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Ou seja, HP não é maior que muita coisa aí.

Só lembre que Harry Potter tem apenas 7 livros e 8 filmes. (11 com Fantastic Beasts).

Pokemon é gigante financeiramente por causa do merchandising.
Olha o merchan do HP, é pífio. HP vende muita mídia mesmo.

O que a JK Rowling fez com apenas 7 livros não tem igual mano.

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Ou seja, HP não é maior que muita coisa aí.
E eu achando que Baby Shark dava uma lavada!
Eu lembro até hoje que quando eu tinha uns 4-5 anos acordava 5 da manhã para ver o Ursinho Puff. Sim, era Ursinho Puff que falava aqui no Brasil na época.
Cara, eu acordava pra ver O Pequeno Príncipe e eu nunca entendia nada daquela porra.
Só agora na fase adulta que eu fui entender que é um livro bem conceituado.
Só lembre que Harry Potter tem apenas 7 livros e 8 filmes. (11 com Fantastic Beasts).

Pokemon é gigante financeiramente por causa do merchandising.
Olha o merchan do HP, é pífio. HP vende muita mídia mesmo.
Cada um é muito bom nos seus respectivos campos, mas no geral Pokemon é um monstro.
Só lembre que Harry Potter tem apenas 7 livros e 8 filmes. (11 com Fantastic Beasts).

Pokemon é gigante financeiramente por causa do merchandising.
Olha o merchan do HP, é pífio. HP vende muita mídia mesmo.
Verdade, tem essa comparação de quantidade. HP está muito bem no mercado comparado com outras franquias antigas.
Questionamentos e críticas ao rumo da indústria de jogos eletrônicos são comuns por aqui.

Faço parte do grupo que sabe entender quando o produto não me quer como consumidor e o silêncio é a melhor forma de lidar com isso.

Por outro lado, é bom reconhecer e celebrar obras que (me) acertam em cheio:


Questionamentos e críticas ao rumo da indústria de jogos eletrônicos são comuns por aqui.

Faço parte do grupo que sabe entender quando o produto não me quer como consumidor e o silêncio é a melhor forma de lidar com isso.

Por outro lado, é bom reconhecer e celebrar obras que (me) acertam em cheio:


Sabias palavras com relação ao silêncio, concordo plenamente.
Esse aqui vai rodar de preço amanhã:
Olhando aqui os comentários da notícia, interessante as justificativas do dev:

Originally posted by luckz:
Just curious:
How do you know which transactions are 'real' and which are 'foreign'?

We have contacted Steam several times regarding the sudden concentration of sales in certain countries. And in the process, I talked to Steam about the possibility of bypass purchases, and Steam said that it was best to defend by raising the price of countries where such suspicious purchases were increasing because they could not be prevented at the source. That's all and if our game is very popular in those 4 countries our judgment is wrong. Frankly, this judgment is a burden on us

Originally posted by Daikatan:
To prevent gifting, you can disable gifting in properties of your game (or disable it for specific countries).

Raising price in "poor countries" make it works to people who actually live there, and its unfair that the reason for that is "guys who rich countries who want to get it cheaper".

"To prevent gifting, you can disable gifting in properties of your game (or disable it for specific countries)" We'll cheack the way!


We think there may be some people who ask if players from certain countries can't even give gifts. This issue is ver difficult.

Originally posted by Daikatan:
So you punish actual people from those countries (who really needed their prices), while iis guilt of "foreigners from richer countries" instead and not natives.

That's all and if our game is very popular in those 4 countries our judgment is wrong.
Well, by raising prices in those regions it surely will be even less popular. You prefer to sell less for higher prices rather than sell more for lower, I see.

We fully understand what you want to say.

Nevertheless, the reality we face is as follows. More sales in those four countries mean fewer sales in countries that were originally sold at a certain level. Our sales volume is almost constant on all countries, and this figure has continued since its officail release.

We already experienced three years ago the same issue. Reducing the return on bypass purchases automatically reduces the profitability of professional bypass vendors, reducing the sales of our games on that countries.

Players are more likely to be tempted by the former option if they are given two options, one-tenth of the price and one at a fixed price. However, if you don't have an option in the first place, you will think about it and buy it at a fixed price. As a result, if even 1 in 10 people who buy at a low price buy at a fixed price, it is a better option to prevent bypass purchases, which is a common sense with Steam.

And we want to speak up to users who ultimately have to buy our games for less than a dollar. If it's not worth a dollar, you just don't have to buy it. It's an our honest mind. We'll continue to make this game worthwhile and if future players buy it when they feel it needs to pay a certain price, that's all we'll appreciate.

We're sorry to make this decision in many ways. However, when the price goes up, it is the game developer that makes it more valuable. We'll do our best to make a better game.

Originally posted by Faruco:
Hello I am from Argentina. Although by now I am tired of this type of measure, I fully understand why you take it. Unfortunately, Steam itself is not capable of taking the necessary steps to allow many incles first worlders to purchase via VPN. The truth, however, is that, according to the new prices suggested by Steam, you should increase the price of the game. For the quality it has, it is currently very cheap. I am sorry for those argentines who have not yet bought it, because it is also true that these new regional prices are extremely expensive in some cases, in addition to the 74% tax that must be added to the final price. Anyway, I respect your decision and I appreciate that you at least had the decency to announce it, unlike companies like FromSoftware, who must think that their products are made of pure gold with the amount of increases that they applied in countries like Argentina.

Thank you for your kind words. We are going to change it to somewhere between the actual price recommended by Steam and the current price. Because we also know that the price recommended by Steam is very excessive for Argentine players.

Also we apologize for not providing pleasures at a reasonable price to 4 countries' future players as a developer that should get the money to maintain our team.

We'll repay you with a game that is worth more than the increased price!

Deixei em negrito as falas mais importantes na minha opinião.

TLDR: o problema é US/EU pagando AR$/TL e não o BR pobre.

Já estava na minha wishlist e vou pegar também, será que essa DLC vale?

Após vários adiamentos, o jogo agora vai ser lançado em acesso antecipado.


Como tenho a sexualidade fragil, Tudo que for relacionado a segurar varinha, eu dispenso e passo longe.

Até comentei com o @ppHp_ sobre esse. Tá custando tão barato que acho que vou pegar, RPG Tático é muito minha praia, mesmo que eu zere daqui a 2 anos :tom:
R$ 10 as vezes dá nem pra comprar uma coca.
Vejo falar muito bem dele, que é bom e tem conteúdo pra cacete (até meio inchado), alguns personagens até com sistemas/mecânicas exclusivas. Sempre deixo passar pois não curto essa estética de anime genérico mas talvez pegue agora.
Nesse preço vc junta mais um pouquinho e pega o Stalker 2 que é um jogo AAA ao invés de um Indie a preço inflado.
o preço que ele custa não esta caro pro jogo que é. Mecanica muito boa e gráfico bem agradável. Vale o preço.

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