Dragon's Dogma 2 details from the hands-on previews:
• Pretty much all previews were very glowing. Several called it GOTY material.
• The world is completely interconnected with no loading screens, and dense with content with lots of flexibility and freedom.
• Pawns have really good AI and feel alive.
• No quest markers above NPC heads. Exploration feels organic.
• Armor system has been simplified from DD1 to allow for more fashion.
• Itsuno says the game will be more challenging than the first game.
• Body size doesn't affect what areas you can access anymore. But it still affects your movement and stats like HP and encumbrance.
• 10 vocations at launch.
• Each vocation has four shortcut abilities accessible by holding L1.
• Minor differences in interactions based on what race you pick (human or beastren).
• You can customize your look later but not your race.
• Endgame content will be available at launch; more details to come.
• Some side quests are time-limited like in DD1. If an NPC dies before you get there, he's gone.
• You can recruit randomly generated pawns in the world or connect to the internet to recruit pawns made by other players.
• No swimming or mounts in the preview. Fast travel costs resources, or you can take an oxcart on preset paths.
• Stamina is unlimited outside of combat.
• Day and night system returns. Night is pitch black without a light source, with stronger enemies.
• Minibosses like griffins can pop up randomly and chase you. Griffins seem to be more common now.
• "A significant leap forward for the action-RPG genre"
Eu to muito curioso pra saber como será a percepção desse sistema de fast travel super caro, com esse cenário todo conectado sem loading screens. Tava pensando aqui e nem lembro qual foi a última vez que eu joguei um jogo assim, em que eu teria que pensar realmente pra onde estaria indo e me preparar, afinal não teria a opção de magicamente me teletransportar de lá. Será no mínimo interessante.