2.3 The Commanders, Changelog
Community Announcements - BrettC_Frontier
Greetings Commanders, today we've released the 2.3 update! Below is a short snippet of the very large list of changes.
You can view the full list of changes by going to our official forums here:
New Content & Features (Horizons)
Holo-Me (Commander Creator)
• Holo-Me UI added
- Players can create their own commander using a variety of customisation options and/or presets
• Player avatars now used in ship cockpits
• Added holographic effect for commander avatars (when they are not physically present)
• Hooked up the player avatar display to the comms panel and the commander history, so now chat messages will have a picture of the senders avatar next to them
• Added Holo-Me option to cockpit Status Panel
• Added Holo-Me shortcut to Startport Services screen, as well as including player’s current commander profile image
• Added rank shoulder patches, unlocked with rank
• Added faction and pirate shoulder patches
• Multi-Crew availability is based on the number of physical seats on your ship
• Gunner role added
• Fighter Con role added
• Helm role added
• Matchmaking for different session types added
- Bounty Hunting
- Mentor
- Piracy
- Mining
- Exploration
- Smuggling
• Session summary screens added
• Allow friend invitations to Multi-Crew
• Power Distributor - Non helm Multi-Crew players provide an additional single power distribution pip which they control
• Added idle animations for other commanders in cockpit
• Crimes system updated to support Multi-Crew
• Multi-Crew related stats added
• Chat interface updated
• Added Multi-Crew cameras to supported ships
• Upgraded cockpits for Multi-Crew
- Adder (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Anaconda (upgraded second and third chair for Multi-Crew)
- Asp (added second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Asp Scout (added second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Beluga (upgraded second and third chair for Multi-Crew)
- Cobra MkIII (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Cobra MkIV (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Imperial Clipper (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Corvette (upgraded second and third chair for Multi-Crew)
- Federal Dropship (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Federal Assault (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Federal Gunship (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Fer de Lance (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Orca (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Cutter (upgraded second and third chair for Multi-Crew)
- Type 9 (upgraded second and third chair for Multi-Crew)
- Python (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Vulture (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
• Dolphin playable ship added
• Dolphin NPC ships added
• New mysterious things added
• New organics added to surfaces
New Content & Features (Non-Horizons)
Ship Naming
• Ship Name and ID plates can now be added via Outfitting
• Ship names are server moderated if deemed inappropriate then will be masked off to other players
• If you report a player in-game, we'll now fill in their ship name and ship ID for you
• Added ship name plates to ships
• Added ID plates to ships
• Added ship names to various cockpit UI
• The start new commander flow will now prompt you to enter a ship name
Camera Suite
• Added vanity cameras to the ships
- Players can view their commander and ship from a variety of interior and exterior camera angles, using a range of new camera control options, including:
+ Zoom (Interior, Exterior, with Free Camera enabled)
+ Focus (Exterior, with Depth of Field Enabled)
+ Blur (Interior, Exterior, with Depth of Field Enabled)
+ Roll (Exterior)
+ Elevation (Exterior)
+ Speed (Exterior)
+ Stabiliser On/Off (Exterior)
+ Enable/Disable Ship Controls (Exterior)
+ Detach/Attach Camera With Ship (Exterior)
+ Hide UI (Interior, Exterior)
• Added free camera to ships
- Within the vanity camera, players can also select a free camera mode to more freely adjust their camera view (with access to the above camera options)
- Updated ship cockpit interiors to account for new viewing angles
• Added asteroid base type station (including air traffic controllers)
• Added 32 asteroid bases in various deep space locations
• Added some new challenge scenarios
- 4 new Incursion scenarios
- Speed docking
- Driver challenge
- Ship launched fighter challenge
• Added custom engine trails support
• Added Megaships
- Tanker
- Cargo
- Asteroid Miner
- Flight Operations
- Prison Ship
- Science Vessel
- Passenger
- ???
- ???
• Added 100 new tourist beacons
• Added Bucky Ball Beer Mats rare good