[TÓPICO OFICIAL] Elite Dangerous: Horizons

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Odyssey em pre venda. Apenas 75 reais....achei que fosse vir bem mais caro...ou é preço errado de lançamento

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Última edição:
Odyssey em pre venda. Apenas 75 reais....achei que fosse vir bem mais caro...ou é preço errado de lançamento

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Comprei logo só pra nao correr o risco de aumentar e me ferrar


O espaço tem pernas e é lindo! rs

Pre-compra automática. Esse jogo tem um lugar especial no meu coração, comprei a versão com o alpha, alguém sabe como vai funcionar? Vai aparecer automaticamente na biblioteca ou a FDEV vai me mandar algum e-mail qdo ficar disponível?
O espaço tem pernas e é lindo! rs

Pre-compra automática. Esse jogo tem um lugar especial no meu coração, comprei a versão com o alpha, alguém sabe como vai funcionar? Vai aparecer automaticamente na biblioteca ou a FDEV vai me mandar algum e-mail qdo ficar disponível?

Ainda não saiu essa informação. Ta vazando uma data de lançamento via steam que pegaram que seria 21 abril 2021 para lançar o jogo la...mas é especulação, nada oficial. O alpha beta com certeza deve vir antes....mas não tem data ainda
Ainda não saiu essa informação. Ta vazando uma data de lançamento via steam que pegaram que seria 21 abril 2021 para lançar o jogo la...mas é especulação, nada oficial. O alpha beta com certeza deve vir antes....mas não tem data ainda
Duvido.. o pacote de 100 reais é pra alpha teste
Não acho que eles venderiam um pacotinho custando mais caro proce testar 4 meses só.. Mas vai saber né.

Aí na o facebook oficial do scam citizen posta um vídeo sobre ALPHA 3.12 hAEIuhaEuoih
Criei mó flame war falando pro SC aprender com o elite dangerous como fazer jogo ahuahuha
a dlc pra ser beta teste eu não pago pequei a dlc comum mesmo
na argentina ta mais barata
Below we have broken down the different HUD elements that will appear in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, along with a couple of questions and answers for you!


1. Character Information - Displays other characters':

  • Name
  • Health and Shields
  • Rank, Criminality
  • Authority Level at the current Settlement
  • Relationship to the player (allied or enemy)"
2. Weapon Reticule - This is used for aiming when the player is not aiming down a weapon/tool's sight.

3. Ammunition- Shows the remaining ammunition in the magazine and the ammunition reserves for the equipped weapon.

4. Grenade - Shows the currently equipped grenade type and the remaining number of grenades.


5. Radar - This shows:

  • Character position
  • The direction and state of characters (hostile, neutral etc)
  • Indicates the position of specific interactions (eg. terminals)
6. Environment Info - Shows the environment temperature and gravity.

7. Compass - Shows player direction and highlights the direction of key in-world elements (eg. mission objectives)

8. Player Coordinates - The precise location of the player on the planet's surface.


9. Health - Shows the player's current health.

10. Authority Level - The level of access to settlement facilities that the player currently has.

11. Active Player Bounty - This shows that the player has an active bounty on them in their current location.


12. Suit Power - Shows current capacity and level of suit power charge. This also has icons that show the suit functions which are causing power drain.

13. Emergency Air - Shows current capacity and level of emergency air supply.

14. Shields - Shows current shield power and status (active, turned off, or recharging)

When will Odyssey Release?
Elite Dangerous: Odyssey will release in Early 2021.

What platforms will Odyssey be available on at launch?
PC, PS4, and Xbox One

Why can’t I pre-order on console?
Pre-order is only available on PC right now, keep following our channels for further announcements.

I’m a lifetime expansion pass holder – will I receive Odyssey free of any additional charge?

When will the Alpha run for Odyssey?
We’ll be announcing more detail on this in due course so keep an eye on our channels for further announcements.

Will Odyssey be coming to PS5 and the Xbox Series consoles?
We don’t have anything to share on this right now, however, we can confirm that the PS4 and Xbox One versions of Odyssey are playable on next-gen consoles via backwards compatibility.

Can I play Odyssey in VR?
Odyssey will be compatible with VR and you’ll be able to enjoy the same fully-featured cockpit experience players have enjoyed in Elite Dangerous so far. When leaving the cockpit of your ship or SRV, VR players will see a projected screen on which they can continue their journey without removing their helmets. They may also remove their helmet if they choose. VR is only compatible with Elite Dangerous on PC.

What does the exclusive Pioneer suit skin in the Deluxe Alpha Expansion Pack look like?
We don’t have any imagery to share of this skin just yet but we’ll be sharing this very soon.

How many tracks/How long is the Odyssey soundtrack?
Full details of the soundtrack are yet to be announced, keep an eye on our channels for further announcements.
Below we have broken down the different HUD elements that will appear in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, along with a couple of questions and answers for you!


1. Character Information - Displays other characters':

  • Name
  • Health and Shields
  • Rank, Criminality
  • Authority Level at the current Settlement
  • Relationship to the player (allied or enemy)"
2. Weapon Reticule - This is used for aiming when the player is not aiming down a weapon/tool's sight.

3. Ammunition- Shows the remaining ammunition in the magazine and the ammunition reserves for the equipped weapon.

4. Grenade - Shows the currently equipped grenade type and the remaining number of grenades.


5. Radar - This shows:

  • Character position
  • The direction and state of characters (hostile, neutral etc)
  • Indicates the position of specific interactions (eg. terminals)
6. Environment Info - Shows the environment temperature and gravity.

7. Compass - Shows player direction and highlights the direction of key in-world elements (eg. mission objectives)

8. Player Coordinates - The precise location of the player on the planet's surface.


9. Health - Shows the player's current health.

10. Authority Level - The level of access to settlement facilities that the player currently has.

11. Active Player Bounty - This shows that the player has an active bounty on them in their current location.


12. Suit Power - Shows current capacity and level of suit power charge. This also has icons that show the suit functions which are causing power drain.

13. Emergency Air - Shows current capacity and level of emergency air supply.

14. Shields - Shows current shield power and status (active, turned off, or recharging)

When will Odyssey Release?
Elite Dangerous: Odyssey will release in Early 2021.

What platforms will Odyssey be available on at launch?
PC, PS4, and Xbox One

Why can’t I pre-order on console?
Pre-order is only available on PC right now, keep following our channels for further announcements.

I’m a lifetime expansion pass holder – will I receive Odyssey free of any additional charge?

When will the Alpha run for Odyssey?
We’ll be announcing more detail on this in due course so keep an eye on our channels for further announcements.

Will Odyssey be coming to PS5 and the Xbox Series consoles?
We don’t have anything to share on this right now, however, we can confirm that the PS4 and Xbox One versions of Odyssey are playable on next-gen consoles via backwards compatibility.

Can I play Odyssey in VR?
Odyssey will be compatible with VR and you’ll be able to enjoy the same fully-featured cockpit experience players have enjoyed in Elite Dangerous so far. When leaving the cockpit of your ship or SRV, VR players will see a projected screen on which they can continue their journey without removing their helmets. They may also remove their helmet if they choose. VR is only compatible with Elite Dangerous on PC.

What does the exclusive Pioneer suit skin in the Deluxe Alpha Expansion Pack look like?
We don’t have any imagery to share of this skin just yet but we’ll be sharing this very soon.

How many tracks/How long is the Odyssey soundtrack?
Full details of the soundtrack are yet to be announced, keep an eye on our channels for further announcements.
vai virar um quake da vida ?
Esse jogo é igual No man Sky?

Instalei aqui e não sei o que fazer... algumas dicas?
Bem diferente de NMS, aproveitei o free da epic e to jogando (pensei que seria horrível com o tanto de avalição controversa da steam), a pegada é bem mais simulador, o NMS é mais arcade e mistura mais minecraft na questão de construção de bases (no elite acho que não tem como fazer isso), não tem um objetivo eu por exemplo estou fazendo missões de transportes de passageiros (arranquei até os escudos fora para colocar cabine de passageiro na nave kkk), pra juntar dinheiro e comprar naves legais pra fazer outras coisas, vc pode minerar, fazer trade de commodities, matar piratas e por ai vai, tem mais coisa mas de básico pra iniciar acho que é isso kkk.

Greetings Commanders.

This Thursday, we'll be celebrating the 6 year anniversary of Elite Dangerous with a special anniversary stream! It's going to be an exciting stream and a bit bigger than our usual Thursday affair.

As a result of this bumper edition Thursday stream, we won't be able to do our weekly AMA with you today. Fear not though, we've sneakily been collecting all your Odyssey questions from the last few AMA sessions and have been gathering as many answers as we can from our development team! Here is a selection of some of the questions and answers we've been able to bring you!

  1. Will powerplay see any changes in Odyssey?
    Powerplay will be discussed at a later date

  2. Will there be a helmet HUD in odyssey?
    Yes please see our post here for more detailed information.

  3. Will you have some kind of holographic personal display to read information when you are on foot?
    Yes your suit will have similar functions to your ship – more on this in the future

  4. Will our avatars in Odyssey be more sophisticated than we have at present, in order to facilitate height and weight differences, so that we don't all appear the same ‘size’?
    There will be a vast amount of ways Commanders can customise their avatars in game to give themselves a truly unique experience. However height and weight are currently not customisable.

  5. With regards to Odyssey, can you tease more if any BGS changes, e.g. uniforms for player factions on NPC's, custom logos on stations, or some other benefits that supports of a faction may take advantage of.
    BGS is always present in Elite and this will be evident in Odyssey with various planets and settlement appearing differently dependent on their current state.

  6. In Odyssey, will our helmets have night vision mode same as the SRV and ship?
    Suits will have various functions player will be able to unlock and upgrade them with. Night vision is one of those functions.

  7. Can the new terrain system generate overhangs?
    Unfortunately not, however we think you will enjoy the vistas that our planetary tech will provide!

  8. What are the plans for networking in Odyssey? Will it be p2p or will it be server based for FPS gameplay?
    The underlying network structure is the same as the rest of ED i.e. p2p so that the experience is seamless for players

  9. Could you elaborate on how high, low or lack of gravity will be handled by spacelegs on the ground or in stations)?
    We have an upper cap on high gravity worlds where it would not be safe for Commanders to deploy.
    For outposts, whilst we’re in Zero-G, we use magnetised boots to keep the player on the floor.
    On planets, gravity affects how high you can jump and particularly how effective your jump pack is – on Low-G planets you can get quite a lot of distance! Grenades also follow trajectories based on gravity which creates some interesting gameplay!

  10. With Odyssey and with it new gear incoming in mind: Are there plans to increase the storage limit for modules?
    No plans for this at the moment.

  11. Quick question about the lighting changes in the Odyssey Update: Is it going to be a sweeping change to all or most light sources, including ships interiors/exteriors and system stars? Or will it be limited to stations and the atmospheric planets?
    We’re revamping the lighting for the entire game!

  12. Will there be a possibility of mining on the surface of planets in Odyssey?
    Whilst we are not looking at mining on foot at this time, you will be able to visit small mining settlements.

  13. Will Fleet Carriers get interiors in Odyssey?
    We have nothing to add on this at this moment in time.

  14. Can you tell us if Elite has had a large code refresh/overhaul in preparation for Odyssey?
    There is a lot of new code and systems being implemented/refreshed for Odyssey.

  15. Are there to be any significant changes to the camera suite for Odyssey, on-foot or off?
    The original camera suite will be available in Odyssey. We are also in the process of adding the vanity cam for the on foot character. We are very excited to see what our community come up with at launch.

  16. Will Odyssey have the same graphic impact as the current engine in terms of performance or will you need to upgrade your video card?
    Odyssey will be optimised to run on your current setting for Elite Dangerous.

  17. How does Odyssey deal with ship kits in regards to hit boxes? Will a raider ship kit’s spikes provide additional cover for example?
    Hit boxes for ships will accurately reflect their design in Odyssey, including any ship kits players have attached.

  18. Will we be able to fly other CMDRs' ships in Odyssey? Whether if it's by multicrew or stealing?
    No, only the Commander that owns that ship can fly their ship. However, players will be able to deploy in that Commander’s SRV or SLF with physical multicrew.

  19. Will we be able to hire NPCs in places normally reserved for multi-crew?
    No this will not be a feature in Odyssey.

  20. What level of customization will players have over their FPS weapons in Odyssey? Will we be able to change/add sights, scopes, attachments, skins, etc.?
    Weapons will be able to be customised in a variety of ways both internally and externally, from sights and suppressors that suit the players playstyle to weapon skins that are purely aesthetic. More on this in the future.

  21. Will we have the possibility to have our CMDR Names marked on planets in the style of: "First landed on by CMDR X"?
    Yes, we will log first footfall on a per CMDR basis

  22. Will a Horizons user on a SRV be able to meet an Odyssey user on foot on a planet with no atmosphere?
    We are looking at this at the moment - more to follow soon.

  23. Will Odyssey space suits get kits?
    The flight suit is the base suit, on top of which Commanders will be able chose how they will want to specialise.

  24. In Odyssey, when transitioning from ships to (breathable?) space stations, will my character be in the selected outfit I bought from Holo-Me or in one of the new suits?
    Whichever you chose to equip both are viable

  25. Will Odyssey bring more mysteries and codes similar to that of the Thargoid Probe Spectrogram?
    Narrative is a big part of the Elite Dangerous galaxy – we expect to continue this in the future.

  26. Will we be able to use our current clothing in Odyssey?
    Yes, everything you own is usable in Odyssey.

  27. If a player isn't into FPS combat will that part of the expansion be optional?
    Elite Dangerous has always been about allowing you to blaze your own trail, this will continue in Odyssey. Combat will always be optional for Commanders.

  28. Any plans to introduce improved anti aliasing in Odyssey?
    We are not changing this engine, we are however looking at any issues and fixing them ready for launch.
We'll be taking a break from the AMA's over the festive period so we can spend more time with our turkey...I mean family. We'll be back with more in the new year!

Join us 17 December 12:00 UTC on www.twitch.tv/elitedangerous and www.youtube.com/elitedangerous/live for our Anniversary stream. We'll have activities, Twitch drops and Developer Gareth Hughes will be answering your Elite Dangerous: Odyssey combat questions!

Última edição:
Pô, não sair atirando nas pedras para poder fazer um troco foi mancada. :vish:

Tambem acho que uma mineração manual cairia bem

Edit: Post no forum oficial com as informações melhor elaboradas

Eu não tive saco de assistir a livestream Hoje(muito chata...) mas foi divulgada algumas coisas interessantes sobre o combate que o pessoal detalhou no reddit em dois posts


Aqui foi mais detalhado:
-Assassination missions on individuals have multiple possible paths. One can storm the settlement guns blazing in search of the target and garner a bounty. Or use stealth/infiltration and search computers on that settlement to find the individual's indentity and track them down. System states like Anarchy and such also effect the legality of assassination missions. "Hacking devices and settlement security measures" mentioned.

-AI react to the cutting open of doors and panels or scanning of people with suspicion. AI supposed to be reactive and fun in stealth situations. Reacts to sound.

-Seems that player characters themselves are wanted, not ships. Devs implied that this can be used for dynamic situations in new physical multicrew with crewmembers of varying reputation with a given faction interacting with said faction. Such as non-wanted player surprising NPCs with unexpected covering fire

as their wanted crew member/wingmate escapes after settlement theft/sabotage.

-"Heists" possible, including theft of data, goods, power core .ect, either by mission or simply of a player's own volition. Mention of players stealing a power core from one settlement and delivering it to one without power? Possibly confirms persistent settlement states as per BGS conflict and system states, not just per-instance as a one-off mission setpiece.

-Players will be able to power down settlements via sabotage, this locks down all doors and shuts off lights ect. Settlements seem to have pressure states, ie. Individual buildings can be vented of atmosphere and suffer fires according to their atmosphere status as well as collateral damage from combat inside the building. Some missions will require venting buildings to put out fires.

-Pirates and scavengers can dynamically "Arrive on dropships" If a situation and system status invites their presence. (Sounds like confirmation of more than 3 individuals on a ship? Unsure) Mentioned scouting an abandoned settlement and pirates suddenly arriving outside.

-Specific "Infantry Weapons designed to damage vehicles" confirmed, unsure what exactly they are though.

-Planetary conflict zones confirmed, combined arms with ships, SRVs and AA as well as infantry. Supposedly look large and impressive for ED.

-Just like current ED, combat can happen "anywhere" except inside of stations and outposts. Combat most likely at surface points of interest, settlements, and conflict zones. As these three are where NPCs congregate.

-Not a "looter shooter", players are intended to become attached to their weapons and modify them, not constantly find and dispose of weapons.

-Bubble shield/buff grenade.

-You can leave ship in the basic Remlok flight suit.

-Existing engineers and new engineers in person.

E aqui mais condensado:

  • You can run over players on "ground vehicles" (Just the Scarab?)
  • Base defenses can pose a significant threat to ships
  • 3-6 on foot players can probably overpower an SRV
  • You can meet the existing engineers on foot in person
  • There are new Odyssey engineers for suits and weapons
  • The basic flight suit is basically the stock sidewinder of suits
  • Settlements can now become conflict zones
  • You have to turn on your shield - presumably it drains power while active
  • ~30 seconds for an on-foot player to be able to blow up a landed, defenseless Sidewinder

  • bubble shields that give temporary but strong shelter.
  • heist missions
  • hackable doors and settlement systems
  • grenades that can damage ship hull and shields.

  • A.I. is situationaly aware to unusual sounds and visual cues like missing panels and power down states and will investigate further.
  • Groups of scavengers can drop in on an abandoned outpost while you are there
  • Level 5 seems to be a top NPC combat ability, unless it was a throw-away comment
  • The stealth mechanics with personnel ID hacking
Última edição:
Pessoal, uma dúvida meio off topic.
Alguém que possui o Saitek X52 sabe me dizer se é possível utilizar apenas o Throttle sem o joystick (manche)? Pois pretendo utilizar com outro joystick (sem ser o da saitek).
Vi uma possibilidade de comprar só o Throttle.
Pessoal, uma dúvida meio off topic.
Alguém que possui o Saitek X52 sabe me dizer se é possível utilizar apenas o Throttle sem o joystick (manche)? Pois pretendo utilizar com outro joystick (sem ser o da saitek).
Vi uma possibilidade de comprar só o Throttle.

Se o joystick e o throttle tiverem imputs em separado(cada um com cabo USB separadamente) no ED, X4 e Evochron por exemplo, não vejo porque não, porque o imput esses jogos tratam separadamente pela configuração das opções, ou seja da pra configurar cada um deles separadamente. Eu não tenho esse modelo então não sei dizer como ele é.
Peguei na steam e nem sabia que já tinha ele na Epic. Sempre fui doido pra jogar e agora que descobri que saiu tradução não perdi tempo

Como funciona o online na questão dos servidores? E melhor jogar na steam por ter mais gente online?
Peguei na steam e nem sabia que já tinha ele na Epic. Sempre fui doido pra jogar e agora que descobri que saiu tradução não perdi tempo

Como funciona o online na questão dos servidores? E melhor jogar na steam por ter mais gente online?
Não importa a plataforma que você comprar. Todos jogam no mesmo servidor. Steam, Epic, tanto faz. Eles apenas abrem o launcher do jogo, e esse se conecta aos serviços do jogo.
Putz, engenheiro das roupas? Já me deu preguiça aqui
Putz, engenheiro das roupas? Já me deu preguiça aqui

Eu coçei a cabeça quando li sobre os "engenheiros" no Odyssey....mas espero que vc consiga obter as melhorias de forma diferente do que foi com as naves, ja que é um novo pessoal desenvolvendo isso...mais voltado e familarizado com esse lado FPS. Assim espero:)
Galera, esse Odyssey dá pra jogar como uma DLC "Standalone"? Ou preciso do game base? Tenho o game base na Epic (peguei de graça quando deram), essa DLC "em modo FPS" ganhou minha atenção.

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