[PREVIEW] Star Citizen

  • Iniciador de Tópicos Iniciador de Tópicos RyuRanX
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Da Idris é só a casca dela...não tem interior. Da Cat..seria legal se houvesse um gameplay, de dar subtarget nos shields, depois motores, fazer ela parar e ai forçar a entrada...agora ela fica aberta parada la....mais do mesmo.

E honestamente se não tiver um update focado em correções...não da nem pra jogar.
Sim da Idris é só exterior mesmo, mas conhecendo o pessoal, alguém vai dar um jeitinho de entrar kkk, da cat também acho, já acho isso da 890, mas parece que essas coisas de trabalhar com sub-alvos vai entrar, vi meio as pressas mas acho que ta no roadmap
Surprise hahahaha!

Bem legal. Eu tenho o voice attack mas nunca coloquei ele no SC. Mas não vou mentir essa voz de genio da lampada vai me impedir de usar...se tivesse uma voz feminina seria muito mais agradavel para se jogar ouvindo ela. Mas parabens pela iniciativa.

Sobre o SC, aguardando o 3.9 porque desisti desse festbug que ta a 3.8
Bem legal. Eu tenho o voice attack mas nunca coloquei ele no SC. Mas não vou mentir essa voz de genio da lampada vai me impedir de usar...se tivesse uma voz feminina seria muito mais agradavel para se jogar ouvindo ela. Mas parabens pela iniciativa.

Sobre o SC, aguardando o 3.9 porque desisti desse festbug que ta a 3.8

De mulher não tive como fazer, ai optei pra uma mais padrão de exploração e uma mais zueira, pra combate, acho que vou ficar nas duas mesmo, dublar tudo isso mais de 2 vezes é complicado, mas ainda vou dar uma incrementada em funções, adicionar modo de comércio e tuto, e re-dublar algumas que ficaram meio cortadas, é agora só 3.9 mesmo e ver quais são os bugs da vez hehehehehe
E ainda sobre o 3.9, alem de popular Microtech com outposts e o interior pro hangar em New Babbage, sera implementado no jogo o aspecto survival, fome, sede alem da reação/proteção as temperaturas.

Segue resumo publicado no reddit:

What will be consumable in 3.9?
Food and Drink are the two types of consumable we're introducing as part of 3.9. Both come in a range of shapes and sizes, from bottled water to energy drinks, and burritos to canned food.
Fruit is also edible, so fruits that you harvest (e.g. a Golden Medmon) can also be eaten.
The variance isn’t just aesthetic, each consumable staves off hunger or thirst by varying degrees, and can provide other benefits too.
Will medbeds be able to treat debuffs in 3.9?
Not in 3.9 - but that is the intention in the future.
How long, in real time gameplay, will it take for hunger and thirst to start adversely affecting players in tier 0?
We haven't locked down the actual specifics right now as we are in the midst of testing - but it will be several real life hours before you die from starvation.
Every few hours seems excessive to stave off death. In real live it can take up to 3 days without water or 3 weeks without food.
Have you also considered having adverse effects opposed to just dying? For instance, you can't run as fast or as far, vision becomes blurry, exhaustion can make you pass out. Your gun may shake so you can't fire as well.

This is what currently happens - so as you begin to suffer from a particular status (i.e. hypothermia, dehydration etc) - you will start to suffere very small negative effects - so increased stamina costs, slight blurry vision etc. This will then get progressively worse if you do not address it.
In terms of how often you should be eating/drinking - the idea behind it was to make it long enough so that it was not intrusive to the gameplay - but short enough that at least you had to eat/drink once a play session (i.e. several hours). If we made it too long it would kind of devalue the purpose of having it at all.
How exactly is this system going to incorporate with existing armour? Are we going to see armour items gain statistics on their protection/resistance?
In terms of Temperature Operating Windows we are going to retroactively apply values to all existing clothes and armor. These ranges will allow you to survive in normal every day 'Earth' temperatures. For more extreme climates like Microtech - you will need to use the more specialised environment suits that are releasing alongside Actor Status.
Will we somehow see the benefits /drawbacks of armorsuits in the description ? will it be described with numbers (from... to.. degree) oor will it just be in the description... like " for cold/acidic/hot ennviroments " for example ?
Yes - we are planning on adding the operating window into the descriptions so you will be able to see the specific temperature values it was manufactured for. This will be in numbers.
Will we be able to see/scan other players status?
Not in 3.9
Where will we be able to obtain bought consumables in 3.9?
You should be able to purchase food and drink consumables at all major landing locations. Different locations will offer different selections - with each food and drink item having their own corresponding nutrition and hydration ratings. Some foods and drinks also offer buffs (e.g. improved stamina regen) and debuffs (e.g. increased thirst) - so you will want to choose when to stock up on certain consumables. So there is more to eating and drinking than just surviving.
How can another player assist me if I'm suffering from dehydration, hunger, or hypoxia?
Other players will be able to drop food and drink items they have stored in their commodity backpack for you to consume. So it's always good to have that buddy who stocks up before heading off on an adventure.
In 3.9 only unopened food/drink items can be stored in your commodity backpack. Once we implement proper physical item inventory (in a future patch) you will be able to store partially eaten/drunk consumables.
What about a coffee in your apartments or whiskey in the bars ? They included in 3.9 for a status system?
Any food or drink item that you consume will tie into the actor status system.
Will tiredness / fatigue be part of the player status system in the future?
That's the plan.
If I don't eat / drink will I eventually die?
Yes, you can die from hunger and you can die from thirst, independently of each other.
As you’d imagine it’s a gradual affair, taking time for the effect of the food and drink you’ve previously consumed to wear off, until you reach the state of starvation or dehydration, which themselves last for quite some time, giving you time to rectify your situation.

What was the reason for making this an addition that is being added now vs other features that have been delayed?
There is always trade off and discussion around which features we should add to the game. Player status is laying the groundwork for all of the effects that can occur to the player and really ground the character into the world they inhabit.
You announced diseases and infections. How will they appear, evolve, proliferate, and how will the universe (NPCs) react to their proliferation?
Diseases and infections are not currently part of Actor Status for 3.9
Will Hunger/Thirst persist between sessions in 3.9?
Yes, if you log out with an empty stomach, you’ll log back in with the same status and values attributed to your character.
How frequently will we have to eat? More precisely, is there a table with different foods and how much character hunger they fulfill the player with?
i.e. Chocolate bar = 30% hunger

Each food and drink consumable that you purchase will have it's own Nutrition (hunger) and Hydration (thirst) rating in it's description - this value represents how much it replenishes your character. It will also list specific keywords which will denote what that particular food/drink provides. For example high energy food has the keyword: Energizing - which provides a stamina regen bonus. The more of this type of food you eat will make that buff last longer up to a cap. This will be denoted by up to three small + symbols (or - if it's a debuff) on that particular part of the hud i.e. the heart rate widget.
Does this stackable buff count towards all effects? Such as the "hydrating" or "dehydrating"? Meaning you could go even longer without having to drink or put yourself into a downward spiral of always chugging soda?
Yes - the stackable buff applies to all effects. So if you consume an item that has the Hydrating keyword - it will stave off thirst for even longer.
How will we be able to store food on ships? And are wag bags going to be added for ships with no toilet like the cutlass black?
In 3.9 you will have to store sealed consumables in your personal commodity inventory.
Physical storage on ships will come at a later date.
Where is food stored (on my character) that I purchase?
When you buy food or drink it will appear in your hand. If that item is sealed like a chocolate bar or water bottle - you will be able to store it in your personal commodity inventory.
For 3.9 you will not be able to store opened food/drink consumables (i.e. a glass of whiskey or an opened bottle of water) - that will come when we add physical inventory in future patch. It was a limitation of the system.
Since space is cold, probably more than Microtech, will we have to use a specific suit in Eva or the undersuit will have some kind of buff?
Space has no temperature!
Essentially all space worthy suits including undersuits will be able to handle space - that's what they have been designed for. It's atmospheric temperature where you will need to worry about wearing the correct equipment. If you find a gas cloud in space though - that will be very cold!
Are wind and weather effects (causing locomotion changes) part of the player status system OR is that something else?
Wind factors into two key systems on the player:
- Player Status, as (under the right conditions) it influences the player’s temperature
- Force Reactions - under the hood this determines which movement animation set should be used, with strong enough wind resulting in the use of an animation set that shows your character leaning into the wind as you walk into it. The stronger the wind, the more your character leans.
Will we use more calories walking against the wind ?
Using more stamina affects the rate at which your consumed food and drink decays, so sprinting everywhere and jumping up and down repeatedly will see your needing to eat and drink sooner than normal.
Wind doesn’t currently have any effect on this, however.
We have seen demonstrations for handling cold weather regarding suits and shelter. What are the plans for handling hot conditions? Reflective suits, AC units, popsicles etc?
As well as specialist armour for extremely cold environments, there will be specialist armour for extremely hot environments, allowing you to survive on the surface of a planet that would otherwise lead to hyperthermia, and eventually death. Both hot & cold armour types are releasing in 3.9.
If a box of vice explodes near us, will we get different effects (visual) depending on the type?
If you mean different "explosion" particle effects depending on the drug type - yes. If you mean different screen effects if you are standing next to the crate and you sniff it in - no
On each debuff fx, how many levels of intensity are planned for tier 0?
I am assuming you are asking about visual side of "debuff fx". All player status image effects visually react to values in 0 to 1 range that is sent from game code. Some effects have linear response, some have stages where certain elements kick in at certain intensity values, all depends on the art style directions or feedback from gameplay guys I've been given. So the answer is: we support infinite levels of intensity between 0 and 1
E ainda sobre o 3.9, alem de popular Microtech com outposts e o interior pro hangar em New Babbage, sera implementado no jogo o aspecto survival, fome, sede alem da reação/proteção as temperaturas.

Segue resumo publicado no reddit:

What will be consumable in 3.9?
Food and Drink are the two types of consumable we're introducing as part of 3.9. Both come in a range of shapes and sizes, from bottled water to energy drinks, and burritos to canned food.
Fruit is also edible, so fruits that you harvest (e.g. a Golden Medmon) can also be eaten.
The variance isn’t just aesthetic, each consumable staves off hunger or thirst by varying degrees, and can provide other benefits too.
Will medbeds be able to treat debuffs in 3.9?
Not in 3.9 - but that is the intention in the future.
How long, in real time gameplay, will it take for hunger and thirst to start adversely affecting players in tier 0?
We haven't locked down the actual specifics right now as we are in the midst of testing - but it will be several real life hours before you die from starvation.
Every few hours seems excessive to stave off death. In real live it can take up to 3 days without water or 3 weeks without food.
Have you also considered having adverse effects opposed to just dying? For instance, you can't run as fast or as far, vision becomes blurry, exhaustion can make you pass out. Your gun may shake so you can't fire as well.

This is what currently happens - so as you begin to suffer from a particular status (i.e. hypothermia, dehydration etc) - you will start to suffere very small negative effects - so increased stamina costs, slight blurry vision etc. This will then get progressively worse if you do not address it.
In terms of how often you should be eating/drinking - the idea behind it was to make it long enough so that it was not intrusive to the gameplay - but short enough that at least you had to eat/drink once a play session (i.e. several hours). If we made it too long it would kind of devalue the purpose of having it at all.
How exactly is this system going to incorporate with existing armour? Are we going to see armour items gain statistics on their protection/resistance?
In terms of Temperature Operating Windows we are going to retroactively apply values to all existing clothes and armor. These ranges will allow you to survive in normal every day 'Earth' temperatures. For more extreme climates like Microtech - you will need to use the more specialised environment suits that are releasing alongside Actor Status.
Will we somehow see the benefits /drawbacks of armorsuits in the description ? will it be described with numbers (from... to.. degree) oor will it just be in the description... like " for cold/acidic/hot ennviroments " for example ?
Yes - we are planning on adding the operating window into the descriptions so you will be able to see the specific temperature values it was manufactured for. This will be in numbers.
Will we be able to see/scan other players status?
Not in 3.9
Where will we be able to obtain bought consumables in 3.9?
You should be able to purchase food and drink consumables at all major landing locations. Different locations will offer different selections - with each food and drink item having their own corresponding nutrition and hydration ratings. Some foods and drinks also offer buffs (e.g. improved stamina regen) and debuffs (e.g. increased thirst) - so you will want to choose when to stock up on certain consumables. So there is more to eating and drinking than just surviving.
How can another player assist me if I'm suffering from dehydration, hunger, or hypoxia?
Other players will be able to drop food and drink items they have stored in their commodity backpack for you to consume. So it's always good to have that buddy who stocks up before heading off on an adventure.
In 3.9 only unopened food/drink items can be stored in your commodity backpack. Once we implement proper physical item inventory (in a future patch) you will be able to store partially eaten/drunk consumables.
What about a coffee in your apartments or whiskey in the bars ? They included in 3.9 for a status system?
Any food or drink item that you consume will tie into the actor status system.
Will tiredness / fatigue be part of the player status system in the future?
That's the plan.
If I don't eat / drink will I eventually die?
Yes, you can die from hunger and you can die from thirst, independently of each other.
As you’d imagine it’s a gradual affair, taking time for the effect of the food and drink you’ve previously consumed to wear off, until you reach the state of starvation or dehydration, which themselves last for quite some time, giving you time to rectify your situation.

What was the reason for making this an addition that is being added now vs other features that have been delayed?
There is always trade off and discussion around which features we should add to the game. Player status is laying the groundwork for all of the effects that can occur to the player and really ground the character into the world they inhabit.
You announced diseases and infections. How will they appear, evolve, proliferate, and how will the universe (NPCs) react to their proliferation?
Diseases and infections are not currently part of Actor Status for 3.9
Will Hunger/Thirst persist between sessions in 3.9?
Yes, if you log out with an empty stomach, you’ll log back in with the same status and values attributed to your character.
How frequently will we have to eat? More precisely, is there a table with different foods and how much character hunger they fulfill the player with?
i.e. Chocolate bar = 30% hunger

Each food and drink consumable that you purchase will have it's own Nutrition (hunger) and Hydration (thirst) rating in it's description - this value represents how much it replenishes your character. It will also list specific keywords which will denote what that particular food/drink provides. For example high energy food has the keyword: Energizing - which provides a stamina regen bonus. The more of this type of food you eat will make that buff last longer up to a cap. This will be denoted by up to three small + symbols (or - if it's a debuff) on that particular part of the hud i.e. the heart rate widget.
Does this stackable buff count towards all effects? Such as the "hydrating" or "dehydrating"? Meaning you could go even longer without having to drink or put yourself into a downward spiral of always chugging soda?
Yes - the stackable buff applies to all effects. So if you consume an item that has the Hydrating keyword - it will stave off thirst for even longer.
How will we be able to store food on ships? And are wag bags going to be added for ships with no toilet like the cutlass black?
In 3.9 you will have to store sealed consumables in your personal commodity inventory.
Physical storage on ships will come at a later date.
Where is food stored (on my character) that I purchase?
When you buy food or drink it will appear in your hand. If that item is sealed like a chocolate bar or water bottle - you will be able to store it in your personal commodity inventory.
For 3.9 you will not be able to store opened food/drink consumables (i.e. a glass of whiskey or an opened bottle of water) - that will come when we add physical inventory in future patch. It was a limitation of the system.
Since space is cold, probably more than Microtech, will we have to use a specific suit in Eva or the undersuit will have some kind of buff?
Space has no temperature!
Essentially all space worthy suits including undersuits will be able to handle space - that's what they have been designed for. It's atmospheric temperature where you will need to worry about wearing the correct equipment. If you find a gas cloud in space though - that will be very cold!
Are wind and weather effects (causing locomotion changes) part of the player status system OR is that something else?
Wind factors into two key systems on the player:
- Player Status, as (under the right conditions) it influences the player’s temperature
- Force Reactions - under the hood this determines which movement animation set should be used, with strong enough wind resulting in the use of an animation set that shows your character leaning into the wind as you walk into it. The stronger the wind, the more your character leans.
Will we use more calories walking against the wind ?
Using more stamina affects the rate at which your consumed food and drink decays, so sprinting everywhere and jumping up and down repeatedly will see your needing to eat and drink sooner than normal.
Wind doesn’t currently have any effect on this, however.
We have seen demonstrations for handling cold weather regarding suits and shelter. What are the plans for handling hot conditions? Reflective suits, AC units, popsicles etc?
As well as specialist armour for extremely cold environments, there will be specialist armour for extremely hot environments, allowing you to survive on the surface of a planet that would otherwise lead to hyperthermia, and eventually death. Both hot & cold armour types are releasing in 3.9.
If a box of vice explodes near us, will we get different effects (visual) depending on the type?
If you mean different "explosion" particle effects depending on the drug type - yes. If you mean different screen effects if you are standing next to the crate and you sniff it in - no
On each debuff fx, how many levels of intensity are planned for tier 0?
I am assuming you are asking about visual side of "debuff fx". All player status image effects visually react to values in 0 to 1 range that is sent from game code. Some effects have linear response, some have stages where certain elements kick in at certain intensity values, all depends on the art style directions or feedback from gameplay guys I've been given. So the answer is: we support infinite levels of intensity between 0 and 1

Tô ligado, mas primeira implementação é sempre ruim, vamos ver
Tô ligado, mas primeira implementação é sempre ruim, vamos ver

Na verdade, independente da implementação, nem sei se vai ser bom ou ruim..porque honestamente esse lance de fome e sede eu não curto muito nos jogos survival..porque geralmente é muito mal balanceado a questão do tempo e acaba virando um grind a mais pra encher...mas vamos ver e depois julgar.

E saiu o 3.9 pros evocati....e assim ja estão vazando algumas imagens de New Babbage..







Última edição:
Na verdade, independente da implementação, nem sei se vai ser bom ou ruim..porque honestamente esse lance de fome e sede eu não curto muito nos jogos survival..porque geralmente é muito mal balanceado a questão do tempo e acaba virando um grind a mais pra encher...mas vamos ver e depois julgar.

E saiu o 3.9 pros evocati....e assim ja estão vazando algumas imagens de New Babbage..







Eu não tenho tempo esse fim de semana p ver, só domingo!
Eu não tenho tempo esse fim de semana p ver, só domingo!


O 3.9 que ta na mão dos evocatis pra teste tem algumas melhorias/correções bem vindas(A lista total esta no link abaixo)

Finalmente adicionaram nos terminais uma opção para quando voce pousa ja armazenar a nave de imediato.
Corrigiram o problema do repair, refuel e rearm aonde voce tinha que fazer hover acima do landing pad para funcionar, agora segundo o patch voltou ao normal(funciona pousado).
Dizem que corrigiram o problema de iniciar o jogo com 0 aUEC.
As opções de escolha de local inicial para começar o jogo são apenas 3(New Babbage, Area18, Lorville) .
Corrigiram a luz da Carrack.






O 3.9 que ta na mão dos evocatis pra teste tem algumas melhorias/correções bem vindas(A lista total esta no link abaixo)

Finalmente adicionaram nos terminais uma opção para quando voce pousa ja armazenar a nave de imediato.
Corrigiram o problema do repair, refuel e rearm aonde voce tinha que fazer hover acima do landing pad para funcionar, agora segundo o patch voltou ao normal(funciona pousado).
Dizem que corrigiram o problema de iniciar o jogo com 0 aUEC.
As opções de escolha de local inicial para começar o jogo são apenas 3(New Babbage, Area18, Lorville) .
Corrigiram a luz da Carrack.






Só vou poder ver domingo, ou hj a noite se der, como é p testar sempre colocam o mais proximo do que querem pra respawn, bonito aquele corredor de vidro, ta dando uma boa diferença entre as cidades, eu ja gosto do lance de comer também, tomara que pra frente, entrando vida selvagem, vc possa calvalgar uns lagartos kkk, vai acabar sendo uma boa diversidade lembrando vários jogos! To sabendo que babage tem 20 hangares
Só vou poder ver domingo, ou hj a noite se der, como é p testar sempre colocam o mais proximo do que querem pra respawn, bonito aquele corredor de vidro, ta dando uma boa diferença entre as cidades, eu ja gosto do lance de comer também, tomara que pra frente, entrando vida selvagem, vc possa calvalgar uns lagartos kkk, vai acabar sendo uma boa diversidade lembrando vários jogos! To sabendo que babage tem 20 hangares

parece que sim..

@vlasovas acho que ja tiraram o PTU do ar...lançaram ontem e ficaria disponivel somente algumas horas. Claro que deve vir outro em breve.

Última edição:
E aqui uma viagem no trem de New Babbage(Microtech) do porto para a cidade...ta tão veloz que parece um bobsled

Nessa imagem da pra ver a cara da nova UI com relação a temperatura externa e o tempo de vida estimado de sobrevivencia(depende do seu traje)
parece que sim..

@vlasovas acho que ja tiraram o PTU do ar...lançaram ontem e ficaria disponivel somente algumas horas. Claro que deve vir outro em breve.

Sim eu vi, nem provei kkkk, a carrack tinha os botões iguais a esses na PTU, eram lindos, ai um cara lá reclamou pq tinha o logotipo da Microtech e eles passaram pros botões que tinha na citizencon da anvil tudo quadradão, com caixa preta, até a caixa do elevador era bem mais bonita!
E da hora esse trem aí tomara que não nerfem a velô achei legal!
Pelos leaks bonito esta Microtech/New Babbage..vamos ver se estara jogavel esse 3.9. Gostei da vista do hangar e das garagens.







Excelente imagens!! Melhor gráficos em jogos de pc.
Mas Doom Eternal vem aí e vai ficar igual.

Na verdade eu quando digo que esta bonito, não me refiro ao nivel de qualidade grafica da imagem em si, mas na ambientação visual criada dos lugares, planetas e cidades que o jogo utiliza.
Na verdade eu quando digo que esta bonito, não me refiro ao nivel de qualidade grafica da imagem em si, mas na ambientação visual criada dos lugares, planetas e cidades que o jogo utiliza.
Sim nisso ai tá bem legal mesmo! Sabendo aqui que a URSA não vai ter modificação de temperatura por dentro por ser fechada, já os cyclones, dragonflys e nox da vida vão, e a lua de aberdeen vai ser quente parece, não vai poder comer com capacete, pelas imagens que vi, já pensou o sanduba atravessando o vidro kkkkkk, por matéria gráfica até o novo COD 0800 parece ter gráficos melhores já, mas é naquela, robertinho já deu um up nos gráficos uma vez, pra lançar é provável fazer o mesmo, mesmo assim tem um detalhamento muito bom, nem precisa!
Sim nisso ai tá bem legal mesmo! Sabendo aqui que a URSA não vai ter modificação de temperatura por dentro por ser fechada, já os cyclones, dragonflys e nox da vida vão, e a lua de aberdeen vai ser quente parece, não vai poder comer com capacete, pelas imagens que vi, já pensou o sanduba atravessando o vidro kkkkkk, por matéria gráfica até o novo COD 0800 parece ter gráficos melhores já, mas é naquela, robertinho já deu um up nos gráficos uma vez, pra lançar é provável fazer o mesmo, mesmo assim tem um detalhamento muito bom, nem precisa!

Essa coisa de obrigar a tirar o capacete para comer ja é bem chatinha....até porque não se tem um atalho de comando pra isso ainda.

As baleias que teremos no jogo, provavelmente em Crusader, agora que vi saiu no inside!


tem no reddit as 3

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Essa coisa de obrigar a tirar o capacete para comer ja é bem chatinha....até porque não se tem um atalho de comando pra isso ainda.

Tempinhoa atrás ví um vídeo com capacetes em uma mesa e o personagem pegando, pondo no braço e guardando, talvez entre junto não sei!
Última edição:
Saiu o PTU 3.9.0c para os evocatis e com uma surpresinha nele finalmente.....parece que vão dar um fim no ramming pad.

"Added infraction to immediately impound player ships that collide with ships with the right to be within a landing area."

e isso aqui é bem vindo tambem:

"Carrack upper command ship controls should now have a HUD."

E outposts em Microtech e suas luas...



Última edição:
O Sistema de prisão para os jogadores criminosos ja esta no PTUc em testes. Os criminosos vão ter de cumprir a pena na prisão de Klesher, ficando la por X horas. Se quiserem trabalhar na mineração podem encurtar esse tempo mas a julgar pelas telas, mesmo assim da um bom numero de horas afastados dos outros.








KKKK acabou o crime no jogo, no começo vai ter bastante querendo ser curioso, depois esquece kkkkkk
Isso do pad eu curti de montão, deveria ser compatível a velocidade que o cara entra na zona de armistício e não esperar bater pra punir, da carrack fiquei curioso com o que são esses comandos, baixando pra ver tomara que libere!
Última edição:
KKKK acabou o crime no jogo, no começo vai ter bastante querendo ser curioso, depois esquece kkkkkk
Isso do pad eu curti de montão, deveria ser compatível a velocidade que o cara entra na zona de armistício e não esperar bater pra punir, da carrack fiquei curioso com o que são esses comandos, baixando pra ver tomara que libere!

Depois da um resumo pros mortais.:)
Depois da um resumo pros mortais.:)

Entrei, cara da carrack não vi nada de diferente, mas também não dei muito rolê com ela, vou entrar mais, o farol tá bom! Agora a cidade maninho... PQP! Saí lá fora no gelo tinha 7 min de vida, o personagem mobiglass tudo tremendo, fui colocar roupas mais pesadas de frio não ajudou nem mudou nada, só o traje espacial me deu uns 18 min, pra sair na tempestade só com uns trajes como o da citizencon, vi dois caras com eles, show, vc sai lá fora fica cheio de gelo na roupa, ai depois que entra o gelo vai sumindo aos poucos, bacana, o local sem comentários, vai fazer inveja nas outras cidades, quero entrar mais mas vou almoçar primeiro, depois quero ver klesher, e as luas, dei uns rasantes no metrô quem estava no metrô deve ter curtido kkkkk!
Sim o bar lá é muito legal, e comi uma melancia kkk

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