Hoje dei uma boa engatada, fiquei varias horas jogando, dando rage porque não acertava o tempo da super velocidade pra chegar nos lugar direitinho e etc, acho que vou ter que ir farmar mais um money antes de pegar os equipamentos pra mineração e com isso ir conhecendo mais o jogo, creio que se eu ir direto querer fazer isso vou ficar meio perdido.
Supervelocidade acredito que quando faltar 10 segundos...põe na faixa azul a aceleração e ai ele vai sem passar do ponto. Na verdade eu setei uma atalho(tecla 5) via teclado e quando falta entre 10 e 8 segundos no contador eu aperto essa tecla que coloquei em 50% de velocidade se não me falha a memoria
o7 Commanders! We’re back with a brand new selection of answers from developer Gareth Hughes to your Elite Dangerous: Odyssey questions. This week we’ll be covering the topics of Interface changes and NPCs. Interface Q: Will night vision, or a light be available on the HUD? You will be able...
We’re back with a brand new selection of answers from developer Gareth Hughes to your Elite Dangerous: Odyssey questions.
This week we’ll be covering the topics of Interface changes and NPCs.
Q: Will night vision, or a light be available on the HUD? You will be able to upgrade suits in many ways, night vision and lights are just two of the upgrades available. More on this in the future. All suits have a torch by default though so you’ll always have some way to see.
Q: Does the player’s radar show players and NPC's before combat? If so, do they change to indicate relationship? Yes, much like in space the RADAR displays information regarding players around them and their current state.
Q: Can we officially call the 2nd icon in on the display "Tigger mode"? Yes! Bounces away
Q: Will the HUD be customisable? (I.e. different colours for the visually impaired) The interface won’t be customisable for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey though we will of course be taking feedback on board regarding accessibility.
Q: Can players turn parts, or all of their HUD off? No, the HUD whilst on foot, will be as essential to getting around as it is in space.
Q: Can we hide from other player’s radar? We are still in the process of reviewing how PVP and the HUD will work so we can’t confirm an answer on that just yet.
Odyssey NPCS
Q: Will we be able to use NPCs as a team in Combat? Or just other players? Combat zones will be a mix of both computer AI characters and players on both sides.
Q. Do on foot NPCs spawn per instance or is there some sort of permanence, if so is it timed like space POIs or permanent? Settlement AI is spawned based on the settlement theme and state. Star system factors will also affect the AI difficulty, so the BGS can also have an effect.
Q. Does oxygen level impact combat ability and does this apply to NPCs as well? If your suit loses power, its life support will shut down causing the suits emergency air supply to be used. If the emergency air is fully depleted then you will start to asphyxiate, making aiming and locomotion more difficult. Loss of suit power will also stop you from using your assisted jump and your audio will change, lowering awareness of what is happening around you.
This does not affect AI as they will use consumable batteries to recharge their suit when required.
Q. How does energy level impact combat ability, is it just about your shield generator and do NPCs have the same energy constraint too? Energy levels are critical to combat as this powers your shields. This supply is not infinite so know when and where to activate your shields will be key.
Q. Can NPCs get into NPC vehicles or ships for combat or are those treated separately? On-foot NPCs do not get into vehicles. They can deploy from dropships.
Q. Do on foot NPCs chase you? Yes, if given reason NPC’s will pursue you!
Q. Is combat AI scripted for the new settlements or is the AI clever enough to adapt itself to open terrain or other obstacles? AI will actively investigate areas, report findings, use cover and communicate to call reinforcements.
Q. Any information on the scope of line of sight for the AI? AI line of sight will be governed the same way the player's is.
Q: Will NPC's engage in combat without player input? If you are wanted – NPC may engage you without provocation.
Q: Will Oxygen levels affect NPCs? AI will not be affected by Oxygen levels the same way a player is.
Q: Will NPC's have different states depending on the time of combat (i.e. Will they be asleep if a player attacks at night)? NPCs won’t have time of day states, so they’ll be ready to fight back no matter what time of day.
Q. Will we see ground combat between NPC factions like we do in Conflict Zones? Yes, conflict zones will be a mix of AI and players.
Q. Will you consider adding Superpower navy armours for ground combat (i.e. NPCs wearing imperial/federal uniforms/armour, or such armour being available to players)? It could prove to be a very potent world-building tool. We are always looking at what customisation option players would like to see in game.
Q: Will there also be some kind of on-foot System Authorities? Yes – OMNIPOL – they are often kitted out with the best gear, so if they turn up make sure it’s not for you!
That’s it for this week. We’ll be back next week with a new set of answers for your Odyssey questions!
Concordo, eu entrei e a interface não ajudou nada, deu aquela vontade de pedir refundo logo de cara, porém eu ainda vou recomprar ele e tentar com paciência mas não achei que valia o preço cheio que peguei na época, acho que deve ser sim um jogo que dá uma experiência legal, porém ao mesmo tempo é aquele jogo que vc tem que ter paciência pra pegar o jeito, e ser solo não ajuda, o que ajuda o ED pois por mais que tenha lá seu lado oculto que só vai se descobrir se aprofundando também o fato de ser online e a pessoa se misturar num chat, já o torna simples de entender, a questão do ED é mais conhecimento!
Concordo, eu entrei e a interface não ajudou nada, deu aquela vontade de pedir refundo logo de cara, porém eu ainda vou recomprar ele e tentar com paciência mas não achei que valia o preço cheio que peguei na época, acho que deve ser sim um jogo que dá uma experiência legal, porém ao mesmo tempo é aquele jogo que vc tem que ter paciência pra pegar o jeito, e ser solo não ajuda, o que ajuda o ED pois por mais que tenha lá seu lado oculto que só vai se descobrir se aprofundando também o fato de ser online e a pessoa se misturar num chat, já o torna simples de entender, a questão do ED é mais conhecimento!
Concordo, acredito que a melhor experiência no ED é online. Com o tempo você acostuma e aprende a enfrentar ou fugir de Players hostis ou até mesmo recebe apoio de outros players na hora do combate. Jogar no solo torna o jogo muito repetitivo e desinteressante, ao menos para mim, sem dizer que os NPC's não chegam nem perto da dificuldade que é jogar contra um player.
Concordo, acredito que a melhor experiência no ED é online. Com o tempo você acostuma e aprende a enfrentar ou fugir de Players hostis ou até mesmo recebe apoio de outros players na hora do combate. Jogar no solo torna o jogo muito repetitivo e desinteressante, ao menos para mim, sem dizer que os NPC's não chegam nem perto da dificuldade que é jogar contra um player.
Concordo, em relação ao combate o game estava perfeitamente balanceado antes dos engenheiros, agora tudo depende do quanto "engenheirada" sua nave esta para lograr êxito. Por exemplo, uma Wing de sidewinders, que é a nave inicial do jogo, Full engenheiro, consegue facilmente detonar qualquer nave sem engenheiros e isso é muito bizarro pois a recompra de uma Sidewinder, toda equipada, gira em torno 170 mil e a de uma nave grande grande (Anaconda, Corvette, Cutter) +60 Milhões! e elas conseguem destruir. Antes, naves Robustas e caras valiam o esforço e o dinheiro investido, tankavam, forneciam suporte para sua Wing e impunham respeito, agora ter uma nave dessas é meio "meh". O Elite era meio como um "aquário" tinha uma hierarquia, naves pequenas não encaravam naves médias (ao menos sozinhas) e naves médias (sozinhas) não batiam de frente com naves grandes. Agora isso não existe mais, com o fit certo e com o engenheiros uma Vulture detona uma Cutter! Mas é isso, para quem curte o game é desse jeito e o negócio é se adaptar.
Concordo, acredito que a melhor experiência no ED é online. Com o tempo você acostuma e aprende a enfrentar ou fugir de Players hostis ou até mesmo recebe apoio de outros players na hora do combate. Jogar no solo torna o jogo muito repetitivo e desinteressante, ao menos para mim, sem dizer que os NPC's não chegam nem perto da dificuldade que é jogar contra um player.
Sim eu inclusive no meu Steam já tive alguns me perguntando do jogo, e acabaram comprando porém todos acabam caindo nessa do jogo solo, e tem a visão dele ser só um eurotruck espacial e para depois de uma semana, pessoal que curte o nipe desses jogos boa parte não parece curtir jogar online, mesmo vc falando que o jogo é outro!
Esse é o meu pé atras com o Odyssey mesmo...assim que ouvi isso. A minha esperança é que eles liberem pelo menos no Odyssey formas diferentes de se conseguir as melhorias alem de grind puro.
Sim eu inclusive no meu Steam já tive alguns me perguntando do jogo, e acabaram comprando porém todos acabam caindo nessa do jogo solo, e tem a visão dele ser só um eurotruck espacial e para depois de uma semana, pessoal que curte o nipe desses jogos boa parte não parece curtir jogar online, mesmo vc falando que o jogo é outro!
Greetings Commanders! We have a fresh selection of answers to your Elite Dangerous: Odyssey questions! This week Gareth Hughes has graciously shared the answers you gave us on Ships and Vehicles! Q: Can a ship and SRV damage a player if I run over them? Absolutely! An SRV can damage or kill a...
Greetings Commanders!
We have a fresh selection of answers to your Elite Dangerous: Odyssey questions! This week Gareth Hughes has graciously shared the answers you gave us on Ships and Vehicles!
Q: Can a ship and SRV damage a player if I run over them? Absolutely! An SRV can damage or kill a player if they are not fast enough to get out of the way. This goes the same for AI, though they will do their best to evade you if they see you coming!
Q: Will there be updates to ship and SRV combat, as well as ground combat? Ship combat and SRV combat is in a healthy place right now, our focus is on ground combat for Odyssey, and ensuring that it is balanced well against vehicles. We will be looking closely at balancing in the upcoming Alpha.
Q: Do player shields affect ships like other ships do? Players will not be able to ‘ram’ a ship whilst on foot no, though it would be fun to watch someone try.
Q: How will you balance night vision on ships with on foot players? Night vision will work as it does currently; providing ship Commanders improved vision in low light environments. It is worth noting that ‘on foot’ players will be very small targets for Commanders in ships, and too small for ship weapons to lock on to. However, Commanders in ships will be very big targets for players on foot, with some handheld weapons being able to lock on to them.
Q: Will the ship launched fighter be used in ground combat? Yes, all deployable vehicles can be used. A player can choose to deploy in a fighter if they want, with all the benefits and drawbacks that will provide.
Q. Will we be getting an addition to the ship HUD? As seen in the gameplay reveal, we will have a compass. Surely to make things easier to communicate between players on foot and in ship/SRV a North directional indicator should appear on your radar when in orbit around a planet, or in atmosphere. The current HUD for ships in Elite Dangerous provides all the relevant information that Commanders will need in Odyssey.
Q. Will spaceships be able to deploy anti-personnel/vehicle bombs/missiles? We have no plans to add specific anti-personnel ship weapons. We’ve put a huge amount of work into ensuring the combat triangle remains balanced and fair. Ships will however have creative opportunities to use their existing arsenal…
Q: Will we be able to drop in from our ships or do we have to leave and exit the ship like normal during combat situations? In order to deploy from your ship Commanders will need to land first.
Q. Can we engineer our SRVs? There will be extensive engineering options for suits and weapons in Odyssey, however there are no plans to engineer SRVs
Q. When doing a multiple vehicle assault, is it possible for player crew members to drive SRVs from the ship they don't own? Similar way to launching a SLV is now? Absolutely! For instance, there would be nothing to stop a Commander in an Alliance Crusader have 1 of their multi-crew teammates deploying in a Ship Launched Fighter, landing and deploying the other multi-crew teammate in an SRV, before heading in on foot themselves.
We are very excited to see how Commanders team up to complete missions in Odyssey!
That's it for this week. Keep an eye out for more Elite Dangerous: Odyssey news in future!
To clarify this last point - in order to deploy the SRV the ship will need to be landed. Sorry for any confusion this caused. - Arf
Greetings Commanders! We have a fresh selection of answers to your Elite Dangerous: Odyssey questions! This week Gareth Hughes has graciously shared the answers you gave us on Ships and Vehicles! Q: Can a ship and SRV damage a player if I run over them? Absolutely! An SRV can damage or kill a...
Greetings Commanders!
We have a fresh selection of answers to your Elite Dangerous: Odyssey questions! This week Gareth Hughes has graciously shared the answers you gave us on Ships and Vehicles!
Q: Can a ship and SRV damage a player if I run over them? Absolutely! An SRV can damage or kill a player if they are not fast enough to get out of the way. This goes the same for AI, though they will do their best to evade you if they see you coming!
Q: Will there be updates to ship and SRV combat, as well as ground combat? Ship combat and SRV combat is in a healthy place right now, our focus is on ground combat for Odyssey, and ensuring that it is balanced well against vehicles. We will be looking closely at balancing in the upcoming Alpha.
Q: Do player shields affect ships like other ships do? Players will not be able to ‘ram’ a ship whilst on foot no, though it would be fun to watch someone try.
Q: How will you balance night vision on ships with on foot players? Night vision will work as it does currently; providing ship Commanders improved vision in low light environments. It is worth noting that ‘on foot’ players will be very small targets for Commanders in ships, and too small for ship weapons to lock on to. However, Commanders in ships will be very big targets for players on foot, with some handheld weapons being able to lock on to them.
Q: Will the ship launched fighter be used in ground combat? Yes, all deployable vehicles can be used. A player can choose to deploy in a fighter if they want, with all the benefits and drawbacks that will provide.
Q. Will we be getting an addition to the ship HUD? As seen in the gameplay reveal, we will have a compass. Surely to make things easier to communicate between players on foot and in ship/SRV a North directional indicator should appear on your radar when in orbit around a planet, or in atmosphere. The current HUD for ships in Elite Dangerous provides all the relevant information that Commanders will need in Odyssey.
Q. Will spaceships be able to deploy anti-personnel/vehicle bombs/missiles? We have no plans to add specific anti-personnel ship weapons. We’ve put a huge amount of work into ensuring the combat triangle remains balanced and fair. Ships will however have creative opportunities to use their existing arsenal…
Q: Will we be able to drop in from our ships or do we have to leave and exit the ship like normal during combat situations? In order to deploy from your ship Commanders will need to land first.
Q. Can we engineer our SRVs? There will be extensive engineering options for suits and weapons in Odyssey, however there are no plans to engineer SRVs
Q. When doing a multiple vehicle assault, is it possible for player crew members to drive SRVs from the ship they don't own? Similar way to launching a SLV is now? Absolutely! For instance, there would be nothing to stop a Commander in an Alliance Crusader have 1 of their multi-crew teammates deploying in a Ship Launched Fighter, landing and deploying the other multi-crew teammate in an SRV, before heading in on foot themselves.
We are very excited to see how Commanders team up to complete missions in Odyssey!
That's it for this week. Keep an eye out for more Elite Dangerous: Odyssey news in future!
Eu tenho um pequeno sonho para essa atualização: Levantar a bunda da cadeira de comando e sair andando da nave... mas acho que vamos simplesmente aparecer fora como é em No man's sky.
Eu tenho um pequeno sonho para essa atualização: Levantar a bunda da cadeira de comando e sair andando da nave... mas acho que vamos simplesmente aparecer fora como é em No man's sky
Eu tenho um pequeno sonho para essa atualização: Levantar a bunda da cadeira de comando e sair andando da nave... mas acho que vamos simplesmente aparecer fora como é em No man's sky
Já tentou entrar nas propriedades do jogo e verificar integridade dos arquivos?
Testou modo aberto e modo solo? Estranho, até atualizei o jogo aqui pra testar e funcionou normal. Tanto partida aberta quanto privada.
Dei uma olhada rapida no fórum da Frontier (empresa do jogo) e parece que rola manutenção na quinta feira, talvez tu tenha tentado entrar em algum momento que os servers estavam fora.
Mas não jogo faz tempo, talvez quem está jogando regularmente agora possa confirmar.
Greetings Commanders! We’re back this week to answer more of your burning questions on Elite Dangerous: Odyssey! This week we’re focusing on the brand new ‘First footfall’ system. Q: Will I be able to disembark on every planet I can land on? Odyssey will allow players for the first time to...
We’re back this week to answer more of your burning questions on Elite Dangerous: Odyssey! This week we’re focusing on the brand new ‘First footfall’ system.
Q: Will I be able to disembark on every planet I can land on?
Odyssey will allow players for the first time to disembark their ships and SRVs and explore the galaxy on foot. The ability to disembark however is subject to the survivability of the environment, with temperature and gravity both playing a part in the length of time you can survive. In extreme conditions the ability to disembark will be blocked completely.
Q: Is First Footfall available to be claimed for every planet?
The galaxy of Elite Dangerous isn’t new, the year is 3307 and humans have been exploring space for more than 1,300 years. Planets and moons in human occupied systems, along with particular bodies of historical significance will have First Footfall already claimed.
Q: How does Odyssey affect the number of landable planets in game?
The number of planets that will be landable for the first time in Odyssey will be in the billions but to give you a more tangible reference point, based on regions we’ve tested so far Odyssey will have around 20% more landable planets than the base game.
Q: If I join after launch will I still be able to experience First Footfall?
Elite Dangerous is a huge and expansive galaxy containing more than 400 billion star systems. To date, our players have traversed just 201 million of these systems which equates to around 0.05%. In the same way that new Commanders continue to join the world of Elite and make their own, personal discoveries, we have no doubt that commanders will have the opportunity to make their own discoveries for many years to come.
Q: How quickly will First Footfall accolades be claimed?
Your achievement will be displayed alongside the names of those who first discovered and landed on the planet, which you can find in the system map.
Q: Is there a limit to the number of places I can get feet first on in a set amount of time?
We won’t be imposing any limits here but it will be naturally limited by the speed at which you can travel between planets.
Q: Can First Footfall achievements be disputed?
In the same way we monitor ‘firsts’ in the live game today our anti-cheat team will be monitoring the system and will not hesitate to revoke First Footfall if obtained by illegitimate means.
Q: Are there new discoveries (Wrecks etc.) that I can get the First Footfall for?
First Footfall is recognised and recorded at a planetary level and not for individual points of interest.
Q: If I change my name will the First Footfall change with it?
Similarly to records of other achievements First Footfall is treated as a historical record and will be recorded with the Commander’s name at the time of exploration – this will not change with any name changes.
Q: What happens if two people land first at the same time?
In the same way that Buzz Aldrin made way for Neil Armstrong to be the first man on the moon, the control to disembark is for an individual commander and there will always be someone first down the ladder, this accolade will not be shared between commanders.
Keep an eye out on here and our social channels for more exciting news and updates on Elite Dangerous: Odyssey!
Esse jogo é muito aclamado, não sei se usei o comando certo, porque o jogo tem 200 milhões de comandos e eu fiquei perdido como um noob óbvio. Mas não tive como colocar em terceira pessoa com mira. Só consegui colocar em terceira pessoa sem mira. Achei o jogo muito complexo e infelizmente abandonei essa obra de arte e dei rage quit. Estarei rejogando quando conseguir um Manche. Pq no mouse e teclado não da.
Esse jogo é muito aclamado, não sei se usei o comando certo, porque o jogo tem 200 milhões de comandos e eu fiquei perdido como um noob óbvio. Mas não tive como colocar em terceira pessoa com mira. Só consegui colocar em terceira pessoa sem mira. Achei o jogo muito complexo e infelizmente abandonei essa obra de arte e dei rage quit. Estarei rejogando quando conseguir um Manche. Pq no mouse e teclado não da.
Estranho pq o pessoal acha bem preciso usar mouse e teclado, eu acho bem bom . Mas realmente é bem complexo esse jogo. Estou esperando lançar a nova DLC pra tentar jogar outra vez