Faça o evento diário que está ocorrendo nas capitais dos continentes, uma vez por dia
Guardian Raid
Chaos Dungeon
Todas elas estão dando a moeda do evento
A série OMEN só vai ficar até ABRIL e ninguém sabe quando voltará
E a classe mais jogada é a WARRIOR
Lost Ark Omen Skins - Lost Ark Database
Edit: The Omen Cosmetics are now available [https://lostarkdatabase.com/guides/march-2022-omen-collection]. The March Update [https://lostarkdatabase.com/guides/march-2022-release-notes] introduces the Omen skin collection to the in-game store. These cosmetics will be available in exchange for...lostarkdatabase.com
@Frankitooow Sabe de mais alguma ilha ou método semanal ?
Community Spaces | Lost Ark - Free to Play MMO Action RPG
If you already have a main that’s atleast in t2 then there are weekly engraving exchanges on certain islands. You can buy from there. Here is the list:
Numbers in the brackets correspond to the Uncommon/Rare/Epic/Legendary engraving pouches sold on that island.
Class engraving pouches:
Anguished Isle (7/5/3/2) - roster
Atlas (Varying based on merchant spawn) - (5/3/0/0) - semanal - muito fácil![]()
Anguished Isle Island Guide for Lost Ark on Maxroll.gg - Island Guides
Anguished Isle Island Guide for Lost Ark. Learn about Island Token, Collectibles, Quests, Rewards, Mokoko Seeds, Achievements, and Exchange Merchants.lost-ark.maxroll.gg
Death’s Hold (5/2/0/0) - ilha evento![]()
Atlas Island Guide for Lost Ark on Maxroll.gg - Island Guides
Atlas Island Guide for Lost Ark. Learn about Island Token, Collectibles, Quests, Rewards, Mokoko Seeds, Achievements, Rapport and Exchange Merchants.lost-ark.maxroll.gg
Goblin (5/2/0/0) - semanal - muito fácil![]()
Death's Hold Island Guide for Lost Ark on Maxroll.gg - Island Guides
Death's Hold Island Guide for Lost Ark. Learn about Island Token, Collectibles, Quests, Rewards, Mokoko Seeds, Achievements, Rapport and Exchange Merchants.lost-ark.maxroll.gg
Monte (5/2/0/0) - ilha evento![]()
Goblin Island Guide for Lost Ark on Maxroll.gg - Island Guides
Goblin Island Guide for Lost Ark. Learn about Island Token, Collectibles, Quests, Rewards, Mokoko Seeds, Achievements, Rapport and Exchange Merchants.lost-ark.maxroll.gg
Monte Island Guide for Lost Ark on Maxroll.gg - Island Guides
Monte Island Guide for Lost Ark. Learn about Island Token, Collectibles, Quests, Rewards, Mokoko Seeds, Achievements, Rapport and Exchange Merchants.lost-ark.maxroll.gg
Battle Engraving Pouches:
Asura (5/2/0/0) - ilha evento
Astella (5/2/0/0) - semanal - fácil o verde - difícil ou muito difícil o azul![]()
Asura Island Guide for Lost Ark on Maxroll.gg - Island Guides
Asura Island Guide for Lost Ark. Learn about Island Token, Collectibles, Quests, Rewards, Mokoko Seeds, Achievements, Rapport and Exchange Merchants.lost-ark.maxroll.gg
Azure Wind (3/0/0/0) - semanal - fácil![]()
Astella Island Guide for Lost Ark on Maxroll.gg - Island Guides
Astella Island Guide for Lost Ark. Learn about Island Token, Collectibles, Quests, Rewards, Mokoko Seeds, Achievements, Rapport and Exchange Merchants.lost-ark.maxroll.gg
Shangra (5/2/0/0) - ilha evento![]()
Azure Wind Island Guide for Lost Ark on Maxroll.gg - Island Guides
Azure Wind Island Guide for Lost Ark. Learn about Island Token, Collectibles, Quests, Rewards, Mokoko Seeds, Achievements, and Exchange Merchants.lost-ark.maxroll.gg
Slime (5/2/0/0) - semanal - eu achei muito difícil![]()
Shangra Island Guide for Lost Ark on Maxroll.gg - Island Guides
Shangra Island Guide for Lost Ark. Learn about Island Token, Collectibles, Quests, Rewards, Mokoko Seeds, Achievements, and Exchange Merchants.lost-ark.maxroll.gg
Atlas (Varying based on merchant spawn) - (2/2/0/0 ou 3/0/0/0) - semanal - muito fácil![]()
Slime Island Guide for Lost Ark on Maxroll.gg - Island Guides
Slime Island Guide for Lost Ark. Learn about Island Token, Collectibles, Quests, Rewards, Mokoko Seeds, Achievements, Rapport and Exchange Merchants.lost-ark.maxroll.gg
Atlas Island Guide for Lost Ark on Maxroll.gg - Island Guides
Atlas Island Guide for Lost Ark. Learn about Island Token, Collectibles, Quests, Rewards, Mokoko Seeds, Achievements, Rapport and Exchange Merchants.lost-ark.maxroll.gg
Also some of these are adventure islands or time gated islands like Asura, Monte, Death’s hold.
You should be able to get 20+ uncommon battle and class engravings along with 10+ rare battle and class engravings per week if you hit them all up.
Só da pra comprar com Cristal amarelo.. Eu só tenho azul...
A não ser que de pra trocar cristais azuis por amarelos.