NeoZe Angelo@NeoZeangelo
Anyone else totaly disappointed to Citizencon-Keynotes 2018?
Yesterday at 17:56
Well, i was looking so hard for today, the Citizencon 2018 presentation!
Despite this horrible desync in the first 30mins (not even mentioning the 30mins delay, was obviously happening anway as every year), the whole presentation was so very disapointing.
1. After 5 years, they are not able to implement properly behaving AI! NPCs glitching around like crazy, cant even use stairs (so where is this amazing character animation we saw last year, including the extreme nice animation walking up stairs ect). Some Guards carrying around invinsible weapons,... NPCs sitting down animation totaly broken sometimes,...
2. The whole hurston area looks great, no doubt but it feels not like a huge city at all. Only a few people running (glitching) around, no one is using the transit system and there was no hub, filled with hundrets of people!
(Who told you, that every NPCs does have to follow a daily rythm??? Why cant there be placed just placeholders, that would make the environment feel much more alive and realisitc???
3. Outside Hurston, there is NOTHING. No car, no people, nothing! All we saw where some dead bricks with lights in it, called buildings. So ffs, who needs such a huge city if there is nothing to do at all?
The same with the planet. On foot it looks amazing, but a few meters over the ground, so many details fading away, it all looks like a dead moon.
4. Now we have such a huge planet, its empty and there is nothing to do! 99,99% of the whole planet is wasted stuff, where no one will ever set foot on it. There is still no gameplay mechanic to make use of this huge environements, nutts. So wasnt this a huge waste ot resources and time?? (would have prefered automatic landing animation and a handcraftet landing area instead)
Well, i have no clue in what way this is good or usefull for something called GAME!
This whole project seems to be a huge tech demo, but want be a serious game at all!
5. Every second sentence was about, its not in 3.3.... long term plans!
6. How the hell arent you still able, to make landing ships look amazing and feel great??? Going into 3rd person being able to predict, where to land, seriously? This twitchy behave, like there is no gravity, ships lift of instanly, instead going full throttle including a delay of a few seconds, before the ship lifts of.
Every modern car is using cameras for parking and even 360° camera views! But Spaceships in StarCitizen not even aware of this technology... thats pathetic!!
So i ask you, why dont you we have installed cameras on the bottom side of ships and visual helps, so we can predict exaclty, how far the ship is from the ground and if there are any obstacles blocking the ship ect...
And again.. its not the kind of imersion i was looking for, if a ship reacts (in gravity area) like a super twitchy UFO.
7. Star CItizen is using the Cry Engine, one of the best shooters every was made of! I have no clue how, but you seriously managed to create one of the worst shooters out ive every played yet. I was groing up with FPS Games! Half Life, Counter Strike, Far Cry, Crysis, Battlefield,... and now Star Citizen FPS-Combat...
Weapons feedback is realy bad, doesnt feel good at all. The animation are clumsi and sometimes you dont even see the enemie if you aim in, because all is covered from the weapon-texture.
Pumping 100 shots into someone, before he dies... it realy doesnt feel good and doesnt make fun at all!
8. There was not a single word or picture about SQ42! I remember, 2 years ago i was predicting SQ42 will never be playable before the end or 2020... and i was flamed so hard by all the tryhard fanboys. But if you watch the progress of the game, the technical issues and still not even the flight model is pollished and feeling good... there is sooooooo much to do in terms of core gameplay elements... no one knows if 2020 is even realistic for a releasdate.
9. Now we saw Hurston, feels like watching a project that startet its work 6 months ago. Empty, bugged like hell and empty, ahh and feels very empty! So well get ArcCorp in 3.4 right??? (I promisse everyone, this want happen, no way). But how the hell, will you be able, to deliver 100 star systems, in that level of quality? Means, if you release 1 star system EVERY MONTH, well get 120 in 10 years!
Thats so very unrealistic, before this will happen, ill get hit by a flash 100 times!
10. The UI is a big piece of crap! This mobyglass is so very frustrating. If you dont know exactly where to click, you have to gamble the buttons youre going to push. Everything takes 20 clicks before you get where you want to. This whole frontend is so very confusing. I got a new mission??? Damn... where can i find this?? I have to open my Mobyglass and click what? Where?? Häää???
11. Immersion? Fidelity? This is what Star Citizen is aiming for, okay, then answer me the following questions:
- Where was the character getting the helmet from? Was he a super talented magician? Or did he use some sort of a super small 3d-printer to create it? You get into moby glas, activate the helmet and taraaaa... the character is wearing a helmet.... okay.
In the same szenes, you showed us the super interaction with the environment, where you can pick up everything, insepct it and put it down where ever you want to. But its not possible, to carry around your own helmet in one ouf your hands? No animation, where the charakter takes the helmet and puts it on his head????
- The same with weapons! Where the came from? This new space suit is equipped with a black whole pocket? Maybe there is a carrier based ship hiding in it aswell?
So what about you have to store weapons (give em away) in the controll area of any landing zone, instead walking just trough it, without any comment or anything happening? ANd you have to get it back, if you leave the planet, on your way to the ship.
What about weapon storage boxes in your spaceships, where you have to store your weapons, before you can jump into the flight seat???
Isnt this exactly, what we can expect from a game, that talks so much about immersion??
Yeah, i was flashed by the stunning environment, ArcCorp and Hurston look great! The level designers are realy, realy good!
But after 5 years, while we where all talking about OCS ect... we still have AI acting like the most stupid morons on earth, not even capable of walking up or down the stairs properly. Not even able to sit down correctly.
All this missing gameplay and this huge amount of glitches and missing key features starts to freak me out already. Guess you guys better start to set up new priorities, because without serious gameplay, this whole project will stay a super nice techdemo but nothing more!
The flight model (currently watching the presentation of the new one) doesnt make fun at all, its garbage. FPS is propably one of the worst feeling ever played so far. Professions are not existing, despite a pathetic, bad joke trading mechanic. (you click on a screen to buy, you click on a screen to sell.. great) No animation people carrying stuff to your ship, refuelling it. No Shops where you can see stuff you can buy laying around in the background.. its just as simple and boring as it can be.
Mining seems to be on a good way, but despite this 2, there are no professions in the game yet. So makes 70% of all ships obsolete and pointless currently.
What you tell us at the end of 2019? The same like every year... its still ALPHA, LONG TERM PLANS...
Sry CIG, but this gamescom presentation was an example of the current developement, a disaster so far, where nothing works and feels properly. I was just laughing about the live stream issues. And you where honestly concidering, to take money for this kind of quality of a livestream, seriously? xD
Going to lose all hopes, seeing 100 star systems with the kind of quality of stanton in the next 10 years. But even worse, i lost all trust in the most important part of the game, the overall gameplay mechanics. The professions, the flight model! If the project fails, then because of the megalomania of one person.
I fear, this huge, empty planets and space will feel like a super boring sandbox after a few hours of playing already.
This whole presentation of hurston reminded me about world of warcraft, ironforge. So this outside area and the tram. Nothing new and super amazing in 2018! (Not joking)
All i can honestly say, i am so very disapointed and i know for sure, 3.4 want contain ArcCorp, 100% NOT after what ive seen here, to much work to do still.
I wish you all the best luck, the project seriously is a big dream, but nothing more currently.
(Pls be kind and dont flame me, even if you hate my point of view, just respect it and enjoy the game!)