 760iGS! E eu já estava usando a versão atual do winbox antes de atualizar o routerOS, mas infelizmente o sistema está com bug's.

Apesar de usarmos o mesmo hardware, existem outras variáveis que podem contribuir para o aparecimento de bug's apenas para algumas pessoas, e uma delas é justamente a maneira como o sistema está configurado, recursos estão ativos etc..

Claro que isso são condições muito específicas, mas se lembrarmos que cada cenário é um cenário e que cada um configura o sistema à sua maneira, problemas desse tipo não são tão incomuns.
Última edição:
Sim, na 760iGS! E eu já estava usando a versão atual do winbox antes de atualizar o routerOS, mas infelizmente o sistema está com bug's.

Apesar de usarmos o mesmo hardware, existem outras variáveis que podem contribuir para o aparecimento de bug's apenas para algumas pessoas, e uma delas é justamente a maneira como o sistema está configurado, recursos estão ativos etc..

Claro que isso são condições muito específicas, mas se lembrarmos que cada cenário é um cenário e que cada um configura o sistema à sua maneira, problemas desse tipo não são tão incomuns.
Estranho, pois até onde vai meu conhecimento dentro do rOS, a parte de System > Health é a mesma para todas as RB's, não dependendo de configuração nenhuma, apenas uma apresentando mais detalhes do que outras, devido ao hardware.
Enfim, aqui na minha revisão da RB, está em pleno funcionamento.
Estranho, pois até onde vai meu conhecimento dentro do rOS, a parte de System > Health é a mesma para todas as RB's, não dependendo de configuração nenhuma, apenas uma apresentando mais detalhes do que outras, devido ao hardware.
O sistema é um só e as funcionalidades do mesmo são bloqueadas ou liberadas dependendo do modelo de hardware que a pessoa tiver. O meu ponto é que praticamente todos os recursos dentro do routerOS estão interconectadas e se conversam por alguma razão. Se há uma falha de programação em um módulo que foi atualizado, o bug pode ocorrer de maneira indireta em outra parte do sistema que não teve o código alterado.

O próprio Wissam já comentou sobre essas questões de bug's com mais detalhes em um vídeo, e esse é um dos motivos pelo qual não só ele mas a comunidade em geral recomenda e considera as versões long therm como as mais estáveis para uso em produção.

Pra mim isso não chega a ser necessariamente um problema, só fiz o downgrade e tudo voltou a funcionar perfeitamente bem!
Li as 58 páginas e ainda não me decidi qual das duas pegar, erx ou rb750 para foco unicamente em games.
Atualmente tenho um plano básico de 50mb, só que quando o prime ou Netflix tão sendo usados o ping dá uma zoada.
Pelo que eu entendi a rb é bem mais técnica enquanto a erx tem um SQM mais automatizado e com fqcodel que age diretamente no bufferbloat.
Vou colocar a onu do provedor em bridge que é uma fiberhome. quando estou na página de config mostra às vezes 100 % de uso no processador, isso que nem qos tem kkkk.
Qual dos dois escolher? atualmente achei a rb a partir de 500 e o erx por 417 reais.
Configurei minha RB4011 com dois links (500mb oi fibra e 400mb West) com PCC (tutorial do Wissam no youtube) e o balance está funcionando muito bem... Porém pretendo configurar QoS via SQF ou PCQ... Alguma dica de documentação ou tutorial? Pois não vi nenhum para aplicar com PCC (com mais de um link)...
Configurei minha RB4011 com dois links (500mb oi fibra e 400mb West) com PCC (tutorial do Wissam no youtube) e o balance está funcionando muito bem... Porém pretendo configurar QoS via SQF ou PCQ... Alguma dica de documentação ou tutorial? Pois não vi nenhum para aplicar com PCC (com mais de um link)...
Chegou a testar com torrent pra ver se o hardware aguenta?
Chegou a testar com torrent pra ver se o hardware aguenta?
Cara, a 4011 se não me engano, é quase o dobro do processamento da 750Gr3, então o desempenho sobra no caso dele.

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